البروفيسور الدكتور إبراهيم خليل طنبوا طبيب قلب يتمتع بخبرة واسعة ومعرفة في أمراض الشريان التاجي وأمراض الصمامات وعدم انتظام ضربات القلب وأجهزة تنظيم ضربات القلب وأمراض الشرايين الطرفية وأمراض القلب الهيكلية الخلقية وتخطيط صدى القلب عبر المريء. وهو عضو في الجمعية الطبية التركية والجمعية التركية لأمراض القلب والجمعية الأوروبية لأمراض القلب.
اقرأ المزيدالبروفيسور الدكتور إبراهيم خليل طنبوا طبيب قلب يتمتع بخبرة واسعة ومعرفة في أمراض الشريان التاجي وأمراض الصمامات وعدم انتظام ضربات القلب وأجهزة تنظيم ضربات القلب وأمراض الشرايين الطرفية وأمراض القلب الهيكلية الخلقية وتخطيط صدى القلب عبر المريء. وهو عضو في الجمعية الطبية التركية والجمعية التركية لأمراض القلب والجمعية الأوروبية لأمراض القلب.
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
الترددات اللاسلكية | $10000 - $18000 |
استئصال الرئة | $11200 |
تخرج البروفيسور مصطفى ساغلام من كلية الطب بجامعة مرمرة في عام 1994 وتخصص في إصلاح الأوعية الدموية لتمدد الشريان الأورطي البطني ، واختبار الإجهاد لتصوير أمراض الشريان التاجي ، ومراقبة القلب المتنقلة ، واختبار هولتر ، ورأب الصمام بالبالون ، وجهاز تنظيم ضربات القلب المؤقت. يشغل حاليًا منصب رئيس قسم أمراض القلب في مستشفى حصار إنتركونتيننتال.
اقرأ المزيدتخرج البروفيسور مصطفى ساغلام من كلية الطب بجامعة مرمرة في عام 1994 وتخصص في إصلاح الأوعية الدموية لتمدد الشريان الأورطي البطني ، واختبار الإجهاد لتصوير أمراض الشريان التاجي ، ومراقبة القلب المتنقلة ، واختبار هولتر ، ورأب الصمام بالبالون ، وجهاز تنظيم ضربات القلب المؤقت. يشغل حاليًا منصب رئيس قسم أمراض القلب في مستشفى حصار إنتركونتيننتال.
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
الترددات اللاسلكية | $10000 - $18000 |
استئصال الرئة | $11200 |
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
الترددات اللاسلكية | $10000 - $18000 |
استئصال الرئة | $11200 |
2018 - 2022
Health Sciences University – Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital
2016 - 2018
Diyarbakır Memorial Dicle Hospital Cardiology Clinic
2010 - 2010
Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology
2010 - 2016
Private Veni Vidi Hospital, Cardiology Clinic Supervisor
2006 - 2010
Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology
2005 - 2006
Urfa State Hospital
1999 - 2005
Turkey High Specialization Training and Research Hospital
1998 - 1999
Duruca Health Center
Health Sciences University, Cardiology
Dicle University, Department of Cardiology
Cardiology Turkey High Specialization Training and Research Hospital, Medical Specialization
Ege University, Faculty of Medicine
اقرأ المزيدExperience
2018 - 2022
Health Sciences University – Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital
2016 - 2018
Diyarbakır Memorial Dicle Hospital Cardiology Clinic
2010 - 2010
Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology
2010 - 2016
Private Veni Vidi Hospital, Cardiology Clinic Supervisor
2006 - 2010
Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology
2005 - 2006
Urfa State Hospital
1999 - 2005
Turkey High Specialization Training and Research Hospital
1998 - 1999
Duruca Health Center
Health Sciences University, Cardiology
Dicle University, Department of Cardiology
Cardiology Turkey High Specialization Training and Research Hospital, Medical Specialization
Ege University, Faculty of Medicine
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
رأب الأوعية السباتية والدعامات | $9000 |
الاستئصال بالترددات الراديوية الوريدي (EVRF) | $1800 - $2500 |
رأب الأوعية الدموية الشرياني عبر الشرايين (PTA) والدعامات | $2500 - $4500 |
Pediatric Cardiology
Pendik Medipol University Hospital
2021 Private Nisa Hospital
2020 – 2021 Bezmialem Foundation University Faculty of Medicine
2015 – 2021 Bezmialem Foundation University Faculty of Medicine
2010- 2015 Izmir Dr. Behçet Uz Pediatric Training and Research Hospital
2008 – 2009 Gata Pediatric Cardiology
1999 – 2003 Merzifon Aviation Medicine Center
2006 Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Pediatric Cardiology
1998 Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Child Health and Diseases
1991 Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine
اقرأ المزيدPediatric Cardiology
Pendik Medipol University Hospital
2021 Private Nisa Hospital
2020 – 2021 Bezmialem Foundation University Faculty of Medicine
2015 – 2021 Bezmialem Foundation University Faculty of Medicine
2010- 2015 Izmir Dr. Behçet Uz Pediatric Training and Research Hospital
2008 – 2009 Gata Pediatric Cardiology
1999 – 2003 Merzifon Aviation Medicine Center
2006 Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Pediatric Cardiology
1998 Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Child Health and Diseases
1991 Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine
European Society of Cardiology (Professional member) Turkish Society of Cardiology
Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (ACCA)
European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) Heart Failure Association of the ESC (HFA Silver)
HOT member
Ege University Faculty of Medicine,İzmir, Turkey Bachelorette in Medicine
Ege University Hospital, İzmir, Turkey Cardiology Department, Residency
Post Graduate Coursein Heart FailureLondon
(British Society for Heart Failure,the British Cardiovascular Society, the Institute of Cardiovascular Medicine and Science, and the Zurich Heart House)
September 2015 – present Cardiology specialist
Department of Cardiology, Near East University Hospital, Nicosia, Cyprus
August 2011-August 2015 Residency
Department of Cardiology, Ege University Facultyof Medicine, Izmir, Turkey
July 2015,
Brookwood International Academy Essential Good Clinical Practice
Certificate number: TranSA6845/MIPO3801011 MultiNational
اقرأ المزيدEuropean Society of Cardiology (Professional member) Turkish Society of Cardiology
Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (ACCA)
European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) Heart Failure Association of the ESC (HFA Silver)
HOT member
Ege University Faculty of Medicine,İzmir, Turkey Bachelorette in Medicine
Ege University Hospital, İzmir, Turkey Cardiology Department, Residency
Post Graduate Coursein Heart FailureLondon
(British Society for Heart Failure,the British Cardiovascular Society, the Institute of Cardiovascular Medicine and Science, and the Zurich Heart House)
September 2015 – present Cardiology specialist
Department of Cardiology, Near East University Hospital, Nicosia, Cyprus
August 2011-August 2015 Residency
Department of Cardiology, Ege University Facultyof Medicine, Izmir, Turkey
July 2015,
Brookwood International Academy Essential Good Clinical Practice
Certificate number: TranSA6845/MIPO3801011 MultiNational
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
الترددات اللاسلكية | $10000 - $18000 |
استئصال الرئة | $11200 |
البروفيسور توماس بيندر متخصص في الطب الباطني وأمراض القلب وقد تدرب في العديد من المعاهد الطبية. له العديد من المقالات الطبية وهو عضو في العديد من الجمعيات الطبية. وهو رئيس مختبر تخطيط صدى القلب في جامعة فيينا الطبية ويشارك بنشاط في تدريس وتدريب أطباء القلب.
اقرأ المزيدالبروفيسور توماس بيندر متخصص في الطب الباطني وأمراض القلب وقد تدرب في العديد من المعاهد الطبية. له العديد من المقالات الطبية وهو عضو في العديد من الجمعيات الطبية. وهو رئيس مختبر تخطيط صدى القلب في جامعة فيينا الطبية ويشارك بنشاط في تدريس وتدريب أطباء القلب.
دكتور حاصل على شهادة في الطب والجراحة من جامعة كومبلوتنسي في مدريد وتخصص في جراحة القلب والأوعية الدموية من جامعة مدريد المستقلة. لديه خبرة في جراحة القلب للأطفال في مستشفيات مختلفة في إسبانيا والولايات المتحدة ، ونشر أكثر من 100 مقال في المجلات الدولية والوطنية.
اقرأ المزيددكتور حاصل على شهادة في الطب والجراحة من جامعة كومبلوتنسي في مدريد وتخصص في جراحة القلب والأوعية الدموية من جامعة مدريد المستقلة. لديه خبرة في جراحة القلب للأطفال في مستشفيات مختلفة في إسبانيا والولايات المتحدة ، ونشر أكثر من 100 مقال في المجلات الدولية والوطنية.
Dr. Ahmed then, traveled to the Italian city of Modena to prepare the Fellowship of Interventional Cardiology and Endovascular therapy from the University of Modena and Reggo Emelia, where he was appointed as a lecturer for postgraduate students, in Interventional Cardiology. Then he traveled to Milan, Italy, in 2012 to prepare a fellowship in structural heart diseases.
The Journey continues to the Japanese city of Tokyo in the year 2013 to start training in the field of chronic total coronary oclusions and complex interventions. Finally, he returned to Cairo in 2013, where he obtained a doctorate degree in the field of cardiovascular medicine from Ain Shams University.
Member of the European Heart Association since 2007.
Dr. Ahmed attended many international medical conferences and was a lecturer in several important international forums.
He contributed to publishing important books, articles and medical research in international magazines.
Dr. Ahmed then, traveled to the Italian city of Modena to prepare the Fellowship of Interventional Cardiology and Endovascular therapy from the University of Modena and Reggo Emelia, where he was appointed as a lecturer for postgraduate students, in Interventional Cardiology. Then he traveled to Milan, Italy, in 2012 to prepare a fellowship in structural heart diseases.
The Journey continues to the Japanese city of Tokyo in the year 2013 to start training in the field of chronic total coronary oclusions and complex interventions. Finally, he returned to Cairo in 2013, where he obtained a doctorate degree in the field of cardiovascular medicine from Ain Shams University.
Member of the European Heart Association since 2007.
Dr. Ahmed attended many international medical conferences and was a lecturer in several important international forums.
He contributed to publishing important books, articles and medical research in international magazines.
Dr. Sangiorgi graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1990 from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
He then specialized in Cardiology at the same University in 1990. He held the role of Fellow in Interventional Cardiology and Research Associate at the Haemodynamics Laboratory of the Mayo Clinic and Foundation in Rochester (USA) from 1991 to 1998.
Back in Italy, he became Assistant at the Cardiovascular Interventional Radiology Laboratory of the San Donato Polyclinic Institute from 1998 to 2002, while from 2003 to 2009 he was Co-Director at the Columbus Heart Center and the Hemodynamics Laboratory of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan. Between 2009 and 2011 he worked as Head of the Hemodynamics Laboratory of the Modena Polyclinic, while in the following three years he worked at the Casilino Polyclinic in Rome. Since 2014 he has been part of the GVM group and works at various private and accredited facilities throughout the country. Dr. Sangiorgi has been a confirmed Researcher since 1998, and in 2010 he obtained the qualification to Associate Professor of Cardiology at the University of Padua. He is Professor of Cardiovascular Pathology at the School of Specialization in Pathological Anatomy of the University of Tor Vergata and Contract Professor for the Peripheral Interventional Course at the Department of Vascular Surgery of the University of Sassari. He is also the author of 270 works in national and international journals, 50 book chapters and approximately 900 abstracts .
Education and Training
Associations and Scientific Societies
Scientific Activity
Dr. Sangiorgi's scientific activity mainly concerns the pathology and physiopathology of the cardiovascular system, with particular reference to coronary and carotid atherosclerotic disease and restenosis after interventional procedures. Furthermore, Dr. Sangiorgi has constantly dealt with issues related to interventional cardiology with particular reference to the medium and long-term results of the use of various platforms of implantable medical devices.
In carrying out these activities he used anatomo-pathological, histochemical and ultrastructural methods. He also dedicated himself particularly to morphometric techniques applied to cardiovascular pathology.
Since September 1993 he has had the opportunity to dedicate himself, at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester (USA), in the Laboratory of Experimental Interventional Cardiology directed by Dr. Robert Schwartz, to the study of the morphology, physiopathology and pathology of restenosis and vascular remodeling mechanical revascularization interventions.
His research focuses on the following main themes:
The research carried out mainly concerned the development of new methods:
In particular, his studies concerned:
Dr. Giuseppe Sangiorgi has also participated in the following Research Projects in competition of the National Research Center, National Committee for Biological and Medical Sciences:
Professional Assignments
Research Activities Abroad
Scientific Awards and Recognitions
Editorial and Corporate Assignments
Awards and Recognitions
In 1998 he received the third prize as “ Young Researcher ” from the American Heart Association for the discovery of cellular apoptosis in aortic valves in patients affected by aortic stenosis and the first prize from the Italian Society of Cardiology as “Young Researcher” for the discovery of a new serum marker for the risk of STROKE in December 2001.
اقرأ المزيدDr. Sangiorgi graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1990 from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
He then specialized in Cardiology at the same University in 1990. He held the role of Fellow in Interventional Cardiology and Research Associate at the Haemodynamics Laboratory of the Mayo Clinic and Foundation in Rochester (USA) from 1991 to 1998.
Back in Italy, he became Assistant at the Cardiovascular Interventional Radiology Laboratory of the San Donato Polyclinic Institute from 1998 to 2002, while from 2003 to 2009 he was Co-Director at the Columbus Heart Center and the Hemodynamics Laboratory of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan. Between 2009 and 2011 he worked as Head of the Hemodynamics Laboratory of the Modena Polyclinic, while in the following three years he worked at the Casilino Polyclinic in Rome. Since 2014 he has been part of the GVM group and works at various private and accredited facilities throughout the country. Dr. Sangiorgi has been a confirmed Researcher since 1998, and in 2010 he obtained the qualification to Associate Professor of Cardiology at the University of Padua. He is Professor of Cardiovascular Pathology at the School of Specialization in Pathological Anatomy of the University of Tor Vergata and Contract Professor for the Peripheral Interventional Course at the Department of Vascular Surgery of the University of Sassari. He is also the author of 270 works in national and international journals, 50 book chapters and approximately 900 abstracts .
Education and Training
Associations and Scientific Societies
Scientific Activity
Dr. Sangiorgi's scientific activity mainly concerns the pathology and physiopathology of the cardiovascular system, with particular reference to coronary and carotid atherosclerotic disease and restenosis after interventional procedures. Furthermore, Dr. Sangiorgi has constantly dealt with issues related to interventional cardiology with particular reference to the medium and long-term results of the use of various platforms of implantable medical devices.
In carrying out these activities he used anatomo-pathological, histochemical and ultrastructural methods. He also dedicated himself particularly to morphometric techniques applied to cardiovascular pathology.
Since September 1993 he has had the opportunity to dedicate himself, at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester (USA), in the Laboratory of Experimental Interventional Cardiology directed by Dr. Robert Schwartz, to the study of the morphology, physiopathology and pathology of restenosis and vascular remodeling mechanical revascularization interventions.
His research focuses on the following main themes:
The research carried out mainly concerned the development of new methods:
In particular, his studies concerned:
Dr. Giuseppe Sangiorgi has also participated in the following Research Projects in competition of the National Research Center, National Committee for Biological and Medical Sciences:
Professional Assignments
Research Activities Abroad
Scientific Awards and Recognitions
Editorial and Corporate Assignments
Awards and Recognitions
In 1998 he received the third prize as “ Young Researcher ” from the American Heart Association for the discovery of cellular apoptosis in aortic valves in patients affected by aortic stenosis and the first prize from the Italian Society of Cardiology as “Young Researcher” for the discovery of a new serum marker for the risk of STROKE in December 2001.