الدكتور Agustín Granado Tiagonce هو جراح تجميل وتجميل وترميم ذو خبرة من إسبانيا وله 25 عامًا من الممارسة. شغل مناصب مختلفة في مدريد ، المكسيك دي إف ، وعيادة روبر مدريد ، وهو حاليًا مدير ومؤسس عيادة جرانادو تياغونسي. الدكتور جرانادو تياغونس متخصص في جراحة تجميل الوجه والجسم وجراحة الثدي التجميلية والترميمية ، وهو حاصل على شهادة في الطب العام ، وهو أستاذ في جامعة مدريد المستقلة. وهو أيضًا عضو في العديد من المنظمات بما في ذلك ASAPS و ISAPS والجمعية الإسبانية للجراحة التجميلية والترميمية.
العلاج في المستشفى
لا يتم تضمين النقل
First of all, thank you for contacting with our Clinic , as prior partner of Bookimed for plastic surgery in Madrid
We have an international medical team with more than 30 years of experience, for taking care of patients like you, that come to Spain, to have a breast surgery.
We have more than 500 international patients every year,that choose our Clinic to have their surgery.
The first step will be to have a free online consultation with the plastic surgeon, to know him and to have details about your procedure.
After that, we will confirm you your exact budget that it was given you previously.
The budget includes all the hospital and medical fees including all the preop test.
The specific bra post surgery it’s also included
After the surgery, you will have included the services of our phisoteraphy specialist, just to help you with the possible discomfort in your body (usually in the back and neck)
You don’t overnight in the hospital, just stay during the day
The surgery will be in the morning.
You need to arrive to Madrid one or two days before your surgery.
You will have always one person of our team with you to help you for all the medical issues.
You need to remain in Madrid at least 5 days after the surgery
You will have access to a telephone number that will be 24 hours (during all the days you stay in Madrid) available via WhatsApp,just in case,for contacting us.
Afterwards,you will go back to your country, and you will have one year of medical follow up.
We can help you for free with the accommodation, restaurants and transportation you will need.
We are looking forward to hearing from you
Kind regards
منسق طبي خاص
ترتيبات السفر الطبي - حجز تذاكر السفر الجوي وغرف الفنادق بأسعار خاصة للشركاء
دعوة المريض أثناء السفر الطبي