مصطفى سولاك ، دكتوراه في الطب ، هو طبيب تخرج من كلية الطب بجامعة هاسيتيب وأتم إقاماته في مستشفى شيشلي إتفال التعليمي والبحوث بإسطنبول ومنح الزمالة في معهد السرطان بجامعة هاسيتيب. وهو متخصص في سرطان الثدي وسرطان الخصية وسرطان المبيض وسرطان الرئة وسرطان الرأس والعنق وسرطان الجهاز الهضمي. وقد عمل أيضًا في مركز إم دي أندرسون للسرطان بجامعة تكساس ، ومستشفى كوروم للتدريب بجامعة هيتيت ، ومستشفى ميديكال بارك.
اقرأ المزيدالدكتور إيلكر تيناي هو أخصائي أورام المسالك البولية ولديه خبرة في الجراحة الغازية ، وإعادة بناء المثانة الجديدة ، وسرطان المسالك البولية. حاصل على درجة البكالوريوس من جامعة اسطنبول وإقامة في جراحة المسالك البولية من جامعة مرمرة ، ويتحدث الإنجليزية والألمانية. وهو عضو في الكلية الأمريكية للجراحين والجمعية الأوروبية لجراحة المسالك البولية ، ويشغل عدة مناصب في مجلس الإدارة.
اقرأ المزيدالاختصاصي الرائد في إسرائيل في علاج الساركوما وسرطان الرئة ، رئيس المركز الوطني لساركوما العظام والأنسجة الرخوة في مركز تل أبيب الطبي في سوراسكي (إيخيلوف)
التعليم والتخصص:
Prof. Dr. Abdulmuttalip Şimşek
Prof. Dr. Abdulmuttalip Şimşek graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine in 2005. In 2010, he completed his 'Specialization Training' in the field of Urology at Foundation Gureba Hospital. Prof., who conducts studies at Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Lütfiye Nuri Burat State Hospital and Haseki Training and Research Hospital. Dr. Abdulmuttalip Şimşek received the title of Associate Professor in 2015.
He carried out studies at the University of Sheffield and Hallamshire Hospital between 2015 and 2016. Returning to Turkey in 2016, Prof. worked as a teaching assistant at Bakırköy Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital. Dr. Abdulmuttalip Şimşek has been working as a urologist at Başakşehir Çam and Sakura Hospital since 2020.
Prof. has an innovative perspective in the field of urology. Dr. Abdulmuttalip Şimşek treats his patients by taking advantage of developing technology. Prof. has made significant contributions to the field of urology with many international research and scientific publications. Dr. Abdulmuttalip Şimşek treats his patients as a Robotic and Reconstructive Urology Specialist.
Education status:
Undergraduate Medicine Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul 1999-2005
Specialization in Medicine Urology Bezmi Alem Vakif University Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul 2005-2010
Associate Professorship SBU Haseki Training and Research Hospital 2015
PhD in Reconstructive Urology under the direction of Professor Christopher Chapple, University of Sheffield and Hallamshire Hospital, England 2015-2016
Medical Specialization Thesis Title and Advisor: Comparison of Efficacy and Complication Rates of Transobturator and Retropubic Midurethral Loose Sling Surgery in Stress Urinary Incontinence Patients (2010) Thesis Advisor: Prof.Dr. Sinasi Yavuz Önol Bezmi Alem Vakıf University Faculty of Medicine Urology Clinic
Areas of Interest: Reconstructive urology, Robotic surgery, Urooncology
Job Title
Duty Station
Expert Dr. Lütfiye Nuri Burat State Hospital – Istanbul 2011- 2012
Expert Dr. Haseki Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic - Istanbul 2012 January - 2015
Assoc. Dr. Haseki Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic - Istanbul 2015
Associate Professor. University of Sheffield and Hallamshire Hospital, England 2015-2016
Education Officer Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic - Istanbul 2016 – May 2020
Education Officer Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital Urology Clinic - Istanbul 2020 June - Present
Administrative Duties:
Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic Administrative Manager – 2020
Supervised Theses:
expertise in medicine
Yunus ÇOLAKOĞLU (2020). Comparison of oncological and functional results of Robotic and Open Perineal Radical Prostatectomy. University of Health Sciences, Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic
Ramazan UĞUR (2020). The effect of end-to-end anastomosis urethroplasty and buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty techniques on erectile function in bulbar urethra stenosis. University of Health Sciences, Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic
Abdullah Hızır YAVUZSAN (2017). Comparison of peroperative parameters according to renal nephrometry score in robotic and laparoscopic partial nephrectomies. University of Health Sciences, Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic
Memberships to Scientific Organizations:
Turkish Urology Association
Turkish Andrology Association
European Association of Urology
American Urological Association
American Society of Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgery
Awards :
Alpay KELAMI, Men's Sexual Health award, Turkish Andrology Association, 2011
Men's Sexual Health Alpay KELAMI award, Turkish Andrology Association, 2009
اقرأ المزيديعد البروفيسور مونتورسي أحد أفضل الخبراء الإيطاليين في جراحة المسالك البولية وأمراض الذكورة ، حيث حصل على العديد من الجوائز العلمية وأكثر من 8000 جراحة المسالك البولية / أمراض الذكورة. يدير معهد أبحاث المسالك البولية (URI) في إيطاليا ، وهو معروف بين الباحثين الأكثر نفوذاً في العقد الماضي ، وقد طور طريقة ترقيع الوريد لتصحيح الخلل الوظيفي الانسدادي. وهو زميل فخري في الكلية الملكية للجراحين في إنجلترا وقد كتب أكثر من 1000 بحث. وهو عضو في منظمات طبية مختلفة.
اقرأ المزيدالبروفيسور عوفر يوسيفوفيتز هو جراح المسالك البولية بالمنظار ذو الخبرة العالية في إسرائيل ولديه خبرة في جراحة المسالك البولية ، جراحة المسالك البولية والجراحة الروبوتية. وقد أكمل درجة الدكتوراه في الطب وحصل على زمالات بحثية في مركز ميموريال سلون كيترينج للسرطان. لديه أكثر من 25 عامًا من الخبرة في الممارسة السريرية ، وقد نشر العديد من الأوراق البحثية ، وهو محاضر أول في كلية الطب في ساكلر بجامعة تل أبيب. وهو عضو في منظمات طبية مختلفة.
اقرأ المزيد
2011 – 2015, (Internal Medicine Specialist) Istanbul University Istanbul School of Education and Career
Medicine Department of Internal Medicine
2015 – 2016, (Internal Medicine) Specialist Istanbul Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital
2016 – 2019, (Medical Oncology) Istanbul University Istanbul School of Medicine Department of Medical Oncology
2019 – 2021, (Medical Oncology Specialist) - Istanbul Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital
2021 – 2024, (Associate Professor) Marmara University School of Medicine Department of Medical Oncology
Memberships in Scientific Organizations
In the field of oncology, he has published over 30 peer-reviewed articles at both international and national levels.
Awards Received
EAACI The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2019 Best Poster Award
"The top 3rd verbal presentation, IGICC (11th International Gastrointestinal Cancers Conference – IGICC2021)"
Speeches Delivered at National Congresses, Conferences, and Symposia:
Courses, Meetings, and Certificates
ESMO certified Medical Oncologist since 2019
اقرأ المزيدAfter graduating in Medicine and Surgery, Dr. Saltutti specialized in Urology, gaining advanced expertise in treating disorders of the male and female urinary system, as well as the male reproductive system. Throughout his professional journey, he has focused on innovative and minimally invasive surgical techniques, such as robotic and laparoscopic surgery, especially for the treatment of prostate, kidney, and bladder cancers.
Over the years, Dr. Saltutti has attended numerous national and international conferences, expanding his knowledge and contributing to the advancement of therapeutic and surgical techniques in the urological field. He is known for his clinical expertise and dedication to his patients, adopting a personalized approach to each case to ensure effective, high-quality care.
His work at GVM facilities, which boast cutting-edge technologies and a highly qualified medical team, allows Dr. Saltutti to offer comprehensive services ranging from early diagnosis to treatment and post-operative rehabilitation. His areas of specialization include, in addition to urological cancers, the treatment of prostate conditions, kidney stones, urinary incontinence, and male sexual dysfunction.
Thanks to his experience and passion for the medical profession, Dr. Carlo Saltutti is a reference point for patients seeking excellent urological care at the GVM group
اقرأ المزيدDr. Sılay is an experienced pediatric urologist practicing in Turkey.
Assoc. Prof. Selçuk Sılay specializes in robotic surgery for urology conditions in children.
Dr. Selçuk Sılay has provided over:
Prof. Selçuk Sılay provides research in robotic surgery in children. Has written over 80 articles.
1997 – 2003 Hacettepe University
2004 – 2009 Ankara Dışkapı Training and Research Hospital
2016 – 2019 Afyon Kocatepe University
2022 – Still Lokman Hekim Akay Hospital
2019 – 2022 Private Meddem Hospital
2018 – 2019 Afyon Kocatepe University
2015 – 2018 Afyon Kocatepe University
2012 – 2015 Bozok University Faculty of Medicine
2010 – 2012 Ankara Dışkapı Training and Research Hospital
2009 – 2010 TSK Rehabilitation and Care Center Presidency
2004 – 2009 Ankara Dışkapı Training and Research Hospital
اقرأ المزيدSpecialties
Kidney and urinary tract endoscopic stone crushing treatment
Endoscopic Prostate and Bladder Surgery (TUR Method)
Diagnosis and surgery of testicular diseases
Diagnosis and treatment of infertility in men (Varicocele surgeries)
Diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunctions
Treatment of urinary incontinence in women
Treatment of nocturnal incontinence in children
Treatment of undescended testicle in children
1995-1999 Bilecik State Hospital Urology Clinic
1999-2002 Kocaeli Gölcük State Hospital Urology Clinic
2002-2006 Sakarya Karasu State Hospital Urology Clinic and Chief Physician
2006-2012 Kocaeli State Hospital Urology Clinic and Chief Physician
2012-2015 Kocaeli State Hospital Urology Clinic
2015-2018 Kocaeli Public Hospitals Secretary General
2018-2021 Kocaeli Provincial Health Director
2021-2023 Kocaeli Darıca Farabi Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic
2023- 2024 Kocaeli Gölcük Necati Çelik State Hospital Urology Clinic
2024 Private Darıca Büyük Anadolu Hospital
Uludag University Faculty of Medicine (graduation) 1988
Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine (specialization) 1994
1982-1988 Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine
1990 -1994 Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology (Specialization)
Scientific Publications
Acar A., Sert I. Ü., Gürbüz R., Ergüney Ş: Submucosal methotrexate applications in inoperable bladder tumors. S.Ü.T.F. Journal. 1993; 9(1):39-41
Acar A., Sert İ.Ü., Gürbüz R., Arslan E.M., Ergüney Ş. , : Bladder wall and prostate
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
اقرأ المزيدالدكتور إسماعيل أفيلا إنيجيز هو جراح عام معتمد وطبيب مسالك بولية تخرج مع مرتبة الشرف من كلية الطب بجامعة جوادالاخارا المستقلة وأجرى أكثر من 3000 عملية جراحية لأمراض المسالك البولية والأورام. وهو عضو في جمعيات مختلفة وقد تم تكريمه لعمله في وحدات زراعة الأعضاء ورعاية مرضى السرطان. يحضر بانتظام ندوات في كل من الولايات المتحدة والمكسيك.
اقرأ المزيدالدكتور درور ليفين هو طبيب أطفال كبير ومدير أقسام علاج اضطرابات الدم وسرطان العظام (ساركوما) في مستشفى الأطفال "دانا" والمركز الطبي "سوراسكي" على التوالي. وهو متخصص في طب الأطفال وأمراض الدم والأورام ، ولديه خبرة إضافية في الدراسة بالخارج في معهد ريزولي لتقويم العظام في إيطاليا.
اقرأ المزيد