عيادة أكدنيز إنسي لطب الأسنان هي مركز طب أسنان خاص يقع في أنطاليا ، تركيا. تتكون العيادة من 3 غرف علاج حديثة ومجهزة بالكامل. تخدم عيادة أكدنيز إنسي للأسنان البالغين فقط. يختار 2000 مريض عيادة أكدينيز إنسي للأسنان للحصول على الرعاية الطبية كل عام. يزور المرضى من رابطة الدول المستقلة وأوروبا والولايات المتحدة العيادة في أغلب الأحيان.
اكتشف أفضل عيادات وتكاليف العلاج ترابط الأسنان في تركيا 2025
Academic Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. The team is dedicated to orthopedics, plastic surgery, weight loss surgery, and medical check-up. Academic Hospital serves both adults and children. Patients from Europe & Commonwealth, the Balkans, and Russian-speaking countries prefer visiting the clinic.
Zirve Dental Clinic is a private single-specialty medical center located in Didim/Aydin, Turkey. The team provides dental treatment procedures. Zirve Dental Clinic serves both adults and children. Patients from Europe & Commonwealth mainly visit the clinic to improve their smiles.
Health & Beauty Turkey Clinic in Istanbul offers various specialized treatments, including dental care, plastic surgery, aesthetic medicine, cosmetology, and weight loss surgery. The clinic serves only adult patients and welcomes over 1,000 people every year. Among them are top influencers, actors, and singers from the Arab world. The clinic receives patients from Europe, Arab League States, the United States, Canada, and Australia.
ALFA Oral and Dental Health Center is a private oral and dental health clinic located in Turkey. The clinic was officially opened on June 1, 2013, with the goal of becoming Turkey's leading health center for health tourism. The center was built according to international standards and accreditation rules and offers high-quality services to foreign patients, with an emphasis on patient satisfaction. The clinic has an indoor area of 800 square meters and is equipped with 9 dental units, including an A-Class operating room with international validation for the first time in Turkey's dental health field.
Esdent is a fully equipped family-run dental centre in Turkey, authorised by the Turkish Ministry of Health to perform dental procedures under sedation and general anaesthesia. Esdent dentists and dental technicians use digital dentistry and 3D radiographical imaging to achieve the results with highest possible accuracy. Among the equipments are: 3D Cone Beam Computerised Tomography, Intraoral 3D Scanners, 3D Design Milling Devices & Softwares and Printer.
ترابط الأسنان | $109.23 |
Tülay Akkol Dental Center is a private single-specialty medical center located in Antalya, Turkey. The team is dedicated to dental treatment. Tülay Akkol Dental Center serves both adults and children. 3200 patients choose clinic to get medical care every year. Patients from Europe & Commonwealth, USA, Canada, Australia, and Russian Speaking Countries visit the clinic most often.
ترابط الأسنان | $136.54 - $163.85 |
عيادة AEG Dental International هي مركز طبي خاص في إسطنبول، تركيا، متخصص في علاج الأسنان. تتميز العيادة بقاعدة عالمية من المرضى وتفتخر بوجود أطباء زراعة الأسنان المشهورين، بما في ذلك الدكتور DT Gazanfer Alioğlu الموقر.
حصلت العيادة على شهادات من علامات تجارية رائدة في مجال زراعة الأسنان مثل DIO وOsstem وStraumann. وتؤكد هذه الشهادات التزام العيادة بالتميز والجودة. وتعكس هذه الشهادات تفاني العيادة في تقديم أعلى معايير رعاية الأسنان.
تخدم عيادة AEG Dental Clinic البالغين والأطفال ويزورها أكثر من 6000 مريض سنويًا. يأتي معظم المرضى من الدول الناطقة بالروسية وأوروبا والكومنولث والولايات المتحدة وكندا وأستراليا.