جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
اقرأ المزيدجراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
استئصال الصفيحه الفقريه | $10933.51 |
استئصال القرص | $10933.51 |
علاج الانزلاق الغضروفي مع تشخيص ما قبل العملية | $10933.51 |
الدكتور إيلي أشكنازي هو جراح أعصاب في العمود الفقري مقره في إسرائيل ولديه أكثر من 20 عامًا من الخبرة ، متخصص في علاج أمراض العمود الفقري القطني وعنق الرحم. وهو مؤسس ورئيس مركز العمود الفقري الإسرائيلي في مستشفى أسوتا ، وقد ألف أكثر من 50 بحثًا عن علاج أمراض العمود الفقري. وهو حاصل على شهادة في الطب العام من كلية الطب في الجامعة العبرية هداسا ، تخصص جراحة الأعصاب من مستشفى جامعة هداسا عين كارم ، وأكمل تدريبه في جراحة العمود الفقري من مركز مونتيفيوري الطبي. وهو عضو في العديد من جمعيات الأعصاب وجراحة الأعصاب والعمود الفقري.
اقرأ المزيدالدكتور إيلي أشكنازي هو جراح أعصاب في العمود الفقري مقره في إسرائيل ولديه أكثر من 20 عامًا من الخبرة ، متخصص في علاج أمراض العمود الفقري القطني وعنق الرحم. وهو مؤسس ورئيس مركز العمود الفقري الإسرائيلي في مستشفى أسوتا ، وقد ألف أكثر من 50 بحثًا عن علاج أمراض العمود الفقري. وهو حاصل على شهادة في الطب العام من كلية الطب في الجامعة العبرية هداسا ، تخصص جراحة الأعصاب من مستشفى جامعة هداسا عين كارم ، وأكمل تدريبه في جراحة العمود الفقري من مركز مونتيفيوري الطبي. وهو عضو في العديد من جمعيات الأعصاب وجراحة الأعصاب والعمود الفقري.
الدكتور إيليا بيكارسكي هو جراح أعصاب وجراح شوكي مشهور عالميًا في إسرائيل ، متخصص في الجراحات طفيفة التوغل لاضطرابات العمود الفقري لدى البالغين والأطفال. يقوم بإجراء حوالي 60 عملية جراحية شهريًا ، ومن بين مرضاه المتزلج الأولمبي إيفجيني بلوشينكو ولاعب كرة السلة المحترف Kšyštof Lavrinovič. وهو عضو في جمعية جراحة العظام الإسرائيلية ، وجمعية العمود الفقري الإسرائيلية ، وجمعية العمود الفقري في أوروبا.
اقرأ المزيدالدكتور إيليا بيكارسكي هو جراح أعصاب وجراح شوكي مشهور عالميًا في إسرائيل ، متخصص في الجراحات طفيفة التوغل لاضطرابات العمود الفقري لدى البالغين والأطفال. يقوم بإجراء حوالي 60 عملية جراحية شهريًا ، ومن بين مرضاه المتزلج الأولمبي إيفجيني بلوشينكو ولاعب كرة السلة المحترف Kšyštof Lavrinovič. وهو عضو في جمعية جراحة العظام الإسرائيلية ، وجمعية العمود الفقري الإسرائيلية ، وجمعية العمود الفقري في أوروبا.
جراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
اقرأ المزيدجراح أعصاب العمود الفقري
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
جراحة الانزلاق الغضروفي | $13750 - $21900 |
الدكتور تامر تكين جراح أعصاب متميز حصل على شهادته الطبية من كلية الطب العسكري غولهان عام 1999. تشمل خبرته السريرية مجموعة واسعة من حالات وعلاجات العمود الفقري، مع تركيز خاص على إصابات العمود الفقري، وأمراض العمود الفقري التنكسية، والتقنيات الجراحية المتقدمة. يتخصص الدكتور تكين في جراحة العمود الفقري قليلة التوغل، واستئصال القرص بالليزر، والتدخلات العلاجية المختلفة بما في ذلك حقن العمود الفقري وعملية رأب الفقرات.
كأخصائي في العمود الفقري، طور الدكتور تكين خبرة كبيرة في الإجراءات المعقدة مثل استبدال القرص وإعادة بناء العمود الفقري. تمتد ممارسته إلى علاج أورام وعدوى العمود الفقري، مما يدل على نهجه الشامل في رعاية العمود الفقري.
اقرأ المزيدالدكتور تامر تكين جراح أعصاب متميز حصل على شهادته الطبية من كلية الطب العسكري غولهان عام 1999. تشمل خبرته السريرية مجموعة واسعة من حالات وعلاجات العمود الفقري، مع تركيز خاص على إصابات العمود الفقري، وأمراض العمود الفقري التنكسية، والتقنيات الجراحية المتقدمة. يتخصص الدكتور تكين في جراحة العمود الفقري قليلة التوغل، واستئصال القرص بالليزر، والتدخلات العلاجية المختلفة بما في ذلك حقن العمود الفقري وعملية رأب الفقرات.
كأخصائي في العمود الفقري، طور الدكتور تكين خبرة كبيرة في الإجراءات المعقدة مثل استبدال القرص وإعادة بناء العمود الفقري. تمتد ممارسته إلى علاج أورام وعدوى العمود الفقري، مما يدل على نهجه الشامل في رعاية العمود الفقري.
Op.Dr. Özgür AKŞAN
Dr Akşan has completed his residency on 2007 at Neurosurgery Department of 9 Eylul University Medical Faculty. Following that, he got assigned to Muş State Hospital to complete his compulsory medical service, where he served as deputy chief physician, managed intensive care units and performed a wide range of operations including microsurgical discectomy for both spinal disc herniation and cervical disc herniation as well as laser nucleoplasty discectomy for spinal disc herniation.After completing his compulsory service, he worked at Eskişehir Air Force Hospital's Neurosurgery Department for another year. Dr Özgür also worked at Izmir Tınaztepe Hospital between 2010-2016. He currently works at his own clinic in Alsancak/Izmir.
Articles Published at International Journals:
1. Postoperative lumbosacral instability: Proposal of a new classification based on etiology. Sait Naderi, Ozgür AKSAN, Süleyman Men, Levent Firat, Tansu Mertol, M. Nuri Arda. World Spine Journal 2: 16-21, 2007
2. Difference between generic and Multiple Sclerosis-specific quality of life instruments regarding the assessment of treatment efficacy.Ozakbas S, Akdede BB, Kösehasanogullari C, AKSAN O, Idiman E. Journal Of The Neurological Science 5/2007; 256/1 -2/30-34/2007
Articles Published at National Journals:
1. Odontoid fractures: Sait Naderi, Özgür AKSAN, Feridun Acar, Tansu Mertol, Nuri Arda: Turkish Neurosurgery 16: 81-84, 2006
2. Pediatrik Kafa Travmalan, Ozkara E, Yuceer N, AKSAN O, Arda MN, Inarucl MA., Adli Bilimler Dergisi Turkish Journal of Forensic Sciences, 9 (1): 7-12 (2010).
Papers Presented at International Congresses:
1. 1. Difference betweengeneric and MS- spesific quality of life instruments regarding the assessment of treatment efficacy. Özakba9 S, Akdede B, AKSAN Q Karahasanogullarl C, Uzunel F, idiman E. 20th Congress Of European Commitee for Treatment and Research in Multipl Sclerosis. October 6-10, 2004. Austria 2. Postlaminectomy lumbosacral instability. Sait Naderi, Özgür AKSAN, Levent Firat, Tansu Mertol, Nuri Arda.7th International Congress on Spine. April 14-17, 2005, Hotel Pine beach City, Belek, Antalya
3. Pediatric Cranial Traumas. Erdem Özkara, Nurullah Yüceer, Özgür AKSAN, Mehmet Nuri Arda, M Akif inanici. Fifth Congress Of The Balkan Academy Of Forensic Sciences. 3-7 June 2007, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
4. A rare cause of Sl radiculopathy: perineural (Tarlov) cyst: Ozgür AKSAN, Nail Ozdemir, Hakan Sinan Yllmaz. 14th European Congress of Neurosurgery (EANS 2011) Rome, Italy. October 9 — 14, 2011.
Hernia Discectomy
Lomber Narrow Canal (Spinal Stenosis) Treatment
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Treatment
■ Cerebral Hemorrhage Treatment
Brain Tumour Treatment
Cervical Stenosis Treatment
Chiari Malformation Treatment
Hydrochepalia Treatment
■ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment
■Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Spinal Fracture Treatment
Psuedotumour Cerebri Treatment
Spine and Spinal Cord Tumour Treatments
اقرأ المزيدOp.Dr. Özgür AKŞAN
Dr Akşan has completed his residency on 2007 at Neurosurgery Department of 9 Eylul University Medical Faculty. Following that, he got assigned to Muş State Hospital to complete his compulsory medical service, where he served as deputy chief physician, managed intensive care units and performed a wide range of operations including microsurgical discectomy for both spinal disc herniation and cervical disc herniation as well as laser nucleoplasty discectomy for spinal disc herniation.After completing his compulsory service, he worked at Eskişehir Air Force Hospital's Neurosurgery Department for another year. Dr Özgür also worked at Izmir Tınaztepe Hospital between 2010-2016. He currently works at his own clinic in Alsancak/Izmir.
Articles Published at International Journals:
1. Postoperative lumbosacral instability: Proposal of a new classification based on etiology. Sait Naderi, Ozgür AKSAN, Süleyman Men, Levent Firat, Tansu Mertol, M. Nuri Arda. World Spine Journal 2: 16-21, 2007
2. Difference between generic and Multiple Sclerosis-specific quality of life instruments regarding the assessment of treatment efficacy.Ozakbas S, Akdede BB, Kösehasanogullari C, AKSAN O, Idiman E. Journal Of The Neurological Science 5/2007; 256/1 -2/30-34/2007
Articles Published at National Journals:
1. Odontoid fractures: Sait Naderi, Özgür AKSAN, Feridun Acar, Tansu Mertol, Nuri Arda: Turkish Neurosurgery 16: 81-84, 2006
2. Pediatrik Kafa Travmalan, Ozkara E, Yuceer N, AKSAN O, Arda MN, Inarucl MA., Adli Bilimler Dergisi Turkish Journal of Forensic Sciences, 9 (1): 7-12 (2010).
Papers Presented at International Congresses:
1. 1. Difference betweengeneric and MS- spesific quality of life instruments regarding the assessment of treatment efficacy. Özakba9 S, Akdede B, AKSAN Q Karahasanogullarl C, Uzunel F, idiman E. 20th Congress Of European Commitee for Treatment and Research in Multipl Sclerosis. October 6-10, 2004. Austria 2. Postlaminectomy lumbosacral instability. Sait Naderi, Özgür AKSAN, Levent Firat, Tansu Mertol, Nuri Arda.7th International Congress on Spine. April 14-17, 2005, Hotel Pine beach City, Belek, Antalya
3. Pediatric Cranial Traumas. Erdem Özkara, Nurullah Yüceer, Özgür AKSAN, Mehmet Nuri Arda, M Akif inanici. Fifth Congress Of The Balkan Academy Of Forensic Sciences. 3-7 June 2007, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
4. A rare cause of Sl radiculopathy: perineural (Tarlov) cyst: Ozgür AKSAN, Nail Ozdemir, Hakan Sinan Yllmaz. 14th European Congress of Neurosurgery (EANS 2011) Rome, Italy. October 9 — 14, 2011.
Hernia Discectomy
Lomber Narrow Canal (Spinal Stenosis) Treatment
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Treatment
■ Cerebral Hemorrhage Treatment
Brain Tumour Treatment
Cervical Stenosis Treatment
Chiari Malformation Treatment
Hydrochepalia Treatment
■ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment
■Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Spinal Fracture Treatment
Psuedotumour Cerebri Treatment
Spine and Spinal Cord Tumour Treatments
Dr. Serdar Kabatas, graduated from Trakya University Medical Faculty, Edirne/Turkey in 1997. He became a neurosurgeon-specialist- in 2003 and then gained an award for postdoctoral fellowship in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) and Neural Stem Cell (NSC) at Harvard Medical School in 2007. He has spent most of his scientific carrier in the study of SCI related stem cell applications either experimentally or clinically, stem cell clinical applications in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorders, periferic nervous system injuries, cell-based approaches for intervertebral disc regeneration, dentritic stem cell vaccines regarding brain tumours, trigeminal neuralgia, aneurysm surgery, etc. Among his achievements are the prediction of neural and anatomical abnormalities of the gastrointestinal system resulting from contusion SCI and functional multipotency of NSCs- its therapeutic implications- in USA.
In addition to his scientific interests, he is the President of Society of Stem Cell and Cellular Therapies in Turkey. He is also member of AANS, CNS, Society of Neuroscience, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Society of Nervous System Surgery and Turkish Spine Society. He is the chief editor of Journal of Nervous System Surgery. He had been teaching neurosurgery to medical students at the Baskent University, Turkey from 2008 to 2013. Between 2013 to 2015, he was the chief of Neurosurgery Department in Private Reyap Hospital, Tekirdağ. Curently, he has been the chief of Department of Neurosurgery in University of Health Sciences Turkey, Gaziosmanpaşa Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey since 2016. He was awarded as the first candidate for Specialization Thesis (2004) and Board Exam (2011) in Turkey, respectively. He was also awarded as research project regarding Stem Cell Applications in Rat Model (2013) in Turkey. He has more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed international journals with around 1300 citations. His h-index is 21 in google scholar and 17 in web of science.
Selected Publications:
1. S.Kabatas, D.Yu, X.D.He, H.S.Thatte, D.Benedict, K.T.Hepgul, P.M.Black, S.Sabharwal, Y.D.Teng, “Neural and anatomical abnormalities of the gastrointestinal system resulting from contusion spinal cord injury.“ Neuroscience 154(4): 1627-1638 pp., 2008
2. Y.D.Teng, S.Kabatas, J.Li, D.R.Wakeman, E.Y.Snyder, R.L.Sidman, “Functional Multipotency of Neural Stem Cells and Its Therapeutic Implications“, ed. H.Ulrich. Perspectives of Stem Cells, 255-270 pp., Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York © Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2010
4. S.Kabatas, Y.D.Teng, “Potential Roles of Neural Stem Cell in Restoration of the Injured Spinal Cord: Review of the Literature.“ Turk Neurosurg 20(2): 103-110 pp., 2010
5. S. Kabataş, T. Cansever, E. Civelek, C. Yılmaz, "The therapeutic potential of neural stem cells in traumatic brain injuries", Curr Signal Transd T 6(3): 327-336 pp., 2011
6. Teng YD, Yu D, Ropper AE, Li J, Kabatas S, Wakeman DR, Wang J, Sullivan MP, Redmond DE Jr, Langer R, Snyder EY, Sidman RL. Functional multipotency of stem cells: a conceptual review of neurotrophic factor-based evidence and its role in translational research. Curr Neuropharmacol 9(4): 574-85, 2011.
7. Karaoz E, Kabatas S, Duruksu G, Okcu A, Subası C, Ay B, Musluman M, Civelek E. Reduction of lesion in injured rat spinal cord and partial functional recovery of motility after bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation. Turk Neurosurg 22(2): 207-17, 2012.
8. Han I-B, Kim S-W, Ropper AE, Thakor D, Kabatas S, Teng YD. Recent Patents on Cell-based Approaches for Intervertebral Disc Regeneration. Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering, 5: 122-30, 2012
9. Sonmez E, Kabatas S, Ozen O, Karabay G, Turkoglu S, Ogus E, Yilmaz C, Caner H, Altinors N. Minocycline Treatment Inhibits Lipid Peroxidation, Preserves Spinal Cord Ultrastructure and Improves Functional Outcome after Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in the Rat . Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 Jan 30.
10. Han I-B, Ropper AE, Konya D, Kabatas S, Toktas Z, Aljuboori Z, Chi JH, Teng YD. Biological Approaches to Treating Intervertebral Disc Degeneration: Devising stem cell therapies. Cell Transplant 24 (11): 2197-208, 2015.
11. Aras Y, Sabancı PA, Kabataş S, Duruksu G, Subaşı C, Erguven M, Karaöz E. The Effects of Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation During The Acute And Subacute Phases Following Spinal Cord Injury. Turk Neurosurg 26 (1):127-39, 2016.
12. Kabatas S, Demir CS, Civelek E, Yilmaz I, Kircelli A, Yilmaz C, Akyuva Y, Karaoz E. Neuronal regeneration in injured rat spinal cord after human
dental pulp derived neural crest stem cell transplantation. Bratisl Med J 119 (3): 143-151, 2018
13. Karaoz E, Tepekoy F, Yilmaz I, Subasi C, Kabatas S. Reduction of Inflammation and Enhancement of Motility after Pancreatic Islet Derived Stem Cell Transplantation Following Spinal Cord Injury. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2019 Mar;62(2):153-165.
14. Han IB, Thakor DK, Ropper AE, Yu D, Wang L, Kabatas S, Zeng X, Kim SW, Zafonte RD, Teng YD. Physical impacts of PLGA scaffolding on hMSCs: Recovery neurobiology insight for implant design to treat spinal cord injury.
Exp Neurol. 2019 Oct;320:112980.
15. Kabataş S, Cİvelek E, Sezen GB, Kaplan N, Savrunlu EC, Çetİn E, Dİren F, KaraÖz E. Functional Recovery after Wharton's Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Administration in a Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Pilot Study. Turk Neurosurg. 2020;30(6):914-922.
16. Kabataş S, Civelek E, İnci Ç, Yalçınkaya EY, Günel G, Kır G, Albayrak E, Öztürk E, Adaş G, Karaöz E. Wharton's Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation in a Patient with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Pilot Study. Cell Transplant. 2018 Oct;27(10):1425-1433.
17. Teng YD, Wang L, Kabatas S, Ulrich H, Zafonte RD. Cancer Stem Cells or Tumor Survival Cells? Stem Cells Dev. 2018 Nov 1;27(21):1466-1478.
18. Kabatas S, Civelek E, Savrunlu EC, Kaplan N, Boyalı O, Diren F, Can H, Genç A, Akkoç T, Karaöz E. Feasibility of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells in pediatric hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: Phase I study. World J Stem Cells. 2021 May 26;13(5):470-484.
19. Kabataş S, Civelek E, Kaplan N, Savrunlu EC, Sezen GB, Chasan M, Can H, Genç A, Akyuva Y, Boyalı O, Diren F, Karaoz E. Phase I study on the safety and preliminary efficacy of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. World J Exp Med. 2021 Mar 20;11(2):17-29.
اقرأ المزيد
Dr. Serdar Kabatas, graduated from Trakya University Medical Faculty, Edirne/Turkey in 1997. He became a neurosurgeon-specialist- in 2003 and then gained an award for postdoctoral fellowship in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) and Neural Stem Cell (NSC) at Harvard Medical School in 2007. He has spent most of his scientific carrier in the study of SCI related stem cell applications either experimentally or clinically, stem cell clinical applications in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorders, periferic nervous system injuries, cell-based approaches for intervertebral disc regeneration, dentritic stem cell vaccines regarding brain tumours, trigeminal neuralgia, aneurysm surgery, etc. Among his achievements are the prediction of neural and anatomical abnormalities of the gastrointestinal system resulting from contusion SCI and functional multipotency of NSCs- its therapeutic implications- in USA.
In addition to his scientific interests, he is the President of Society of Stem Cell and Cellular Therapies in Turkey. He is also member of AANS, CNS, Society of Neuroscience, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Society of Nervous System Surgery and Turkish Spine Society. He is the chief editor of Journal of Nervous System Surgery. He had been teaching neurosurgery to medical students at the Baskent University, Turkey from 2008 to 2013. Between 2013 to 2015, he was the chief of Neurosurgery Department in Private Reyap Hospital, Tekirdağ. Curently, he has been the chief of Department of Neurosurgery in University of Health Sciences Turkey, Gaziosmanpaşa Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey since 2016. He was awarded as the first candidate for Specialization Thesis (2004) and Board Exam (2011) in Turkey, respectively. He was also awarded as research project regarding Stem Cell Applications in Rat Model (2013) in Turkey. He has more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed international journals with around 1300 citations. His h-index is 21 in google scholar and 17 in web of science.
Selected Publications:
1. S.Kabatas, D.Yu, X.D.He, H.S.Thatte, D.Benedict, K.T.Hepgul, P.M.Black, S.Sabharwal, Y.D.Teng, “Neural and anatomical abnormalities of the gastrointestinal system resulting from contusion spinal cord injury.“ Neuroscience 154(4): 1627-1638 pp., 2008
2. Y.D.Teng, S.Kabatas, J.Li, D.R.Wakeman, E.Y.Snyder, R.L.Sidman, “Functional Multipotency of Neural Stem Cells and Its Therapeutic Implications“, ed. H.Ulrich. Perspectives of Stem Cells, 255-270 pp., Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York © Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2010
4. S.Kabatas, Y.D.Teng, “Potential Roles of Neural Stem Cell in Restoration of the Injured Spinal Cord: Review of the Literature.“ Turk Neurosurg 20(2): 103-110 pp., 2010
5. S. Kabataş, T. Cansever, E. Civelek, C. Yılmaz, "The therapeutic potential of neural stem cells in traumatic brain injuries", Curr Signal Transd T 6(3): 327-336 pp., 2011
6. Teng YD, Yu D, Ropper AE, Li J, Kabatas S, Wakeman DR, Wang J, Sullivan MP, Redmond DE Jr, Langer R, Snyder EY, Sidman RL. Functional multipotency of stem cells: a conceptual review of neurotrophic factor-based evidence and its role in translational research. Curr Neuropharmacol 9(4): 574-85, 2011.
7. Karaoz E, Kabatas S, Duruksu G, Okcu A, Subası C, Ay B, Musluman M, Civelek E. Reduction of lesion in injured rat spinal cord and partial functional recovery of motility after bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation. Turk Neurosurg 22(2): 207-17, 2012.
8. Han I-B, Kim S-W, Ropper AE, Thakor D, Kabatas S, Teng YD. Recent Patents on Cell-based Approaches for Intervertebral Disc Regeneration. Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering, 5: 122-30, 2012
9. Sonmez E, Kabatas S, Ozen O, Karabay G, Turkoglu S, Ogus E, Yilmaz C, Caner H, Altinors N. Minocycline Treatment Inhibits Lipid Peroxidation, Preserves Spinal Cord Ultrastructure and Improves Functional Outcome after Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in the Rat . Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 Jan 30.
10. Han I-B, Ropper AE, Konya D, Kabatas S, Toktas Z, Aljuboori Z, Chi JH, Teng YD. Biological Approaches to Treating Intervertebral Disc Degeneration: Devising stem cell therapies. Cell Transplant 24 (11): 2197-208, 2015.
11. Aras Y, Sabancı PA, Kabataş S, Duruksu G, Subaşı C, Erguven M, Karaöz E. The Effects of Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation During The Acute And Subacute Phases Following Spinal Cord Injury. Turk Neurosurg 26 (1):127-39, 2016.
12. Kabatas S, Demir CS, Civelek E, Yilmaz I, Kircelli A, Yilmaz C, Akyuva Y, Karaoz E. Neuronal regeneration in injured rat spinal cord after human
dental pulp derived neural crest stem cell transplantation. Bratisl Med J 119 (3): 143-151, 2018
13. Karaoz E, Tepekoy F, Yilmaz I, Subasi C, Kabatas S. Reduction of Inflammation and Enhancement of Motility after Pancreatic Islet Derived Stem Cell Transplantation Following Spinal Cord Injury. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2019 Mar;62(2):153-165.
14. Han IB, Thakor DK, Ropper AE, Yu D, Wang L, Kabatas S, Zeng X, Kim SW, Zafonte RD, Teng YD. Physical impacts of PLGA scaffolding on hMSCs: Recovery neurobiology insight for implant design to treat spinal cord injury.
Exp Neurol. 2019 Oct;320:112980.
15. Kabataş S, Cİvelek E, Sezen GB, Kaplan N, Savrunlu EC, Çetİn E, Dİren F, KaraÖz E. Functional Recovery after Wharton's Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Administration in a Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Pilot Study. Turk Neurosurg. 2020;30(6):914-922.
16. Kabataş S, Civelek E, İnci Ç, Yalçınkaya EY, Günel G, Kır G, Albayrak E, Öztürk E, Adaş G, Karaöz E. Wharton's Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation in a Patient with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Pilot Study. Cell Transplant. 2018 Oct;27(10):1425-1433.
17. Teng YD, Wang L, Kabatas S, Ulrich H, Zafonte RD. Cancer Stem Cells or Tumor Survival Cells? Stem Cells Dev. 2018 Nov 1;27(21):1466-1478.
18. Kabatas S, Civelek E, Savrunlu EC, Kaplan N, Boyalı O, Diren F, Can H, Genç A, Akkoç T, Karaöz E. Feasibility of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells in pediatric hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: Phase I study. World J Stem Cells. 2021 May 26;13(5):470-484.
19. Kabataş S, Civelek E, Kaplan N, Savrunlu EC, Sezen GB, Chasan M, Can H, Genç A, Akyuva Y, Boyalı O, Diren F, Karaoz E. Phase I study on the safety and preliminary efficacy of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. World J Exp Med. 2021 Mar 20;11(2):17-29.
Work Address: Biruni University Hospital, Department Of Neurological Surgery, Istanbul
Education And Training
Undergraduate: 1997 - 2001 Halkali High School, Istanbul, Turkey
Graduate: 2001 - 2007 Mersin University, School of Medicine, Mersin, Turkey
Postgraduate: 2009 – 2014 Bakırköy Research And Training Hospital For Psychiatric And Neurological Disease, Department Of Neurological Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey
Observer: June-December 2017 University of Wisconsin- Department of Neurological Surgery, Madison, USA
June-August 2020 Acıbadem University- Spine Center, İstanbul, Turkey
Professional Interest: Cranial Surgery, Functional neurosurgery (used to treat movement disorders), Spine Surgery
Licensure And Certification
2007 June: Doctor of Medicine, Turkish Ministry of Health
2014 July: Neurosurgeon, Turkish Ministry of Health
2014– 2021 Neurosurgeon - Istanbul Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Research And Training Hospital
2021- Neurosurgeon- Biruni University Hospital, Department of Neurological Surgery
Training Courses / Workshops / Meetings / Symposiums
(In Chronological Order)
Has Participated in 18 National and International Courses, Scientific Meetings (Certified) in Neurosurgery And Spinal Surgery.
Published Article
Published Abstracts And Presentations In International Scientific Meetings
(In Chronological Order)
Published Abstracts And Presentations In National Scientific Meetings
(In Chronological Order)
Computer Skills
اقرأ المزيد
Work Address: Biruni University Hospital, Department Of Neurological Surgery, Istanbul
Education And Training
Undergraduate: 1997 - 2001 Halkali High School, Istanbul, Turkey
Graduate: 2001 - 2007 Mersin University, School of Medicine, Mersin, Turkey
Postgraduate: 2009 – 2014 Bakırköy Research And Training Hospital For Psychiatric And Neurological Disease, Department Of Neurological Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey
Observer: June-December 2017 University of Wisconsin- Department of Neurological Surgery, Madison, USA
June-August 2020 Acıbadem University- Spine Center, İstanbul, Turkey
Professional Interest: Cranial Surgery, Functional neurosurgery (used to treat movement disorders), Spine Surgery
Licensure And Certification
2007 June: Doctor of Medicine, Turkish Ministry of Health
2014 July: Neurosurgeon, Turkish Ministry of Health
2014– 2021 Neurosurgeon - Istanbul Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Research And Training Hospital
2021- Neurosurgeon- Biruni University Hospital, Department of Neurological Surgery
Training Courses / Workshops / Meetings / Symposiums
(In Chronological Order)
Has Participated in 18 National and International Courses, Scientific Meetings (Certified) in Neurosurgery And Spinal Surgery.
Published Article
Published Abstracts And Presentations In International Scientific Meetings
(In Chronological Order)
Published Abstracts And Presentations In National Scientific Meetings
(In Chronological Order)
Computer Skills
Areas of Expertise
Stroke Rehabilitation
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Neurological Rehabilitation
Pediatric Rehabilitation
Robotic Rehabilitation
Atroplasty Rehabilitation
Fracture Rehabilitation
Osteoarthritis (Calcification)
Osteoporosis (Bone Resorption)
Faculty of Medicine
Specialization: Ankara Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital
Associate Professor: 12.10.2015
Erkin Gülten, Elhan Atilla H, Aybay Canan, Şirzai Hülya, Özel Sumru (2007) Validity and reliability of the Turkish translation of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI). Disability and Rehabilitation
اقرأ المزيدAreas of Expertise
Stroke Rehabilitation
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Neurological Rehabilitation
Pediatric Rehabilitation
Robotic Rehabilitation
Atroplasty Rehabilitation
Fracture Rehabilitation
Osteoarthritis (Calcification)
Osteoporosis (Bone Resorption)
Faculty of Medicine
Specialization: Ankara Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital
Associate Professor: 12.10.2015
Erkin Gülten, Elhan Atilla H, Aybay Canan, Şirzai Hülya, Özel Sumru (2007) Validity and reliability of the Turkish translation of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI). Disability and Rehabilitation
الدكتور ساجان هيجدي هو جراح ذو خبرة عالية في جراحة العمود الفقري مع أكثر من 33 عامًا من الخبرة ، متخصص في كل من العلاجات الجراحية وغير الجراحية. وهو عضو في العديد من الجمعيات الطبية وحاصل على بكالوريوس الطب والجراحة وماجستير في الطب من جامعة مهراجا ساياجيراو في بارودا.
اقرأ المزيدالدكتور ساجان هيجدي هو جراح ذو خبرة عالية في جراحة العمود الفقري مع أكثر من 33 عامًا من الخبرة ، متخصص في كل من العلاجات الجراحية وغير الجراحية. وهو عضو في العديد من الجمعيات الطبية وحاصل على بكالوريوس الطب والجراحة وماجستير في الطب من جامعة مهراجا ساياجيراو في بارودا.
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
جراحة الانزلاق الغضروفي | $6600 - $9400 |
علاج الانزلاق الغضروفي مع تشخيص ما قبل العملية | $7500 - $10500 |
استئصال القرص | $6600 - $9400 |
Prof. Dr. Gülşah Bademci is a physician specialized in the field of brain, nerve, spine, and spinal cord surgery. She graduated as the fourth-ranked student from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1993. She obtained her title as a brain and nerve surgeon from the Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Brain and Nerve Surgery in 2001. In 2008, she became an associate professor at the Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine, and in 2021, she became a professor at the Yüksek İhtisas University Faculty of Medicine. She has contributed to numerous international publications, serving as a research and clinical fellow at the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences with Prof. Dr. M. Gazi Yaşargil, and as a research fellow at Yale University School of Medicine. She holds ECFMG America Board Step 1 and EANS European Board certificates. She speaks advanced-level English and has awards in tennis and swimming. She also pursues professional-level caricature art and medical illustration. In her 30-year career, she has performed numerous surgeries as a brain and nerve surgery specialist, particularly in spinal canal stenosis surgery, lumbar and cervical disc herniations, brain tumors, hydrocephalus surgery, and nerve compressions.
اقرأ المزيدProf. Dr. Gülşah Bademci is a physician specialized in the field of brain, nerve, spine, and spinal cord surgery. She graduated as the fourth-ranked student from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1993. She obtained her title as a brain and nerve surgeon from the Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Brain and Nerve Surgery in 2001. In 2008, she became an associate professor at the Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine, and in 2021, she became a professor at the Yüksek İhtisas University Faculty of Medicine. She has contributed to numerous international publications, serving as a research and clinical fellow at the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences with Prof. Dr. M. Gazi Yaşargil, and as a research fellow at Yale University School of Medicine. She holds ECFMG America Board Step 1 and EANS European Board certificates. She speaks advanced-level English and has awards in tennis and swimming. She also pursues professional-level caricature art and medical illustration. In her 30-year career, she has performed numerous surgeries as a brain and nerve surgery specialist, particularly in spinal canal stenosis surgery, lumbar and cervical disc herniations, brain tumors, hydrocephalus surgery, and nerve compressions.