منصة السياحة الطبية رقم 1 منذ عام 2014

أفضل جراحة الجفن المقنع جراحي التجميل - توب -40 أطباء

يلبي المحتوى سياسة التحرير Bookimed ويتم مراجعتها طبياً من قبل
فهد مولود - طبيب عام. حاصل على 4 جوائز علمية. خدم في غرب آسيا. رئيس الفريق الطبي الناطق بالعربية سابقا ومسؤول عن معالجة البيانات ودقة المحتوى الطبي حاليا.
Mehmet Ozdemir
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
9سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Aesthe Surgery ®️

Mehmet Ozdemir

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
9سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


Dr. Mehmet Özdemir completed Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty English Division in 2014.

Work experience

In 2015 he worked in Medizinische Hochschule Hannover at the Department of Traumatology as an assistant doctor under the supervision of Prof. Dr. med.C. Krettek. During this time he passed the examinations and received German approbation.

In 2016-2017 he worked at the Public Health Center in Mardin and did his compulsory service.

He completed his medical specialty training in the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery at Dicle University Medical Faculty in 2022. During his residency, he attended many courses, congresses, and studies.

In 2022 he passed the EBOPRAS (European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery ) exams which are valid in European countries.


In 2022 he passed the EBOPRAS (European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery ) exams which are valid in European countries. He has also German approbation.

Dr. Mehmet Özdemir speaks English and German fluently. His native languages are Turkish and Kurdish.

اقرأ المزيد
Op Dr Melihcan Sezgic
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
6سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
International ReGen

Op Dr Melihcan Sezgic

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
6سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Education and Certifications

  • Sisli Terakki Primary School – 2001
  • Sisli Terakki High School – 2004
  • Yeditepe University School of Medicine – 2011
  • Animal Research Certificate – June 2014
  • Ankara University School of Medicine  Plastic , Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department, Resident – 2012 - 2016
  • Ankara University School of Medicine  Plastic , Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department, Chief Resident – 2016 - 2018
  • Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery – 2018, March
  • Bagcilar Research and Training Hospital ,Plastic,Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department  - 2018 – 2021
  • Fellow of European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery - 2023

International Experiences

  • Microsurgery Course, Microsurgery Research and Training Laboratory,  Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,  Columbia University,May 31 - June 03 , 2016. New York, USA.
  • Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Surgery for the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Service. December 11, 2017 –January 31, 2018. New York-USA.
  • NYU Langone Health, The Hansjörg Wyss Department of Plastic Surgery. May 1-31, 2019. New York-USA

Professional Experience


  • Ankara University School of Medicine Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department August 2012- August 2018
  • Bagcilar Research and Training Hospital ,Plastic,Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department  August 2018-2021
  • Regen-IC Clinic Fulya/Istanbul – October 2021- Current




  • November 2013 - April 2014  - General Surgery Rotation - Ankara University Medical Faculty,  Department of General Surgery
  • April - May 2014 - Anatomy Rotation - Ankara University Medical Faculty,  Department of Anatomy
  • May - June 2014 - Neurosurgery Rotation - Ankara University Medical Faculty,  Department of Neurosurgery
  • June - July 2014 - Pediatric Surgery Rotation - Ankara University Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery
  • November - December 2015 - Anesthesiology Rotation - Ankara University Medical Faculty, Department of Anesthesiology
  • December 2015 - January 2016 - Emergency Medicine Rotation - Ankara University Medical Faculty,  Department of Emergency Medicine
  • January - February 2016 - Otorhinolaryngology Rotation - Ankara University Medical Faculty, Department of Otorhinolaryngology
  • February - March 2016 - Orthopaedics Rotation - Ankara University Medical Faculty, Department of Orthopaedics


Presentations in International Meetings


               1.Serel S, Bayar S, Kaya B, Yigit P, Celik B, Sezgic M. Reverse Abdominoplasty for                Locally/Advanced Recurrent Breast Cancer. 2016 Barcelona Breast Meeting, March 16-18,   2016. Barcelona-Spain.

               2. Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Serel S. Possible Factors Associated With Failure of Free Flaps in           Reconstruction of Head-Neck and Lower Extremity Defects. 13'th Congress of the European            Federation of Societies for Microsurgery, April 21-24, 2016. Antalya-Turkey.

3. Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Ozden S, Ozdemir A, Kaya B, Serel S.Reconstruction of Complex Scalp and Calvarial Defects with Cranioplasty and Free Flaps. 4’th Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Reconstructive Microsurgery, May 09-13, 2018. Antalya-Turkey.

4. Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Ozden S, Serel S, Ergun H, Kaya B. Effect of Quercetin (A Powerful Flavonoid) on Survival of Random Skin Flap in Rats : An Experimental Study. European Association of Plastic Surgeons Research Council, May 16-17, 2018. Madrid -Spain.

5. Sezgic M, Aydinli Y, Kirmizi BA, Heper A, Serel S. The Effect of Poly-L-Lactic Acid Dermal Fillers on Tendon Healing. European Association of Plastic Surgeons Research Council, May 16-17, 2018. Madrid -Spain.

6. Sezgic M, Aydinli Y, Kaya B, Serel S. Our Clinical Experience with Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Imaging. International Congress on Occupational Accidents, Hand Injuries and Amputations, April 26-27, 2019. Istanbul-Turkey.

7. Balikci T, Bozkurt M, Karakol P, Sezgic M, Metin A. Providing Functional and Aesthetic Healing With Matriderm® and Late Fat Injection in Frontal Arm Flexor Face Burn Contracts. 17th Annual IFATS Conference, December 4-7, 2019. Marseille, France.

8. Balikci T, Bozkurt M, Karakol P, Sezgiç M, Metin A. Investigation of the Peripheral Effects of SVF Treatment in Patients with Ischemic Limb. 17th Annual IFATS Conference, December 4-7, 2019. Marseille, France.




Presentations in National Meetings


               1. Sezgic M, Celik B, Yigit P, Arslan E, Can Z. Sol El Dorsumunda Atipik Lokalizasyonda                Kavernöz Hemanjiom. 36. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 29       Ekim - 1 Kasım, 2014, Istanbul.

               2. Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Tuzlali Z, Kaya B, Gultan S.M, Serel S. Meme Küçültme Hastalarında      Preoperatif Görüntüleme Sonuçlarının Histopatolojik Tanılarla Uyumunun Karşılaştırılması.              38. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 27-30 Ekim, 2016, Antalya.

               3. Serel S, Aydinli Y, Tuzlali Z, Sezgic M, Kaygusuz G, Heper A.O. İmmün Yetmezlik Olmayan             Hastada İntestinal Lenfomanın Nadir Görülen İlk Bulgusu: Oral Kavitede Kronik Yara. 38. Türk      Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 27-30 Ekim, 2016, Antalya.

               4. Tuzlali Z, Sezgic M, Aydinli Y, Kaya B, Serel S. MHC Class-II Eksikliği Olan Hastaya Burun   Epitezi Uygulaması. 38. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 27-30    Ekim, 2016, Antalya.

               5. Sezgic M, Tuzlali Z, Aydinli Y, Serel S. Temporal Bölgede Yüzeyel Lipom Öntanısı ile Tanı       Alan Akciğer Kanseri. 38. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 27-30               Ekim, 2016, Antalya.

               6. Serel S, Uzun C, Tuzlali Z, Coruh A, Aydinli Y, Sezgic M. Diep Öncesi Çekilen BT Anjiografide       Saptanan Rastlantısal Pankreas Kanseri. 38. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi  Ulusal Kongresi, 27-30 Ekim, 2016, Antalya.

               7. Sezgic M, Aydinli Y, Tuzlali Z, Gultan S.G. Vertikal Skar Küçültme Mamoplastide Tekrarlayan        Dehisens olgusu: Limberg (Rhomboid) Flebi kullanımı. 38. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve              Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 27-30 Ekim, 2016, Antalya.

               8. Tuzlali Z, Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Serel S. Kısmi Kalınlıkta Deri Greft Donör Alanı                Komplikasyonu: Hipergranülasyon Olgu Sunumu. 38. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik  Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 27-30 Ekim, 2016, Antalya.

9. Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Tuzlali Z, Kaya B, Serel S. İndosiyanin Yeşili Floresans Video Anjiografi ile Deneyimlerimiz. 39. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 11-14 Ekim, 2017, Antalya.

10. Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Tuzlali Z, Kaya B, Serel S, Gultan SM. Nadir Bir Kimyasal Yanık Etkeni: Taze Sarımsak. 39. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 11-14 Ekim, 2017, Antalya.

11.Ozden S, Sezgic M, Aydinli Y, Kaya B. Malignite ile Karışabilen Nodüler Fasiit Olgusu. 39. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 11-14 Ekim, 2017, Antalya.

12. Sezgic M, Aydinli Y, Bayir SA, Can Z. Üst Dudakta Travma Sonrası Oluşan Skuamöz Hücreli Karsinom Olgusu. 39. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 11-14 Ekim, 2017, Antalya. 

13. Aydinli Y, Tuzlali Z, Sezgic M, Ozbek MR. Parmağın Az Görülen Yumuşak Doku Tümörü: Epidermal İnklüzyon Kisti. 39. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 11-14 Ekim, 2017, Antalya. 

14. Bayir SA, Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Can Z. Şüpheli Skar Zemininde Akut Gelişen Yassı Hücreli Karsinom Olgusu. 39. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 11-14 Ekim, 2017, Antalya.

15.Aydinli Y, Kaya B, Sezgic M. Antifibrotik Bir Ajan Olan Pirfenidonun Tendon İyileşmesi Üzerine Etkilerinin İncelenmesi. 40. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 17-21 Ekim, 2018, Antalya.

16. Sezgic M, Serel S, Aydinli Y, Heper A, Kirmizi BA. Poli-L-Laktik Asit Bileşenli Dermal Dolgunun Tendon İyileşmesi Üzerine Etkisi. 40. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 17-21 Ekim, 2018, Antalya.

17. Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Serel S. Melanomda İmmünmodülasyon ve Hedeflenmiş Moleküler Tedaviler. 40. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 17-21 Ekim, 2018, Antalya.

18. Aydinli Y, Kaya B, Sezgic M. Postoperatif Dönemde Derin Ven Trombozu Ayırıcı Tanısında Baker Kisti. 40. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 17-21 Ekim, 2018, Antalya.

19. Karakol P, Tatar BE, Sezgic M, Uslu C, Bozkurt M. Alt ekstremite yaralanmalarına rejeneratif yaklaşım. 13. Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 13-16 Aralık, 2018, Antalya.

20. Karakol P, Tatar BE, Sezgic M, Uslu C, Bozkurt M. Buerger hastalığında kök hücre uygulaması. 13. Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 13-16 Aralık, 2018, Antalya.

21. Tatar BE, Karakol P, Sezgic M, Demirel O, Bozkurt M. Karpal Tünel Cerrahisinde Matriderm ve PRP’nin Etkileri. 41. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 26-30 Ekim, 2019, Samsun.

22. Karakol P, Sezgic M. Sternotomi ve Koroner Bypass Cerrahisi sonrası sekonder doku defektlerinde Bilateral Pediküllü Pectoralis Major Kas Flebi uygulamalarımız. 14.Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 12-15 Aralık, 2019, Antalya.

23. Bozkurt M, Karakol P, Sezgic M. Baş-Boyun Yanıkları Sonrası Erken ve Geç Dönem Fraksiyone Lazer Uygulamalarının, Skar Modülasyonu ve Kozmetik Sonuçlara Etkisi. 14.Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 12-15 Aralık, 2019, Antalya.

24. Karakol P, Sezgic M. Fournier Gangreni Sonrası Doku Defekti Onarımlarında 5 Yıllık Klinik Deneyimimiz. 14.Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 12-15 Aralık, 2019, Antalya.

25. Sezgic M, Karakol P. Epizyotomi Insizyonlarında Yara Bakımı Yaklaşımımız. 14.Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 12-15 Aralık, 2019, Antalya.

26. Sezgic M, Karakol P. Parmakta, Saatler Içinde Oturan Gazlı Gangren Tablosu. 14.Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 12-15 Aralık, 2019, Antalya.

27. Karakol P, Sezgic M, Bozkurt M. İnsan Isırığı Sonrası Kulak Amputasyonları. 14.Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 12-15 Aralık, 2019, Antalya.

28. Karakol P, Sezgic M. Sirkumsizyon Sırasında Total Glans Penis Nekrozu. 14.Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 12-15 Aralık, 2019, Antalya.





  1. Ozden NS, Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Kaygusuz G, Kaya B. Yüz Yerleşimli Nodüler Fasiit Olgusu. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 2019;72(1):114-117
  2. Tatar BE, Gelbal C, Sezgiç M, Karakol P, Uslu C, Kabul S. Nadir Bir Olgu: Aksiller Bölgede Malign Granüler Hücreli Tümör. Bagcilar Med Bull 2019;4:106-109.
  3. Karakol P, Tatar BE, Uslu C, Sezgic M. A rare cause of unclosed abdominal wall wound: Swallowed suture needles. Turk J Plast Surg 2020;28:185-7
  4. Sezgic M , Karakol P . TEK TARAFLI İZOLE KONJENİTAL ALT LATERAL KIKIRDAK TOTAL YOKLUĞU OLGUSU. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine. 2020; 45-44.




  1. Sezgic M, Aydinli Y, Serel S. Small Cell Lung Cancer Presenting as a Benign Subcutaneous Mass on the Frontotemporal Region. JCR [serial online] 2019[cited 2019 Dec 1];9:170-173. Available from: http://www.casereports.in/articles/9/3/Small-Cell-Lung-Cancer-Presenting-as-a-Benign-Subcutaneous-Mass-on-the-Frontotemporal-Region.html
  2. Bayram Y, Sezgic M, Karakol P, Bozkurt M, Filinte GT. The use of autologous fat grafts in breast surgery: A literature review. Arch Plast Surg. 2019;46(6):498–510. doi:10.5999/aps.2019.00416
  3. Karakol P, Sezgic M, Tatar BE, Gelbal C, Uslu C. The use of dorsoradial forearm flap for the treatment of dorsal hand defect. J Surg Case Rep. 2020;2020(7):rjaa153. Published 2020 Jul 14. doi:10.1093/jscr/rjaa153
  4. Karakol P, Sezgic M. "Early lipogranuloma formation after foreign material injection to the face". Journal of Surgery and Medicine 4 (2020 ): 842-844
  5. Karakol P, Sezgic M, Bozkurt M. A Complicated Cardiac Pacemaker Case Resulting In Mastectomy andDeath In Consequence Of Covid-19 Infection. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 19, Issue 11 Ser.8 (November. 2020)
  6. Bozkurt, M., Tatar, B.E., Karakol, P., Sezgic M., Uslu C., Gelbal C. Matriderm and platelet-rich plasma combination in the treatment of recurrent carpal tunnel syndrome: a new approach. Eur J Plast Surg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00238-021-01863-9
  7. Karakol P., Sezgic M., Altinel  Y., Bozkurt M. The Therapeutic Effect of Platelet-Rich Fibrin, Curcumin and Ozone Among Oral Wound Healing Process. International Journal of Basic and Clinical Studies (IJBCS). 2021; 10(1): 16-27


Chapters in Books

  1. Mehmet Bozkurt, Melihcan Sezgic, Percin Karakol, Can Uslu and Tevfik Balikci. Antioxidants, The Effect of Antioxidants on Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Flap Surgery. By Submitted: September 26th 2018. Reviewed: February 27th 2019. Published: July 19th 2019. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.85500
  2. Sezgiç M, Gültan SM. Meme küçültmenin tarihçesi. Savacı N, editör. Meme Küçültme. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2021. p.13-8.
  3. Mehmet Bozkurt, Melihcan Sezgic, Percin Karakol. Yanık Skarlarının Fizyopatolojisi. Yanık - Medikal ve Cerrahi Tedavi Uygulamaları ve Bakım Yönetimi. 1.Baskı. Antalya:  Nobel Kitabevi; 2022.p.473
  4. Melihcan Sezgic, Percin Karakol, Mehmet Bozkurt.Mikrovasküler Teknik ve Kompozit Doku Transferi. Yanık - Medikal ve Cerrahi Tedavi Uygulamaları ve Bakım Yönetimi. 1.Baskı. Antalya:  Nobel Kitabevi; 2022.p.527
  5. Percin Karakol, Melihcan Sezgic, Mehmet Bozkurt. Baş-Boyun Rekonstrüksiyonu. Yanık - Medikal ve Cerrahi Tedavi Uygulamaları ve Bakım Yönetimi. 1.Baskı. Antalya:  Nobel Kitabevi; 2022.p.535
اقرأ المزيد
Uriel Munoz
اخصائي زراعة الشعر
5سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
المكسيك, بويرتو فالارتا

Uriel Munoz

اخصائي زراعة الشعر
5سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
الدكتور أوريل مونوز هو جراح تجميل معتمد من البورد الأمريكي ومتخصص في الجراحة التجميلية/التجميلية والطب التجديدي وزراعة الشعر وعلاجات البوتوكس. يشتهر بنهجه الشخصي واستخدامه لأحدث التقنيات والتكنولوجيات، وهو عضو في الجمعية الدولية للجراحة التجميلية التجميلية (ISAPS).اقرأ المزيد
Mehmet Gorkem Eren
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Hospital XP

Mehmet Gorkem Eren

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Surgeon Gorkem was born in Amasya in 1988. Dr. Gorkem started his medical

career at Hacattepe University's Faculty of Medicine in 2002 and successfully

graduated from the faculty in 2008.

He performed compulsory service at Yozgat Sefaatli Hospital for 1 year, and

immediately after that, he started his specialization education at : Hacettepe

University's Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anesthesia. He successfully

completed his specialization education in 2012 and continued his career as an

Anesthetist Specialist at Yozgat Sefaatli Hospital. He served as Chief Anesthetist in

the last year of his 1 years of service in this hospital.

After completing his compulsory services outside of Istanbul, he continued his

education for 7 year. In this period of time, Surgeon Gorkem Atsal studied in Ege

University Faculty of Medicine Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and

Neck Surgery, Health Sciences University Izmir Bozyaka Training and Research

Hospital, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery and

Turkish Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery.

He completed all of these studies. He has done more than 3.000 thousand

rhinoplasty surgeries and more than 1500 deep plane face and neck lift

In addition to the congresses, he also attended particularly important courses and

trainings. The most important of these are " Cerrahpasa Cadaver Dissection

Course" held in Turkey and " Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and

Head and Neck Surgery " he attended in Turkey.

He participated in the surgeries of very experienced surgeons who performed Rhinoplasty

surgery for many years. By learning each step of the operations in practice, he had the

opportunity to improve himself practically. Dr. Gorkem, who has been actively working in many

hospitals during his career as a physician, -nally started to work as a freelancer at Cosmeticium

Clinic. He currently continues his nose and ear aesthetic treatments, especially Rhinoplasty,

successfully in this clinic In addition, our doctor came third in the Turkish ENT-BBC Proficiency

Exam in Turkey and 13th Turkish Rhinology 5th National Otology and Neurootology 1st Head and

Neck Surgery Congress Oral Presentation. He also help to publishing books. The most

important of books are Cholesteatoma and Ear Surgery: An Update 2017 editör: Matthew Yung

and Chapter: Cochlear Implantation in Chronic Otitis Media. Abdullah Dalgic, Tolgahan Çatli,

Deniz T. Edizer, Görkem, Levent Olgun



1. Bayrak F, Çath T, Atsal G, Tokat T, Olgun L. Waardenburg Syndrome: An Unusual

Indication of Cochlear Implantation Experienced in 11 Patients. J Int Adv Otol 13 ;2017:


2. Demir E, Atsal G, Gülüstan F, Dalgic A, Olgun L. Comparison of congenital and

acquired cholesteatomas in pediatric patients. Tr-ENT 65-59:(2)28;2018.

3. Emine Demir, Görkem, Çagri Celik, Ayse Yagci, Levent Olgun; NADiR BiR OLGU:


Kabul: 31.01.2017 Yayin: 17.09.2019. E-ISSN: 7877-2149

4. Abdulhalim Aysel, Abdullah Dalgiç, Ali Murat Koç, Görkem Atsal, Togay Müderris.


ENT-CASE; Bas Boyun Cerrahisi Basvuru: 12.01.2019


Kabul: 25.03.2019 Yayin: 17.09.2019 E-ISSN: 7877-2149


5. Emine Demir, Sevgi Topal, Gorkem, Mehmet Erdil, Zerrin Ozergin Coskun, Engin

Dursun. Otologic Findings Based on no Complaints in a Pediatric Examination. Int Arch

Otorhinolaryngol 40-23:36;2019.

اقرأ المزيد
Marco Aurelio Rendon
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
3سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
المكسيك, جوادالاخارا
Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery

Marco Aurelio Rendon

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
3سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


  • Egresado de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva, Hospital General ¨Dr. Rubén Leñero¨

Antecedentes de enseñanza formativa: 

  • Especialidad: Cirugía General, UNAM. Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad de Ixtapaluca 
  • Cedula profesional:  8495674 y 12261362
  • Licenciatura: Médico Cirujano y Partero, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara. 
  • Internado de Pregrado: Hospital Ángeles del Pedregal
  • Servicio Social: Nuevo Miguel Hidalgo, Jurisdicción VII Autlán, Jalisco. 

Experiencia profesional:

  • Primer Lugar en la categoría: Nutrición en la VII semana de salud con la presentación del cartel: “Tu salud depende de ti” 2008
  • Jefe de Internado de Pregrado: Hospital Ángeles del Pedregal 2011-2012. 
  • Mención Honorifica: Agradecimiento servicio social. Jurisdicción VII Autlán, Jalisco

Patentes y Modelos de Utilidad: 


Educación Continua Licenciatura: 

  • 2008: 3rd Pan-American Symposium on Neurovirology AIDS, Cancer and Neurodegeneration & Magisterial Biomedical Lectures for the 21st Century.
  • 2010: Curso de Postgrado I HERNIOPLASTIA DEL NUEVO MILENIO durante el XXXIV Congreso Internacional de Cirugía General 2010. 
  • 2010: XVI Curso Modular de Actualización Medica 30 hrs. 
  • 2010: Primer Congreso Internacional de Autismo y Síndrome de X Frágil 16 hrs. 
  • 2012: Curso de inducción al Servicio Social y Programa Oportunidades 32 hrs. 
  • 2012: Presentación de Cartel “IVU´s y su patrón de resistencia in Vitro de E. Coli y E. Coli ESBL a Quinolonas, TMP/SMz y Nitrofuroantoina”. 
  • 2013: Curso de Capacitación Oportunidades Componentes en Salud; 8 hrs.
  • 2013: Curso de Capacitación: Vectores y Zoonosis; 8 hrs. 
  • 2013: XXCII Curso de Capacitación para el examen nacional de aspirantes a Residencias Medicas, ENARM UANL 2013, 230 hrs. 


  • Especialidad en cirugía general. Hospital General de México “ Dr. Eduardo Liceaga” 2014-2017 Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad de Ixtapaluca 2017-2018. 
  • Especialidad de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva Hospital General “Rubén Leñero” 2019-

Diplomados, Maestrías y Doctorados: 

  • Diplomado en Introducción Teórica a la Investigación Clínica- 120 horas. Del 03 de octubre al 30 de noviembre 2018. UNAM. 

Educación Continua Especialidad: 

Cursos de la American Society Of Plastic Surgeons®:

  • 2015: CME Article: Craniofacial Syndromes and Surgery, 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
  • 2015: CME Article: Tendon Transfers Part I: Principle of transfer and transfers for Radial Nerve Palsy”, 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
  • 2015: CME Article: Tendon Transfers Part II: Principles of Transfer and Transfers for Radial Nerve Palsy” 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
  • 2015: CME Article: The Best of Tendon and Nerve Transfers in the Upper Extremity” .0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
  • 2015: PS2013: Non-Microtia Ear Deformities- Understanding the Common Anatomic Deformities” 2.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
  • 2015: CME Article: Perforator Flaps: History, Controversies, Physiology, anatomy and Use in Reconstruction” 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
  • 2015: CME Article: Free Tissue Transfers and Replantation” 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
  • 2015: CME Article: Evidence-Based Medicine- Rhinoplasty (MOC-PS®)” 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
  • 2015: ASSH PIP Repair & Reconstruction Webinar 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society for Surgery of the Hand®
  • 2015: ASSH PIP Repair & Reconstruction Webinar 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society for Surgery of the Hand®
  • 2016: V Curso Internacional de Mínima Invasión en Cirugía Oncológica. El Instituto Nacional de Cancerología.

Trabajos libres en Congresos: 

  • 2015: Trabajos libres en cartel: ID 56 Sangrado de tubo digestivo alto masivo secundario a G.I.S.T. (Leiomiosarcoma de yeyuno): Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura. Revista de Gastroenterología de México 2015;80 (Supl 2): pg 40-41. 
  • 2015: Cartel: Abdomen agudo secundario a torsión de epiplón, revisión de la literatura y reporte de un caso. XXXIX Congreso Internacional de Cirugía, a celebrarse del 31 de Octubre al 05 de Noviembre 2015 en Monterrey, N.L.
  • 2016: Cartel: Reporte de caso: trombosis del tronco celiaco, perforación gástrica y absceso esplénico. 40° Congreso Internacional de Cirugía General 2016.
  • 2016: Trabajo Libre Oral: “Hematoma postquirúrgico en tiroidectomía con o sin drenaje post-intervención: análisis comparativo, Hospital General de México “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga”, 1995-2015".40° congreso internacional de cirugía general 2016.
  • 2017: Trabajo Libre Oral: “Principios Básicos de Cirugía Plástica”. Hospital Santa Mara Chapalita S.A. Guadalajara Jalisco. 
  • 2017: Cartel: “Planificación de distracción mandibular bilateral en una paciente con Artrogriposis e Hipoplasia Mandibular mediante el uso de impresión en 3D”. XXXIV Jornadas Hospital General Dr. Manuel Gea González. Octubre 2017. 
  • 2018: Ponente: “Aplicaciones de la impresión en 3D en la Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva”. Simposio Anual ASO-FOM viernes 26 y 27 de Enero, 2018. 
  • 2018: Ponente: “Heridas Por Arma de Fuego, Prevalencia de Laparotomias Terap[euticas y la Utilidad de Laparoscopias Diagnosticas en Pacientes Estables en HRAEI”. XLII Congreso Internacional de Cirugia Generalrealizado del 7 al 12 de Octubre del 2018, Guadalajara, Jalisco. 
  • 2018: Ponente Sesión Académica: “Aplicaciones de Impresión en 3D en Cirugía” Hospital Nacional Homeopático, 28 de Noviembre 2018, duración 1 hora. 
  • 2019: Ponente Curso de Actualización en Cirugía Plástica Reconstructiva y de la Mano Hospital Rubén Leñero. 16 Agosto 2019, duración 30 minutos. 

Cursos de Redacción Científica: 

  • 2016: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Tell your research story with AudioSlides. www.publishingcampus.com.
  • 2016: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; How to promote your article for maximum impact. www.publishingcampus.com.
  • 2016: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; How to write a lay summary: Improving research impact. www.publishingcampus.com.
  • 2016: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; How do Editors look at your paper? www.publishingcampus.com.
  • 2016: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Step-by-step guide to reviewing. www.publishingcampus.com.
  • 2016: Elsevier Publishing Campus, Certificate of Completion; How to respond to reviewers´ comments. www.publishingcampus.com.
  • 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; How to become a Reviewer and What do Editors Expect?. www.publishingcampus.com
  • 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Why get involved in peer review?  www.publishingcampus.com
  • 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Succesful Grant Writing. www.publishingcampus.com
  • 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Structuring Your Article. www.publishingcampus.com
  • 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Using Proper Manuscript Language. www.publishingcampus.com
  • 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Preparing your manuscript. www.publishingcampus.com
  • 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Autorship Responsabilities. www.publishingcampus.com
  • 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Content ownership. www.publishingcampus.com
  • 2017: Data Management for Clinical Research, Vamderbilt University. 
  • 2017: Introduction to Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis, Johns Hopkins University. 
  • 2017: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking, Stanford University. 
  • 2018: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Social Media for Researchers. www.publishingcampus.com

Miembro en Comités Editoriales Y Peer Reviews: 

  • Reviewer Member, Austin Journal of Surgery, Austin Publishing Group. Jersey City, New Jersey. 
  • Reviewer Member, Editorial Board of Infectious & Non-Infectious Diseases, Herald Scholarly Open Access Journal. 
  • Reviewer Member. Annex Publishers, Journal of Case Reports and Studies, Peer Reviewer; Wilkie´s Syndrome in an Adolescent: A Rare Cause of Upper Intestinal Obstruction.
  • Reviewer Member: Hindawi Caser Reports in Surgery. Fitzroy Saquare, London England. 

Cursos de Certificación: 

  • 2015: ABLS Provided 7 category 1 credits Toward the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award. American Burn Association ®
  • 2015: ACLS y ABLS®. Curso AVB Para Profesionales de La Salud Curso De Apoyo Vital cardiovascular Avanzado AVCA.
  • 2015: Curso Avanzado de Apoyo Vital en Trauma (Advanced Trauma Life Support Course –ATLS®).
  • 2016: XV Curso-taller de anatomía Quirúrgica de la Mano. Anatomía Humana de la Facultad de medicina de la U.N.A.M.

Campañas de Cirugía Gratuita:

  • 2018: Cirugía Gratuita de Manos, Asociación Mexicana de Cirugía de la Mano A.C. 26 de Mayo 2018.

Cursos de Microcirugía: 

  • 2015: Course in Microvascular Surgical Techniques. Mayo Microvascular Training Center 40 hour. Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester Minnesota.
  • 2015: Taller de Microcirugía Básico en el Centro de investigación y Capacitación Quirúrgica Karl Storz Del Centro Medico A.B.C. Total de 25 horas.

Investigaciones publicadas: Índice = 4 calculado con Google académico. 

  1. 2012: Artículo Original: Infecciones de vías urinarias. Patrón de Resistencia In Vitro  de E. Coli y E. Coli ESBL a Quinolonas, Trimetroprima-sulfometoxazol y Nitrofuroantonia. Med Int Mex 28(05):434-439. Con 25 citas. 
  2. Cornejo-Dávila, V., Palmeros-Rodríguez, M. A., de Meneses, I. U. T., Mayorga-Gómez, E., Garza-Sáinz, G., Osornio-Sánchez, V., … & Morales-Montor, J. G. (2015). Management of complicated urinary tract infections in a referral center in Mexico. International urology and nephrology, 47(2), 229-233.
  3. Nava, C. A., & Alarcón, N. C. Relación del grupo filogenético con la producción β-lactamasas de espectro extendido en aislamientos de E. coli uropatogena. Tlamati Sabiduria Volumen 7 Número especial 1. Septiembre 2016.
  4. Briones Garduño, J. C., Viruez Soto, J. A., Vallejo Narváez, C. M., Vargas Arias, R. E., Ortiz Bolaños, R., & Díaz de León Ponce, M. A. (2015). Aislamientos microbiológicos: experiencia en obstetricia crítica. Revista de la Asociación Mexicana de Medicina Crítica y Terapia Intensiva29(4), 209-213.
  5. Gutierrez, L. T. C., Caycedo, M. I. T., Orduz, L. M. C., López, D. P., & Quiroga, C. F. P. P. (2016). Caracterización fenotípica de bacilos GRAM negativos con betalactamasas de espectro extendido y carbapenemasas. Revista Investigación en Salud Universidad de Boyacá2(2).
  6. Cáceres, S. B., Cervantes, H. V., Coto, S. G., Mejía, A. C., López, C. C., Mendoza, T. D., … & López, J. M. (2016). Perfil de sensibilidad a los antibióticos de las bacterias en infecciones del tracto urinario. Acta Médica Costarricense ISSN 0001-6012, 58(4).
  7. Zúniga-Moya, J. C., Bejarano-Cáceres, S., Valenzuela-Cervantes, H., Gough-Coto, S., Castro-Mejía, A., Chinchilla-López, C., … & Martínez-López, J. (2016). Perfil de sensibilidad a los antibióticos de las bacterias en infecciones del tracto urinario. Acta Médica Costarricense58(4), 146-154.
  8. da Silva, R. O., Dantas, C. G., Alves, M. F., & Pinheiro, M. S. (2014). Perfil de resistência de enterobactérias em uroculturas de pacientes ambulatoriais na cidade de Aracaju/SE. Profile of resistant enterobacteria from urine cultures outpatients in the city of Aracaju/SE. Scientia Plena, 10(11).
  9. Velandia, D. P. L., Caycedo, M. I. T., Orduz, L. M. C., & Quiroga, C. F. P. (2017). Determinación de genes que codifican la resistencia de betalactamasas de espectro extendido en bacilos Gram negativos aislados de urocultivos. Revista Investigación en Salud Universidad de Boyacá3(2).
  10. Zavala-Cerna MG, Macriz-Romero N, Santoscoy-Gutierrez JF, Naydich L, et all. High Microbiological Spectrum Resistance Rates in Urine Isolates from Jalisco, Mexico. A Retrospective Study and Literature Review.Int Arch of Med, Vol 8 No.148 Doi 10.3823/1747. 2015. 
  11. Prats-Blanco et al. Incidencia de infecciones urinarias por bacterias coliformes en el municipio de Yara, 2015. Multimed Revista Médica Granma 2016; 20(6): 69-77.
  12. Ortega Ortega MS. Determinacion de Beta-lactamasas de Espectro Extendido en Echerirchia coli y Klebsiella pneumoniae a través de pruebas moleculares en urocultivos provenientes de pacientes ambulatorios con infecciones de vías urinarias. Erposito digital USFQ.
  13. Galindo-Méndez Mario. Caracterización molecular y patrón de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana de Escherichia coli productora de β-lactamasas de espectro extendido en infección del tracto urinario adquirida en la comunidad. Rev. chil. infectol. [Internet]. 2018  [citado  2018 Jul  29] ;  35( 1 ): 29-35. Disponible en: https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-10182018000100029&lng=es.  http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/s0716-10182018000100029.
  14. González-Mesa, Leonora et al. Relación genética de aislados clínicos de Escherichia coli productores de Beta Lactamasas de Espectro Extendido (BLEE) en un hospital de la Habana, Cuba. Revista CENIC. Ciencias Biológicas, vol. 48, núm. 3, septiembre-diciembre, 2017, pp. 107-112
  15. 2014: Desconocimiento del Nombre del Medicamento Como Factor de Riesgo Relativo de Incumplimiento del tratamiento en Pacientes con Hipertensión Arterial Sistémica de Poblaciones Rurales. Med Int Mex 2014; 30: 240-246.
  1. 2016: Reporte de caso clínico: Síndromes dismórfico neonatal y síndrome de Ogilvie.  Cirugía y Cirujanos 2017; 85 (2). doi:10.1016/j.circir.2015.11.004.
  • Guerra Macias I. Seudoobstrucción colónica aguda o síndrome de Ogilvie en una anciana. MEDISAN [revista en Internet]. 2018 [citado 2018 Abr 7];22(2):[aprox. 0 p.]. Disponible en: http://medisan.sld.cu/index.php/san/article/view/1949
  1. 2017: Versión en Ingles: Dysmorphic neonatal syndrome and Ogilvie síndrome. Received 3 February 2015; accepted 24 September 2015 Available online 6 March 2017. Cir Cir. 2017;85:148---153.
  2. 2016: Case report: Deep neck abscess and mediastinitis with exposed carotid sheath treated with vacuum assisted closure. International Journal of Surgery Open, Volume 5, 20 – 22.
  • Mir A, Guys N, Arianpour K, et al. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in the Head and Neck: An Evidence-Based Approach. Laryngoscope. 2018:1-13. doi:10.1002/lary.27262.
  1. 2017: Marco Aurelio Rendón Medina, The “Achilles Heel” of the International Nonproprietary Names (INN) Programme. In Hypertensive Patients of Mexico’s Rural Population, Public Health Research, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2017, pp. 1-2. Doi:10.5923/j.phr.20170701.01.
  2. 2017: Technical Description: Polypropylene Meshes In Wounds Inoculated With E. Coli; Pilot Study In New Zealand White Rabbit. Inter Jour of Dev Resear. Vol. 07, Issue,05, pp.12684-12686, May, 2017. http://www.journalijdr.com/sites/default/files/issue-pdf/8505.pdf.
  3. 2017: Laparoscopic treatment in Type IV Giant Paraesopagic Hernia and Intestinal Occlusion a case report. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 2017. In press. 
  4. 2017: Medina MAR (2017) Capsule Granulation Tissue Harvested From Abdominal Region Used as Dural Autologous Graft. Neurosurg. Vol. 1 No. 3:21.
  5. 2017: Exploring Furnas-McGregor Paradox. Describing Normal Distribution in Central Limb Stereometric Gain in 60 Degrees Z-Plasty. European Journal Of PLastic Surgery. EJPS-D-17-00146R1.
  6. 2018: Rendón-Medina MA, Andrade-Delgado L, Telich-Tarriba JE, Fuente-del-Campo A, Altamirano-Arcos CA. Dimensional Error in Rapid Prototyping with Open Source Software and Low-cost 3D-printer. Plast Reconstr Surg - Glob Open. 2018:1. doi:10.1097/GOX.0000000000001646.
  7. 2020MA Rendón-Medina, MA Rendón-Pimentel, J Palacios-JuárezThe accuracy of an automatic free flap temperature monitor: a proof-of-concept study European Journal of Plastic Surgery 43 (2), 185-188
  8. 2020: Aplicaciones de la impresión 3D en cirugía plástica reconstructiva JE Telich-Tarriba, LE Ramírez-Sosa, D Palafox, E Ortega-Hernández, ... Revista de la Facultad de Medicina 68 (4)
  9. 2020: Reparación de defecto complejo de pared abdominal con colgajo una buena alternativa quirúrgica J Palacios-Juárez, J Morales-Maza, MA Rendón-Medina, ... Cir Cir 88 (2), 206-210
  10. 2020: Reconstruction of Head and Neck Mucormycosis: A Literature Review and Own Experience in Immediate Reconstruction JJ Palacios, EV Hanson, MAM Rendon, RSL Infante Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery Open 4 (02), e65-e72
  11. 2020: Pileflebitis como complicación del diagnóstico tardío de colangitis: reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura D Ángeles-Gaspar, JE Telich-Tarriba, L Leyva-Sotelo, ... Cirujano General 41 (2), 115-119
  12. 2019: Application of low-cost fused deposition modeling additive manufacturing rapid anatomic models in patients with rhino-cerebral mucormycosis treated with maxillectomy MA Rendón-Medina, E Hanson-Viana, J Palacios-Juarez, ... European Journal of Plastic Surgery 42 (3), 299-304
  13. 2021: Hanson-Viana E, Rojas-Ortiz J, Rendón-Medina MA, Pacheco-López RC, Ríos-Lara López LR, Palacios-Juárez J. Influence of BMI, Age, and Gender on the Thickness of Most Common Thinned Flaps. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2021 Mar 30;9(3):e3409. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000003409. PMID: 33968546; PMCID: PMC8099397.
  14. 2021: Rendón-Medina, Marco Aurelio MD; Hanson-Viana, Erik MD; Montoya-García, Silvia Claudia MD; Vázquez-Morales, Hecly Lya MD; Pacheco-López, Ricardo César MD. Time Reduction by Prebending Osteosynthesis Plates Using 3D-Printed Anatomical Models, In Patients Treated With Open Reduction and Internal Fixation. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 32(4):p 1491-1493, June 2021. | DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000007451
  15. 2020: Rendón-Medina, M.A., Rendón-Pimentel, M.A. & Palacios-Juárez, J. The accuracy of an automatic free flap temperature monitor: a proof-of-concept study. Eur J Plast Surg 43, 185–188 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00238-019-01583-1
  16. 2022: Marco Aurelio Rendón-Medina  , Erik Hanson-Viana , Maria de los Angeles Mendoza-Velez , Rubén Hernandez-Ordoñez , Hecly Lya Vazquez-Morales , Ricardo C. Pacheco-López. Comparison of Nasal Analysis by Photographs (2D) against Low-cost Surface Laser Imaging (3D) and against Computed Axial Tomography Imaging. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Indian J Plast Surg

DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1759724

  1. Rendón-Medina, Marco Aurelio MD; Hanson-Viana, Erik MD; Arias-Salazar, Leidy MD; Rojas-Ortiz, Jorge Arturo MD; Mendoza-Velez, Maria de los Angeles MD; Hernandez-Ordoñez, Rubén MD; Vázquez-Morales, Hecly Lya MD; Pacheco-López, Ricardo C. MD. Auricular Total Reconstruction with Radial Forearm Prelaminated Flap Assisted by 3D Surface Imaging and 3D Printing. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 10(10):p e4580, October 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000004580
  2. HANSON-VIANA, Erik et al. El colgajo libre de arteria perforante sural medial: revisión sistematizada de casos publicados y experiencia en tres centros de Latinoamérica. Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. [online]. 2022, vol.48, n.2 [citado 2023-01-02], pp.181-192. Disponible en: <http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0376-78922022000200009&lng=es&nrm=iso>.  Epub 19-Sep-2022. ISSN 1989-2055.  https://dx.doi.org/10.4321/s0376-78922022000200009.
  3. Velez M de los AM, Medina MAR, Lopez RP, Morales HLV, Ordoñez RH. Stack Splinting Versus Kirschner Wire Treatment in Acute Closed Mallet Finger Doyle I. Plastic Surgery. 2022;30(2):117-121. doi:10.1177/22925503211003838.
  4. María de los Angeles Mendoza Vélez*, Marco Aurelio Rendon Medina, Erik Hanson Viana, Jorge Arturo Rojas Ortiz, Ricardo Pacheco Lopez. Osteoid osteoma in a metacarpal bone:                                        literature review and case report. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Vélez MDLAM et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2022 Mar;10(3):740-744 www.msjonline.org. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20220529.
  5. Paracetamol vs bloqueador selectivo Na(v) 1.8 en el protocolo Duran-Houser y reparación del tendón flexor. Dr. Ricardo César Pacheco-López¶ Dr. Marco Aurelio Rendón-Medina,* Dr. Erik Hanson-Viana,* Dra. Hirosi Sashida-Méndez,* Dra. María de los Ángeles Mendoza-Vélez,* Dr. Rubén Hernández-Ordoñez,‡ Dra. Hecly Lya Vázquez-Morales. Cirugía Plástica 2022; 32 (3): 117-121
  6. Comparison of wire versus Nylon in Bonny‑Mallet Finger treated with pull‑out surgery

MA Rendón-Medina, E Hanson-Viana… - Cirugia y Cirujanos, 2022

  1. Epidemiology of mammal bite injuries: 5 year review of a level II regional referral hospital in Mexico city MAM Vélez, HS Méndez, EH Viana, MAR Medina… - International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2021.
  2. Evaluation of Predictive Values of an Automatic Device Measuring Oximetry in Free Flaps

MA Rendón-Medina, A Galeana-Pavón… - Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open, 2021

  1. Refinements of the submental island flap donor site: a literature review and comparison among surgical specialties E Hanson-Viana, MA Rendón-Medina… - European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2021
  2. Initial histological evaluation of a novel dura mater graft based on capsule granulation harvested from subcutaneous tissue: Experimental model* MA Rendón-Medina, A Galeana-Pavón… - Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2022.
  3. Uso de autoinjerto graso tipo Nanofat para regeneración intraarticular en la mano con osteoartrosis.* SM Hirosi, PL Ricardo, VMH Lya, RMM Aurelio, HV Erik… - Revista Trauma en América Latina; ene-jun, 2021.
  4. Reparación de defecto complejo de pared abdominal con colgajo una buena alternativa quirúrgica

J Palacios-Juárez, J Morales-Maza… - Cirugía y cirujanos, 2020




  1. Ingles Alto
  2. Italiano Intermedio

Francés I


اقرأ المزيد
Opr Dr Mevlut Kalcik
اخصائي زراعة الشعر
74سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Elinda Clinic

Opr Dr Mevlut Kalcik

اخصائي زراعة الشعر
74سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Estetik Cerrahi: Deneyimli cerrahlarımızla, güncel teknikleri kullanarak estetik cerrahi hizmetleri sunuyoruz. Her bireyin ihtiyacına özel çözümler üreterek, doğal ve estetik sonuçlar elde etmeyi amaçlıyoruz.

Saç, Sakal ve Kaş Ekimi: Saç dökülmesi, seyrek sakal ya da kaş problemleriyle mücadele edenlere özel çözümler sunuyoruz. Uzman ekibimiz, kişinin yüz hatlarına uygun doğal sonuçlar elde etmeyi hedefler.

Dolgu Uygulamaları: Yüz gençleştirme ve kontürleme amacıyla kullanılan dolgu uygulamalarını, uzman estetik cerrahlarımız ile güvenli bir şekilde gerçekleştiriyoruz. Doğallığı ön planda tutan yaklaşımımızla, müşterilerimize istedikleri görünüme kavuşmalarında yardımcı oluyoruz.

اقرأ المزيد
Kang Min Jo
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
15سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Kang Min Jo

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
15سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
كوريا الجنوبية, سول
Zell Plastic Surgery
M Mustafa Aydinol
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
7سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Mustafa AYDINOL Clinic

M Mustafa Aydinol

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
7سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


Yeşilçimen Sokak No:12 Polat Tower Residence K:2 D:20 Fulya/Şişli/İstanbul • 05542302530 •


Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon Work Experience

2020 Jun Plastic Surgeon - Specialist

Mustafa Aydinol Clinic

2019 Dec - 2020 Jun Plastic Surgeon - Specialist

Nişantaşı Hospital

2019 Jun - 2019 Dec Plastic Surgeon - Specialist

Amerikan Estetik Surgical Medical Center

2017 Nov - 2019 Jun Plastic Surgeon - Specialist

Erzincan Mengücek Gazi Education and Research Hospital

2012 Jan - 2017 Nov Plastic Surgery Resident

Dicle University School of Medicine Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

2010 Dec - 2012 Jan Health Professions and Private Diagnostic&Treatment Centers Directorate Doctor Diyarbakır Provincial Directorate of Health


2012 - 2017 Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist Diploma 

Dicle University - Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic

2004 - 2010 Medical Doctor Degree

Cumhuriyet University School of Medicine

2001 - 2004 High School Diploma Cumhuriyet Science High School

1997 - 2001 Middle School Diploma Tarsus American College


English Spanish

TOEFL: 103 IELTS:8.5 B1



Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons 


TurkishSociety of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons


International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 


Rhinoplasty Society Of Europe


“Multiple disseminated pyogenic granuloma after second degree scald burn: a rare two case”, Durgun M, Selçuk CT, Ozalp B, Aydinol M, Alabalik U, Int J Burns Trauma. 2013 Apr 18;3(2):125-9.

“Toe Amputation After Minor Surgery in a Patient with Behçet’s Disease: A Case Report”, Özalp B, Akcay C, Aydinol M, Selçuk CT,J Foot Ankle Surg. 2016 May-Jun;55(3):638-41.

“Perforator-based propeller flaps for leg reconstruction in pediatric patients”, Özalp B, Aydınol M, J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg.2016 Oct;69(10):e205-11.

“Breast Augmentation Combining Fat Injection and Breast Implants in Patients With Atrophied Breasts”, Özalp B, Aydinol M., Ann Plast Surg. 2017 Jun;78(6):623-628.

“Is the transposition of the nipple-areolar complex necessary in Simon grade 2b gynecomastia operations using suction- assistedliposuction?”, Özalp B, Berköz Ö, Aydınol M., J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2018 Feb;52(1):7-13.

Posters & Presentations


“Opinions of Last Year Medical School Students on Plastic Surgery and Medical School Education: A Survey Study”, M. Aydinol,

B. Özalp, 38th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons National Meeting.

“A Novel Technique For Nipple Reconstruction; Intradermal Nevus Graft”, B. Özalp, A. Calavul, E. Çelikkaleli, M. Aydınol, 38th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons National Meeting.

“Co-existence of Multiple Malign Melanoma and Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans In Lower Extremity”, S. Erbatur, M. Aydınol.

“Soft Tissue Defect Due To Brucella Infection In Sternum and Clavicle Area”, C.T.Selçuk, B. Özalp, M. Durgun, A. Calavul, M. Aydınol


“Perforator-based propeller flaps for leg reconstruction in pediatric patients”, B. Özalp, M. Aydınol.

Meetings & Courses

2012 34th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons National Meeting Antalya/Turkey 2013Microsurgery course Zurich/Switzerland

2014 Royal College of Surgeons Upper Limb and Hand Cadaver Dissection Course London/UK 2014 Royal College of Surgeons Breast and Torso Cadaver Dissection Course London/UK 2015 Plastic Surgery The Meeting Boston/ABD

2016 Nazim Cerkes Open Rhinoplasty Course Istanbul/Turkey

2016 38th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons National Meeting Antalya/Turkey 2017 Nazim Cerkes Open Rhinoplasty Course Istanbul/Turkey

2017 RSE (Rhinoplasty Society of Europe) Live Surgery Course Istanbul/Turkey 

2018EPCD National Meeting Istanbul/Turkey

2018 6th Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty Course Bergamo/Italy

2018 Teoman Dogan 4th Push Down Rhinoplasty Surgery Course Istanbul/Turkey 

2019 EPCDNational Meeting Istanbul/Turkey

2019 Serdar Eren Facelift Workshop

2019 TPRCD XII. Rhinoplasty and V. Facial Aesthetics Course

2019 ISAPS Course & 11th International Eurasian Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Meeting

2019 Aestheticstanbul Aesthetic Surgery Congress

2019 Eurasian Non-Surgical Days

2019 LG Yvoire Advanced Cadaver Training Course 2019 Istanbul Live Surgery Rhinoplasty Course 2020 IMCAS WorldCongress

2021 ISAPS World Congress 2021 Bella EyesCourse

2021 Hands-On Human Cadaver Course 2022 ISAPS World Congress

2022 TSAPS Breast Surgery School 2023 MentorBreast Symposium

2023 3rd Joint International Meeting of Rhinoplasty Societies 2023 ISAPS Olympiad Athens World Congress

2023 BLS and ACLS Course

2024 TSAPS 28th National Congress 2024Exosomes&Stem Cell Meeting

2024 Face to Face Istanbul Live Surgery International Congress 2024The New Frontiers of Facelifting

2024 Midface Lift&Cadaver Dissection Course


Snowboard, Cycling, Crossfit, Running, Swimming, Kitesurfing, Photography, Travelling, Books, Guitar



اقرأ المزيد
Wang Jae Gwon
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
19سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
كوريا الجنوبية, سول
Oracle Clinic Cheongdam

Wang Jae Gwon

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
19سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Current) Director of Cheongdam Oracle Dermatology and Plastic Surgery Clinic

Director of With Plastic Surgery Clinic

Director of Aib Plastic Surgery Clinic

Plastic Surgery Specialist at Seoul National University Hospital

Regular Member of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Regular Member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Regular Member of the Korean Society of Craniofacial Plastic Surgery

Regular Member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Regular Member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Regular Member of the European Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

اقرأ المزيد
Ulvi H
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
7سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Florya Aesthetic Clinic

Ulvi H

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
7سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Professional Experience:


Faculty of Medicine:
Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine (2017)

Marmara University, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (2018-2022)

Surgical Trainings:
Active Physician/Plastic Surgeon in Marmara University Hospital / over 5 years of experience
and has performed over 600 surgeries and involved in more than 200 surgeries.

اقرأ المزيد
Cengiz Ertekin
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
11سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Cengiz Ertekin

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
11سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Gokhan Haytoglu
Gokhan Haytoglu
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Gokhan Haytoglu

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Gokhan Haytoglu
Tomas Budrius
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
ليتوانيا, Klaipeda
Clinicus Klaipeda

Tomas Budrius

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


LICENSE: MPL-21858/30829 (plastic and reconstructive surgeon).

Dr Tomas Budrius is a surgeon at "Clinicus Klaipeda," who provides professional consultations to patients and performs various plastic and cosmetic surgeries. 

He describes himself as a uniquely versatile surgeon. His interest and continuous professional development in medical innovations allow him to apply the newest methods and techniques.

"Beauty is much more than appearance; beauty is a union of emotions." - Plastic Surgeon Tomas Budrius

The doctor is exceptionally good at surgeries, such as HD liposuction, composite breast and buttock augmentation, and minimally invasive eyebrow lift surgery. The doctor applies a special technique for all incision closures. As a result, the clients can appreciate postoperative scars that are much less noticeable than usual.

HD liposuction (liposculpture) is superior to traditional fat removal in a way that fat is removed delicately, according to anatomical lines where muscles attach. This technique improves the existing shape and highlights desired body lines. This procedure is suitable for physically fit patients who wish to emphasize muscle contours in the abdominal or other body areas.

A new composite breast augmentation technique allows one to achieve the desired breast size and shape with a combination of small breast implants and own fat cells. This method also enables perfect results for buttock augmentation.

The plastic surgeon is most enthusiastic about performing abdominal plastic surgeries: "I have excellent abdominal surgical skills, so I can solve many complex problems that lurk deep within the abdominal cavity."

Surgeon experience is over 10 years

  • In 2009, Dr. Budrius graduated from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences;
  • In 2010, he completed his residency at the Republican Klaipeda Hospital;
  • From 2010 to 2015, he worked at the Kaunas Clinics of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Department of Surgery, and earned a surgical physician's specialist qualification;
  • From 2015 to 2017, he worked at the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic at Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu Clinic and obtained a specialist qualification in plastic and reconstructive surgery;
  • Since 2010, he has worked at three aesthetic surgery clinics in Lithuania;
  • From 2017 to 2018, he worked at the plastic and aesthetic surgery clinic "Akademikliniken" (Stockholm, Sweden).


Professional development of surgeon

  • He regularly participates in seminars and conferences in Lithuania and Europe;
  • In 2016, he completed an internship at the private plastic and aesthetic surgery clinic "Akademikliniken" (Stockholm, Sweden);
  • In 2014, he completed an internship at Ostra Hospital (Sweden, Gothenburg).
اقرأ المزيد
Ozlem Colak
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Dr. Ozlem Colak Clinic

Ozlem Colak

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


1996 – 2000                        Junior High School and High School Education

                                               Kabataş Erkek High School, Istanbul 

2000 – 2006                        Medical Education (graduated with the degree of one of                                                  three highest ranked student)

                                               Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Kocaeli 

2008 – 2013                        Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Education                                                Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Plastic,                                                              Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Ankara



December 2013                 “Ex Vivo Biomechanical Evaluation of Flexor Tendon                                                       Repair Using Barbed Suture Material: A Comparative                                                     Study”



01/07/2005 – 31/07/2005   Internship

                                                   Humboldt University, Helios Klinikum Emil von                                                                Behring, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and                                                        Aesthetic Surgery, Berlin 

01/08/2005 – 30/09/2005    Internship

                                                    Humboldt University, Waldkrankenhaus, Berlin                                                                 

09/ 2008 – 10/2013                 Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery                                                                    Residency

                                                    Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Plastic,                                                               Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Ankara 

01/04/2013 – 26/04/2013     Guest Doctor

                                                    Lacomed Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic                                                               Surgery Clinic, Berlin 

01/2014 – 10/ 2014                Consultant Surgeon

                                                   Sinop Ataturk State Hospital, Plastic, Reconstructive                                                    and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Sinop

03/01/2016 – 06/01/2016    Consultant Surgeon in ISAPS-LEAP Volunteer Mission                                                     for Syrian Refugees

                                                    Al Maqassed Charity Hospital, Amman (Jordan)

28/09/2016 – 08/10/2016     Consultant Surgeon in International Humanitarian Aid                                                      Program

                                                     Namangan Children’s Hospital, Plastic Surgery                                                                Clinic, Ferghana Valley 

2014 – 2019                              Consultant Specialist

                                                    Health Sciences University, Cemil Tascioglu Training                                                     and Research Hospital, Plastic, Reconstructive and                                                       Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Istanbul 

09/ 2019                                     Title of Associate Professor in Plastic,                                                                                Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

                                                     Chair of the Higher Education Board, Ankara

2020 – 2022                               Head of Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and                                                          Aesthetic Surgery

                                                    Health Sciences University, Cemil Tascioglu Training                                                     and Research Hospital, Plastic, Reconstructive and                                                       Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Istanbul 

2023- Attending                       



2013                                           Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and                                                                   Aesthetic Surgeons (TPRECD)

2013                                           Reconstructive Microsurgery Association (RMCD)

2014                                           Association of Emergency Hand Surgery and                                                                     Microsurgery (ACELEMDER)


12/11/2015 – 14/11/2015     Second Prize,

                                                  Turkish Society of Surgery, VIII. Surgical Research                                                         Congress, IV. Contest of Invention, Konya

                                                  Project name: “Therapeutic apparatus for ingrown                                                           toenail”

14/04/2016 – 16/04/2016  Second Prize

                                                 AAEF Surgical Forum in Breast Symposium,                                                                      Barcelona (Spain) 

                                                 Presentation name:V.A.C.™ Therapy To Manage                                                            Extensive, Large, Potentially Lethal Degloving Injuries”


  • - Published more than 40 articles in international and national peer-reviewed journals
  • - Presented more than 61 presentations in international and national scientific meetings
  • - Wrote more than 2 book chapters nationally and internationally.




اقرأ المزيد