جناح بسريرين
لا يتم تضمين النقل
وضع الغرسة غير مطلوب
Hydrocele plastic surgery is a surgical procedure that removes excess fluid from the testicular membranes and strengthens the tissue to prevent recurrence. The cost of the procedure includes: • all examinations before the surgery (consultations, diagnostic tests, laboratory tests, etc.), • the surgery itself with medical supplies, anesthesiology, etc., • a hospital stay for one and a half days - a double room with a bathroom, full board, free access to the Internet and TV, round-the-clock care of medical staff. Please note that the final decision on treatment is always made by the doctor after examination and analysis of diagnostic tests. Therefore, to begin with, we suggest a consultation with a urologist. He will advise you and give you a referral, on the basis of which we will make an accurate calculation and provide all the information.
منسق طبي خاص
ترتيبات السفر الطبي - حجز تذاكر السفر الجوي وغرف الفنادق بأسعار خاصة للشركاء
دعوة المريض أثناء السفر الطبي