الإقامة غير مشمولة
لا يتم تضمين النقل
Rhinoplasty Surgery 4490 Euros
ncludes : Treatment with a Specialist Plastic Surgeon Comprehensive Diagnostics Pre Operative Consultations General Anaesthetic 1 Night Hospital Stay Special Post Operative Compression Dressings Personal Hospital Co- Ordinator Daily Post Operative Check Ups Aftercare 24/7 One week stay is required. 1 Night hospital and 6 nights accommodation We can offer our patients 6 Nights Luxury Apartment or Hotel 420 Euros with Wifi & Breakfast Patients are also offered return Wroclaw Airport Transfers 240 Euros . Other airports are also available. Patients are welcome to book there own accommodation.
منسق طبي خاص
ترتيبات السفر الطبي - حجز تذاكر السفر الجوي وغرف الفنادق بأسعار خاصة للشركاء
دعوة المريض أثناء السفر الطبي