تركيا, إسطنبول

Trustmed Clinic

2 مستشفى الاعتمادات للجوده

عن المستشفى

سنة التأسيس

TrustMed Clinic is a leading clinic in Turkey and worldwide, specializing in aesthetic and plastic surgery, including mummy makeovers, breast aesthetics, facial aesthetics, body aesthetics, and male aesthetics. It also offers a wide range of dermo-cosmetic procedures in the field of dermatology.
HIS Travel is a Japanese international tourism company operating in Turkey since 2005. TrustMed Clinic is its contracted brand and offers high-quality medical tourism services.
TrustMed Clinic's doctors are highly skilled and experienced in their respective specialties. In plastic and cosmetic surgery, the Clinic works with renowned surgeon Dr. Burak Pasinlioğlu, certified by the European Committee of Plastic Surgery (EBOPRAS) and the Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery.


أسعار العلاج في المستشفى

آخر تحديث للأسعار - 29.04.2024 - يمكن ان تتغير الأسعار حسب الحالة الطبية وتوصيات الطبيب.
الطب التجميلي
علاج الجلد النبضي المكثف (IPL) $220 - $700
البوتوكس للجبين $280 - $380
حقن البوتوكس $280 - $665
حقن الميزوثيرابي للشعر $280 - $480
بوتوكس بدون إبرة $280 - $565
جراحة تجميلية
شد وزرع الثدي - مكور $4100 - $5100
جراحة تدلي الجفن $1300 - $4500
جراحة التثدي $3150 - $4150
شفط الدهون في منطقة الرقبة $2800 - $3800
نقل دهون الوجه $1900 - $4750

الأطباء في المستشفى

مستشفى الاعتمادات للجوده

Given to the doctor International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) Сertificate
US, شهادة لـ Trustmed Clinic
Turkish Medical Association
TR, شهادة لـ Trustmed Clinic

Trustmed Clinic: مزيد من التفاصيل عن المستشفى

تركيا, إسطنبول

TrustMed Clinic: A Leader in Health Tourism

TrustMed Clinic is renowned in Turkey and worldwide, specializing in aesthetic and plastic surgery and dermatology. The Clinic's team of highly skilled and experienced doctors, including famous dermatologist Assoc. Dr. Ezgi Özkur, is dedicated to providing patients with the highest quality care and service.

TrustMed Clinic is committed to raising the standards of health tourism in Turkey and providing patients with a seamless and personalized experience. The Clinic offers various services, including discounted flight tickets, hotel organization, airport and city transfers, insurance, and post-operative care packages.

TrustMed Clinic's motto is "focused and specialized in the field of body and skin." The Clinic offers patients full support throughout their treatment journey, from their initial consultation to their one-year recovery follow-up.

خدمات إضافية
من المستشفى الى المطار
$100 - $120
من المطار الى المستشفى
$100 - $120
فندق (شقق) بالقرب من العيادة او المستشفى، الدفع يومي
شروط القبول