تركيا, إسطنبول

Erdem Hospital

1 مستشفى اعتماد، موافقة رسمية للجوده

عن المستشفى

سنة التأسيس

Erdem Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. The team is dedicated to gastroenterology, aesthetic medicine, and cosmetology. Erdem Group has been providing healthcare and education services since 1988. With 3 hospitals, 2 dialysis centers, a medical center, and a dental health center, it serves patients in 23+ departments. Güneşli Erdem Hospital offers a modern 150-bed facility, while Başakşehir Hospital is set to open soon. Erdem is committed to innovation and integrates cutting-edge technologies and international standards to ensure top-quality care. Its approach emphasizes patient satisfaction and rights above all. Erdem Hospital serves both adults and children. 200000 patients choose Erdem Hospital to get medical care every year. Patients from Europe & Commonwealth, Latin America, the USA, Canada, and Australia visit the clinic most often.


أسعار العلاج في المستشفى

آخر تحديث للأسعار - 29.04.2024 - يمكن ان تتغير الأسعار حسب الحالة الطبية وتوصيات الطبيب.
جراحة تجميلية
التصوير الشعاعي للثدي $518.91 - $1037.83
زراعة الشعر $2065.28 - $3103.11
شفط الدهون في منطقة الظهر $1816.2 - $2075.66
عملية شد الذراعين $1868.09 - $2802.14
زرع الشعر للنساء $2065.28 - $3103.11
زراعة الشعر الأفرو $2065.28 - $3103.11
عملية جراحية
الجراحة بالمنظار لعلاج بطانة الرحم $311.35 - $518.91
جراحة إزالة المبيض $311.35 - $518.91
الجراحة $311.35 - $1556.74
استئصال الورم العضلي بالمنظار $311.35 - $518.91
استئصال كيس المبيض بالمنظار $311.35 - $518.91
أمراض الجهاز الهضمي
فحص استثنائي $518.91 - $1556.74
الخزعة $311.35 - $622.7
تصوير مقطعي محوسب او المفراس $311.35 - $622.7
الفحص مبدئي $518.91 - $1037.83
فحص التليف ( فيبرو سكان ) $311.35 - $622.7
استئصال المرارة بالمنظار (انظر استئصال المرارة) $311.35 - $518.91
جراحة الارتجاع المعدي المريئي بالمنظار $311.35 - $518.91
استئصال المعدة $311.35 - $518.91
استئصال المريء $311.35 - $518.91
المعالجة المائية للقولون $311.35 - $518.91
الطب التجميلي
التشخيص بناء على توصية الطبيب $207.57 - $518.91
العلاج بالخلايا الجذعية $726.48 - $1037.83

الأطباء في المستشفى

مستشفى اعتماد، موافقة رسمية للجوده

Turkish Medical Association
TR, شهادة لـ Erdem Hospital

Erdem Hospital: مزيد من التفاصيل عن المستشفى

تركيا, إسطنبول

Established in 1988, Erdem Group is a comprehensive healthcare and education provider. It operates three hospitals, two dialysis centers, a medical center, and an oral and dental health center, prioritizing patient satisfaction and rights. Since 2011, the group has also run various educational institutions, including schools and a software high school.

Starting as a small polyclinic in 1988 near Çakmak Bridge, the group expanded to Çakmak Erdem Hospital in 1994, now a modern 124-bed facility with 10,000 m² of space. Additional facilities include Çamlıca Dialysis Center and Çamlıca Erdem Hospital, established in 2009, offering 77 beds across 23 specialties in a 6000 m² area.

In 2015, Güneşli Erdem Hospital opened on Istanbul's European Side, featuring a 20,000 m² facility with 150 beds, patient suites, and internationally recognized standards. A new hospital in Başakşehir is planned. Erdem Group's Quality Management System ensures exceptional service that is aligned with Turkish health standards and legal regulations.