لقد اجتاحت روسيا أوكرانيا في 24 فبراير/شباط 2022. قفوا مع أوكرانيا وادعمونا في كفاحنا من أجل الحرية والديمقراطية في أوروبا.  قف مع أوكرانيا!  انضم إلينا
منصة السياحة الطبية رقم 1 منذ عام 2014

أفضل تشوهات وريدية شريانية جراحي الأعصاب - توب -48 أطباء

يلبي المحتوى سياسة التحرير Bookimed ويتم مراجعتها طبياً من قبل
فهد مولود - طبيب عام. حاصل على 4 جوائز علمية. خدم في غرب آسيا. رئيس الفريق الطبي الناطق بالعربية سابقا ومسؤول عن معالجة البيانات ودقة المحتوى الطبي حاليا.
Gerardo Conesa Bertran
جراح أعصاب
39سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
387 تقييمات
إسبانيا, برشلونة
Centro Médico Teknon

Gerardo Conesa Bertran

جراح أعصاب
39سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


European Association of Neurosurgical Societies

الدكتور كونيسا هو جراح أعصاب متمرس ، حصل على شهادة الطب من جامعة برشلونة عام 1982 وأكمل تخصصه في جراحة الأعصاب في مستشفى جامعة بيلفيتج عام 1990. وقد حصل على تدريب في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وفرنسا ، وعمل في مستشفيات مختلفة في برشلونة منذ عام 1985. وهو عضو في المنظمات المهنية مثل الرابطة الأوروبية لجمعيات جراحة الأعصاب ، ومؤتمر الاتحاد الأوروبي لجراحي الأعصاب ، والجمعية الإسبانية لجراحة الأعصاب ، وجمعية والتر داندي.

اقرأ المزيد
Akin Akakin
جراح أعصاب
24سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
45 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
NP Istanbul Brain Hospital

Akin Akakin

جراح أعصاب
24سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
الدكتور أكين أكاكين هو جراح أعصاب ذو خبرة عالية في اسطنبول بتركيا مع أكثر من 20 عامًا من الخبرة والخبرة في مجموعة متنوعة من المجالات بما في ذلك جراحة القرص الجانبي البعيد وجراحة الأوعية الدموية وأمراض الأوعية الدموية الدماغية وتمدد الأوعية الدموية والمزيد. حصل على درجة الدكتوراه من جامعة فلوريدا في جراحة الدماغ والأعصاب وتشريح الأعصاب ، بالإضافة إلى مقالات منشورة في المؤتمرات والمجلات.اقرأ المزيد
Umut Dogu Akturk
جراح أعصاب
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
31 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Emsey Hospital

Umut Dogu Akturk

جراح أعصاب
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

يتمتع الدكتور X بخبرة 10 سنوات في جراحة الأعصاب في كلية الطب بجامعة Hacettepe ، وعيادة طب الأعصاب في مستشفى Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit للتدريب والبحث ، ومستشفى مدينة Yozgat ، ومستشفى Lokman Hekim Akay الخاص ، ومستشفى Emsey.

اقرأ المزيد
Mustafa Bozbuga
جراح أعصاب
33سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
45 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
NP Istanbul Brain Hospital

Mustafa Bozbuga

جراح أعصاب
33سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
البروفيسور الدكتور مصطفى بوزبوجا هو جراح أعصاب ذو خبرة مع أكثر من 30 عامًا من الخبرة في جراحة قاعدة الجمجمة وطب الأورام العصبية وجراحة الأوعية الدموية والعمود الفقري وجراحة العمود الفقري. وهو أستاذ في مستشفى الدماغ NPISTANBUL وحاصل على شهادة من كلية الطب بجامعة اسطنبول اسطنبول. نشر العديد من الأوراق العلمية في المجلات الدولية والوطنية وكذلك قدم في المؤتمرات.اقرأ المزيد
Kamran Aghayev
جراح أعصاب
23سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
1 تقييم
تركيا, إسطنبول
Dr. Kamran Aghayev's Private Practice

Kamran Aghayev

جراح أعصاب
23سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
Dr. Kamran Aghayev is a renowned neurosurgeon with over 23 years of experience, specializing in complex brain and spine procedures. He has performed over 5,000 successful surgeries and holds multiple US patents for inventions related to spinal surgery. He has developed unique surgical techniques and published over 50 scientific papers.اقرأ المزيد
العلاج الجراحي للجنف
صور قبل وبعد
العلاج الجراحي للجنف
Rauf Nasirov
جراح أعصاب
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
7 تقييمات

Rauf Nasirov

جراح أعصاب
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
أذربيجان, Baku
Liv Bona Dea Hospital Baku
Tamer Tekin
جراح أعصاب
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Dr. Tamer Tekin Practice in Göztepe City Hospital

Tamer Tekin

جراح أعصاب
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
أنا جراح أعصاب تخرجت من كلية الطب العسكري في جولهان عام 1999. لدي اهتمام خاص بصدمات العمود الفقري ، وأمراض العمود الفقري التنكسية ، وجراحة العمود الفقري طفيفة التوغل ، واستئصال القرص بالليزر ، وحقن العمود الفقري ، ورأب الحدبة ، واستبدال القرص ، وإعادة بناء العمود الفقري ، وأورام العمود الفقري والعمود الفقري الالتهابات. في أوقات فراغي ، أستمتع بالجري وركوب الدراجات وقراءة التاريخ وقضاء الوقت مع عائلتي.اقرأ المزيد
Mehmet Besir Surme
جراح أعصاب
10سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, Eskisehir
Dr. Mehmet Besir SURME Clinic

Mehmet Besir Surme

جراح أعصاب
10سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Professional Experience Compulsory Service 2014 - 15 District Health Director - Güroymak Community Health Center/BİTLİS Specialization 2015 - 20 Fırat University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery. Work Location 2024 - present Eskişehir City Hospital Neurosurgery Department Education Siirt Ataturk Anatolian High School 2003 - 07 Fırat University Faculty of Medicine 2007 - 13 SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES • 1. Ozturk S, Erol FS, Akgun B, Surme MB, Artas G, Ozercan IH. Intradural Extramedullary Spinal Cavernous Hemangioma Mimicking Neurofibroma in a Patient Diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis Type I. Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery 2016; 26:141-144. • 2. Akgun B, Ozturk S, Taskent I, Surme MB, Erol FS, Yildirim H. Evaluation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficients in the Cerebellar Tonsils and Bulbus in Chiari Type I Malformations: Comparison Before and After Surgery. Turk Neurosurg. 2017 May 7. • 3. Surme MB, Hergünsel OB, Ertugrul B, Kaplan M. Ossifying Chronic Subdural Hematoma. Turkiye Clinicals Journal of Neurology. 2017;12:44-48 • 4. Akgun B, Surme MB, Ozturk S, Erol FS. Spontaneous Spinal Epidural Hematomas: Evaluation of 12 Cases. F.U. Journal of Health Science and Medicine. 2016; 30:107-111. • 5. Surme MB, Hergunsel OB, Akgun B, Kaplan M. Cranioplasty with preoperatively customized Polymethyl-methacrylate by using 3-Dimensional Printed Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol Mold. J Neurosci Neurol Disord. 2018; 2:052-064. • 6. Bakal U, Poyraz AK, Tartar T, Akdeniz I, Surme MB, Çelik S. A Rare Complication of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt: Asymptomatic Small Bowel Perforation Istanbul Med J 2019; 20(6): 571-3. • 7. De Lima L, Surme MB, Gessi M, Mastronuzzi A, Miele E, Tamburrini G, Massimi L. Central nervous system high-grade neuroepithelial tumor with BCOR alteration (CNS HGNET-BCOR)—case-based reviews Child's Nervous System ( 2020) 36:1589–1599 • 8. Surme MB, Demir F, Erol D., Kaplan M. Is There A Genetic Relationship Between Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia And Meningioma ? A Case Report Of 3 Genes Analyzes. Arq Bras Neurocir 2021;00:1–3. • 9. Gurbuz O, Surme MB. The effect of intradiscal percutaneous radiopaque gel ethanol injection on pain in patients with lumbar disc herniation: Our clinical experience. Eskisehir Med. J. 2022; 3(2):130-137. • 10. Arikan E, Surme MB. Evaluation of Clinical and Radiological Findings of Patients Diagnosed with Spontaneous Intracerebral Hematoma. Mevlana Medical Sciences Journal 2 (2), 70-74. ORAL PRESENTATIONS • Hergünsel OB, Ertugrul B, Surme MB, Kaplan M. A Case of Cervicogenic Headache Treated with C1 Posterior Arch Resection. Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery 30th Scientific Congress, 8-12 April 2016, Antalya. • Ozturk S, Erol FS, Akgun B, Surme MB, Artas G, Ozercan İH. Intradural Extramedullary Spinal Cavernous Hemangioma Mimicking Neurofibroma in a Patient Diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis Type I. Turkish Neurosurgery Society 30th Scientific Congress. 8-12 April 2016, Antalya. • Ertugrul B, Surme MB, Ozturk S, Kaplan M. A Case of Sacrococcygeal Teratoma Presenting with Intergluteal Tail. Turkish Neurosurgery Society 30th Scientific Congress. 8-12 April 2016, Antalya. • Akgun B, Surme MB, Ozturk S, Demir F, Okcesiz I, Erol FS. Evaluation of Acute Lumbar Disc Hernias with Thin Section Lumbar MRI. 12th International Turkish Spine Congress, 19-22 April 2017, Antalya. • Akgun B, Ozturk S, Taskent I, Surme MB, Erol FS, Yildirim H. Evaluation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficients in the Cerebellar Tonsils and Bulbus in Chiari Type I Malformations: Comparison Before and After Surgery. XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery, August 20-25, 2017, Istanbul. • Akgun B, Surme MB, Ozturk S, Erol FS. Spontaneous Spinal Epidural Hematomas: Evaluation of 12 Cases. 12th International Turkish Spine Congress. 19-22 April 2017, Antalya. • Surme MB, Hergunsel OB, Celik S., Kaplan M, Erol FS. Evaluation of Cases with Cervical Spondylomyelopathy who underwent corpectomy - Our Clinical Experience. Turkish Neurosurgery Society 32nd Scientific Congress. 20-24 April 2018, Antalya. • Surme MB, Hergunsel OB, Akgun B, Kaplan M. Repair of Orbitofrontal Defects Using Polymethylmethacrylate Grafts Created by 3D Printer. Turkish Neurosurgery Society 32nd Scientific Congress. 20-24 April 2018, Antalya. C I T A T I O N S • My publications have a total of 40 citations. CERTIFICATES (OTHER) • 1. I received an Academic Incentive Bonus for 1 year in 2017 for my academic publications. • 2. Community Health Center Physicians Education. 14-18 July 2014, Kars. (Turkish public health institution). • 3. V. Turkey Zoonotic Diseases Symposium. 24 October 2015, Erzurum. (EKMUD- Turkish Infectious Diseases Specialization Association and TVHB - Turkish Veterinary Medical Association). • 4. Meaningful Occupation Solutions Together. 15-17 April 2015, Gothenburg/Sweden. (Lifelong Learning Programme). • 5. Certificate of Achievement (Position: District Health Manager) 2015, Güroymak/ Bitlis • (Güroymak District Governorship) • 6. Between 16.03.2019 - 04.04.2019, I performed my military service in Mamak/Ankara and was given a 'Certificate of Appreciation'. CERTIFICATES (NEUROSURGERY) • 1. Intracranial Aneurysms and Vascular Neuroanatomy. 14-15 January 2017, Mersin (TNDer Neuroanatomy and Neurovascular Education Training Group). • 2. XII. International Turkish Spine Congress. 19-22 April 2017, Antalya (Turkish Spine Association). • 3. Certificate of Use of Experimental Animals. 10.12.2018 – 20.12.2018, Elazig (FÜSEM- Fırat University Continuing Education Center). • 4. Turkish Neurosurgery Academy 4th Scientific Conference. 1-4 November 2018, Adana. • 5. Turkish Neurosurgery Society Training Program 6.Semester 1.Module. 28.06.2018- 01.07.2018, Mudanya/Bursa. (Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Group). • 6. Turkish Neurosurgery Association Training Program 7.Semester 2.Module 27.06.2019 – 30.06.2019, Van. (Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Group). • 7. Turkish Neurosurgery Association Training Program 8th Term 1st Course 2-5 May 2019, Kayseri. (Pediatric Neurosurgery Teaching and Training Group). • 8. Current Developments in Gamma Knife Radiosurgery. 30.11.2019, Elazig. (Koç University Faculty of Medicine Prof. Dr. Selçuk Peker) • 9. Turkish Neurosurgery Society 25. Spinal Symposium 28-31 October 2021, Çeşme. (Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Group) • 10. Turkish Neurosurgery Society, 34. Scientific Congress. September 30 - October 3, 2021, Online • 11. Turkish Neurosurgery Association, NOVA 19-22 May, 2022, Kütahya. (Speaker) • 12. Spinal Deformity Correction Maneuvers Course 21 May 2022, Eskişehir. (Speaker) • 13. Turkish Neurosurgery Society, 35. Scientific Congress. 24 – 27 November 2022, Antalya. (Speaker) • 14. Complex Spinal Surgery, February 4, 2023, Eskişehir (Speaker). • 15. I worked as a fellow in the Pediatric Neurosurgery department of Catholica University (Rome/Italy) Agostino Gemelli Hospital between 15.01.2020 and 14.02.2020 for 1 month. ORAL PRESENTATIONS(2) • Surme MB, Ertugrul B, Sen D, Kaplan M. Is There a Genetic Link Between Meningioma and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia? A Case Presentation Involving the Analysis of 3 Genes. 33rd Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgery Congress. April 11-14, 2019, Antalya. • Ozturk S, Surme MB, Gönen M, Yıldırım H, Korkmaz S, Kocabıçak E. Analysis of Perfusion Changes in White and Grey Matter in Parkinson's Patients Treated with Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation. 34th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgery Congress. September 30 - October 3, 2021, Online." • "Surme MB, Ustun ME. Case of Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency Due to Vertebral Artery Dolichoarteriopathy. NOVA 2022, Kütahya." • "Ustun ME, Surme MB. Can vertebrobasilar insufficiency lead to parkinson like symptoms? EANS 2022, Belgrade." • "Ustun ME, Surme MB. Do vertebral artery stenoses have an atherosclerotic origin? EANS 2022, Belgrade." • "Surme MB, Yilmaz AH, Ustun ME. Could Resistant Urinary Incontinence Be Related to Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency? Our Initial Case Experiences. 31st National Urology Congress. October 27-30, 2022, Cyprus." • "Surme MB, Akgün B, Isci M, Baloglu M, Millet H. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Surgical Approaches to Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy on Cervical Spinal Canal Diameter and T2 Signal Intensity. 35th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgery Congress. November 24 – 27, 2022, Antalya. • Surme MB, Cosar A, Daltaban IS, Ustun ME. Efficacy of a New Surgical Technique for Carotid Artery * "Surme MB, Arikan E, Baloglu M, Millet H, Ercan S. Analysis of Clinical and Radiological Findings in Cases November 24 – 27, 2022, Antalya. • "Surme MB, Cosar A, Ustun ME. Can Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency Cause Parkinson-like Symptoms? 35th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgery Congress. November 24 – 27, 2022, Antalya. Diagnosed with Spontaneous Intracerebral Hematoma. 35th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgery Congress. Dolichoarteriopathies in Patients with Moderate Hemiparesis due to Cerebrovascular Ischemic Attacks. 35th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgery Congress. November 24 – 27, 2022, Antalya." • "Baloglu M, Millet H, Ercan S, Surme MB, Yayla E. The Effect of MCI-186 on Lipid Peroxidation in Rats with Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury. 35th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgery Congress. November 24 – 27, 2022, Antalya." * "Surme MB, Ustun ME. Can Quantitative ElectroCorticoGraphy (ECoG) Be More Valuable Than Non -Quantitative ECoG? A Preliminary Report. Bridging Neurosciences and Neurosurgery: New Frontiers in Intraoperative Neurophysiology. February 2 – 4, 2023, Verona, Italy

اقرأ المزيد
جراحة التحفيز العميق للدماغ
إزالة ورم في المخ
جراحة التحفيز العميق للدماغ
محفز الحبل الشوكي (SCS)
جراحة التحفيز العميق للدماغ
انظر المحفظة
صور قبل وبعد
جراحة التحفيز العميق للدماغ
إزالة ورم في المخ
جراحة التحفيز العميق للدماغ
محفز الحبل الشوكي (SCS)
انظر المحفظة
Sergej Leontyev
طبيب القلب التدخلي
27سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
6 تقييمات
ألمانيا, لايبزيغ
Helios Park Hospital Leipzig

Sergej Leontyev

طبيب القلب التدخلي
27سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


The German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
The European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
The European Society of Cardiology
The German Cardiac Society

الدكتور ليونيف هو جراح صدر وقلب وأوعية الدموية من ذوي الخبرة العالية مقره في ألمانيا. يشغل منصب رئيس قسم جراحة القلب في جامعة لايبزيغ منذ عام 2011 وطبيب قلب في مركز القلب في جامعة لايبزيغ من 2002-2010. تخرج من جامعة فيرست بافلوف الطبية الحكومية في سانت بطرسبرغ ومتخصص في الجراحة وهو عضو في العديد من المنظمات المهنية مثل الجمعية الألمانية لجراحة الصدر والقلب والأوعية الدموية والجمعية الأوروبية لجراحة القلب والصدر.

اقرأ المزيد
Melih Ucer
جراح أعصاب
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Neurosurgery Istanbul

Melih Ucer

جراح أعصاب
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
Dr. Melih Ucer is a specialized Brain and Nerve Surgeon with a focus on Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery, Degenerative Spine Surgery, and Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery, among others. His career is marked by international practice in the USA and contributions to numerous scientific publications in the field of neurosurgery. He is also an associate professor as of 2021.اقرأ المزيد
Xicotencatl Perez
جراح أعصاب
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
DioMed Hospital

Xicotencatl Perez

جراح أعصاب
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

El Dr. Xicoténcatl Pérez Sánchez es Médico especialista en Neurocirugía del Hospital DioMed. Se formó como Médico Cirujano y Partero en la Universidad de Colima, México. Realizó la especialidad en Neurocirugía en la Hadassah University Hospital en Jerusalén Israel. Cursó Alta Especialidad en Cirugía de Base de Cráneo.

اقرأ المزيد
Prof Dr Serdar Kabatas
جراح أعصاب
21سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
International ReGen

Prof Dr Serdar Kabatas

جراح أعصاب
21سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


Dr. Serdar Kabatas, graduated from Trakya University Medical Faculty, Edirne/Turkey in 1997. He became a neurosurgeon-specialist- in 2003 and then gained an award for postdoctoral fellowship in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) and Neural Stem Cell (NSC) at Harvard Medical School in 2007. He has spent most of his scientific carrier in the study of SCI related stem cell applications either experimentally or clinically, stem cell clinical applications in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorders, periferic nervous system injuries, cell-based approaches for intervertebral disc regeneration, dentritic stem cell vaccines regarding brain tumours, trigeminal neuralgia, aneurysm surgery, etc. Among his achievements are the prediction of neural and anatomical abnormalities of the gastrointestinal system resulting from contusion SCI and functional multipotency of NSCs- its therapeutic implications- in USA. 

In addition to his scientific interests, he is the President of Society of Stem Cell and Cellular Therapies in Turkey. He is also member of AANS, CNS, Society of Neuroscience, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Society of Nervous System Surgery and Turkish Spine Society. He is the chief editor of Journal of Nervous System Surgery. He had been teaching neurosurgery to medical students at the Baskent University, Turkey from 2008 to 2013. Between 2013 to 2015, he was the chief of Neurosurgery Department in Private Reyap Hospital, Tekirdağ. Curently, he has been the chief of Department of Neurosurgery in University of Health Sciences Turkey, Gaziosmanpaşa Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey since 2016. He was awarded as the first candidate for Specialization Thesis (2004) and Board Exam (2011) in Turkey, respectively. He was also awarded as research project regarding Stem Cell Applications in Rat Model (2013) in Turkey. He has more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed international journals with around 1300 citations. His h-index is 21 in google scholar and 17 in web of science. 

Selected Publications: 

1. S.Kabatas, D.Yu, X.D.He, H.S.Thatte, D.Benedict, K.T.Hepgul, P.M.Black, S.Sabharwal, Y.D.Teng, “Neural and anatomical abnormalities of the gastrointestinal system resulting from contusion spinal cord injury.“ Neuroscience 154(4): 1627-1638 pp., 2008 

2. Y.D.Teng, S.Kabatas, J.Li, D.R.Wakeman, E.Y.Snyder, R.L.Sidman, “Functional Multipotency of Neural Stem Cells and Its Therapeutic Implications“, ed. H.Ulrich. Perspectives of Stem Cells, 255-270 pp., Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York © Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2010 

4. S.Kabatas, Y.D.Teng, “Potential Roles of Neural Stem Cell in Restoration of the Injured Spinal Cord: Review of the Literature.“ Turk Neurosurg 20(2): 103-110 pp., 2010 

5. S. Kabataş, T. Cansever, E. Civelek, C. Yılmaz, "The therapeutic potential of neural stem cells in traumatic brain injuries", Curr Signal Transd T 6(3): 327-336 pp., 2011 

6. Teng YD, Yu D, Ropper AE, Li J, Kabatas S, Wakeman DR, Wang J, Sullivan MP, Redmond DE Jr, Langer R, Snyder EY, Sidman RL. Functional multipotency of stem cells: a conceptual review of neurotrophic factor-based evidence and its role in translational research. Curr Neuropharmacol 9(4): 574-85, 2011. 

7. Karaoz E, Kabatas S, Duruksu G, Okcu A, Subası C, Ay B, Musluman M, Civelek E. Reduction of lesion in injured rat spinal cord and partial functional recovery of motility after bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation. Turk Neurosurg 22(2): 207-17, 2012. 

8. Han I-B, Kim S-W, Ropper AE, Thakor D, Kabatas S, Teng YD. Recent Patents on Cell-based Approaches for Intervertebral Disc Regeneration. Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering, 5: 122-30, 2012 

9. Sonmez E, Kabatas S, Ozen O, Karabay G, Turkoglu S, Ogus E, Yilmaz C, Caner H, Altinors N. Minocycline Treatment Inhibits Lipid Peroxidation, Preserves Spinal Cord Ultrastructure and Improves Functional Outcome after Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in the Rat . Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 Jan 30.

10. Han I-B, Ropper AE, Konya D, Kabatas S, Toktas Z, Aljuboori Z, Chi JH, Teng YD. Biological Approaches to Treating Intervertebral Disc Degeneration: Devising stem cell therapies. Cell Transplant 24 (11): 2197-208, 2015. 

11. Aras Y, Sabancı PA, Kabataş S, Duruksu G, Subaşı C, Erguven M, Karaöz E. The Effects of Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation During The Acute And Subacute Phases Following Spinal Cord Injury. Turk Neurosurg 26 (1):127-39, 2016.

12. Kabatas S, Demir CS, Civelek E, Yilmaz I, Kircelli A, Yilmaz C, Akyuva Y, Karaoz E. Neuronal regeneration in injured rat spinal cord after human

dental pulp derived neural crest stem cell transplantation. Bratisl Med J 119 (3): 143-151, 2018

13. Karaoz E, Tepekoy F, Yilmaz I, Subasi C, Kabatas S. Reduction of Inflammation and Enhancement of Motility after Pancreatic Islet Derived Stem Cell Transplantation Following Spinal Cord Injury. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2019 Mar;62(2):153-165. 

14. Han IB, Thakor DK, Ropper AE, Yu D, Wang L, Kabatas S, Zeng X, Kim SW, Zafonte RD, Teng YD. Physical impacts of PLGA scaffolding on hMSCs: Recovery neurobiology insight for implant design to treat spinal cord injury.

Exp Neurol. 2019 Oct;320:112980. 

15. Kabataş S, Cİvelek E, Sezen GB, Kaplan N, Savrunlu EC, Çetİn E, Dİren F, KaraÖz E. Functional Recovery after Wharton's Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Administration in a Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Pilot Study. Turk Neurosurg. 2020;30(6):914-922. 

16. Kabataş S, Civelek E, İnci Ç, Yalçınkaya EY, Günel G, Kır G, Albayrak E, Öztürk E, Adaş G, Karaöz E. Wharton's Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation in a Patient with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Pilot Study. Cell Transplant. 2018 Oct;27(10):1425-1433. 

17. Teng YD, Wang L, Kabatas S, Ulrich H, Zafonte RD. Cancer Stem Cells or Tumor Survival Cells? Stem Cells Dev. 2018 Nov 1;27(21):1466-1478. 

18. Kabatas S, Civelek E, Savrunlu EC, Kaplan N, Boyalı O, Diren F, Can H, Genç A, Akkoç T, Karaöz E. Feasibility of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells in pediatric hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: Phase I study. World J Stem Cells. 2021 May 26;13(5):470-484. 

19. Kabataş S, Civelek E, Kaplan N, Savrunlu EC, Sezen GB, Chasan M, Can H, Genç A, Akyuva Y, Boyalı O, Diren F, Karaoz E. Phase I study on the safety and preliminary efficacy of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. World J Exp Med. 2021 Mar 20;11(2):17-29.

اقرأ المزيد
Melih Ucer
جراح أعصاب
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Doç. Dr. Melih UÇER

Melih Ucer

جراح أعصاب
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


Work Address: Biruni University Hospital, Department Of Neurological Surgery, Istanbul 

Education And Training

Undergraduate: 1997 - 2001 Halkali High School, Istanbul, Turkey 

Graduate:   2001 - 2007 Mersin University, School of Medicine, Mersin, Turkey 

Postgraduate: 2009 – 2014 Bakırköy Research And Training Hospital For Psychiatric And Neurological Disease, Department Of Neurological Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey 

Observer: June-December 2017 University of Wisconsin- Department of Neurological Surgery, Madison, USA

June-August 2020 Acıbadem University- Spine Center, İstanbul, Turkey



 Professional Interest: Cranial Surgery, Functional neurosurgery (used to treat movement disorders), Spine Surgery 


Licensure And Certification 

 2007 June: Doctor of Medicine, Turkish Ministry of Health 

 2014 July: Neurosurgeon, Turkish Ministry of Health



2014– 2021 Neurosurgeon - Istanbul Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Research And Training Hospital

2021- Neurosurgeon- Biruni University Hospital, Department of Neurological Surgery


Training Courses / Workshops / Meetings / Symposiums 

(In Chronological Order)


Has Participated in 18 National and International Courses, Scientific Meetings (Certified) in Neurosurgery And Spinal Surgery. 

  • Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease Symposium, 8-11 October 2009 Nevşehir/Turkey
  • 24th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting, 14-18 May 2010  Antalya / Turkey
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society: Spine And Peripheral Nerve Surgery Education And Training Group: Basic Education Program, 3-6 July 2011 Sapanca / Turkey
  • 27th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting, 12-16 Apr 2013  Antalya / Turkey
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society: Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery: Hands-On Cadaver Course 15-16 November 2013 Istanbul/Turkey
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society: Neurooncology And Neurovascular Surgery Education And Training Group: Unified Symposium. 28-29 December 2013 Istanbul/Turkey
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society: Spine And Peripheral Nerve Surgery Education And Training Group: Lumbar Minimally Invasive Surgery Course. 7 Feb 2014 Istanbul / Turkey
  • 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014    Antalya / Turkey
  • Medtronic Midas Rex Workshop: Cadaver Course 23 May 2014 Istanbul / Turkey
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society: Spine And Peripheral Nerve Surgery Education And Training Group, 26-29 June 2014 Gaziantep/Turkey
  • ISMISS Turkey 2015 Congress, 6-8 November 2015, Istanbul/ Turkey
  • Endoscopic Lumbar Surgery Comprehensive Cadaveric Course, 16-17 April 2016, Istanbul/Turkey
  • 84th AANS Annual Scientific Meeting, 30 April - 4 May 2016 Chicago/Illinois
  • Istanbul Microneurosurgery Course, 26-29 January 2017,  Istanbul/ Turkey
  • Microvascular Surgery Course, December 2017, Madison/Wisconsin
  • 32th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 20-24 April 2018    Antalya / Turkey
  • 33th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 11-14 April 2019    Antalya / Turkey
  • 2019 Turkish Spine Society Eurospine Advance Diploma Course






Published Article








Published Abstracts And Presentations In International Scientific Meetings 

(In Chronological Order)



  • Metastatic prostate carcinoma to the intramural extramedullary spinal compa rtment: a case report, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Erhan Emel, WFNS Seoul, Korea, 8-12 September 2013
  • Radiation-Induced Cerebellopontine Angle (CPA) Meningioma: Case Report, Hasan Burak Gündüz, Anas Abdallah, Fatih Cesur, Erhan Emel, Betül Güler, Akın Öztürk, Melih Üçer, 10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons Astana - Kazakhstan / 9 - 12 September 2014
  • Mid-term Surgical Treatment Outcomes Of Intracranial Epidermoid: Experience of 15 Patients, Anas Abdallah, Erhan Emel, Akın Öztürk, Mustafa Levent Uysal, Melih Üçer, Murad Asiltürk,10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons Astana - Kazakhstan / 9 - 12 September 2014
  • Congenital Thecal Sac Defect Terminated In The Skin At L2-3: Case Report, Anas Abdallah, Akın Gökçedağ, Erhan Emel, Melih Üçer, 10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons Astana - Kazakhstan / 9 - 12 September 2014
  • Intradural Extramedullary Paraganglioma At S1 Level : Case Report, Anas Abdallah1, Erhan Emel, Özden Erhan Sofuoğlu, Melih Üçer, Akın Öztürk, 10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons Astana - Kazakhstan / 9 - 12 September 2014
  • A Case of Intracranial Hypotension Complicated with Hydrocephalus, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız, 10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons Astana - Kazakhstan / 9 - 12 September 2014



Published Abstracts And Presentations In National Scientific Meetings 

(In Chronological Order)


  • Eosinophilic granuloma, case report; Baran Bozkurt, Melih Üçer, Levent Uysal, Oral Presentation. 26th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 12-16 April 2012 Antalya / Turkey.
  • Guyon’s Canal Syndrome Due to Tortuous Ulnar Artery: A Case Report, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız,  28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Cerebellar hemorrhage after resection of frontal meningioma.Case report, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız, 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Intracranial Migration of Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt Catheter, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız, 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Migration of Abdominal Catheter of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt into the Scrotum, Melih Üçer, Sarper Polat, Ilhan Aydın, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız, 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Armoured brain: a case of bilateral calcified chronic subdural haematoma complicating infantile hydrocephalus, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız, 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Long term results of the patients with lumbar stenosis who were opereted on by transspinos method, Oral presentation, Melih Üçer, Erhan Emel, Müslüm Güneş, 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Posterior comminican artery aneurysm relation with the tentorium, Oral presentation, İlhan Aydin, Oğuz Baran, Melih Uçer, Barış Küçükyürük, Necmettin Tanrıöver, 29th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 17-21 April 2015    Antalya / Turkey
  • Anterior commissure and classification: neuroanatomical studies, Oral presentation, Serhat Şevki Baydın, Abuzer Gungor, Necmettin Tanrıover,  Melih Ucer, Oğuz Baran, Erhan Emel, Albert Rhoton Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 8-12 April 2016  Antalya / Turkey


   Computer  Skills

  • Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • SPSS statistical software



اقرأ المزيد
Sait Ozturk
جراح أعصاب
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
20 تقييمات

Sait Ozturk

جراح أعصاب
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Medical Park Hospitals Group
Karim Noe Zamora Amezcua
جراح أعصاب
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Karim Noe Zamora Amezcua

جراح أعصاب
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
GDL High Specialty Neurosurgery
Melih Ucer
جراح أعصاب
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Melih Ucer

جراح أعصاب
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Biruni University Hospital
Alfonso Arellano Reynoso
جراح أعصاب
18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
DioMed Hospital

Alfonso Arellano Reynoso

جراح أعصاب
18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

El Dr. Alfonso Arellano Reynoso, médico especialista en Neurocirugía del Hospital DioMed. Se formó como Médico Cirujano en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Realizó la especialidad en Neurocirugía en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y cuenta con una subespecialidad en Neurocirugía Funcional y Estereotáxica por la Universidad de París VI.

اقرأ المزيد
Burak Orhan Boran
جراح أعصاب
22سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
113 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Burak Orhan Boran

جراح أعصاب
22سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

He was born in 1974 in Osmanbey, Istanbul. He graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Medicine in 1997, which he started in 1991. In the same year, he started his specialization in Marmara University Neurosurgery Department. He graduated in 2002 with the title of Neurosurgery Specialist. After getting his specialization, he did his military service as a Neurosurgeon Specialist at Gülhane Military Medical Academy Haydarpaşa Hospital. During this period, he also had a microsurgery education at GATA Ankara Microsurgery Laboratories with an official assignment. Subsequently, Kartal Dr. He completed his compulsory service at Lütfi Kırdar Training and Research Hospital.

He worked at Avicenna Ataşehir Hospital for seven years. Meanwhile, he also served as a member of the board of directors of the Nervous System Association. He went to the 29 Mayıs Hospital of the Turkish Religious Foundation. Later, he returned to the state for a period, first at Maltepe State Hospital, then with its new name Kartal Dr. He worked at Lütfi Kırdar City Hospital.

In 2020, he left the state again and started to work as a Neurosurgeon Specialist and Deputy Chief Physician at Academic Hospital.

After receiving the title of Associate Professor of Neurosurgery in 2021, he left his administrative duty to focus on academic studies. Currently, he is a faculty member at Galata University Faculty of Health Sciences and a member of the Beykent University Faculty of Medicine Advisory Board.

Although he provides professional service in all areas of Neurosurgery, the areas he prefers to work with are spine surgery, pediatric neurosurgery, peripheral neurosurgery, and tumor surgery.

He has been accepting patients at Hisar Intercontinental Hospital since October 2022.

اقرأ المزيد
Gokhan Ertas
طبيب قلب
19سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
253 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Memorial Şişli Hospital

Gokhan Ertas

طبيب قلب
19سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


Turkish Society of Cardiology
European Society of Cardiology

طبيب يتمتع بأكثر من 20 عامًا من التعليم والخبرة في أمراض القلب ، بما في ذلك درجة الأستاذ. تم نشر 52 مقالاً دولياً و 20 ورقة بحثية ، بالإضافة إلى 3 فصول في كتب محلية / دولية. عضو في العديد من المنظمات بما في ذلك الجمعية التركية لأمراض القلب ، وجمعية العلاج بالخلايا الجذعية والخلوية ، والجمعية الأوروبية لأمراض القلب.

اقرأ المزيد
César García Madrid
جراح أوعية دموية
31سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
387 تقييمات
إسبانيا, برشلونة
Centro Médico Teknon

César García Madrid

جراح أوعية دموية
31سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


The International Society of Endovascular Specialists
The International Society for Applied Cardiovascular Biology
The European Society for Vascular Surgery

الدكتور سيزار غارسيا مدريد متخصص في طب الأوعية وجراحة الأوعية الدموية وداخل الأوعية الدموية ولديه أكثر من 25 عامًا من الخبرة. وهو رائد في العلاجات غير الجراحية لدوالي الأوردة وقد نشر أكثر من 200 ورقة بحثية مخصصة لجراحة الأوعية الدموية الداخلية. وهو عضو في العديد من الجمعيات المهنية وحصل على العديد من الجوائز.

اقرأ المزيد

سياسة التحرير Bookimed

تلتزم Bookimed، وهي منصة عالمية رائدة في مجال السياحة الطبية، بمساعدة العملاء الذين يبحثون عن علاج التشوه الشرياني الوريدي من خلال تقديم مساعدة الخبراء والحلول الطبية الجديرة بالثقة لكل حالة. يُستخدم نظام التصنيف التلقائي الذكي لإنشاء قوائم عيادات شفافة، ويتم صيانتها بدقة بواسطة عالم بيانات يستخدم الذكاء الاصطناعي للتأكد من دقتها. تضمن المنصة الأصالة من خلال نشر مراجعات من مرضى حقيقيين بعد علاجهم. يقدم Bookimed حلولاً طبية شاملة، مع تحديثات من العيادات لضمان الثقة. يلتزم المحتوى الخاص بعلاج التشوه الشرياني الوريدي، والذي وضعه مؤلفون طبيون ذوو خبرة ومراجعته من قبل متخصصين، بإرشادات Bookimed التحريرية ، مما يعكس التزام المنصة بتقديم معلومات صحية واضحة وعالية الجودة. لمزيد من التفاصيل أو الاستفسارات، لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا على Marketing@bookimed.com أو معرفة المزيد عنا وعن مهمتنا هنا .

تشوهات وريدية شريانية خبير المجلس الاستشاري الطبي Bookimed

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قدم أكثر من 850 إجراء DBS ناجحًا وأكثر من 1350 إجراء جراحة أعصاب.
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