الإقامة غير مشمولة
لا يتم تضمين النقل
The surgeon will examine your wisdom teeth and take dental X-rays to pinpoint their precise placement during this appointment. Wisdom tooth extraction is often done under local anesthetic. Wisdom teeth that have impacted (get stuck in the gums or bone) can be removed with sufficient access thanks to incisions. Your dental surgeon gently separates and pulls the wisdom teeth from their sockets once they are visible, cleans the affected areas, and applies sutures thereafter. The sutures will often disappear on their own within a few days. The average time for wisdom tooth removal is one hour or less. Complex instances could require more time. You might anticipate some little discomfort following wisdom tooth removal, along with a little bleeding and swelling. To lessen these adverse effects, your dental surgeon will provide you with treatment guidelines for your wisdom teeth. The majority of people recover their comfort in three to four days, but it might take up to two weeks for your gums to fully recover. For your comfort, your oral surgeon will provide you thorough post-operative instructions.
منسق طبي خاص
ترتيبات السفر الطبي - حجز تذاكر السفر الجوي وغرف الفنادق بأسعار خاصة للشركاء
دعوة المريض أثناء السفر الطبي