دكتور عظام, جراح العظام
البروفيسور سكابوس متخصص نمساوي في إعادة بناء المفاصل بالمنظار والمفاصل المفتوحة ، وتخليق العظام واستبدال المفاصل الاصطناعية ، وكذلك جراحة الأربطة والغضروف المفصلي. لقد كان طبيب فريق الاتحاد النمساوي للتنس وألف أكثر من 400 ورقة علمية ومحاضرة. حاصل على دكتوراه في الصدمات وهو عضو في العديد من المجتمعات المتميزة.
Professor Schabus is a specialist in arthroscopic and open joint reconstruction, osteosynthesis and artificial joint replacement, as well as ligament and meniscus surgery. In 1996, Schabus was appointed professor at the university due to his achievements in science and public health in the field of sports injury. Professor Schabus has been the team doctor for the Austrian Tennis Association for several years, as well as the team leader for the Daviscup team. After receiving his doctorate in 1978, Schabus received special training as an accident surgeon at the University of Vienna Clinic. In 1996, he created a consultation on sports traumatology at a Vienna private clinic. He was vice president of GOTS (GermanAustrian-Swiss Society of Orthopedic Traumatological Sports Medicine). Professor Schabus engaged in arthroscopic surgery, bone fractures and tendon repair, early functional rehabilitation, sports reintegration, biomechanics and sports traumatology.
Born September 11, 1954 in Carinthia, Austria
1973 - Study of medicine in Vienna
1978 - Promotion
1979 - 1985 - Resident: University Hospital of Traumatology in Vienna
1985 - Traumatology Fellowship, Head of Sports Injury Service
1986 - Several visits to the USA: University of Minneapolis, University of Cincinnati, University of New York, Marshall Hospital, San Francisco, University of Oregon
1988 - Venia Docendi for Traumatologists (PhD)
1990 - Diploma of Sports Doctor
1991 - Deputy Head of the University Hospital of Traumatology in Vienna
1991-1997 - Treasurer of GOTS Austria
1994-1997 - Vice President of GOTS 1996 - TPK Sports Traumatology Competence Center
1996 - University Professor
2000 - Consultant in Traumatology and Sports Medicine at WPK
2018 - More than 400 scientific papers and lectures, mainly devoted to arthroscopy of all joints, ligament reconstruction, enlargement, healing of ligaments, early functional rehabilitation, bone healing, osteosynthesis For a long period of time, Davis-Cup-Team team doctor, member of privileged communities: ÖGU, DGU, ESSKA, AGA, GOTS, STMS, ARTOF, PFSG
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منذ البداية، سارت الأمور بسلاسة ووضوح وسرعة. محادثة ممتعة للغاية، لا تنتظر، معلومات واضحة حول الدفع والنتيجة تمامًا كما هو متفق عليه. ميزة كبيرة وارتياح هو أنه قبل الدفع الفعلي واستمرار العلاج، يتم عر... اقرأ المزيد