Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şeref Başal was born in 1971 in Kırıkkale and completed
his primary and secondary education in Kırıkkale. In 1984, he entered
Maltepe Military High School and graduated in 1988. He continued his
medical education at GATA Military Medical Faculty between 1988-1994
and graduated in 1994.
Following his graduation, he completed his internship at GATA Training Hospital in 1994-1995. He
served as chief infirmary physician at Siirt Gendarmerie Regional Command in 1995-1996 and Batman
Gendarmerie Regional Command in 1996-1997. Between November 2010 and November 2011, he
worked as a clinical fellow in Uro-oncology and received urologic robotic surgery training at Colombia
University Cancer Center in New York, United States of America. In October 2011, he completed his
training at Hackensack University Medical Center daVinci Training Center in the United States and
received the “Console Surgeon” certificate in robotic surgery.
In 2013, he was appointed as Associate Professor at Istanbul GATA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital
Urology Clinic and between September 2016 and October 2017, he continued this duty at SBU Sultan
Abdülhamit Han Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic and worked as a docent faculty
member in SBU Urology Department. Between October 2017 and December 2018, he served as the
education officer at SBU Haseki Training and Research Hospital.
In July 2021, he retired as an Associate Professor at SBU Urology Department. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şeref
Başal, who has trained many experts and academicians in the field of urology, has many articles in
national and international journals in his field, has advanced surgical experience in his field, has
performed numerous surgeries related to his subject, has organized courses on this subject and has
participated in many courses as an instructor.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şeref Başal is fluent in English and thus able to communicate effectively in the
international medical environment.
اقرأ المزيدAssoc. Prof. Dr. Şeref Başal was born in 1971 in Kırıkkale and completed
his primary and secondary education in Kırıkkale. In 1984, he entered
Maltepe Military High School and graduated in 1988. He continued his
medical education at GATA Military Medical Faculty between 1988-1994
and graduated in 1994.
Following his graduation, he completed his internship at GATA Training Hospital in 1994-1995. He
served as chief infirmary physician at Siirt Gendarmerie Regional Command in 1995-1996 and Batman
Gendarmerie Regional Command in 1996-1997. Between November 2010 and November 2011, he
worked as a clinical fellow in Uro-oncology and received urologic robotic surgery training at Colombia
University Cancer Center in New York, United States of America. In October 2011, he completed his
training at Hackensack University Medical Center daVinci Training Center in the United States and
received the “Console Surgeon” certificate in robotic surgery.
In 2013, he was appointed as Associate Professor at Istanbul GATA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital
Urology Clinic and between September 2016 and October 2017, he continued this duty at SBU Sultan
Abdülhamit Han Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic and worked as a docent faculty
member in SBU Urology Department. Between October 2017 and December 2018, he served as the
education officer at SBU Haseki Training and Research Hospital.
In July 2021, he retired as an Associate Professor at SBU Urology Department. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şeref
Başal, who has trained many experts and academicians in the field of urology, has many articles in
national and international journals in his field, has advanced surgical experience in his field, has
performed numerous surgeries related to his subject, has organized courses on this subject and has
participated in many courses as an instructor.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şeref Başal is fluent in English and thus able to communicate effectively in the
international medical environment.
تخرج الدكتور طارق أكار من كلية جراح باشا للطب بجامعة اسطنبول عام 2000 وحصل على لقب "طبيب باطني" في عام 2004. وقد نشر 19 بحثًا دوليًا و 6 أوراق محلية و 25 عرضًا تقديميًا في المؤتمرات المحلية والدولية. تشمل مجالات اهتماماته الطبية Achalasia و ESD و ERCP و Zenker Diverticulum و Gastroparesis.
اقرأ المزيدتخرج الدكتور طارق أكار من كلية جراح باشا للطب بجامعة اسطنبول عام 2000 وحصل على لقب "طبيب باطني" في عام 2004. وقد نشر 19 بحثًا دوليًا و 6 أوراق محلية و 25 عرضًا تقديميًا في المؤتمرات المحلية والدولية. تشمل مجالات اهتماماته الطبية Achalasia و ESD و ERCP و Zenker Diverticulum و Gastroparesis.
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
الترددات اللاسلكية | $10000 - $18000 |
الغدة الدرقية | $5750 - $6537 |
استئصال المعدة | $2188 - $2735 |
البروفيسور الدكتور إبراهيم خليل طنبوا طبيب قلب يتمتع بخبرة واسعة ومعرفة في أمراض الشريان التاجي وأمراض الصمامات وعدم انتظام ضربات القلب وأجهزة تنظيم ضربات القلب وأمراض الشرايين الطرفية وأمراض القلب الهيكلية الخلقية وتخطيط صدى القلب عبر المريء. وهو عضو في الجمعية الطبية التركية والجمعية التركية لأمراض القلب والجمعية الأوروبية لأمراض القلب.
اقرأ المزيدالبروفيسور الدكتور إبراهيم خليل طنبوا طبيب قلب يتمتع بخبرة واسعة ومعرفة في أمراض الشريان التاجي وأمراض الصمامات وعدم انتظام ضربات القلب وأجهزة تنظيم ضربات القلب وأمراض الشرايين الطرفية وأمراض القلب الهيكلية الخلقية وتخطيط صدى القلب عبر المريء. وهو عضو في الجمعية الطبية التركية والجمعية التركية لأمراض القلب والجمعية الأوروبية لأمراض القلب.
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
الترددات اللاسلكية | $10000 - $18000 |
الغدة الدرقية | $5750 - $6537 |
استئصال المعدة | $2188 - $2735 |
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
الترددات اللاسلكية | $5000 |
استئصال المعدة | $2735 |
تخرج البروفيسور مصطفى ساغلام من كلية الطب بجامعة مرمرة في عام 1994 وتخصص في إصلاح الأوعية الدموية لتمدد الشريان الأورطي البطني ، واختبار الإجهاد لتصوير أمراض الشريان التاجي ، ومراقبة القلب المتنقلة ، واختبار هولتر ، ورأب الصمام بالبالون ، وجهاز تنظيم ضربات القلب المؤقت. يشغل حاليًا منصب رئيس قسم أمراض القلب في مستشفى حصار إنتركونتيننتال.
اقرأ المزيدتخرج البروفيسور مصطفى ساغلام من كلية الطب بجامعة مرمرة في عام 1994 وتخصص في إصلاح الأوعية الدموية لتمدد الشريان الأورطي البطني ، واختبار الإجهاد لتصوير أمراض الشريان التاجي ، ومراقبة القلب المتنقلة ، واختبار هولتر ، ورأب الصمام بالبالون ، وجهاز تنظيم ضربات القلب المؤقت. يشغل حاليًا منصب رئيس قسم أمراض القلب في مستشفى حصار إنتركونتيننتال.
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
الترددات اللاسلكية | $10000 - $18000 |
الغدة الدرقية | $5750 - $6537 |
استئصال المعدة | $2188 - $2735 |
مساعد. البروفيسور إركان يلدريم هو طبيب من مواليد عام 1968 وتخرج من مدرسة إسكيشهير الأناضولية الثانوية في عام 1986 وكلية الطب بجامعة الأناضول في عام 1992. وقد عمل في العديد من المؤسسات الطبية بما في ذلك مركز سيامي إرسك للصدر وجراحة القلب والأوعية الدموية ، وأتاتورك لأمراض الرئة وجراحة الصدر وأكاديمية جولهان الطبية العسكرية. حصل على "شهادة إجادة جراحة الصدر التركية" عام 2003.
اقرأ المزيدمساعد. البروفيسور إركان يلدريم هو طبيب من مواليد عام 1968 وتخرج من مدرسة إسكيشهير الأناضولية الثانوية في عام 1986 وكلية الطب بجامعة الأناضول في عام 1992. وقد عمل في العديد من المؤسسات الطبية بما في ذلك مركز سيامي إرسك للصدر وجراحة القلب والأوعية الدموية ، وأتاتورك لأمراض الرئة وجراحة الصدر وأكاديمية جولهان الطبية العسكرية. حصل على "شهادة إجادة جراحة الصدر التركية" عام 2003.
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
الترددات اللاسلكية | $10000 - $18000 |
الغدة الدرقية | $5750 - $6537 |
استئصال المعدة | $2188 - $2735 |
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
الترددات اللاسلكية | $10000 - $18000 |
الغدة الدرقية | $5750 - $6537 |
استئصال المعدة | $2188 - $2735 |
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
استئصال القيلة الدوالية | $3000 - $5000 |
جراحة البروستاتا (انظر. استئصال البروستاتا) | $8000 - $10000 |
تنظير الحالب المرن | $5000 - $7500 |
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
الترددات اللاسلكية | $5000 |
استئصال المعدة | $2735 |
Dr. Sertkaya graduated from Konya Meram Science High School in 2001 and entered Gazi University Medical Faculty the same year, graduating in 2008. He completed his urology specialization at Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital in 2014, becoming a urology specialist.
Since becoming a specialist, he has focused on the sub-branch of Andrology, attending various training sessions and conferences and performing surgeries with some of the world's leading Andrology professors. In 2017, he passed the written and oral proficiency exams conducted by the European Association of Urology, earning the title of "FEBU."
In 2020, Dr. Sertkaya achieved the rank of Associate Professor of Urology. His journey in Urology and Andrology, which began in 2008, continues at the Andro Expertise Male Health and Aesthetics Center, which he founded in 2022. He sees patients in his own clinic and performs surgeries at affiliated hospitals.
اقرأ المزيدDr. Sertkaya graduated from Konya Meram Science High School in 2001 and entered Gazi University Medical Faculty the same year, graduating in 2008. He completed his urology specialization at Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital in 2014, becoming a urology specialist.
Since becoming a specialist, he has focused on the sub-branch of Andrology, attending various training sessions and conferences and performing surgeries with some of the world's leading Andrology professors. In 2017, he passed the written and oral proficiency exams conducted by the European Association of Urology, earning the title of "FEBU."
In 2020, Dr. Sertkaya achieved the rank of Associate Professor of Urology. His journey in Urology and Andrology, which began in 2008, continues at the Andro Expertise Male Health and Aesthetics Center, which he founded in 2022. He sees patients in his own clinic and performs surgeries at affiliated hospitals.
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
تصحيح انحناء القضيب (العلاج الجراحي لمرض بيروني) | $6565 - $7659 |
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
الختان | $2188 |
الترددات اللاسلكية | |
العلاج باليود المشع |
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
استئصال القيلة الدوالية | $3000 - $5000 |
جراحة البروستاتا (انظر. استئصال البروستاتا) | $8000 - $10000 |
تنظير الحالب المرن | $5000 - $7500 |
Uzmanlık Eğitimi ve Deneyim:
Akademik Kariyer:
Uzmanlık Eğitimi ve Deneyim:
Akademik Kariyer:
2000 Ankara Atatürk High School (English)
2006 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine (Medical Education)
2012 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology (Specialty Training)
2006-2007 Zonguldak Ereğli No. 1 112 Emergency Medicine
2012-2013 Ankara Yenimahalle State Hospital (Urology Specialist)
2013-2014 Ardahan State Hospital (Urology Specialist)
2014-2015 Kars State Hospital (Urology Specialist)
2015-2021 Anadolu Medical Center (In Aff. With Johns Hopkins) Urooncology Center (Urology Specialist)
2021- Medicana Ataşehir Hospital Urology
February 2023. Spanish Field Hospital (“START” EMT2, Iskenderun Hatay)
September 2011 European Urology Residents Education Programme (EUREP) 9'th course Prague (CZ)
March 2016 Applied MR Fusion Biopsy Course in Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer (Acibadem University - Istanbul)
May 2017 1st Multiparametric Prostate MR Imaging Course (Turkish Society of Radiology) Istanbul
October 2019 3rd Multiparametric Prostate MRI and Targeted Prostate Biopsy Course (Istanbul University)
March 2023 da Vinci Robotic Surgery (Console Surgeon) Training, Intuitive (GLOBAL CASE: Acibadem University- Istanbul)
November 2022: CETAD / Istanbul Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunctions Disorders basic training.
June 2023: Brook .UK Relationship and Sex Education Training
Translated with (free version)
Prostate MR Fusion Biopsy
Uro-Oncologic Robotic Surgery
Testicular Tumors
Men's Health
Urinary System Stone Diseases
Urinary incontinence in women and children
Urological interventions in oncologic patients.
Treatment of benign prostate enlargement (BPH)
Sexually transmitted diseases
Sexuality Education
Premature Ejaculation
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment
Penis and scrotum surgeries
Bladder Botox
Bladder Cancers
Kidney Tumors
HPV and wart treatment
Varicocele treatment
اقرأ المزيد
2000 Ankara Atatürk High School (English)
2006 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine (Medical Education)
2012 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology (Specialty Training)
2006-2007 Zonguldak Ereğli No. 1 112 Emergency Medicine
2012-2013 Ankara Yenimahalle State Hospital (Urology Specialist)
2013-2014 Ardahan State Hospital (Urology Specialist)
2014-2015 Kars State Hospital (Urology Specialist)
2015-2021 Anadolu Medical Center (In Aff. With Johns Hopkins) Urooncology Center (Urology Specialist)
2021- Medicana Ataşehir Hospital Urology
February 2023. Spanish Field Hospital (“START” EMT2, Iskenderun Hatay)
September 2011 European Urology Residents Education Programme (EUREP) 9'th course Prague (CZ)
March 2016 Applied MR Fusion Biopsy Course in Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer (Acibadem University - Istanbul)
May 2017 1st Multiparametric Prostate MR Imaging Course (Turkish Society of Radiology) Istanbul
October 2019 3rd Multiparametric Prostate MRI and Targeted Prostate Biopsy Course (Istanbul University)
March 2023 da Vinci Robotic Surgery (Console Surgeon) Training, Intuitive (GLOBAL CASE: Acibadem University- Istanbul)
November 2022: CETAD / Istanbul Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunctions Disorders basic training.
June 2023: Brook .UK Relationship and Sex Education Training
Translated with (free version)
Prostate MR Fusion Biopsy
Uro-Oncologic Robotic Surgery
Testicular Tumors
Men's Health
Urinary System Stone Diseases
Urinary incontinence in women and children
Urological interventions in oncologic patients.
Treatment of benign prostate enlargement (BPH)
Sexually transmitted diseases
Sexuality Education
Premature Ejaculation
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment
Penis and scrotum surgeries
Bladder Botox
Bladder Cancers
Kidney Tumors
HPV and wart treatment
Varicocele treatment
Dr. Bilal Ergul, MD, is a pioneering force in the field of gastroenterology.
His innovative treatment protocols have transformed the lives of many patients, including a remarkable case where he successfully treated a patient with a Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) surgery.
Dr. Bilal Ergul, often says, ‘Healing is more than treating a condition; it’s about restoring hope and improving lives.’ This philosophy is evident in every aspect of his work, making his and his team truly inspirational figure in the medical community."
He has authored around 100 publications in different academic topics
Dr. Bilal Ergul, MD, is a pioneering force in the field of gastroenterology.
His innovative treatment protocols have transformed the lives of many patients, including a remarkable case where he successfully treated a patient with a Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) surgery.
Dr. Bilal Ergul, often says, ‘Healing is more than treating a condition; it’s about restoring hope and improving lives.’ This philosophy is evident in every aspect of his work, making his and his team truly inspirational figure in the medical community."
He has authored around 100 publications in different academic topics
1997 – 2003 Hacettepe University
2004 – 2009 Ankara Dışkapı Training and Research Hospital
2016 – 2019 Afyon Kocatepe University
2022 – Still Lokman Hekim Akay Hospital
2019 – 2022 Private Meddem Hospital
2018 – 2019 Afyon Kocatepe University
2015 – 2018 Afyon Kocatepe University
2012 – 2015 Bozok University Faculty of Medicine
2010 – 2012 Ankara Dışkapı Training and Research Hospital
2009 – 2010 TSK Rehabilitation and Care Center Presidency
2004 – 2009 Ankara Dışkapı Training and Research Hospital
اقرأ المزيدEducation:
1997 – 2003 Hacettepe University
2004 – 2009 Ankara Dışkapı Training and Research Hospital
2016 – 2019 Afyon Kocatepe University
2022 – Still Lokman Hekim Akay Hospital
2019 – 2022 Private Meddem Hospital
2018 – 2019 Afyon Kocatepe University
2015 – 2018 Afyon Kocatepe University
2012 – 2015 Bozok University Faculty of Medicine
2010 – 2012 Ankara Dışkapı Training and Research Hospital
2009 – 2010 TSK Rehabilitation and Care Center Presidency
2004 – 2009 Ankara Dışkapı Training and Research Hospital