منصة السياحة الطبية رقم 1 منذ عام 2014

Dilek Yuksel

طبيب عيون

29سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


Dunyagoz Eye Hospital Antalya ,أنطاليا , تركيا
5.01 تقييم

Place and Date of Birth

  • Ankara, 1966

Language Skills

  • English

Education and Experience

  • • 1989-Undergraduate- Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine
  • • 1995- Specialization in Medicine - Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology
  • • 1997- Specialist Dr- Bayındır Medical Center-Ankara
  • • 1998- Specialist Dr – Sevgi Hospital- Ankara
  • • 2013- Specialist Dr- SB.Ankara Education and Research Hospital
  • • 2013- Associate Professorship - Education assistant - MoH Ankara Education and Research Hospital
  • • 2023- Professorship – Süleyman Demirel University, Department of Ophthalmology
  • • 2020- Undergraduate- Ankara University, Faculty of Law
  • • 2021- Ankara Bar Association Lawyer Internship
  • • Currently - Master's degree with Thesis in Health Law - Ankara University, Institute of Health Sciences

Number of Scientific Publications

  • A total of 41 printed articles in international (SCI/SCI-Expanded) and national journals, a total of 71 papers in international and national meetings, a total of 25 times being an invited speaker in panels, courses and interactive meetings in congresses.

Case Experience

  • 30 years of active practice in ophthalmology - clinical and surgical experience


  • Turkish Medical Association
  • Turkish Ophthalmology Association (1990- )
  • Turkish Republics Ophthalmology Association (2004- )
  • Active Membership of Turkish Ophthalmology Association Oculoplastic Surgery Unit (1999- )
  • Membership of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS- 2012- )


  • ISO-9001- Internal Quality Auditor Certificate - 1995
  • Trainer Education Certificate – 2023


  • 1) Dr. Hatice Özcanlı Medical Imaging and Interventional Radiology Award - In 1996, Ilgıt E, Yüksel D, Ünal M, Akpek S, Işık S wrote the article titled "Transluminal balloon dilatation of the lacrimal drainage system for the treatment of epiphora"
  • 2) The Scientific Exhibition Committee of European Congress of Radiology (ECR 95) award - Vienna March 1995, Ilgıt E, Yüksel D, Ünal M, Akpek S, Işık S for the notification titled "Treatment of recurrent nasolacrimal duct obstructions with balloon expandable metallic stents"
مراجعات المرضى

من يستطيع أن يخبر عن الطبيب ووسائل الراحة وموظفي المستشفى أكثر من شخص فحص كل شيء بنفسه؟ نحن نجمع التجربة الحقيقية لمرضانا من أجلك لكي نختار الأفضل.

كل مراجعة هي مراجعة عميل تم التحقق منه بعد أن تم حجز الخدمات الطبية عن طريق

نحن ننشر المراجعات الإيجابية والسلبية بعد الإشراف عليها للامتثال لـ سياسة الاستعراضات والتعليقات

٢٥ يونيو ٢٠٢٤
إسلام أون لاين زرع