زرع الشعر للنساء
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زرع الشعر للنساء
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أفضل زرع الشعر للنساء جراحي التجميل - توب -102 أطباء

يلبي المحتوى سياسة التحرير Bookimed ويتم مراجعتها طبياً من قبل
فهد مولود - طبيب عام. حاصل على 4 جوائز علمية. خدم في غرب آسيا. رئيس الفريق الطبي الناطق بالعربية سابقا ومسؤول عن معالجة البيانات ودقة المحتوى الطبي حاليا.
Ahmet Ayik
اخصائي زراعة الشعر
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Ahmet Ayik

اخصائي زراعة الشعر
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Ahmet Ayık Hair Transplant Clinic
Raquel Amaro
اخصائي زراعة الشعر
5سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Raquel Amaro

اخصائي زراعة الشعر
5سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
إسبانيا, مدريد
Hospital Capilar
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
زرع الشعر للنساء $4028.68 - $4781.7
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية
Gokhan Parlak
اخصائي زراعة الشعر
18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
3 تقييمات

Gokhan Parlak

اخصائي زراعة الشعر
18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Medeks Hair Center
Mehmet Mustafa Kiyar
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
19سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
1 تقييم
تركيا, إسطنبول
Mono Medical Center

Mehmet Mustafa Kiyar

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
19سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
الدكتور محمد مصطفى كيار هو جراح تجميل يتمتع بخبرة تقارب 30 عاماً. وهو معتمد من المجلسين التركي والأوروبي للجراحة التجميلية والترميمية والتجميلية. تشمل خبرته الجراحية مجموعة كبيرة من العمليات الجراحية مثل جراحات الثدي وتجميل الأنف وشفط الدهون وشد الوجه.اقرأ المزيد
الدكتور محمد مصطفى كيار هو جراح تجميل يتمتع بخبرة تقارب 30 عاماً. وهو معتمد من المجلسين التركي والأوروبي للجراحة التجميلية والترميمية والتجميلية. تشمل خبرته الجراحية مجموعة كبيرة من العمليات الجراحية مثل جراحات الثدي وتجميل الأنف وشفط الدهون وشد الوجه.
اقرأ المزيد
Taha Sonmez
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
31 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Karisoclinic. BLACKLISTED

Taha Sonmez

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialist Operator Doctor Taha Sönmez was born in Erzurum. After completing his primary, secondary and high school education in Erzurum with honors, he studied at Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine between 2002-2007 and became a medical doctor. Aesthetics, microsurgery, congenital (congenital) anomalies, burn treatment and surgery, facial fractures, hand surgery, tissue transplants, head and neck surgery, neuromuscular transplants, surgical and non-surgical plastic surgery in the Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at Istanbul University started his education.



He received the title of Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialist by presenting his experimental study thesis on the EVALUATION OF ISCHEMIC DAMAGE BY USING N-ACETYLCYSTEIN SINGLE AND TOGETHER. After completing her education, she received postgraduate training on vaser liposuction, rhinoplasty, breast aesthetics, facial and body aesthetic shaping, male and female aesthetics, surgical and non-surgical aesthetics at Adıyaman Training and Research Hospital.


He continued his studies on aesthetic surgery, rhinoplasty, breast (breast) augmentation aesthetics, tummy tuck, hair transplant, liposuction (liposuction), vaser liposuction, youthful appearance with and without surgery, anti-aging, hair and eyebrow transplantation.

اقرأ المزيد

Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialist Operator Doctor Taha Sönmez was born in Erzurum. After completing his primary, secondary and high school education in Erzurum with honors, he studied at Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine between 2002-2007 and became a medical doctor. Aesthetics, microsurgery, congenital (congenital) anomalies, burn treatment and surgery, facial fractures, hand surgery, tissue transplants, head and neck surgery, neuromuscular transplants, surgical and non-surgical plastic surgery in the Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at Istanbul University started his education.



He received the title of Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialist by presenting his experimental study thesis on the EVALUATION OF ISCHEMIC DAMAGE BY USING N-ACETYLCYSTEIN SINGLE AND TOGETHER. After completing her education, she received postgraduate training on vaser liposuction, rhinoplasty, breast aesthetics, facial and body aesthetic shaping, male and female aesthetics, surgical and non-surgical aesthetics at Adıyaman Training and Research Hospital.


He continued his studies on aesthetic surgery, rhinoplasty, breast (breast) augmentation aesthetics, tummy tuck, hair transplant, liposuction (liposuction), vaser liposuction, youthful appearance with and without surgery, anti-aging, hair and eyebrow transplantation.

اقرأ المزيد
Uriel Munoz
اخصائي زراعة الشعر
5سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
المكسيك, بويرتو فالارتا

Uriel Munoz

اخصائي زراعة الشعر
5سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
الدكتور أوريل مونوز هو جراح تجميل معتمد من البورد الأمريكي ومتخصص في الجراحة التجميلية/التجميلية والطب التجديدي وزراعة الشعر وعلاجات البوتوكس. يشتهر بنهجه الشخصي واستخدامه لأحدث التقنيات والتكنولوجيات، وهو عضو في الجمعية الدولية للجراحة التجميلية التجميلية (ISAPS).اقرأ المزيد
الدكتور أوريل مونوز هو جراح تجميل معتمد من البورد الأمريكي ومتخصص في الجراحة التجميلية/التجميلية والطب التجديدي وزراعة الشعر وعلاجات البوتوكس. يشتهر بنهجه الشخصي واستخدامه لأحدث التقنيات والتكنولوجيات، وهو عضو في الجمعية الدولية للجراحة التجميلية التجميلية (ISAPS).
اقرأ المزيد
Rajendra Dhondge
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
الهند, Nashik
HCG Manavata Cancer Centre

Rajendra Dhondge

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

الدكتور راجندرا هو جراح ذو خبرة عالية وله خبرة في إعادة بناء الرأس والعنق وإعادة بناء الثدي وترميم الجذع والأطراف وجراحة الأوعية الدموية وإدارة الوذمة اللمفية. لقد أجرى أكثر من 1500 حالة نقل أنسجة الأوعية الدموية الدقيقة وهو عضو مدى الحياة في العديد من الجمعيات الطبية.

اقرأ المزيد

الدكتور راجندرا هو جراح ذو خبرة عالية وله خبرة في إعادة بناء الرأس والعنق وإعادة بناء الثدي وترميم الجذع والأطراف وجراحة الأوعية الدموية وإدارة الوذمة اللمفية. لقد أجرى أكثر من 1500 حالة نقل أنسجة الأوعية الدموية الدقيقة وهو عضو مدى الحياة في العديد من الجمعيات الطبية.

اقرأ المزيد
Hakim Cihangir
اخصائي زراعة الشعر
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Hakim Cihangir

اخصائي زراعة الشعر
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Clinic Wise
Baranov Ivan
جراح اختصاص زراعة الأعضاء
15سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
أوكرانيا, Dnieper
Hair Med

Baranov Ivan

جراح اختصاص زراعة الأعضاء
15سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
د. بارانوف إيفان هو أخصائي زراعة الشعر وأخصائي زراعة الشعر بخبرة تزيد عن 14 عاماً. وقد أجرى أكثر من 1300 عملية زراعة شعر وهو خبير معتمد في تقنية Regenera Activa. والجدير بالذكر أنه أخصائي زراعة الشعر الوحيد في أوكرانيا الذي يُجري عمليات زراعة الشعر باستخدام تقنية فريدة من نوعها ومختلطة للمؤلف مع نظام تريفيليني. د. بارانوف عضو في العديد من الجمعيات المهنية، بما في ذلك الجمعية الدولية لجراحة ترميم الشعر والجمعية الأوروبية لأبحاث الشعر والجمعية الأوكرانية لبحوث الشعر.اقرأ المزيد
د. بارانوف إيفان هو أخصائي زراعة الشعر وأخصائي زراعة الشعر بخبرة تزيد عن 14 عاماً. وقد أجرى أكثر من 1300 عملية زراعة شعر وهو خبير معتمد في تقنية Regenera Activa. والجدير بالذكر أنه أخصائي زراعة الشعر الوحيد في أوكرانيا الذي يُجري عمليات زراعة الشعر باستخدام تقنية فريدة من نوعها ومختلطة للمؤلف مع نظام تريفيليني. د. بارانوف عضو في العديد من الجمعيات المهنية، بما في ذلك الجمعية الدولية لجراحة ترميم الشعر والجمعية الأوروبية لأبحاث الشعر والجمعية الأوكرانية لبحوث الشعر.
اقرأ المزيد
Kim Bum-ryeol
اخصائي زراعة الشعر
27سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
كوريا الجنوبية, سول
MOAMAN Hair Transplant Clinic

Kim Bum-ryeol

اخصائي زراعة الشعر
27سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Currently) Director of Moaman Clinic

Former) Director of Gangnam Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

International Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ICCS) specialist

Regular member of the Korean Society of Cosmetic Surgery (KSAS)

Regular member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (KACS)


Academic activities

Speaker at the 1st ASACS International Conference

Speaker at the 7th AFAS International Conference and many others

اقرأ المزيد

Currently) Director of Moaman Clinic

Former) Director of Gangnam Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

International Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ICCS) specialist

Regular member of the Korean Society of Cosmetic Surgery (KSAS)

Regular member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (KACS)


Academic activities

Speaker at the 1st ASACS International Conference

Speaker at the 7th AFAS International Conference and many others

اقرأ المزيد
Ahmet Bayram
اخصائي زراعة الشعر
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Ahmet Bayram

اخصائي زراعة الشعر
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
CAB Health
Asli Uslu
اخصائي زراعة الشعر
6سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Asli Uslu

اخصائي زراعة الشعر
6سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
International ReGen
Bahattin Çeliköz
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
42سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
1 تقييم

Bahattin Çeliköz

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
42سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Mono Medical Center
Dr Ahmet Elmacioglu
طبيب تخدير
13سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Dream International Clinic

Dr Ahmet Elmacioglu

طبيب تخدير
13سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Education History Doctor of Medicine | Anadolu University Class of 2001 • Ministry of HealthCertificate of Expertise • Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association Participation Certificate Bachelor of Cosmetic Science Class of 2014 • plastic surgeon • Certificate of Preservation hair transplant • Anadolu University Education Certificate Dr. AHMET ELMACIOGLU TIP FAKULTESI ANADOLU TIP DOCTOR DIPLOMA March 2009to August 2011 (3 years, 5 months) • Dr. AHMET ELMACIOGLU has received an excellent evaluation from more than 19,000 patients on various sites that allow patients to write their opinions about the efficiency of doctors on the Internet, and some patients describe him as the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey • Dr. AHMET ELMACIOGLU specializes in hair transplantation, in addition to performing some other plastic surgeries. Work Experience • He worked at the International Medicine Hospital in Bagcilar, Istanbul, as a plastic surgeon in 2009 Relevant Skills • He had previously attended conferences in the United States and was a key member of the conference, which was based on hair loss treatment and was looking for hair loss solutions, and after that he made his decision to specialize in the field of hair transplantation. Volunteer Work and Affiliations Work Experience • He draws the front line professionally so that it does not appear to the patient after the transplantation, an unkind shape when the results appear, as he draws the front line is not straight, but draws and opens the transplantation channels in a zigzag manner, and from here it does not appear to the patient that he has done hair transplantation before • He previously worked in many hair transplant hospitals until he settled in Dream International Hospital, along with his medical team specialized in hair transplantation. He works as a general supervisor for doctors and specialists. • He had remarkable contributions in this particular field, as he was able to develop a device that now bears his name, which helps protect the donor area from damage, impact, or scarring. • The doctor started performing a hair transplant at the beginning of 2016 • Professional in Sapphire technique • It is one of the latest technologies in terms of large baldness and density • He listens to the patient and examines him before the operation. He always gives advice and is seriously keen for his patients to get the best results

اقرأ المزيد

Education History Doctor of Medicine | Anadolu University Class of 2001 • Ministry of HealthCertificate of Expertise • Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association Participation Certificate Bachelor of Cosmetic Science Class of 2014 • plastic surgeon • Certificate of Preservation hair transplant • Anadolu University Education Certificate Dr. AHMET ELMACIOGLU TIP FAKULTESI ANADOLU TIP DOCTOR DIPLOMA March 2009to August 2011 (3 years, 5 months) • Dr. AHMET ELMACIOGLU has received an excellent evaluation from more than 19,000 patients on various sites that allow patients to write their opinions about the efficiency of doctors on the Internet, and some patients describe him as the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey • Dr. AHMET ELMACIOGLU specializes in hair transplantation, in addition to performing some other plastic surgeries. Work Experience • He worked at the International Medicine Hospital in Bagcilar, Istanbul, as a plastic surgeon in 2009 Relevant Skills • He had previously attended conferences in the United States and was a key member of the conference, which was based on hair loss treatment and was looking for hair loss solutions, and after that he made his decision to specialize in the field of hair transplantation. Volunteer Work and Affiliations Work Experience • He draws the front line professionally so that it does not appear to the patient after the transplantation, an unkind shape when the results appear, as he draws the front line is not straight, but draws and opens the transplantation channels in a zigzag manner, and from here it does not appear to the patient that he has done hair transplantation before • He previously worked in many hair transplant hospitals until he settled in Dream International Hospital, along with his medical team specialized in hair transplantation. He works as a general supervisor for doctors and specialists. • He had remarkable contributions in this particular field, as he was able to develop a device that now bears his name, which helps protect the donor area from damage, impact, or scarring. • The doctor started performing a hair transplant at the beginning of 2016 • Professional in Sapphire technique • It is one of the latest technologies in terms of large baldness and density • He listens to the patient and examines him before the operation. He always gives advice and is seriously keen for his patients to get the best results

اقرأ المزيد
Dr Zeeshan Farooqui
اخصائي زراعة الشعر
3سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Dr Zeeshan Farooqui

اخصائي زراعة الشعر
3سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
المملكة المتحدة, لندن
Harley Street Hair Transplant Clinics
Kulakarn Amonpattana
اخصائي زراعة الشعر
27سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تايلاند, بانكوك
BHI Clinic

Kulakarn Amonpattana

اخصائي زراعة الشعر
27سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Dr.Kulakarn Amonpattana is a certified Thai Board of plastic surgery. She started to be interesting in hair transplantation surgery and apply for a fellowship under the direction of Dr.Damkerng Pathomvanich [ DHT Clinic ,Thailand] . She has been working in DHT Clinic with Dr.Pathomvanich after her graduated fellowship for 4 years. She had experiences in all dimensions of hair surgery. From 2012, she has started her own clinic in Nakornpathom,Thailand as Maple Clinic. She had certified by ABHRS [ American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery] since 2011 and finally a Fellow of ISHRS in 2016. She has been devoted exclusively in hair transplantation surgery now.

1999 : Bachelor Degree :  Doctor of Medicine , Mahidol university
2011 : Bachelor Degree : Business Administration, sukhothai Thammatirat University
2004 : Diplomat, Thai Board of Surgery ,  The Medical council of Thailand
2007 : Diplomat, Thai board of Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, The Medical council of Thailand.
2010 : Certified American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery

2016 : Certified Fellow of ISHRS, FISHRS

Other Certificates:
2001 : Certificate in Basic Surgical skill,Royal Collage of Surgeons,Edinburgh
2004 : Certificate in ACLS provider Instructor , The Heart Association of Thailand
2007 : Certificate in Thermage treatment procedure.
2013 : Certificate of Attendance ‘Secret of Korea Beauty’ by JW plastic surgery Center at Bangkok,Thailand, 23rd,November 2013



Professional Experiences:
1996-1997 : Internship at Srinagarind Hospital, KhonKhaen University
1997-2004 : Resident training, Department of surgery, Srinagarind Hospital, KhonKhaen University
2004-2005 : Hospital staff , Department of surgery, Taksin Hospital Bangkok
2005-2007 : Resident training, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Unit Department of surgery, Ramathibodhi Hospital
2007-2008 : Cosmetic doctor, Cosmetic unit,   Niranlada Clinic
2008-2011 : DHT Clinic Bangkok Thailand
2011-present : Consultant : Cosmetic and Hair surgery in various clinics And hospitals
2014 : Director : Maple Surgery Clinic , Sampran Nakornpathom

2019 : CEO, Founder of BHI Clinic ,Bangkok Thailand

Bangkok International Hospital
Thonburi Hospital
Dermaster Clinic, Absolute beauty clinic, Asia Clinic, BB cosmetic Clinic

Speaker and Lecturer experience
Guest lecturer in Hair restoration surgery :
- Ramathibodhi hospital
- Mae Pha Luang university
- Interhospital conference Society of Plastic surgery of Thailand


International speaker
Participant teaching faculty
- My face workshop- Cadaveric Dissection 2010, Singapore ,4-6March, 2010
- Asian Hair Transplantation Surgery Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand, June 2011
Speaker Eyebrow Transplantation
- Aesthetic Asia conference, Singapore ,July 2011
- IMCAS Asia conference, Singapore, March 2012
- Exuberant in Dermatology , in associate Of Juntendo University,Japan and MaePhaLuang University,Thailand, April, 2013

- Thailand Medical Council
- Royal College of Surgeon of Thailand
- Society of Plastic surgery Thailand
- International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
- American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery
- Asian Society of hair restoration surgery

اقرأ المزيد

Dr.Kulakarn Amonpattana is a certified Thai Board of plastic surgery. She started to be interesting in hair transplantation surgery and apply for a fellowship under the direction of Dr.Damkerng Pathomvanich [ DHT Clinic ,Thailand] . She has been working in DHT Clinic with Dr.Pathomvanich after her graduated fellowship for 4 years. She had experiences in all dimensions of hair surgery. From 2012, she has started her own clinic in Nakornpathom,Thailand as Maple Clinic. She had certified by ABHRS [ American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery] since 2011 and finally a Fellow of ISHRS in 2016. She has been devoted exclusively in hair transplantation surgery now.

1999 : Bachelor Degree :  Doctor of Medicine , Mahidol university
2011 : Bachelor Degree : Business Administration, sukhothai Thammatirat University
2004 : Diplomat, Thai Board of Surgery ,  The Medical council of Thailand
2007 : Diplomat, Thai board of Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, The Medical council of Thailand.
2010 : Certified American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery

2016 : Certified Fellow of ISHRS, FISHRS

Other Certificates:
2001 : Certificate in Basic Surgical skill,Royal Collage of Surgeons,Edinburgh
2004 : Certificate in ACLS provider Instructor , The Heart Association of Thailand
2007 : Certificate in Thermage treatment procedure.
2013 : Certificate of Attendance ‘Secret of Korea Beauty’ by JW plastic surgery Center at Bangkok,Thailand, 23rd,November 2013



Professional Experiences:
1996-1997 : Internship at Srinagarind Hospital, KhonKhaen University
1997-2004 : Resident training, Department of surgery, Srinagarind Hospital, KhonKhaen University
2004-2005 : Hospital staff , Department of surgery, Taksin Hospital Bangkok
2005-2007 : Resident training, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Unit Department of surgery, Ramathibodhi Hospital
2007-2008 : Cosmetic doctor, Cosmetic unit,   Niranlada Clinic
2008-2011 : DHT Clinic Bangkok Thailand
2011-present : Consultant : Cosmetic and Hair surgery in various clinics And hospitals
2014 : Director : Maple Surgery Clinic , Sampran Nakornpathom

2019 : CEO, Founder of BHI Clinic ,Bangkok Thailand

Bangkok International Hospital
Thonburi Hospital
Dermaster Clinic, Absolute beauty clinic, Asia Clinic, BB cosmetic Clinic

Speaker and Lecturer experience
Guest lecturer in Hair restoration surgery :
- Ramathibodhi hospital
- Mae Pha Luang university
- Interhospital conference Society of Plastic surgery of Thailand


International speaker
Participant teaching faculty
- My face workshop- Cadaveric Dissection 2010, Singapore ,4-6March, 2010
- Asian Hair Transplantation Surgery Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand, June 2011
Speaker Eyebrow Transplantation
- Aesthetic Asia conference, Singapore ,July 2011
- IMCAS Asia conference, Singapore, March 2012
- Exuberant in Dermatology , in associate Of Juntendo University,Japan and MaePhaLuang University,Thailand, April, 2013

- Thailand Medical Council
- Royal College of Surgeon of Thailand
- Society of Plastic surgery Thailand
- International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
- American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery
- Asian Society of hair restoration surgery

اقرأ المزيد
Kim Dae Young
اخصائي زراعة الشعر
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
كوريا الجنوبية, سول
MOAMAN Hair Transplant Clinic

Kim Dae Young

اخصائي زراعة الشعر
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Currently) Representive Director President of Moaman Clinic.

Currently) Director of the Korean Society of Hair Transplantation (KSHRS).

Former) Hair transplant surgeon at Kyungpook National University’s hair transplant center.

Former) Kyungpook National University Hair Transplantation Center, Live Surgery Work Shop.

The surgical team of Kyungpook National University

Full member of the International Society of Hair Transplantation. (ISHRS)

Full member of the Asian Society of Hair Transplantation. (AAHRS)

Full member of the Korean Society for Skin And Hair. (KADAT)

Regular member of Korean cosmetic surgery. (KSAS)

Regular member of the Korean Society of Beauty Plastic Surgery. (KACS)

Hair transplantation health medicine consultation.

Senior medical management, at Seoul National University. (AHP)

Graduated from Hanyang University of Medical School.

اقرأ المزيد

Currently) Representive Director President of Moaman Clinic.

Currently) Director of the Korean Society of Hair Transplantation (KSHRS).

Former) Hair transplant surgeon at Kyungpook National University’s hair transplant center.

Former) Kyungpook National University Hair Transplantation Center, Live Surgery Work Shop.

The surgical team of Kyungpook National University

Full member of the International Society of Hair Transplantation. (ISHRS)

Full member of the Asian Society of Hair Transplantation. (AAHRS)

Full member of the Korean Society for Skin And Hair. (KADAT)

Regular member of Korean cosmetic surgery. (KSAS)

Regular member of the Korean Society of Beauty Plastic Surgery. (KACS)

Hair transplantation health medicine consultation.

Senior medical management, at Seoul National University. (AHP)

Graduated from Hanyang University of Medical School.

اقرأ المزيد
Taha Sonm
جراح اختصاصي تجميل
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Taha Sonm

جراح اختصاصي تجميل
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Safety Сlinic
Mehmet Huseyin
اخصائي زراعة الشعر
9سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Doğa Clinic

Mehmet Huseyin

اخصائي زراعة الشعر
9سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Uzman Mehmet Hüseyin Aksu, sağlık turizmi sektöründe uzun yıllardır hizmet veren bir uzmandır. 8 yıldan fazla bir süredir çalışmalarını sürdüren Aksu, özellikle ünlüler ve influencer kişilerin tedavi planlamalarını yaparak sektörde kendine saygın bir yer edinmiştir.

Aksu, hastaların sağlık sorunlarına çözüm odaklı yaklaşımlarıyla bilinmektedir. Tedavi planlaması yaparken, hastanın mevcut durumunu ve sağlık geçmişini detaylı bir şekilde analiz eder. Bu sayede, her hastanın ihtiyaçlarına uygun bir tedavi planı hazırlar.

Sağlık turizmi sektörü, son yıllarda büyük bir gelişme göstermiştir. Uzman Mehmet Hüseyin Aksu, bu sektördeki tecrübesi sayesinde, hastaların seyahatleri sırasında tüm ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere çözümler sunar. Bu kapsamda, hastaların konaklama, transfer ve diğer lojistik ihtiyaçlarını da planlar.

Uzman Mehmet Hüseyin Aksu, sektördeki tecrübesi ve sağlık turizmi alanındaki bilgi birikimiyle, hastaların sağlıklı ve konforlu bir seyahat geçirmelerini sağlamaktadır. Tedavi sürecinin her aşamasında hastalarla yakından ilgilenerek, en kaliteli hizmeti sunar.

Sonuç olarak, Mehmet Hüseyin Aksu sağlık turizmi sektöründe alanında uzman bir isimdir. Uzun yıllardır sektörde çalışan Aksu, hastaların sağlık sorunlarına çözüm odaklı yaklaşımı ve seyahatlerinde ihtiyaçlarına yönelik sunduğu çözümlerle, saygın bir yer edinmiştir.

اقرأ المزيد

Uzman Mehmet Hüseyin Aksu, sağlık turizmi sektöründe uzun yıllardır hizmet veren bir uzmandır. 8 yıldan fazla bir süredir çalışmalarını sürdüren Aksu, özellikle ünlüler ve influencer kişilerin tedavi planlamalarını yaparak sektörde kendine saygın bir yer edinmiştir.

Aksu, hastaların sağlık sorunlarına çözüm odaklı yaklaşımlarıyla bilinmektedir. Tedavi planlaması yaparken, hastanın mevcut durumunu ve sağlık geçmişini detaylı bir şekilde analiz eder. Bu sayede, her hastanın ihtiyaçlarına uygun bir tedavi planı hazırlar.

Sağlık turizmi sektörü, son yıllarda büyük bir gelişme göstermiştir. Uzman Mehmet Hüseyin Aksu, bu sektördeki tecrübesi sayesinde, hastaların seyahatleri sırasında tüm ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere çözümler sunar. Bu kapsamda, hastaların konaklama, transfer ve diğer lojistik ihtiyaçlarını da planlar.

Uzman Mehmet Hüseyin Aksu, sektördeki tecrübesi ve sağlık turizmi alanındaki bilgi birikimiyle, hastaların sağlıklı ve konforlu bir seyahat geçirmelerini sağlamaktadır. Tedavi sürecinin her aşamasında hastalarla yakından ilgilenerek, en kaliteli hizmeti sunar.

Sonuç olarak, Mehmet Hüseyin Aksu sağlık turizmi sektöründe alanında uzman bir isimdir. Uzun yıllardır sektörde çalışan Aksu, hastaların sağlık sorunlarına çözüm odaklı yaklaşımı ve seyahatlerinde ihtiyaçlarına yönelik sunduğu çözümlerle, saygın bir yer edinmiştir.

اقرأ المزيد