الاستشفاء + الإقامة في الفندق بعد ذلك
خدمة نقل كبار الشخصيات (خدمة سيارات فاخرة، جميع التنقلات بين المطار والفندق والعيادة)
A cholecystectomy is most commonly performed to treat gallstones and the complications they cause. Your doctor may recommend a cholecystectomy if you have gallstones in the gallbladder or in the bile duct, gallbladder inflammation, large gallbladder polyps and pancreas inflammation due to gallstones. There are two main ways cholecystectomy can be carried out: laparoscopic cholecystectomy (people are often able to go home the same day as their surgery, though sometimes a one-night stay in the hospital is needed. In general, you can expect to go home once you're able to eat and drink without pain and are able to walk unaided) and an open cholecystectomy (expect to spend two or three days in the hospital recovering). Once at home, it may take four to six weeks to fully recover.
منسق طبي خاص
ترتيبات السفر الطبي - حجز تذاكر السفر الجوي وغرف الفنادق بأسعار خاصة للشركاء
دعوة المريض أثناء السفر الطبي