دكتوراه مع DDS من جامعة Chulalongkorn ، وماجستير في جراحة الفم والوجه والفكين من جامعة Prince of Songkhla ، وخبرة كمحاضر متفرغ في جراحة الفم وطب الأسنان في جامعة Prince of Songkla.
اقرأ المزيدتخرج البروفيسور الدكتور سردار بيدي أومي من كلية طب هاستيب عام 1985 وتخصص لاحقًا في الطب الباطني وأمراض الدم. نشر 65 مقالاً علمياً ، و 112 ورقة اجتماعات ، و 34 عرضاً في المؤتمرات في مجال أمراض الدم وزرع نخاع العظم. وقد عمل أيضًا كأخصائي أمراض الدم وطبيب أمراض الدم الجزيئية في كلية الطب اليابانية في عام 1995.
اقرأ المزيدتكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
استئصال قطعة الرئة | $12000 - $20000 |
استئصال القولون | $11000 - $16000 |
استئصال الرحم | $9500 - $14500 |
Dr. Nazli KORKMAZ, a renowned expert in the field of genital aesthetic surgery. The clinic, located in Istanbul, Turkey, is recognized for its exceptional medical standards and commitment to patient well-being. Dr. Nazli Korkmaz, who bases her treatments on the principle of "catering to all aspects of women's health," takes a comprehensive approach to women's well-being, sexuality, and aesthetics, addressing the unique needs of women throughout their lives. With a dedicated team, Surgeon Dr. Nazli KORKMAZ ensures a comfortable and professional experience, delivering optimal results when the patient enters her clinic. The clinic's medical team recognizes that each patient has individual requirements and expectations. Therefore, they customize every visit to meet patients' needs, providing personalized care at every step.
اقرأ المزيدالمحتوى الحساس
المحتوى الحساس
الدكتور X هو طبيب أورام أورام نسائي معتمد من قبل الجمعية الأوروبية لأورام أمراض النساء (ESGO). حصل على كلية الطب من جامعة اسطنبول ، كلية الطب جراح باشا ، كما أنهى تدريبه التخصصي في أمراض النساء والتوليد من جامعة العلوم الصحية ، مستشفى السليمانية لأمراض النساء والولادة للتدريب والبحوث. وقد تلقى أيضًا تدريبًا إضافيًا في جراحة الأورام النسائية ، وجراحة الحد الأدنى من الوصول ، كما حصل على مراقبين دوليين في مركز ميموريال سلون كيترينج للسرطان ، ومدرسة لايبزيغ لجراحة الحوض الجذرية ، والجامعة الكاثوليكية للقلب المقدس ، و بوليكلينيكو أغوستينو جيميلي IRCCS ، قسم الأورام النسائية ، وغيرها من مستشفيات التدريب والبحث.
اقرأ المزيدتكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
استئصال قطعة الرئة | $12000 - $20000 |
استئصال القولون | $11000 - $16000 |
استئصال الرحم | $9500 - $14500 |
الدكتورة نسرين باشتوغ هي طبيبة نسائية متخصصة في أطفال الأنابيب (الإخصاب خارج الجسم). تخرجت من جامعة إيجي عام 1994 وشغلت منذ ذلك الحين مناصب في عيادة كوتاهيا الصحية ، مستشفى زينب كاميل لأبحاث أمراض النساء والأطفال والتعليم ومستشفى إمسي الخاص. كانت مسؤولة وحدة التلقيح الاصطناعي في مستشفى Emsey الخاص منذ عام 2012.
اقرأ المزيدتكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
استئصال قطعة الرئة | $12000 - $20000 |
استئصال القولون | $11000 - $16000 |
استئصال الرحم | $9500 - $14500 |
البروفيسور بيتان هو طبيب تخرج من كلية الطب بجامعة أنقرة عام 1992 وأصبح متخصصًا في الطب في كلية الطب بجامعة أولوداغ ، قسم أمراض الأطفال. يتمتع بخبرة في تشخيص وعلاج سرطانات الأطفال وسرطان الدم وفقر الدم وأمراض أخرى. له 15 مقالة منشورة في مجلات دولية محكمة ، 9 نصوص كاملة قدمت ونشرت في اجتماعات علمية دولية ، 3 كتب / فصول كتب مكتوبة ، و 8 مقالات منشورة في مجلات محلية محكمة.
اقرأ المزيدتكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
استئصال قطعة الرئة | $12000 - $20000 |
استئصال القولون | $11000 - $16000 |
استئصال الرحم | $9500 - $14500 |
Dr. Park Jung-won
Current representative doctor of the Sinsoe Women’s Clinic
Current representative manager of Stem Cell Institute LifeCell-Bio
Adjunct Professor of the Hanyang University of Medicine, part of Ob-gyn
Adjunct Professor of the Sungkyunkwan University of Medicine, part of Ob-gyn
Adjunct Professor of the Soonchunhyang University of Medicine, part of Ob-gyn
Director of Public Relations, Korean Society of Focused Ultrasound Medicine
Executive Director of the Korean Ob-gyn Medical Society
Academic Director of the Korean Aesthetic Surgery Association
Consultant of the Chinese My Like Hospital Group
Officially designated by WAAPX, the world's leading physician education organization
Regular Member of the Korean Ob-gyn Association
Regular Member of the Korean Aesthetic Surgery Association
Regular Member of the Perineoplasty Association
Regular Member of the Korean Ob-gyn Ultrasound Association
اقرأ المزيدالمحتوى الحساس
المحتوى الحساس
مرخص أخصائي علاج الأورام بالإشعاع مع 8 سنوات من التدريب الطبي ، بما في ذلك الدراسات الجامعية في كلية الطب بجامعة مرمرة (2004-2011) والتدريب المتخصص في علاج الأورام بالإشعاع في كلية الطب بجامعة مرمرة (2012-2016). التعليم السابق من مدرسة Sixteen Numbered Shirvan School (أذربيجان) الثانوية (1998-2004).
اقرأ المزيدتكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
استئصال قطعة الرئة | $12000 - $20000 |
استئصال القولون | $11000 - $16000 |
استئصال الرحم | $9500 - $14500 |
Op.Dr. Özgür AKŞAN
Dr Akşan has completed his residency on 2007 at Neurosurgery Department of 9 Eylul University Medical Faculty. Following that, he got assigned to Muş State Hospital to complete his compulsory medical service, where he served as deputy chief physician, managed intensive care units and performed a wide range of operations including microsurgical discectomy for both spinal disc herniation and cervical disc herniation as well as laser nucleoplasty discectomy for spinal disc herniation.After completing his compulsory service, he worked at Eskişehir Air Force Hospital's Neurosurgery Department for another year. Dr Özgür also worked at Izmir Tınaztepe Hospital between 2010-2016. He currently works at his own clinic in Alsancak/Izmir.
Articles Published at International Journals:
1. Postoperative lumbosacral instability: Proposal of a new classification based on etiology. Sait Naderi, Ozgür AKSAN, Süleyman Men, Levent Firat, Tansu Mertol, M. Nuri Arda. World Spine Journal 2: 16-21, 2007
2. Difference between generic and Multiple Sclerosis-specific quality of life instruments regarding the assessment of treatment efficacy.Ozakbas S, Akdede BB, Kösehasanogullari C, AKSAN O, Idiman E. Journal Of The Neurological Science 5/2007; 256/1 -2/30-34/2007
Articles Published at National Journals:
1. Odontoid fractures: Sait Naderi, Özgür AKSAN, Feridun Acar, Tansu Mertol, Nuri Arda: Turkish Neurosurgery 16: 81-84, 2006
2. Pediatrik Kafa Travmalan, Ozkara E, Yuceer N, AKSAN O, Arda MN, Inarucl MA., Adli Bilimler Dergisi Turkish Journal of Forensic Sciences, 9 (1): 7-12 (2010).
Papers Presented at International Congresses:
1. 1. Difference betweengeneric and MS- spesific quality of life instruments regarding the assessment of treatment efficacy. Özakba9 S, Akdede B, AKSAN Q Karahasanogullarl C, Uzunel F, idiman E. 20th Congress Of European Commitee for Treatment and Research in Multipl Sclerosis. October 6-10, 2004. Austria 2. Postlaminectomy lumbosacral instability. Sait Naderi, Özgür AKSAN, Levent Firat, Tansu Mertol, Nuri Arda.7th International Congress on Spine. April 14-17, 2005, Hotel Pine beach City, Belek, Antalya
3. Pediatric Cranial Traumas. Erdem Özkara, Nurullah Yüceer, Özgür AKSAN, Mehmet Nuri Arda, M Akif inanici. Fifth Congress Of The Balkan Academy Of Forensic Sciences. 3-7 June 2007, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
4. A rare cause of Sl radiculopathy: perineural (Tarlov) cyst: Ozgür AKSAN, Nail Ozdemir, Hakan Sinan Yllmaz. 14th European Congress of Neurosurgery (EANS 2011) Rome, Italy. October 9 — 14, 2011.
Hernia Discectomy
Lomber Narrow Canal (Spinal Stenosis) Treatment
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Treatment
■ Cerebral Hemorrhage Treatment
Brain Tumour Treatment
Cervical Stenosis Treatment
Chiari Malformation Treatment
Hydrochepalia Treatment
■ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment
■Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Spinal Fracture Treatment
Psuedotumour Cerebri Treatment
Spine and Spinal Cord Tumour Treatments
اقرأ المزيدGynecologist
Dr. Kim Boo-young
Current doctor of the Sinsoe Women’s Clinic
Completed residency program at Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine, St. Mary's Hospital
Adjunct Professor of the Catholic University of Medicine, part of Ob-gyn
Regular Member of the Korean Ob-gyn Association
Regular Member of the Korean Aesthetic Surgery Association
Regular Member of the Korean Menopause Association
Regular Member of the Korean Perineoplasty Association
Regular Member of the Korean Dermatology Aesthetic Association
Regular Member of the Korean Aesthetic Laser Surgery Association
Regular Member of the Korean Dermatology Aesthetic Surgery Association
Former) Head of Cheonghwa Obstetrics and Gynecology
Former) Head of Lamer Women's Hospital
Former) Director of Apple Women Obstetrics and Gynecology
Former) Director of Laprin Plastic Surgery/Skin Clinic
اقرأ المزيدالمحتوى الحساس
المحتوى الحساس
المحتوى الحساس
المحتوى الحساس
General and oncologist surgeon for more than 20 years of experience.
اقرأ المزيدHe was born in 1985 in Antalya. He completed his primary and secondary education in Antalya. Between 2003 and 2009, he studied at the Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty of Istanbul University. In 2009, he started his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Istanbul Suleymaniye Obstetrics and Pediatrics Education and Research Hospital. During his residency, he worked in obstetrics, Gynecology, Oncology, Endoscopic Surgery, Perinatology (high-risk pregnancy), Infertility and Menopause units.
In 2011, he spent two months in India studying actively on laparoscopy at World Laparoscopy Hospital. In 2014, he received the title of Obstetrician and Gynecologist. In the same year, he came 2nd in Turkey in the examination for Minor Specialty in Medicine and started his minor residency in Gynecological Oncology Surgery at Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
In 2017, he worked for three months at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, United States. In 2018, he became a minor specialist in Gynecological Oncology Surgery. In the same year, the European Society of Gynecological Oncology awarded him the personally accredited European Gynecologist Oncologist certificate (3rd person in Turkey). For about 1.5 years, he served at Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital under the Obligation of Civil Service. In 2019, he participated in active surgery and cadaver work together with Michael Höckel, one of the pioneers of Gynecological Oncology at the University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany. That same year, he was a “visiting fellow” at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, Italy.
He was awarded the title of Associate Professor in August 2019. He participated in numerous national and international congresses, symposiums and workshops and served as guest speaker. His surgery videos have been selected as training videos by the European Society of Gynecological Oncology and are published on their site for doctors.
He has 56 international and 10 national publications. He was the editor of the Turkish translation of the book, which is considered the main international source in Gynecological Oncology. He is the author of 7 chapters of international and national books. He has over 100 works in Turkey and abroad as oral presentations, poster presentations and panel presentations. He is refereeing for internationally respected journals. He has a good command of English. He follows up and implements all developments in his field.
اقرأ المزيدGynecologist
Dr. Hong Hye-ri
Current doctor of the Sinsoe Women’s Clinic
Current adjunct professor of the Korea University
Current adjunct professor of the Inha University
Current adjunct professor of the Kyung Hee University
Master's degree in obstetrics and gynecology from Korea University
Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency in the Korea University
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Maternal Fetal Medicine in the Korea University
Clinical Lecturer in the Inha University Hospital
Clinical Assistant Professor in the Kyung Hee University Hostpital at Gangdong
Regular Member of the Korean Ob-gyn Association
Regular Member of the Korean Ob-gyn Ultrasound Association
Regular Member of the Korean Maternal Fetal Medicine Association
Former) Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Seoul Seongae Hospital
اقرأ المزيدGynecologist
Dr. Lee Gi-ppeum
Current doctor of the Sinsoe Women’s Clinic
Completed residency program at Kangbuk Samsung Hospital
Doctor of the Sinsoe Women’s Clinic
Regular Member of the Korean Ob-gyn Ultrasound Association
Regular Member of the Society of Women's Aesthetic Research
Regular Member of the Perineoplasty Association
Regular Member of the Korean Society of Dermatologic Surgery
اقرأ المزيد
Professional Experience
International Publications
National Publications
Occupational Experience
Professional Courses, Certificates and Exams
Articles Published In International Peer-Reviewed Journals Indexed By Science-Citation Index
Articles Published In International Peer-Reviewed Journals Indexed Other Than By Science-Citation Index
Oral Presentations Presented In The International Congresses
Books & Book Chapters
اقرأ المزيد