Istanbul Hair Center is a private multi-specialty facility in Istanbul, Turkey. Its primary specialties are dental treatment and plastic surgery. According to the clinic’s data, the success rate for FUE hair transplants is 99%. Istanbul Hair Center is one of the first clinics in Turkey established to work on hair transplants and plastic surgery areas. It has served over 20,000+ patients that are happy with their results. 1,000 patients choose Istanbul Hair Center to get medical care every year. Patients from Europe & Commonwealth visit the clinic most often.
اكتشف أفضل عيادات وتكاليف العلاج في تركيا 2025
Maro Clinic is a private Istanbul-based medical center, specializing in dental treatment, aesthetic medicine and cosmetology. With a success rate of 98% for the operations, the team accepts only adult patients and has a strong reputation across Europe, including Sweden, and in the United States.
ALFA Oral and Dental Health Center is a private oral and dental health clinic located in Turkey. The clinic was officially opened on June 1, 2013, with the goal of becoming Turkey's leading health center for health tourism. The center was built according to international standards and accreditation rules and offers high-quality services to foreign patients, with an emphasis on patient satisfaction. The clinic has an indoor area of 800 square meters and is equipped with 9 dental units, including an A-Class operating room with international validation for the first time in Turkey's dental health field.
تبييض الأسنان بالليزر | $152.92 - $196.61 |
زرع الأسنان | $327.69 - $1092.31 |
Denthub is a private dental clinic located in Istanbul, Turkey. Denthub serves both adults and children. 5,000 patients choose Denthub to get medical care annually. International patients come from Europe & Commonwealth, the USA, Canada, Australia, and CIS to get dental care.
Trioclinic هو مركز طبي خاص متعدد التخصصات يقع في إسطنبول، تركيا. يتخصص الفريق في الجراحة والجراحة التجميلية والطب التجميلي. تقدم Trioclinic خدماتها للبالغين فقط. يزور العيادة المرضى من البلدان الناطقة بالروسية وأوروبا والكومنولث والولايات المتحدة وكندا وأستراليا في أغلب الأحيان.
Dr. Nurettin Türktekin's Private Practice is a private single-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. The team is dedicated to obstetrics and gynecology. Among the clinic's achievements are the success rates: 10.0% for childbirth, 10.0% for pregnancy follow-up and 10.0% for laparoscopic hysterectomy. The IVF success rate is too high according to other countries. The clinic's doctors use a special technique for extra success rate. Dr. Nurettin Türktekin's Private Practice serves only adults. 200 patients choose Dr. Nurettin Türktekin's Private Practice to get medical care every year. Patients from Europe & Commonwealth, Balkans and Arab League States visit the clinic most often.
استئصال الورم العضلي (إزالة الأورام الليفية الرحمية) | $5000 |
BHT Clinic is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. BHT Сlinic Istanbul Tema Hospital accepts patients for plastic surgery, hand surgery, IVF, and advanced technology imaging testing methods. Among the clinic's achievements are the success rates: 99% for Hollywood Smile, 99.9% for nose job, 99% for mommy makeover. BHT Clinic serves only adults and has done more than 2,000 treatments in 2022 only. Patients from Europe, the Arab League States, the USA, and Canada visit the clinic more often.
MCAN Health هو مركز طبي خاص متعدد التخصصات في إسطنبول، تركيا. كما يعمل في المملكة المتحدة. تأسس المركز في عام 2015، ويركز على زراعة الشعر، وأعمال الأسنان، والجراحة التجميلية. يعمل الجراحون المؤهلون في مستشفيات إسطنبول المعتمدة وفي عيادة فاخرة. تلتزم MCAN Health بشعار "الجمال للجميع". يوضح معدل 8.8 في استطلاع NPS تفاني MCAN Health في تقديم خدمة عملاء استثنائية. تخدم MCAN Health البالغين فقط. يختار 1500 مريض MCAN Health للحصول على الرعاية الطبية كل عام. يزور العيادة المرضى من أوروبا والكومنولث والبلقان والولايات المتحدة وكندا وأستراليا في أغلب الأحيان.
حصلت شركة MCAN Health على اعتماد TEMOS للرعاية الصحية عالية الجودة. كما فازت بجائزة أفضل شركة سفر طبي في تركيا وهي من بين أكبر 500 شركة مصدرة للخدمات في تركيا. كما فازت بجائزة أفضل خدمة عملاء من محرك بحث بريطاني بارز على مستوى العالم منذ عام 2017.