منصة السياحة الطبية رقم 1 منذ عام 2014

أفضل جراحة السنسنة المشقوقة (تشقق العمود الفقري) جراحو العمود الفقري - توب -54 أطباء

يلبي المحتوى سياسة التحرير Bookimed ويتم مراجعتها طبياً من قبل
فهد مولود - طبيب عام. حاصل على 4 جوائز علمية. خدم في غرب آسيا. رئيس الفريق الطبي الناطق بالعربية سابقا ومسؤول عن معالجة البيانات ودقة المحتوى الطبي حاليا.
Selman Dogan
جراح العمود الفقري العظمي
18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
132 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Selman Dogan

جراح العمود الفقري العظمي
18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
  • يجري الدكتور سلمان دوغان جراحة السنسنة المشقوقة المتقدمة.
  • يستخدم أساليب مبتكرة: جراحة الجنين، والإصلاح الجراحي العصبي، ووضع التحويلة.
  • يشمل التدريب الدولي تركيا والتدريب المحتمل في بلدان أخرى.
  • حاصل على شهادات في جراحة العظام والكسور.
  • عضو في الجمعيات الطبية المرموقة في جراحة العظام.
  • يقدم استشارات عن بعد لمرضى السنسنة المشقوقة.
  • يجيد عدة لغات، بما في ذلك التركية (اللغة الأم).
اقرأ المزيد
Gursel Saka
جراح العمود الفقري العظمي
27سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
132 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Gursel Saka

جراح العمود الفقري العظمي
27سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
  • الدكتور جورسيل ساكا متخصص في جراحة السنسنة المشقوقة بتقنيات مبتكرة.
  • يستخدم الأساليب المتطورة: الإصلاح قبل الولادة، وجراحة الجنين، والتدخلات الجراحية العصبية.
  • الممارسة الدولية في أوروبا والشرق الأوسط تعزز خبرته.
  • معتمد من البورد التركي لجراحة العظام والكسور.
  • عضو في جمعية العمود الفقري التركية، لتعزيز الرعاية المتقدمة للعمود الفقري.
  • يقدم استشارات عبر الإنترنت لإدارة ومتابعة السنسنة المشقوقة.
  • يجيد اللغتين الإنجليزية والتركية، مما يساعد على التواصل مع مختلف المرضى.
اقرأ المزيد
Sait Ozturk
جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
24سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
29 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Valued Med Hub Hospitals

Sait Ozturk

جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
24سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
الدكتور سايت أوزتورك هو أستاذ مشارك وجراح أعصاب متخصص في جراحة التحفيز العميق للدماغ (DBS) وجراحة تنظيم ضربات القلب في الدماغ. وقد أجرى بنجاح هذه العمليات الجراحية المتخصصة والمتقدمة تكنولوجياً في عدد محدود من المراكز حول العالم. يقوم الدكتور أوزتورك أيضاً بإجراء جراحة استئصال القرص، وجراحة السنسنة المشقوقة، وجراحة استئصال الصفيحة الفقرية، وجراحة الانزلاق الغضروفي، وجراحة إزالة الانزلاق الغضروفي مع التشخيص قبل الجراحة، وجراحة استئصال القرص العنقي الأمامي والاندماج.اقرأ المزيد

اكتشف حزم الموسم عند الطلب جراحة السنسنة المشقوقة (تشقق العمود الفقري)

clinic image
clinic image clinic image
انقر لرؤية المزيد حول الحزمة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Istinye University Medical Park Gaziosmanpasa Hospital
جراحة السنسنة المشقوقة للجنين (في الرحم)
5.0 درجة ممتازة 1 تقييم
كل الحزمة الشاملة
Kamran Aghayev
جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
23سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
1 تقييم
تركيا, إسطنبول
Dr. Kamran Aghayev's Private Practice

Kamran Aghayev

جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
23سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
الدكتور كامران آغاييف هو جراح أعصاب شهير يتمتع بخبرة تزيد عن 23 عاماً، وهو متخصص في العمليات الجراحية المعقدة للدماغ والعمود الفقري. وقد أجرى أكثر من 5,000 عملية جراحية ناجحة وحاصل على العديد من براءات الاختراع الأمريكية للاختراعات المتعلقة بجراحة العمود الفقري. وقد طور تقنيات جراحية فريدة من نوعها ونشر أكثر من 50 بحثاً علمياً.اقرأ المزيد
اختيار الطبيب الأيمن والعيادة الطبية: نصائح الإدراك
عند تحديد الطبيب أو العيادة الطبية، ضع هذه النقاط الرئيسية في الاعتبار:
التحقق من أوراق الاعتماد
التحقق من الشهادات من هيئات مثل ISAPS، JCI، إلخ.
استعراض معدلات النجاح
اختر أطباء لديهم خبرة قوية في علاجك المحدد.
آراء المرضى
مراجعات Bookimed من مرضى حقيقيين لتصفح تجربتهم.
ضمان التواصل
اختيار العيادات التي تقدم الدعم اللغوي للعلاج السلس.
اسأل عن الخدمات
تأكد مما إذا كانوا يوفرون الإقامة والانتقالات، وتحقق من التكاليف.
قد يكون اختيار العيادة في الخارج أمرًا مرهقًا. في Bookimed، حيث ساعدنا أكثر من 800 ألف مريض، نحن نتفهم مخاوفك. نعرف كيفية العثور على الأطباء الموثوقين، وأفضل خيارات الجودة والسعر، وحلول حتى للحالات المعقدة. نحن هنا لإرشادك في كل خطوة على الطريق.
Yan Matsiivskiy
رئيس فريق المنسق الطبي
Yunus Uysal
دكتور عظام
11سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
2 تقييم
تركيا, بورصة
Turan Turan Health Group

Yunus Uysal

دكتور عظام
11سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


International Congress for Joint Reconstruction
Turkish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

حضر الدكتور X برامج تدريبية في تقويم المفاصل المتقدم ، وخلل التنسج التنموي في مفصل الورك ، وجراحة العمود الفقري الأساسية والمتقدمة ، وتنظير المفاصل الأساسي ، والصدمات الأساسية ، والتدريب الأساسي. وهو عضو في الجمعية الطبية التركية ، والمؤتمر الدولي لإعادة الإعمار المشترك ، والجمعية التركية لجراحة العظام والكسور.

اقرأ المزيد
Teyyub Hesenov
جراح أعصاب
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
أذربيجان, Baku
Melhem Internatıonal Hospital

Teyyub Hesenov

جراح أعصاب
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Scientific degree, name, surname: Specialist. Dr. Teyub Hasanov

Medical Division: Neurosurgery


Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey - September 2002 - June 2009

Marmara University Faculty of Medicine – Department of Brain and Neurosurgery, Turkey June 2010 – June 2015

Work experience:

Fatih University Hospital Brain and Neurosurgery (Teacher) - 2015-2016

Bahcheshehir University Medical Park Goztepe and VM Medical Park Pendik Hospital Brain and Neurosurgery (Associate Professor's Assistant) - 2016-2021

Bona Dea Hospital - 2021-2023


Special Educational Programs in Neurosurgery:

Cranial Base Surgery Cadaver Course: September 20-21, 2013, Marmara University Institute of Neurological Sciences; ISTANBUL

Course Director: Associate Professor Ashkin Sheker


The VI Evidence-Based Multidisciplinary Neuro-Oncology Symposium - November 01-02, 2013, Point Barbaros Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey

Chairman of Neuro-Oncology Society: Prof. Dr. M. Ibrahim ZIYAL

Turkish Neurosurgery Society Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery Cadaver Course: November 15-16, 2013, Marmara University Institute of Neurological Sciences; ISTANBUL

World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Cranial Base Surgery Cadaver Course: June 2011, Istanbul 

Turkish Neurosurgery Society the 26th Scientific Congress: April 20-24, 2012, Belek, Antalya 

Turkish Neurosurgery Society the 27th Scientific Congress: April 12-16, 2013, Belek, Antalya



Courses in Fundamentals of Neurosurgery:

Period 4, Course 1, March 10-20, 2016, Cheshme, Izmir

Period 4, Course 2, February 15-19, 2017, Cheshme, Izmir

Period 4, Course 3, March 14-18, 2018, Cheshme, Izmir

Period 4, Course 4, March 20-23, 2019, Belek, Antalya


Scientific Works:

A. Presentations and Articles at International Scientific Meetings

Ozoner B., Gungor A., ​​Hasanov T., Toktas Z.O., & Kilij T. (2020).

Neurosurgical practice during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. World Neurosurgery, 140, 198-207.

Mikayilli M., Hasanov T., Otluoglu G.D., Najitarhan D.E., Toktas Z.O., & Cholak A. (2020). Congenital lateral encephalocele - case report. Child Nervous System, 36 (12), 3119-3122.

Mikayilli M., Hasanov T., Otluoglu G.D, Najitarhan D.E., Erdogan, R.B.A, Demir N, ... & Cholak A. (2019). Spontaneous idiopathic cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.

Otluoglu G. D., Hasanov T., Mert B., Toktas Z.O., Konya D., & Demir M.K. (2019). Missed microcatheter breakage and cauda equina migration after endovascular neurointervention for dural arteriovenous fistula as a rare cause of tethered spinal cord: a case report. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 32(4), 607-610.

Yilmaz B., SHENER S., TEYYUB H., AKAKIN A., YAPIJIER O., & Demir M.K. (2018). Visual qualitative assessment of apparent diffusion coefficient quantification and Ki-67 proliferation index of diffusion-weighted imaging to predict atypia in surgical meningiomas. Marmara Medical Journal, 31(2), 68-75.

DEMIR Mustafa Kemal, YAPIJIER Ozlem, HASANOV Teyyub, KILICH Deniz, KILICH Türker. Rapidly expanding calvarial Langerhans cell histiocytosis with low Ki-67 in adults: a difficult diagnosis on magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Neuroradiology, 2018, 31.4: 390-394.

DEMIR Mustafa Kemal, YAPICIER Ozlem, HASANOV Teyyub, YILMAZ Baran, KILICH Turker. Hydatid disease: MR image of calvarium and superior sagittal sinus spread. Journal of Neuroradiology, 2018, 31.3: 320-323.

DEMIR Mustafa Kemal, YAPIJIER Ozlem, HASANOV Teyyub, GUNDUZ Mehmet Alp, KILICH Turker. Systemic large B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting as a massive hemorrhagic intracerebral mass. Diagnostic and invasive imaging, 2017, 98.10: 737.

UNAL E, ANTAR V, HASANOV T, GUZEL A, KILICH K. P16. 32 Primary brain lymphomas. Case report and literature review. Neurooncology, 2017, 19. Supplement 3: iii. 115.

Demirchi G, Hasanov T, Bayri Y, Konya D "Occipitocervical Fusion in Craniovertebral Junction Pathologies" Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2013 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013


B. Articles Published in International Peer-Reviewed Journals:

Hasanov T, Cholak A. Orbital tumors in childhood. Bagdatoglu C, editor. Overview of Pediatric Central Nervous System Tumors From Diagnosis to Treatment. 1st Edition. Ankara: Turkey Clinics; 2021. pp. 85-7.

Teyyub Hasanov; AKAKIN Akin; Kilij Turker. Management of Treatment in Arteriovenous Malformations. Turkish Clinics Neurosurgery – Special Topics, 2019, 9.1: 20-26.

Murat Shakir Ekshi, Teyyub HASANOV, Yashar BAYRI, Mustafa İbrahim ZIYAL, Ashkin Sheker, "Jasper Stone-Like Skull: Massive Cranial Metastasis with Leptomeningeal Flow - A Rare Case Report", Journal of Neurological Sciences (in Turkish), 2013, Volume 30, Issue 4, p. 776-779.

Ozgur Chelik, Teyyub HASANOV, Suheyla Uyar BOZKURT, Yashar BAYRI, Mustafa Ibrahim ZİYAL, "Granulocytic Sarcoma of the Cavernous Sinus Presenting with Trigeminal Neuralgia", Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery 2013, Volume: 23, Number: 3, p. 327-330.

Murat Shakir Ekshi, Teyyub Hasanov, Baran Yilmaz, Akin Akakin, Yashar Bayri, Suheyla Uyar Bozkurt, Turker Kilij, "Isolated breast cancer metastasis to the pituitary gland" Indian Journal of Neurology 2014, Volume 62, pp70-71.

Murat Shakir Ekshi, Teyyub Hasanov, Suheyla Uyar Bozkurt, Yashar Bayri, M. Ibrahim Ziyal, "Two Different Primary Tumors in the Same Brain - Case Report and Literature Review", Journal of Neurological Sciences, 2014, Volume 31, Issue 3, p. 635-640. 6 p.

Bahattin TANRIKULU, Teyyub HASANOV, Suheyla UYAR BOZKURT, Ashkin Sheker, "Schwannoma Similar to Sacral Pure Spinal Epidural Cavernoma: A Case Report", Journal of Neurological Sciences, 2015, Volume 32, Issue 2, pp. 412-417

Articles presented at international scientific meetings and published in collections of scientific works:

Ekshi M.S, Demirji G, Hasanov T, Chelik O, Bayri Y "Familial Chiari Malformation", Turkish Neurosurgery Society 26th Annual Scientific Congress, April 20-24, 2012, Belek, Antalya

Atik A.F, Hasanov T, Chelik O, Bayri Y, Konya D, "Posttraumatic Epidural Hematoma and Retroorbital Abscesses: Case Report", Turkish Neurosurgery Society 26th Annual Scientific Congress, April 20-24, 2012, Belek, Antalya


Doğrul R, Ekshi M.S, Hasanov T, Bayri Y, Konya D, "Migration of Instrumental Material into the Abdomen in a Surgically Treated Spondylolisthesis Patient", Turkish Neurosurgery Society 27th Annual Scientific Congress, April 12-16, 2013, Belek, Antalya

Hasanov T, Ekshi M.S, Chelik O, Bayri Y, Bozkurt S.U, Ziyal I, "Isolated Cavernous Sinus Myeloid Sarcoma Presenting with Trigeminal Neuralgia", Turkish Neurosurgery Society 27th Annual Scientific Congress, April 12-16, 2013, Belek, Antalya

Yilmaz B. Toktas Z. Konya D. Hasanov T. Intracranial Complications of Lumbar Spinal Surgery.


D. Book Section

Akin A, Hasanov T. Fundamentals of Surgical Treatment in Parkinson's Disease. Bijeroglu H, Tonge M, Sechkin M, Adiguzel E, Gurvit H, Hanji M, editors. Movement Disorders Surgery: 2019.

Hasanov T, Toktas Z. Spinal Injuries. Furunjuoglu Y. Emergency Medical Manual. Gunesh Medical Bookstores: 2020 


اقرأ المزيد
Erkan Kaptanoglu
جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
32سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Estexper Clinic

Erkan Kaptanoglu

جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
32سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Prof. Erkan Kaptanoğlu, M.D. was born in Balikesir, Turkey in 1966. After completing his primary school, secondary school and high school education in Balikesir, he graduated from Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine in 1990. He completed his internship at Peterborough District Hospital and Lincoln County Hospital in the United Kingdom. After a year of compulsory medical service, he completed his residency, which he had started in 1992, at Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital in 1997 and became a Neurosurgery Specialist. After being assigned at the same hospital as Chief Resident in the same year, he studied “spinal cord injury and spinal cord regeneration” as a “research fellow” alongside Prof. Charles Tator, M.D., at the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine in 1998-1999. After returning from Canada in 1999, he was tasked by the Ministry of Health to establish a Field Hospital and to work in cooperation with the Turkish Red Crescent Society at Hakkari, Şemdinli for two months. Following this assignment, he volunteered to work for the 1999 Marmara Earthquake relief effort.

He became an Associate Professor of Neurosurgery in 2004. He earned the title Doctor of Science (Ph.D.) by completing a doctorate program on Advanced Neuroscience between 2000-2005, at Hacettepe University Institute of Medical Sciences. He joined the project for autologous stem cell therapy in human spinal cord injuries with the Departments of Neurosurgery and Hematology at the Ankara University Faculty of Medicine. In 2009, he was appointed as Deputy Chief to the 1st Neurosurgery Clinic at the Ankara Numune Hospital, where he had been working.

At this hospital, in which he worked until 2010, he supervised and attended complex cranial, pediatric, spinal, trauma and vascular neurosurgery operations. He continued his academic research at Ankara University, Department of Anatomy and research laboratories of Ankara University and Hacettepe University for the purpose of developing strategies for complex spinal surgery operations.

With his research on spinal cord injuries and spinal anatomy, he won many awards such as the Acibadem Hospital Medical Research Award, 1st Place in 2000, Turkish Neurosurgical Society Dr. Mahir Tevruz Scientific Research Award, Tübitak and Brain Research Society Wheyt Award in 2001, Turkish Neurosurgical Society Hamit Ziya Gokalp Young Neurosurgeons Research Award, 2nd Place in 2002, Turkish Neurosurgical Society Yildiz Yalcinlar Scientific Research Award in 2004.

In 2010, he went to Cyprus to found the Near East University Faculty of Medicine Hospital with the guidance of Hacettepe University, and was appointed as full Professor. Between 2010-2015, he served as the Founder and Head of Department at the Near East University and Founder and Deputy Chief Physician at the University Training and Research Hospital in TRNC.

In 2000-2001, he served as a member of the editorial board for Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi and Turkish Neurosurgery journal. Between the years 2001-2006, he served as an assistant editor for Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi and Turkish Neurosurgery journals. In 2002-2003, he served as the Chairman of the Young Neurosurgeons Committee under the Turkish Neurosurgical Society. He was elected to the Turkish Neurosurgical Society Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Group Board of Directors to serve between 2003-2009. In 2013, he was again elected as a member to the Turkish Neurosurgical Society Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Group Board of Directors. In 2015, he became the Chairman of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Group Board of Directors. In 2018, he was elected as a member to the Board of Turkish Neurosurgery Academy.

In 2015, he was appointed to the Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery and was elected as the Head of Department. During the same period, he also served as the Director of the Institute of Neuroscience. In 2018, he completed his tenure as the Head of Department. Reaching the end of this tenure in 2019, he retired from his duties as the Director of the Institute of Neuroscience and as a Member of the Faculty of Medicine. During his tenure at Marmara University, he supervised and accompanied surgical operations for complex cases from cranial patients to brain tumors (gliomas, meningiomas and hypophysis adenomas in particular), cerebral hemorrhages, Parkinson’s disease, trauma and vascular neurosurgery. He performed complex spinal surgery operations such as surgeries for spinal deformities (e.g. scoliosis and kyphosis), thoracoscopic spinal surgeries and sacral tumor surgeries. He conducted research and experimental studies on stem cell therapy and regeneration in spinal cord injuries. Between 2019-2020, currently He continues his clinical practice and surgeries along with his local and international academic studies, from his private clinic and Istanbul Brain and Spine Center.

He has attended numerous national and international courses and meetings as an instructor and speaker, was a guest speaker in over 100 events and conferences. He has published 65 international, 35 national scientific articles, edited 7 books, written 52 book chapters. He has served in the organizational committee 5 times in international meetings and 22 times in national meetings.

He is a member of the Turkish Medical Association, Turkish Cypriot Medical Association, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Turkish Spine Society, EUROSPINE, AO Spine, Turkish Neurosurgery Academy.

اقرأ المزيد
Dogan Gucluhan Guclu
جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
21سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
29 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Valued Med Hub Hospitals

Dogan Gucluhan Guclu

جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
21سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


The European Association Of Neurosurgical Societies

Assoc Prof. Dr. D.Güçlühan GÜÇLÜ CV

Born in 1973 in Eskişehir.

Between 1997-2003, he completed his residency training in the Bakırköy Mazhar Osman Training And Research Hospital For Psychiatry,Neurology And Neurosurgery

In 2003, he started to work as a specialist in Bakırköy Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital as an Associate Professor and served until 2023.

6 book chapters 22 international and 9 national publications

Association Memberships

Turkish Neurosurgical Association

The European Association Of Neurosurgical Societies Society for Central Nervous System Surgery

Turkish Doctors Union

Turkish Neurosurgical Society Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Group

Turkish Neurosurgical Society Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery Teaching and Training Group,

Experience abroad

Continuing Medical Education Certificate 4- Day Comprehensive Interventional Pain Management Anatomical Course September 27-September 30, Hilton Head South Carolina USA 2007

Cleveland spine review hands on course, The Cleveland Clinic center for Spine Health (3 month) 2008

The 2nd CSRS Hands-On Cadaver Course Cervical Spine Decompression and Stabilization Techniques, Saint Louis University Schoof of Medicine Practical Anatomy & Surgical Education, Prof.Dr.K. Daniel Riew 2009

The Latest Techniques in Less-Invasive Spine Surgery, Saint Louis University School of Medicine Practical Anatomy & Surgical education, 2011

Spinal Deformity , training course, Saint Louis University School of Medicine ,director Prof.Dr. L.LENKE.2011

Advanced Course In Cerebral Aneurysms Hands-on Cadaver Workshop with Live Surgery & Life-Like Simulation Course Director Prof.Dr. Ali Krisht, MD Arkansas Neuroscience Institute 2013

International Training Course for Full-endoscopic Operations of the Lumbar, Thoracic and Cervical Spine, Richard Wolf Academy Prima Vista 2016

"Neuromodulation Applications in Low Back Pain and Cadaver Studies" course 2017


Education Information

expertise in medicine




Title of the thesis: Analysis of axial traumatic spondylolisthesia using the finite element method (2003) Supervisor: (Mehmet Murat Hancı)




Foreign Language Knowledge

English YÖKDİL, 05.03.2017, Score: 85.0

Administrative Duties


Memberships to Scientific Organizations

Turkish Neurosurgery Society Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery Education and Training Group, Member, 2022

2. Turkish Neurosurgical Society Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Group, Member, 2019

3. Turkish Neurosurgery Society, Member, 2004

International education

International Training Course for Full-endoscopic Operations of the Lumbar, Thoracic and Cervical Spine,

education and cadaver , Friday, 10 June 2016 Department of Neurosurgery,


Spinal Deformity LIVE!, training course, Saint Louis University School of Medicine , Course, 10.03.2011 - 11.03.2011 (International)

The Latest Techniques in Less-Invasive Spine Surgery, Clinic , Saint Louis University School of Medicine

Practical Anatomy & Surgical education 3839 Lindell Boulevard St:Louis MO 63108, Course,

04.03.2011 -06.03.2011 (International)

THE 2nd CSRS Hands-On Cadaver Course Cervical Spine Decompression and Stabilization Techniques,

Clinical and Cadaver course, Saint Louis University School of Medicine Practical Anatomy & Surgical

Education 3839 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63108, Course, 29.01.2009 -31.01.2009 (International)

Cleveland spine review hands on course, clinic and cadaveric bird, The Cleveland Clinic center for Spine Health , Course, 16.07.2008 -22.07.2008 (International)

Istanbul University surgeonpasa medical faculty neurosurgery clinic, increasing knowledge and experience, Istanbul University surgeonpasa medical faculty neurosurgery clinic, Study, 12.01.2004 -12.06.2004 (National)


Articles :

GÜÇLÜ DOĞAN GÜÇLÜHAN, SPIRIT EMOTION (2022). Efficacy and Safety of Microscopic Bilateral Decompression with Unilateral Laminectomy in Geriatric Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Surgery. Medical Journal of Bakırköy, 18(3), 323-329., Doi: 10.4274/BMJ.galenos.2022.2022.7-9

GÜÇLÜ DOĞAN GÜÇLÜHAN (2020). Atlas (C1) Fractures. Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery, 30(3), 322-328.

GÜÇLÜDOĞANGÜÇLÜHAN,ŞENELALPARSLAN (2018). Surgery in Lumbar Narrow Canal

Selection of Decompression Method. Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery, 28(2), 221-229.


KÖKTÜRK FÜRUZAN (2017). Fear avoidance beliefs and quality of life quality after lumbar disc surgery. Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research, 6(1), 1-8., Doi: 10.5455/JCBPR.245356


LÜTFİ ŞİNASİ, KEPOĞLU ÜMİT, ÇELİK HAYDAR (2014). Analysis of axis traumatic spondylolisthesis by finite element method. Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery, 25(3), 175-182.


İLYAS, ÖZGEN UTKU, AYDOSELİ AYDIN, SENCER ALTAY (2022). A Series of Posttraumatic Midline Epidural Hematoma and Review of the Literature. Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 28(6), 805-811., Doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2020.28182 (Quarterly Slice=Q4)

GÜÇLÜ DOĞAN GÜÇLÜHAN (2022). Pediatric Lumbar Microdiscectomy. Medical Journal of Bakirkoy, 18(3), 330-335., Doi: 10.4274/BMJ.galenos.2022.2022.6-16


Comprehensive Anatomic and Morphometric Analyzes of Triangular Working Zone for Transforaminal Endoscopic Approach in Lumbar Spine: A Fresh Cadaveric Study. World Neurosurgery, 138, 486-491., Doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.02.160 (Quarter Slice=Q3)


(2020). Clinical study of decompressive craniectomy in children. Turkish Neurosurgery, 30(2), 225-230., Doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.27576-19.3 (Quarterly Slice=Q4)


analysis of lumbar arteries and relationship with intervertebral discs\\', a study of surgical anatomy on human fresh cadavers... Turkish Neurosurgery, 30(4), 577-582., Doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.29021- 20.1 (Quarter Quarters=Q4)


(2020). Retrospective analysis of survival in patients with brain metastases from

اقرأ المزيد
Azmi Hamzaoglu
جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
41سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
23 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Group Florence Nightingale Hospitals

Azmi Hamzaoglu

جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
41سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
الدكتور عزمي حمزة أوغلو هو جراح ماهر في جراحة العمود الفقري متخصص في جراحة العظام والرضوض. يتمتع بمسيرة مهنية جديرة بالملاحظة تمتد إلى 36 عاماً في مجال جراحة العمود الفقري، حيث ساهم بشكل كبير في مركز إسطنبول للجنف والعمود الفقري. الدكتور حمزة أوغلو بارع في العديد من العمليات الجراحية بما في ذلك استئصال القرص ورأب الحدبة والعلاج الجراحي للجنف واستئصال القرص العنقي الأمامي ودمج الفقرات وغيرها.اقرأ المزيد
Professor Shimon Rochkind
جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
45سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
138 تقييمات
إسرائيل, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov)

Professor Shimon Rochkind

جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
45سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies

البروفيسور شيمون روهكيند هو جراح أعصاب وجراح أعصاب أطفال ذو خبرة مع أكثر من 35 عامًا من الممارسة. إنه خبير في جراحة المخ والأعصاب وجراحة العمود الفقري والجراحة المجهرية للأعصاب الطرفية ، ويستخدم تقنيات الليزر والهندسة الحيوية الحديثة لإجراء العمليات الأكثر تعقيدًا مع الحد الأدنى من خطر حدوث مضاعفات. يشارك أيضًا في البحث العلمي وهو عضو في الجمعية الإسرائيلية لتقنيات الليزر العصبية والاتحاد العالمي لجمعيات جراحة الأعصاب.

اقرأ المزيد
Hakan Ozalp
جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
32سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
2 تقييم
تركيا, إسطنبول
Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital

Hakan Ozalp

جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
32سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


2019 – 2019

  • University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, 

Insubria University Faculty of Medicine



2013 – 2015


2010 – 2012


2002 – 2003






اقرأ المزيد
Cevdet Gokcek
جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
12سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Medipol University Pendik Hospital

Cevdet Gokcek

جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
12سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Trustworthy, attentive, successful neurosurgeon with over 34 years of experience, high rate of success and exceptional surgical skills, providing quality neurological service for patients, successfully treating over thousands of patients suffering from many severe, complex conditions of the brain, spine and the nerves. 

Experienced in performing treatment modalities like micro neurosurgery, endoscopic skull base surgery, endoscopic third ventriculostomy, minimally invasive spine surgery and percutaneous spine surgery. Keen on performing clinical research and attending national and international medical conferences to stay abreast of new technologies in the field. Compassionate and detail-oriented with excellent communication skills. Expertise in healthcare, education and program management. Adept at developing and implementing forward-thinking strategies to enhance patient outcomes and collective knowledge in the field. Desiring to bring skills and success. Focused on working closely with other medical professionals and following up with patients. Well-versed at emergency procedures and fast and accurate sanitation.


Work History

2020-01 – Current - Asst. Prof. Neurosurgeon

Istanbul Medipol University, Health Care Practice and Research Center Pendik Hospital

• He successfully treated and followed patients with cerebral hemorrhage, brain and spinal cord tumors, and patients with hydrocephalus.

• He performed transnasal pituitary surgeries with success.

• Also, many cervical lumbar and thoracic disc patients were successfully treated, and disc prosthesis were applied to some of them.

• He re-operated a degenerative spine patient who had been operated on before at another center and the patient regained his health.

• He also successfully treated patients with premature neonatal intracerebral hemorrhage.

2019-08 – 2020-01 - Neurosurgeon

Freelancer, Istanbul, Turkey

• Operated on patients' brains, spines and peripheral nerves to correct deformities, repair injuries, prevent and treat diseases and improve patients' motor functions. Performed successful operations for complex, advanced and complicated disease of the brain and spine some of which were operated unsuccessfully at other medical centers by different neurosurgeons.

• Offered advanced knowledge, leadership abilities and technical assistance with complex surgical cases.

• Maintained admitting privileges at local hospitals and provided quality follow-up care.

• Educated patients on recovery methods and times.

• Designed treatment plans for patients.

• Thoroughly assessed patients to identify medical condition and level of surgical risk.

• Founded a spinal surgery group with orthopedic surgeons and treated very advanced and severe vertebra deformities, spine abnormalities, scoliosis.

2018-12 - 2019-08 - Neurosurgeon

Alkafeel Super Speciality Hospital, Karbala, Iraq

• Conducted up to 5 operations per month to correct deformities in neurological and spinal systems, repair traumas, and treat diseases of different areas. Performed successful operations (success rate 100 percent : 90-95) for severe, complex and advanced diseases of the brain, spine and nerves in adults and children. (Cerebral intrinsic and extrinsic tumor surgery, posterior fossa surgery, spontaneous and traumatic intracranial hematomas, Interhemispheric 3th ventricle and lateral ventricle surgery, pontocerebellar angle tumor surgery, spinal instrumentation and fusion surgery, microdiscectomy cervical, thoracic, lumbar, pediatric cranial and spine anomaly surgery). Followed the patients postoperatively.

• Educated patients on recovery methods and times.

• Thoroughly assessed patients to identify medical condition and level of surgical risk.

• Performed emergency surgeries.

• Examined 900 patients in total in the outpatient clinic and gave medical treatments to them when necessary.

2015-10 - 2018-11 - Neurosurgeon

Medistate Kavacık Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

• Operated on patients' brains, spines and peripheral nerves to correct deformities, repair injuries, prevent and treat different advanced, complex severe diseases and improve patients' motor functions.

• Conducted up to operations per month to correct deformities in neurological and spinal systems, repair traumas, restore partial or full functionality and prevent and treat diseases of different areas. 

• Performed successful operations (success rate percent : 95) for severe, complex and advanced diseases of the brain , spine and nerves in adults and children.(Brain tumor, arachnoid cyst, intracerebral hematoma, spinal stenosis, hydrocephalus, myelomeningocele).Followed the patients postoperatively. 

• Educated patients on recovery methods and times Thoroughly assessed patients to identify medical condition and level of surgical risk.

• Performed emergency surgeries (intracerebral hematoma, intracerebral abscess).

• Examined 850 patients in total in the outpatient clinic and gave medical treatment to them when necessary.

1994-03 - 2015-09 - Neurosurgeon

Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey

• Supervised trainees, medical students, residents and fellows to help each achieve proficiency in field.

• Conducted up to 20 operations per month to correct deformities in neurological and spinal systems, repair traumas, restore partial or full functionality and prevent and treat diseases of different areas. Performed successful operations (success rate: %90) for severe, complex and advanced diseases of the brain, spine and nerves in adults and children. (Skull base surgery, extended trans base approach, orbit zygomatic approach, presigmoid approach, orbital approaches, transcranial and lateral orbitotomy, Endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary surgery, CSF leakage surgery, endoscopic, microscopic and transsphenoidal, transcranial. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy and surgery of multiloculated hydrocephalus and pediatric neurosurgery. Cerebral intrinsic and extrinsic tumor surgery, posterior fossa surgery. Brain aneurysm, AVM and cavernoma surgery.

• Spontaneous and traumatic intracranial hematomas. Hemifacial spasm and trigeminal neuralgia surgery (microsurgical decompression) Interhemispheric 3th ventricle and lateral ventricle surgery. Pineal area surgery. Pontocerebellar angle tumor surgery.

• Foreman magnum tumors surgery. Surgery of hydrocephaly, Syringomyelia and craniovertebral animalia).Followed the patients postoperatively.

• Educated patients on recovery methods and times Thoroughly assessed patients to identify medical condition and level of surgical risk.

• Performed emergency surgeries (Epidural, subdural and intracerebral hematoma, vertebra fracture).

• Examined 500-700 patients per day in the outpatient clinic and gave medical treatment to them when necessary. Examined patients in the emergency service.

• Designed treatment plans for patients.

• Offered advanced knowledge, leadership abilities and technical assistance with complex surgical cases.

• Led and oversaw 15 medical personnel in operating room setting to perform surgeries.

• Led and oversaw medical personnel in operating room setting to perform surgeries.


1982-09 - 1988-08

M.D.: Medicine And (Pre-Medicine)

Ankara University Medical School - Ankara

General Medicine Training for 6 years. Graduated with a high GPA.

1988-11 - 1994-05

Specialist Neurosurgery: Neuroscience

University of Health Sciences - Ankara

6 years of neurosurgery training.

• My thesis was on brain abscess and their clinical and laboratory evaluations

1995-05 - 1995-07


The Institute of Neurological Sciences and Psychiatry.


I attended the course for microsurgery at University of Hacettepe Institute of Neurological Sciences and Psychiatry.

1998-04 - 2019-05

Observer Doctor: Neuroscience

Department of Neurosurgery, MSU - Ann Arbour, 

Michigan USA

2012-05 - 2012-05

Neuro endoscopy: Neuroscience

Ghent University - Ghent, Belgium

International endoscopic neurosurgery workshop, 

Ghent, Belgium

I attended the workshop for endoscopic skull base operations the and Neuro endoscopic third ventriculostomy at University of Ghent Hospital



Micro neurosurgery - Excellent

Neuro endoscopy - Excellent

Cranial base endoscopy - Excellent

Minimal invasive surgery - Excellent

Percutaneous spinal surgery - Excellent

Neuronavigation – Excellent



1995-04 Microsurgery

2012-05 Endoscopy



Turkish - Native

English - Advanced

Arabic - Novice



Turkish Neurosurgical Society

Turkish Medical Association



• Trained team of staff nurses in medical office procedures to ensure consistent quality of care.

• Published 17 articles in national and international reviews and presented papers in medical congresses.


Interests and operations I perform

Vascular diseases of brain

Endoscopic hypophysis surgery

Tumors of brain, spine and medulla spinalis surgery

Endoscopic brain ventricle surgery

Endoscopic third ventriculostomy 

Traumas of brain and spine

Cervical, thoracic and lumbar disc hernias and narrow 

canal disease surgery

Spine instrumentation and fusion surgery

Baclofen pump and neurostimulators insertions

Hydrocephalus surgery

Congenital diseases of the brain and spine (pediatric 


Peripheral nerve surgery

اقرأ المزيد
Jose Hinojosa Mena-Bernal
جراح أعصاب الأطفال
26سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
40 تقييمات
إسبانيا, برشلونة
SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital

Jose Hinojosa Mena-Bernal

جراح أعصاب الأطفال
26سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery
European Association of Neurosurgical Societies
  • الدكتور خوسيه هينوخوسا مينا-بيرنال متخصص في جراحة أعصاب الأطفال، بما في ذلك السنسنة المشقوقة.
  • يقوم بإجراء جراحة السنسنة المشقوقة باستخدام طرق مثل الإصلاح قبل الولادة، والتنظير العصبي، وتقنيات التدخل الجراحي البسيط.
  • تشمل التقنيات المبتكرة الإصلاح بالمنظار، والإصلاح بمساعدة الجلد البديل، وجراحة الأعصاب الموجهة بالصور.
  • التدريب الدولي في جراحة أعصاب الأطفال وجراحة الأجنة في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والبرازيل.
  • معتمد في جراحة المخ والأعصاب، وخبرة في اضطرابات العمود الفقري المعقدة وحالات جراحة الأعصاب لدى الأطفال.
  • عضو في جمعيات مثل SENEP وSENEC وISPN، مما يساهم في تقدم رعاية Spina Bifida.
  • يقدم استشارات عن بعد للمرضى الذين يحتاجون إلى رعاية جراحية متخصصة في السنسنة المشقوقة.
  • اللغات المستخدمة: الإنجليزية والإسبانية، مما يسهل التواصل مع قاعدة واسعة من المرضى.
اقرأ المزيد
Erkam Komurcu
جراح العمود الفقري العظمي
20سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
41 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Estophia Hospital

Erkam Komurcu

جراح العمود الفقري العظمي
20سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
  • الدكتور إركام كوموركو متخصص في جراحة السنسنة المشقوقة وعلاجات العمود الفقري المتقدمة.
  • ينفذ تقنيات مبتكرة: جراحة الجنين، والإصلاحات طفيفة التوغل، والتدخلات الجراحية العصبية.
  • الممارسة الدولية في الولايات المتحدة (مركز العمود الفقري بجامعة كاليفورنيا في لوس أنجلوس) وتركيا، مما يعزز خبرته.
  • حاصل على شهادة الجمعية التركية لجراحة العظام والكسور – مجلس التدريب (TOTEK) – شهادة البورد منذ عام 2010.
  • عضو جمعية العمود الفقري التركية والجمعية التركية لجراحة العظام والكسور، فرع جراحة العمود الفقري.
  • يقدم الاستشارات عبر الإنترنت لرعاية السنسنة المشقوقة والتخطيط الجراحي.
  • يتقن اللغة التركية ويجيد اللغة الإنجليزية، مما يسهل التواصل مع قاعدة متنوعة من المرضى.
اقرأ المزيد
41 تقييمات
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
جراحة السنسنة المشقوقة (تشقق العمود الفقري) $6000 - $8000
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية
Melih Ucer
جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Neurosurgery Istanbul

Melih Ucer

جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
الدكتور مليح أوسر متخصص في جراحة المخ والأعصاب مع التركيز على جراحة العمود الفقري والحبل الشوكي وجراحة العمود الفقري التنكسية وجراحة العمود الفقري طفيفة التوغل وغيرها. تميزت مسيرته المهنية بالممارسة الدولية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ومساهماته في العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال جراحة الأعصاب. وهو أيضاً أستاذ مشارك اعتباراً من عام 2021.اقرأ المزيد
Melih Ucer
جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Doç. Dr. Melih UÇER

Melih Ucer

جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


Work Address: Biruni University Hospital, Department Of Neurological Surgery, Istanbul 

Education And Training

Undergraduate: 1997 - 2001 Halkali High School, Istanbul, Turkey 

Graduate:   2001 - 2007 Mersin University, School of Medicine, Mersin, Turkey 

Postgraduate: 2009 – 2014 Bakırköy Research And Training Hospital For Psychiatric And Neurological Disease, Department Of Neurological Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey 

Observer: June-December 2017 University of Wisconsin- Department of Neurological Surgery, Madison, USA

June-August 2020 Acıbadem University- Spine Center, İstanbul, Turkey



 Professional Interest: Cranial Surgery, Functional neurosurgery (used to treat movement disorders), Spine Surgery 


Licensure And Certification 

 2007 June: Doctor of Medicine, Turkish Ministry of Health 

 2014 July: Neurosurgeon, Turkish Ministry of Health



2014– 2021 Neurosurgeon - Istanbul Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Research And Training Hospital

2021- Neurosurgeon- Biruni University Hospital, Department of Neurological Surgery


Training Courses / Workshops / Meetings / Symposiums 

(In Chronological Order)


Has Participated in 18 National and International Courses, Scientific Meetings (Certified) in Neurosurgery And Spinal Surgery. 

  • Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease Symposium, 8-11 October 2009 Nevşehir/Turkey
  • 24th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting, 14-18 May 2010  Antalya / Turkey
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society: Spine And Peripheral Nerve Surgery Education And Training Group: Basic Education Program, 3-6 July 2011 Sapanca / Turkey
  • 27th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting, 12-16 Apr 2013  Antalya / Turkey
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society: Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery: Hands-On Cadaver Course 15-16 November 2013 Istanbul/Turkey
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society: Neurooncology And Neurovascular Surgery Education And Training Group: Unified Symposium. 28-29 December 2013 Istanbul/Turkey
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society: Spine And Peripheral Nerve Surgery Education And Training Group: Lumbar Minimally Invasive Surgery Course. 7 Feb 2014 Istanbul / Turkey
  • 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014    Antalya / Turkey
  • Medtronic Midas Rex Workshop: Cadaver Course 23 May 2014 Istanbul / Turkey
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society: Spine And Peripheral Nerve Surgery Education And Training Group, 26-29 June 2014 Gaziantep/Turkey
  • ISMISS Turkey 2015 Congress, 6-8 November 2015, Istanbul/ Turkey
  • Endoscopic Lumbar Surgery Comprehensive Cadaveric Course, 16-17 April 2016, Istanbul/Turkey
  • 84th AANS Annual Scientific Meeting, 30 April - 4 May 2016 Chicago/Illinois
  • Istanbul Microneurosurgery Course, 26-29 January 2017,  Istanbul/ Turkey
  • Microvascular Surgery Course, December 2017, Madison/Wisconsin
  • 32th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 20-24 April 2018    Antalya / Turkey
  • 33th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 11-14 April 2019    Antalya / Turkey
  • 2019 Turkish Spine Society Eurospine Advance Diploma Course






Published Article








Published Abstracts And Presentations In International Scientific Meetings 

(In Chronological Order)



  • Metastatic prostate carcinoma to the intramural extramedullary spinal compa rtment: a case report, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Erhan Emel, WFNS Seoul, Korea, 8-12 September 2013
  • Radiation-Induced Cerebellopontine Angle (CPA) Meningioma: Case Report, Hasan Burak Gündüz, Anas Abdallah, Fatih Cesur, Erhan Emel, Betül Güler, Akın Öztürk, Melih Üçer, 10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons Astana - Kazakhstan / 9 - 12 September 2014
  • Mid-term Surgical Treatment Outcomes Of Intracranial Epidermoid: Experience of 15 Patients, Anas Abdallah, Erhan Emel, Akın Öztürk, Mustafa Levent Uysal, Melih Üçer, Murad Asiltürk,10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons Astana - Kazakhstan / 9 - 12 September 2014
  • Congenital Thecal Sac Defect Terminated In The Skin At L2-3: Case Report, Anas Abdallah, Akın Gökçedağ, Erhan Emel, Melih Üçer, 10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons Astana - Kazakhstan / 9 - 12 September 2014
  • Intradural Extramedullary Paraganglioma At S1 Level : Case Report, Anas Abdallah1, Erhan Emel, Özden Erhan Sofuoğlu, Melih Üçer, Akın Öztürk, 10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons Astana - Kazakhstan / 9 - 12 September 2014
  • A Case of Intracranial Hypotension Complicated with Hydrocephalus, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız, 10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons Astana - Kazakhstan / 9 - 12 September 2014



Published Abstracts And Presentations In National Scientific Meetings 

(In Chronological Order)


  • Eosinophilic granuloma, case report; Baran Bozkurt, Melih Üçer, Levent Uysal, Oral Presentation. 26th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 12-16 April 2012 Antalya / Turkey.
  • Guyon’s Canal Syndrome Due to Tortuous Ulnar Artery: A Case Report, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız,  28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Cerebellar hemorrhage after resection of frontal meningioma.Case report, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız, 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Intracranial Migration of Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt Catheter, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız, 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Migration of Abdominal Catheter of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt into the Scrotum, Melih Üçer, Sarper Polat, Ilhan Aydın, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız, 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Armoured brain: a case of bilateral calcified chronic subdural haematoma complicating infantile hydrocephalus, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız, 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Long term results of the patients with lumbar stenosis who were opereted on by transspinos method, Oral presentation, Melih Üçer, Erhan Emel, Müslüm Güneş, 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Posterior comminican artery aneurysm relation with the tentorium, Oral presentation, İlhan Aydin, Oğuz Baran, Melih Uçer, Barış Küçükyürük, Necmettin Tanrıöver, 29th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 17-21 April 2015    Antalya / Turkey
  • Anterior commissure and classification: neuroanatomical studies, Oral presentation, Serhat Şevki Baydın, Abuzer Gungor, Necmettin Tanrıover,  Melih Ucer, Oğuz Baran, Erhan Emel, Albert Rhoton Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 8-12 April 2016  Antalya / Turkey


   Computer  Skills

  • Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • SPSS statistical software



اقرأ المزيد
Mehmet Onur Ozturk
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Mehmet Onur Ozturk

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إزمير
Bewell Health Assistance