الدكتور يونغ مين ايم هو جراح تجميل مشهور ورئيس الأطباء في عيادة VG للجراحة التجميلية. لديه خبرة واسعة في الجراحة التجميلية وهو عضو في الجمعية الكورية لجراحي التجميل والترميم (KSPRS) والجمعية الكورية لجراحة التجميل والجمعية الأمريكية لجراحة التجميل (ASAPS). وهو متخصص في عمليات تجميل الوجه والجسم.
اقرأ المزيدSpecializations
Breast Aesthetics
Tummy Tuck
Genital Aesthetics
Eyelid aesthetic
Gynecomastia Correction
Prominent Ear Aesthetics
Botox Applications
Filling Applications
Postbariatric Surgeon
اقرأ المزيد
Dr Mehmet Yildirim ,
Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine 2008- 2014
Medical Education completed
Istanbul University
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 2016-2022
Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery specialization completed.
2022 - 2024
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery specialist
Estherian Plastic Surgery Department
January 2017
28. Basic Microsurgery course
Bazmialem Vakif University
22. Experimental Animal certificate course
EPCD Breast Surgery school
Teorhinoplasty Live Surgery course
19-24 December 2022
EPCD Fellowship Program completed
Face and Neck Surgery specialist - Istanbul
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
شفط الدهون من 3 مناطق في الجسم | $3200 - $4200 |
عضو الجمعية البرازيلية لليزر في الطب والجراحة تتخصص الدكتورة ليفيا كامارغو في طب الجلد التجميلي وتقدم مجموعة متنوعة من علاجات التجميل والعناية بالبشرة والشعر. تجمع عيادتنا بين التكنولوجيا العالية والتقنيات الحديثة، وتقع في برايا دو فلامنجو، جنوب ريو دي جانيرو، وتوفر إطلالة جميلة على المدينة. هدفنا هو تعزيز الصحة والجمال والرفاهية، كل ذلك في بيئة أنيقة وترحيبية.
اقرأ المزيدتكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
شفط الدهون من 3 مناطق في الجسم | $2595.38 - $2803.01 |
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Graduated (M.D. From)
Doctor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
Certificate of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
Certificate of specialty in Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University
Certificate for Doctors Training Program at the 2024 KVPS (Korea V Plastic Surgery Symposium), Demonstrating Excellence in Facelift with Masters Course.
Work History (Experiences)
Member of the Medical Council of Thailand (Memberships)
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand
Current Positions
اقرأ المزيدPatient requests:
Age-related changes in various areas of the body;
Breast augmentation or correction;
Condition, after full or partial removal of the breast;
Consequences of injuries, burns, removal of various tumor-like formations;
Lymphatic edema of the extremities after various injuries and surgical interventions.
All types of operations in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery;
All types of microsurgical operations;
Consultation of patients.
Surgical techniques aimed at correcting age-related changes in the face and body;
All types of operations with corrections of congenital and acquired skin defects and deformations of various localization;
All types of operations for the correction of postoperative scars and skin deformations;
All types of microsurgical operations.
Kyiv Medical Institute named after O.O. Bogomolets in 1980, Sergeon;
Since 1980, work in the department of microsurgery and plastic surgery of NIHT named after O.O. Shalimova with a specialization in vascular surgery;
1987 he defended his candidate's thesis "auto-alloneuroplasty of defects of the peripheral nerves of the limbs";
In 1996, he completed the cycle of works on microsurgery in the field of neuroplasticity, received the State Award of Ukraine in the field of science and technology;
In 1999, he defended his doctoral thesis "Autotransplantation of complex tissue complexes for closing defects in functionally important areas of the limbs";
Since 2007 - professor of the department of combustiology and plastic surgery, head of the cycle - "Mammoplasty";
اقرأ المزيدالدكتور كوون هيوك مون هو طبيب قلب تدخلي يتمتع بخبرة تزيد عن 37 عامًا. حصل على بكالوريوس الطب عام 1984 وماجستير في الطب عام 1988 من جامعة يونسي وأكمل الزمالة البحثية في Mayo Clinic ومؤسسة Mayo في عام 1997. وتشمل مجالات اهتمامه الذبحة الصدرية واحتشاء عضلة القلب وتدخل الشريان التاجي وغير ذلك. قام بتأليف العديد من الأوراق البحثية التي تتناول مختلف علاجات القلب والعمليات الجراحية.
اقرأ المزيدKadir Oyur is a dynamic and accomplished medical professional with a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of surgery. He completed his Postgraduate Residency in Plastic Surgery at the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in Minsk, Belarus, followed by another residency in General Surgery at Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in Kiev, Ukraine. Prior to this, he pursued his medical education at Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa English Medical School. Throughout his career, Kadir has held various positions, including roles at Europ-Assistance Insurance Company in Turkey and Antes Aesthetic Surgery Center in Belarus. He has actively engaged in research and observational programs at prestigious institutions like Harvard University Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the University of California, Irvine. Kadir is also proficient in computer skills and speaks multiple languages fluently, including English, Turkish, Kurdish, Russian, and German. Beyond his medical endeavors, he enjoys pursuits such as playing musical instruments, sailing, and cycling. Kadir is an active member of esteemed medical societies such as The International Society of Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. With his extensive skill set and commitment to excellence, Kadir Oyur continues to make significant contributions to the field of surgery.
اقرأ المزيدالدكتور Koray Urgu هو جراح ترميمي تجميلي ومتخصص في علاج الخلايا الجذعية. لديه أكثر من 10 سنوات من الخبرة في هذا المجال وحصل على جائزة لعمله في الخلايا الجذعية. وهو عضو في الجمعية التركية لجراحة التجميل وغرفة اسطنبول الطبية.
اقرأ المزيد