تخرج الطبيب من كلية الطب بجامعة غازي في تركيا وأكمل فترة تدريبه في مستشفى نوموني للأبحاث العلمية في أنقرة. كما حصل على تخصص في قسم القرنية بمستشفى ويلز للعيون بجامعة توماس جيفرسون في فيلادلفيا بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. وهو عضو في العديد من المنظمات مثل الجمعية التركية لطب العيون و KRCB و ASCRS و ESCRS والجمعية الطبية التركية.
اقرأ المزيدأب. تخرج الدكتور فاروق إيرولو من كلية الطب بجامعة إسطنبول وأكمل تعليمه التخصصي هناك. لديه خبرة واسعة في أمراض الشبكية وجراحة الساد وجراحة الانكماش والعلاج بالليزر الإكسيمري ومرض السكري وعلاج البقع الصفراء وتطبيقات العدسات داخل العين. لقد أجرى بنجاح أكثر من 10000 ليزر أرغون وأكثر من 5000 ليزر إكسيمر وأكثر من 1000 عملية جراحية لجراحة الساد. وهو عضو في العديد من المنظمات المهنية ويخدم مرضاه في مستشفى حصار إنتركونتيننتال قسم صحة وأمراض العيون منذ عام 2005.
اقرأ المزيديتمتع الدكتور X بخلفية تعليمية قوية ، مع شهادة من كلية الطب بجامعة إسطنبول ، وتعليم ما بعد التخرج من مستشفى ZNA Middelheim في بلجيكا. وهو عضو في العديد من المنظمات ، بما في ذلك الأكاديمية الأمريكية لطب العيون ، والجمعية الأمريكية لجراحة الساد وجراحة الانكسار ، والجمعية الأوروبية لجراحي الساد والانكسار ، والجمعية التركية لطب العيون. الدكتور X معتمد أيضًا في إجراءات متعددة ، بما في ذلك جراحة Intralase ، وجراحة الليزر PresbyMAX ، وجراحة Phakic IOLs ، والربط المتقاطع للقرنية ، وتطبيق حلقات Ferrara. وقد حضر العديد من الندوات والمؤتمرات الدولية ، مثل مؤتمر الجمعية الأوروبية لجراحي الساد وجراحي الانكسار ، ومؤتمر الخلافات في طب العيون ، والجمعية الأوروبية لأخصائيي الشبكية.
اقرأ المزيدالدكتور فرات هيلفاجي أوغلو طبيب عيون حاصل على تعليم مكثف من مدرسة كاديكوي الأناضولية الثانوية ، كلية الطب بجامعة مرمرة ، ومستشفى باكيركوي الدكتور سعدي كونوك للأبحاث والتدريب. وهو عضو في العديد من المنظمات ، بما في ذلك TOA و TTB و ESCRS و ASCRS و ISRS و ICO ، وقد اجتاز امتحانات المجلس الدولي للعلوم الأساسية والعلوم السريرية في المجلس الدولي لطب العيون. يشارك بانتظام في الندوات والمؤتمرات الدولية ، مثل الجمعية الأوروبية لجراحي الساد وجراحي الانكسار ، والمؤتمر الوطني لطب العيون ، والمؤتمر الأفرو آسيوي لطب العيون ، وندوة حول المياه البيضاء ، و IOL والجراحة الانكسارية.
اقرأ المزيدالدكتور X هو طبيب حاصل على شهادة من كلية الطب بجامعة أكدنيز ، تركيا ولديه خبرة من مستشفى إزمير بوزياكا للتعليم والتدريب ، تركيا. هم أعضاء في DOG و AAO و ASCRS و ESCRS ولديهم شهادات في تطبيق الليزك وتصحيح قصر النظر الشيخوخي مع العدسات متعددة البؤر وتقنيات التثبيت الصلبة والربط المتقاطع للقرنية وتطبيقات الفيمتو ثانية لجراحة الجزء الأمامي وتحليل طبوغرافيا القرنية.
اقرأ المزيددكتور هو أستاذ حاصل على تعليم عالي ومهني في كلية الطب بجامعة هاسيتيب ، تركيا. لديه خبرة كطبيب عيون في العديد من المستشفيات وأكمل أيضًا زمالة في مستشفى جونز هوبكنز ومعهد ويلمر للعيون وقسم الشبكية والجسم الزجاجي وقسم الشبكية الطبي. يعمل حاليًا في مستشفى Veni Vidi Göz للعيون.
اقرأ المزيدتخرج دكتور من كلية الطب بجامعة هاسيتيب ، تركيا ، وهو عضو في AAO و ASCRS و ESCRS. حضر العديد من المؤتمرات الدولية بما في ذلك مؤتمر الجمعية الأوروبية لطب العيون ، ومؤتمر الجمعية الأوروبية لجراحة الساد وجراحة الانكسار ، ومؤتمر الجمعية الأوروبية للزرق ، ومؤتمر الجلوكوما العالمي ، وندوة عموم أوروبا لطب العيون ، ومؤتمر الخلافات في طب العيون.
اقرأ المزيدMedical Interests and Activities
Anterior Segment Surgery
Retractive Surgery
Education and Experience
Private Practice
Beyoğlu Eye Hospital
Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University
Liv Hospital, Ulus, Department of Eye Diseases
Research and Publications
International papers: 30
National papers: 30+
Book in Turkish : 1 (Wavefront and topography based laser)
Book Chapters: numerous
Journal Editing, Membership for Publication and Scientific Advisory Boards
The Cornea (reviewer.)
اقرأ المزيدEductaion:
اقرأ المزيدBirthplace and Date
Ankara, 1975
Foreign Languages
Education and Experience
1999 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine
2004 Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology
2012 Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology, Lecturer
Case Experience
13 years of active ophthalmology practice.
Associations Membership
Turkish Ophthalmology Association (TOD)
Turkish Ophthalmology Association Medical Retina Unit active member
European Vitreoretinal Society (EVRS)
European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA)
International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV)
European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS)
اقرأ المزيدتخرج الدكتور من كلية الطب بجامعة إسطنبول وأكمل زمالات في عيادات العيون الجامعية في كولونيا وتويبنغن بألمانيا. هم أعضاء في DOG و AAO و ASCRS و ESCRS ، ولديهم شهادات في تطبيق LASIK ، وتصحيح قصر النظر الشيخوخي مع العدسات متعددة البؤر داخل العين ، وتقنيات تثبيت الصلبة ، والربط المتقاطع مع الكولاجين في القرنية ، وتطبيقات الفيمتوثانية لجراحة الجزء الأمامي وتحليل تضاريس القرنية. لقد أكملوا درجة الدكتوراه في العلاج التحويلي المناعي لالتهاب القزحية وحضروا العديد من المؤتمرات والاجتماعات ، بما في ذلك الاجتماع السنوي الثاني والأربعون للجمعية الأوروبية لطب عيون الأطفال ، والمؤتمر العالمي لطب العيون ومؤتمر الجمعية الأوروبية لجراحي الساد وجراحي الانكسار.
اقرأ المزيدتخرج الدكتور X من كلية الطب بجامعة أنقرة ، تركيا وأكاديمية جولهان الطبية العسكرية ، تركيا. وهو عضو في الجمعية التركية لطب العيون والجمعية الطبية التركية.
اقرأ المزيدAreas of Expertise and Interest:
Professional and Observational Experience:
International Diplomas:
Memberships in Scientific Organizations:
Uludag University, Ophthalmology
Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Faculty of Medicine
Kırıkkale Science High School, Numerical
2019Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları (Vitreo-Retinal Cerrahi ve Tıbbi Retina Fellowship)/
2016SBÜ Zekai Tahir Burak EAH (Prematüre Retinopatisi Fellowship)/
2015 - 2023Kocaeli Derince Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi
2023 - Medipol University Pendik Hospital
اقرأ المزيد
Birth place and date
Konya, 1984
Foreign Languages Known
English, German
Educational Status and Experience
Kayseri City Hospital, Kayseri, Associate Professor (2023)
St. Franziskus-Hospital, Zentrum für Refraktive Chirurgie
Germany, Cornea and Refractive Surgery Fellowship (2022-2023)
Kayseri City Hospital, Kayseri, Specialist Doctor (2018-2022)
Hatice-Muammer Kocatürk State Hospital, Kayseri, Specialist Doctor (2017-2018)
Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital, Diyarbakır, Specialist Doctor (2014-2017)
Bülent Ecevit University Faculty of Medicine, Zonguldak, Specialization in Medicine (2010-2014)
Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Medicine, Bolu, Medical Education (2007-2010)
GATA Gülhane Military Medical Faculty, Ankara, Medical Education (2003-2007)
Kuleli Military High School, Istanbul (1999-2003)
Case Experience
Experience of over 10,000 surgical cases.
Associations of which he is a member
ESOPRS (European Society Of Ophthalmic Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery), Member, 2022
ESCRS (European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons), Member, 2021
MRCSEd (The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh), Member, 2021
TOD-GO (Turkish Ophthalmology Association - Young Ophthalmologists Group), Member, 2018
TOD (Turkish Ophthalmology Association), Member, 2010
2016 European Board of Ophthalmology Diploma, FEBO, Paris
2019 International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO), Visual Sciences
2020 International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO), Optics and Refraction
2020 International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO), Clinical Science
2021 International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO), Advanced Examination, FICO
2019 Ophthalmology Clinical Research Training, Istanbul
2014 Communication, Anterior Segment and Toric Lens Applications, Prague
Sea Sword
MCQ for International Ophthalmology Board Exams – 2
Chapter 4, Oculoplasty, (2021). Anatolian Bookstore.
FICO, International Fellowship Scholarship 2022
TÜBİTAK, International Scientific Publications Incentive Scholarship UBYT, 2022
TÜBİTAK, International Scientific Publications Incentive Scholarship UBYT, 2020
Ministry of Health, Certificate of Appreciation, 2018
اقرأ المزيدCV
Place and Date of Birth
Kayseri, 1989
Foreign Languages
English, German
Education and Experience
Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine 2006-2012
Beyoğlu Eye Hospital 2012-2017
Associations of which he is a member
Turkish Medical Association
Turkish Ophthalmology Association
1. Presbyopia Corrective Intraocular Lenses
2. Cataract and Its Treatment
Congress and Symposium Participation
06-10 NOVEMBER 2013
22-23 FEBRUARY 2014
13-17 SEMPTEMBER 2014
5-9 NOVEMBER 2014
01 NOVEMBER 2016
09-13 NOVEMBER 2016
26-28 MAY 2017
اقرأ المزيد2023 - Adiyaman University Faculty of Medicine Training and Research Hospital
2021 - Bingöl Maternity and Pediatrics Hospital, Bingöl
2019 - Ulucanlar Eye Training and Research Hospital, Ankara
2014 - Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara
Getting rid of glasses with Excimer Laser (Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism) (No-touch-LASIK)
Cataract - Multifocal Intraocular Lens (Smart Lens) Surgery
Keratoconus Diagnosis and Treatments (Crosslinking - Corneal Ring)
Fakik Intraocular Lens
Corneal Transplant (Keratoplasty-DALK-DMEK)
Oculoplasty (Upper and Lower Eyelid Aesthetics)
Low Eyelid (Ptosis) Treatment
Tear Duct Obstruction Surgery
Medical Aesthetics (Botox / Filling)
Glaucoma Diagnosis and Surgery
Pediatric Ophthalmology, Strabismus Surgery
Retinal Diseases and Treatment
Publications in International Refereed Journals:
a. Original Research Article Published in Journals in SSCI, SCI, SCI- Expanded or AHCI
1. Can ME, Kaplan FE, Uzel MM, Kızıltoprak H, Ergün MC, Koç M, Şimşek G. The Relationship of Helicobacter Pylori with Choroidal and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness. Int Ophthalmol, 2018; 38(5)
2. Tekin K, Sekeroglu MA, Kiziltoprak H, Yilmazbas P. Corneal Densitometry and its Correlation with Endothelial Morphometry in Healthy Corneas. Cornea. 2017
3. Özates, S, Kızıltoprak H, Koç M, Uzel MM, Teke MY. Intraocular Lens Position in Combined Phacoemulsification and Vitreoretinal Surgery. Retina, 2018
4. Tekin K, İnanç M, Kurnaz E, Bayramoğlu E, Aydemir E, Koç M, Kızıltoprak H, Aycan Z. Quantitative Evaluation of Early Retinal Changes in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Without Retinopathy.Clin Exp Optom. 2018;101
5. Kosekahya P, Koc M, Caglayan M, Kiziltoprak H, Atilgan CU, Yilmazbas P. Reproducibility and reliability of ectasia imaging and topometric indices with Scheimpflug system in normal and keratoconic eyes. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2018;44(1)
6. Tekin K, Sekeroglu MA, Kiziltoprak H, Doguizi S, Inanc M, Yilmazbas P. Static and Dynamic Pupillometry Data of Healthy Individuals. Clin Exp Optom, 2018; 101(5)
7. Cankaya AB, Tekin K, Kiziltoprak H, Karahan S, Yilmazbas P. Evaluation of Corneal Backward Light Scattering and Factors Affecting Corneal Transparency in Healthy Cornea. Jpn J Ophthalmol. 2018;62
8. Tekin K, Şekeroğlu MA, Kızıltoprak H, Yetkin E, Doğuizi S, Yılmazbaş P. Static and Dynamic Pupillary Characteristics in Clinically Unilateral Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome. J Glaucoma. 2018;27
9. Tekin K, Kızıltoprak H, Koç M, Göker YS, Koçer AM, Yılmazbaş P. The Effect of Corneal Infiltrates on Densitometry and High Degree Aberrations. Clin Exp Optom. 2019;102
10. Göker YS, Yılmaz S, Kızıltoprak H, Tekin K, Demir G. Quantitative Analysis of Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Features in Patients with Nonocular Behçet's Disease. Curr Eye Res. 2019; 44
11. Yetkin E, Tekin K, Kızıltoprak H, Şekeroğlu MA, Cankurtaran V, Yaşar HH. Evaluation of Static and Dynamic Pupil Characteristics in Hyperopic Anisometropic Amblyopia. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2019; 29
12. Goker YS, Ucgul Atılgan C, Tekin K, Kızıltoprak H, Yetkin E, Yesil Karahan N, Koc M, Kosekahya P. Validity of Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography as a Screening Test for Early Detection of Retinal Changes in Patients Receiving Hydroxychloroquine Therapy. Curr Eye Res. 2019; 44
13. Kosekahya P, Koc M, Caglayan M, Kiziltoprak H, Tekin K, Atilgan CU. Longitudinal Corneal Tomographic Changes in Eyes of Patients with Unilateral and Bilateral Non Progressive Keratoconus. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2019;42
14. Kosekahya P, Caglayan M, Koc M, Kiziltoprak H, Tekin K, Atilgan CU. Longitudinal Evaluation of Keratoconus Progression Using a New Progression Screen. Eye Contact Lens. 2019; 45
15. Inanc M, Kiziltoprak H, Hekimoglu R, Tekin K, Ozalkak S, Koc M, Bayramoglu E, Zirh S, Yuruker S, Aycan Z. Tear Film and Ocular Surface Changes in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2020;28
16. Özülken K, Yüksel E, Tekin K, Kızıltoprak H, Aydoğan S. Comparison of Wavefront-Optimized Ablation and Topography-Guided Contour Ablation with the LYRA Protocol in LASIK. J Refract Surg. 2019;35
17. Koc M, Aydemir E, Tekin K, Inanc M, Kosekahya P, Kiziltoprak H. Biomechanical Ana
18. Inanc M, Tekin K, Kiziltoprak H, Ozalkak S, Doguizi S, Aycan Z. Changes in Retinal Microcirculation Predict Clinical Onset of Diabetic Retinopathy in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Am J Ophthalmol. 2019
19. Doğuizi S, Yılmazoğlu M, Kızıltoprak H, Şekeroğlu MA, Yılmazbaş P. Quantitative Analysis of Retinal Microcirculation in Children with Hyperopic Anisometropic Amblyopia: An Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Study. J AAPOS. 2019;23
20. Tekin K, Kızıltoprak H, Şekeroğlu MA, Yetkin E, Bayraktar S, Yılmazbaş P. Static and Dynamic Pupillary Characteristics in Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome and Glaucoma. Clin Exp Optom. 2020;103
21. Kızıltoprak H, Koç M, Tekin K, Hekimoğlu R, İnanç M, Yılmaz AA, Elmaoğulları S, Aycan Z. Local Ocular Surface Changes in Children with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2020; 28
22. Kızıltoprak H, Koç M, Yetkin E, Tekin K, İnanç M, Özülken K. Additive Effect of Topical Nepafenac on Mydriasis in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Eye Contact Lens. 2020; 46
23. Göker YS, Özdal PC, Erol YO, Kızıltoprak H, Karatepe MS. Evaluation of Radial Peripapillary Capillary Density in Patients with Fuchs Uveitis Syndrome. Graefes
24. Yetkin E, Citirik M, Teke MY, Kiziltoprak H. Postoperative Eccentric Macular Holes in Vitreomacular Interface Diseases. Int Ophthalmol. 2020; 40
25. Özülken K, Aydemir Aksoy G, Aydemir E, Kızıltoprak H, Yüksel E. Comparison of the Results of Two Different Accelerated Corneal Cross-Linking Procedures in Patients with Keratoconus. Balcan Med J. 2020
26. Goker YS, Kiziltoprak H. Quantitative Analysis of Radial Peripapillary Capillary Plexuses in Patients with Clinically Unilateral Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2020
27. Koc M, Tekin K, Kiziltoprak H, Inanc M, Kosekahya P, Ozulken K, Durukan I. Topometric and Tomographic Evaluation of Subclinical Keratoconus. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2020
28. Can ME, Kızıltoprak H, Buluş AD, Özkoyuncu D, Koç M, Özdemir Yıldız Z. Corneal Biomechanical Properties in Childhood Obesity. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2020
29. İlhan C, Çitırık M, Uzel MM, Kızıltoprak H, Tekin K. Usability of Systemic Inflammatory Markers as Diagnostic Indicators in the Pathogenesis of Diabetic Macular Edema. Arq Bras Ophthalmol. 2020
30. Inanc M, Tekin K, Teke M
31. Kiziltoprak H, Atesoglu Hİ, Tekin K, Yetkin E, Koc M. Evaluation of Densitometric Analysis for Early Detection of Corneal Blood Staining in Hyphema. cornea 2021;40(4)
32. Kocer AM, Kiziltoprak H, Fen T, Goker YS, Acar A. Evaluation of radial peripapillary capillary density in patients with newly diagnosed iron deficiency anemia. Int Ophthalmol. 2021
33. Ozulken K, Kiziltoprak H, Yuksel E, Mumcuoğlu T. A Comparative Evaluation of Diffractive Trifocal and New Refractive/Extended Depth of Focus Intraocular Lenses for Refractive Lens Exchange. Curr Eye Pic. 2021
34. Kiziltoprak H, Tekin K, Cevik S, Kocer AM, Goker YS. Normative Data Assessment of Peripapillary and Macular Vessel Density and Foveal Avascular Zone Metrics Using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Children. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2020
35. Goker YS, Atılgan CU, Tekin K, Kızıltoprak H, Kosekahya P, Demir G, Kılıc D. Association between disorganization of the retinal inner layers and capillary nonperfusion area in patients with retinal vein occlusion. Arq Bras Ophthalmol. 2020
36. Ozkan HH, Koc M, Kiziltoprak H, Tekin K, Aydemir E. Evaluation of topographic, tomographic, topometric, densitometric, and aberrometric features of cornea with pentacam HR system in subclinical keratoconus. Int Ophthalmol. 2021
37. Oren B, Aksoy Aydemir G, Aydemir E, Atesoglu HI, Goker YS, Kızıltoprak H, Ozcelik KC. Quantitative assessment of retinal changes in COVID-19 patients. Clin Exp Optom. 2021
38. Aydemir E, Aydemir GA, Atesoglu HI, Goker YS, Ozcelik KC, Kiziltoprak H. The Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Retinal Microcirculation in Human Subjects. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2021
39. Aydemir E, Aksoy Aydemir G, Atesoglu Hİ, Goker YS, Kiziltoprak H, Ozcelik KC. Objective Assessment of Corneal and Lens Clarity in Patients with COVID-19. Optom Vis Sci. 2021
40. Aydemir GA, Kocabaş DO, Bilen A, Aydemir E, Bayat AH, Oren B, Kiziltoprak H. Evaluation of Retinal Layer Thicknesses in Patients with Keratoconus Using Retinal Layer Segmentation Analysis. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2022 Mar 23. Epub ahead of print.
41. Aksoy Aydemir G, Ilhan C, Pehlıvanoglu B, Aydemir E, Kiziltoprak H, Bolu S. Conjunctival Histopathological Changes in Children With Vitamin D Deficiency. Eye Contact Lens. 2022
42. Nalcacioglu P, Sen E, Aydemir E, Kiziltoprak H, Yaşar HH. Objective assessment of corneal backscattered light in myopic, hyperopic, and emmetropic children. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. 2022
43. Recep ÖF, Kocabas DO, Kiziltoprak H, Ozulken K. Effects on Wavefront Aberration after Short-term Wear of Senofilcon A Photochromic Contact Lens. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2022 Dec 23. English.
44. Kiziltoprak H, Kocabas DO, Aydemir GA, Kalınlı EM, Aydemir E, Oren B. Choroidal Vascular Index in Patients With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Methylphenidate. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2022 Dec 22
b) Uluslararası Alan İndeksleri Tarafından Taranan (A Bendinde Belirtilen İndeksler Dışındaki İndekslerde Yer Alan) Dergilerde Yayımlanmış Özgün Araştırma Makalesi
1. Kiziltoprak H, Tekin K, Inanc M, Goker YS. Cataract in Diabetes Mellitus. World J Diabetes 2019
2. Kızıltoprak H, Tekin K, Sekeroglu MA, Yetkin E, Doguizi S, Yilmazbas P. Static and Dynamic Pupillary Responses in Patients with Different Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy, Neuro-Ophthalmology. 2020
3. Göker YŞ, Kiziltoprak H, Tekin K, Yetkin E, Karatepe MS, Özdemir K, Demir G. Direct and Crossover Effects of Phenylephrine and Cyclopentolate on Foveal Avascular Zone and Vessel Density of Macular Capillary Plexuses: An Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Study. Rom J Ophthalmol. 2020
c) Presentation of Cases Published in Journals Within the Scope of Clause a)
1. Kiziltoprak H, Yetkin E, Tekin K, Koc M, Akalin I, Teke MY. Intravitreal Aflibercept for the Treatment of Choroidal Neovascularization Associated with Rubella Retinopathy. Int Ophthalmol. 2019
2. Ozates S, Kiziltoprak H, Koc M, Uzel MM, Teke MY. Reply. Retina. 2019 3. Kiziltoprak H, Tekin K, Dilli A, Teke MY. Retinal Vein Passing through a Congenital Optic Nerve Pit. J Ophthalmic Vis Res. 2021
Publications Published in Nationally Refereed Journals:
1. Tekin K, Koç M, Kızıltoprak H. A Rare Complication of Nd:YAG Laser Capsulotomy: Vitreous Prolapse and Intraocular Lens Dislocation. Glo-Kat 2016
2. Kızıltoprak H, Ozkoyuncu D, Çıtırık M. Treatment Approaches to Free Floating Iris Cyst in the Anterior Chamber Due to a Case. MN Ophthalmology. 2017
3. Kızıltoprak H, Özateş S, Teke MY, Şimşek M. Combined Central Retinal Vein Occlusion and Cilioretinal Artery Occlusion. Ret Vit 2018; 27(1)
4. Kızıltoprak H, Koç M, Tekin K, İnanç M, Kurnaz E, Aycan Z, Yılmazbaş PY. Evaluation of Higher Order Corneal Aberrations in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus with Tight Glycemic Control.Dicle Medical Journal. 2018
5. Özkoyuncu D, Kızıltoprak H, Tekin K, Koç M, Teke MY. Coexistence of Idiopathic Choroidal Fold and Retinal Pigment Epithelial Tear Due to Intravitreal Bevacizumab Injection. Ret-Vit 2018
6. Kızıltoprak H, Çiçek P, Doğuizi S, Şekeroğlu MA, Yılmazbaş P. A Morgagnian Cataract Case with Spontaneous Posterior Capsule Rupture. MN Ophthalmology 2018
7. Kızıltoprak H, Tekin K, Teke MY. Use of Vitreon Tamponade in Rhegmatogenous Inferior Retinal Detachment: Surgical Results and Complications. Ret-Vit 2018
8. Yeşilırmak N, Tekin K, Kızıltoprak H, Koç M, Kurnaz E, Aycan Z. Early Changes in Retinal Layers of Type 1 Diabetic Patients Without Retinopathy. MN Ophthalmology 2018
9. Göker YS, Kızıltoprak H, Yetkin E, Tekin K. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Phase Scaling Application Findings in Patients with Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy. Turkiye Klinikleri J Ophthalmol
10. Göker YS, Tekin K, Kızıltoprak H, Atılgan CU, Kosekahya P. Choriocapillaris Signal Gaps in Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy. Turkiye Klinikleri J Ophthalmol
11. Özülken K, Yüksel E, Kızıltoprak H. Effect of Topical Pilocarpine Hydrochloride Applied After Cycloplegia on Anterior Segment Parameters. Glo-Kat 2019
12. Göker YS, Kızıltoprak H. Quantitative Characteristics of Foveal Avascular Zone and Macular Capillary Plexuses in Healthy Individuals: An Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Study. Ret-Vit 2019
13. Göker YS, Kızıltoprak H. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography PHASE and Density Assessment Tool Findings in Patients with Retinal Vein Occlusion. Ret-Vit 2019
14. Kızıltoprak H, Gulpamuk B, Tekin K, Teke MY. Coexistence of Retinis Pigmentosa and Posterior Staphyloma: Case Series.
15. Göker YS, Tekin K, Kızıltoprak H, Atılgan CU, Kosekahya P. Bevacizumab Treatment in Diabetic Macular Edema: A Real Life Study. Dicle Medical Journal / Dicle Med J 2019
16. Tekin K, Kızıltoprak H, Yel S, İnanç M, Koç M, Aycan Z. Evaluation of Static and Dynamic Pupillar Parameters in Diabetic Children. Turkey Clinics J Pediatr.
17. Özülken K, Aydemir GA, Kızıltoprak H, Aydemir E. Comparison of Central Corneal Thickness Measurements with Ultrasonic Pachymetry and Two New Optical Methods. MN Ophthalmology 2019;26(4)
18. Ozateş S, Sen E, Kiziltoprak H, Kilic AO, Elgin U. Assessment of Corneal Endothelial Toxicity of Antimetabolite Drugs Used in Trabeculectomy Surgery. Glo-Kat 2019;14(4)
19. Ozulken K, Kiziltoprak H. Objective Accommodation Amplitude Measurement with a new Autorefractometer Device. Beyoglu Eye J. 2019;4(3)
20. Tekin K, Kiziltoprak H, Inanc MI, Sekeroglu MA. Evaluation of Retinal Layers in Hyperopic Anisometropic Amblyopia with Optical Coherence Tomography Segmentation Analysis. Turkiye Klinikleri J Ophthalmol.
21. Kızıltoprak H, Yasar HH, Tekin K. The Effect of Inferior Oblique Muscle Z-Myotomy in Patients with Primary Inferior Oblique Overaction. Turk J Ophthalmol
22. Kızıltoprak H, Tekin K, Teke MY. A Case of Unilateral Retinitis Pigmentosa with Lamellar Macular Hole. Ret-Vit 2020
23. Kiziltoprak H, Tekin K, Yetkin E, Sekeroglu MA. Static and Dynamic Pupil Characteristics in Myopic Anisometropic Amblyopia. Beyoglu Eye J. 2020;5(2)
24. Kiziltoprak H, Tekin K, Koc M, Teke MY. Resolution of Vacuole in Central Serous Chorioretinopathy Following Intravitreal Bevacizumab Injection. Ret-Vit 2020;29(4)
25. Uzel MM, Ozdal PC, Ozates S, Kiziltoprak H. Estimation of HLA-B27 Positivity by Peripapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Patients with Acute Anterior Uveitis. Ret-Vit 2020;29(4)/ret.vit.2020
26. Aydemir E, Koç M, Kızıltoprak H, Tekin K, Aydemir GA, Özkan HH. Accelerated Corneal Cross-linking Treatment in Keratoconus Patients: Three-Years Results. Turkiye Clinics J Ophthalmol.
27. Kızıltoprak H, Kocer AM, Fen T, Göker YS. Evaluation of Corneal and Lenticular Parameters in Iron Deficiency Anemia. Beyoglu Eye J. 2021
28. Aydemir E, Kiziltoprak H, Aksoy Aydemir G. Comparison of Clinical Outcomes of Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty Using Two Different Suture Techniques. Beyoglu Eye J 2022
29. Oren B, Kiziltoprak H, Onder F, Kocabas DO, Yetkin E, Bilen A. Evaluation of Choroidal Vascular Structure in Hyperopic Anisometropic Amblyopia. Beyoglu Eye J. 2023 Mar 1
30. Oren B, Aksoy Aydemir G, Duzayak S, Kızıltoprak H. Evaluation of Retinal Layers and Choroidal Structures Using Optical Coherence Tomography in Alopecia Areata. Medeni Med J. 2023 Jun
اقرأ المزيدExperience
2022 - 2023
Private Medipol Mega Hospitals Complex
2010 - 2010
Bezmialem Foundation University Faculty of Medicine
2010 - 2010
Bezmialem Foundation University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology
2001 - 2011
Vakif Gureba Training and Research Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology
2001 - 2011
Vakif Gureba Training and Research Hospital
2000 - 2001
Edirne Regional Hospital
2000 - 2001
Edirne Regional Hospital
2000 Selçuk University, Ophthalmology
1994 Selçuk University, Faculty of Medicine
اقرأ المزيد