التخصص : الأذن والأنف والحنجرة
اللغة الاجنبية : الانجليزية
تعليم :
كلية الطب بجامعة أبانت عزت بايسال 2011
2016 كلية الطب بجامعة سلجوق – طب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة
تقييم ضغط العضلة العاصرة للمريء العلوي عند المرضى المصابين بأمراض الحبال الصوتية
شهادة الكفاءة:
حصل على شهادة المجلس التركي لجراحة الأذن والحنجرة وجراحة الرأس والرقبة.
الاهتمامات والتخصصات الطبية:
تجميل الأنف (تجميل الأنف بالموجات فوق الصوتية)
جراحة السمع وطبلة الأذن بالمنظار (الطريقة المغلقة)
أمراض الأنف والأذن والحنجرة عند الأطفال
علاج الشخير والجراحة
أورام الرأس والرقبة
الدوار (الدوخة)، طنين الأذن (طنين الأذن)
مشاكل الصوت والبلع
عيادة طب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة بجامعة سلجوق 2012-2016
عيادة الأنف والأذن والحنجرة بمستشفى قونيا للتدريب والبحث 2016-2019
2019-2020 عيادة الأنف والأذن والحنجرة في مستشفى يالوفا الحكومي
2020- 2022 أخصائيون خاصون مستشفى يالوفا
2022- …… مستشفى سكاريا أداتيب الخاص
1- الجمعية التركية لجراحة الأنف والأذن والحنجرة والرأس والرقبة
2- الجمعية الأوروبية لأطباء الأنف والأذن والحنجرة الشباب
3- الجمعية الطبية التركية
مقالة، عرض تقديمي، نشر، مؤتمر، دورة، جائزة:
1- أعراض اضطراب نقص الانتباه وفرط الحركة عند الأطفال المصابين بعقدة في الطيات الصوتية
O Erdur، A Herguner، K Ozturk، E Kibar، C Elsurer، MK Bozkurt، المجلة الدولية لطب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة لدى الأطفال 85، 5-7
2- الشريان السباتي الداخلي الشاذ: سبب نادر لعسر البلع
ك. أوزتورك، أو. إردور، إي. كيبار، إف. سوفو أوغلو، مجلة جراحة الوجه والجمجمة 27 (3)، 818
3- تقييم العضلة العاصرة للمريء العلوية في الآفات الصوتية الحميدة
E Kibar، O Erdur، K Ozturk الأرشيف الأوروبي لطب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة 275 (12)، 3033-3037
4- شلل رباعي دائم بعد استبدال الطرف الاصطناعي للصوت
ك. أوزتورك، أو إردور، إي كيبار مجلة جراحة الوجه والجمجمة 27 (8)، e741-e743
5- تحليل حالات تصلب الأذن
بي كولبان، ك أوزتورك، سي إلسورر، إي كيبار، أو إردور مجلة طب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة 4 (3)، 105-10
6- الكيس المائي في الغدة النكفية: موقع نادر
أو إردور، ب كولبان، ف سوفوغلو، إي كيبار مجلة جراحة الوجه والفكين 29 (1)، العدد 98-99
7- كسور الفك السفلي عند الأطفال: دراسة استرجاعية لـ 15 مريضًا
إي دمير، يا إردور، إي كيبار، سي إلسورر، إم كيه بوزكورت، ك أوزتورك، بي كولبان
المجلة البريطانية لجراحة الفم والوجه والفكين 54 (10)، e113-e114
8- قوقعة عملاقة تسبب احتقانًا شديدًا في الأنف
Ö Erdur, ç Elsurer, E Kibar, MK Bozkurt ENT Applications 35 (تطبيقات ENT)
9- استئصال الحبيبات القيحية المتكررة في الحاجز الأنفي بالمنظار
إلسورير المعاصر، عمر إردور، هاكان داغستان، ميتي كان بوزكورت، أرطغرل كيبار
تطبيقات طب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة 81 (2016؛4(2):81-84)
10- نتوءات عظمية في فقرات العنق تسبب صعوبة البلع: تقريران عن حالتين.
Z فازليوغولاري، A Nayman، E Kibar، H Karabagli، K Ozturk، AK Karabulut
التشريح: المجلة الدولية للتشريح التجريبي والسريري
11- ورم غدي متعدد الأشكال عملاق في الفراغ البلعومي يمتد إلى قاعدة الجمجمة
إي كيبار، ب كولبان، ف سوفييف
اقرأ المزيدالتخصص : الأذن والأنف والحنجرة
اللغة الاجنبية : الانجليزية
تعليم :
كلية الطب بجامعة أبانت عزت بايسال 2011
2016 كلية الطب بجامعة سلجوق – طب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة
تقييم ضغط العضلة العاصرة للمريء العلوي عند المرضى المصابين بأمراض الحبال الصوتية
شهادة الكفاءة:
حصل على شهادة المجلس التركي لجراحة الأذن والحنجرة وجراحة الرأس والرقبة.
الاهتمامات والتخصصات الطبية:
تجميل الأنف (تجميل الأنف بالموجات فوق الصوتية)
جراحة السمع وطبلة الأذن بالمنظار (الطريقة المغلقة)
أمراض الأنف والأذن والحنجرة عند الأطفال
علاج الشخير والجراحة
أورام الرأس والرقبة
الدوار (الدوخة)، طنين الأذن (طنين الأذن)
مشاكل الصوت والبلع
عيادة طب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة بجامعة سلجوق 2012-2016
عيادة الأنف والأذن والحنجرة بمستشفى قونيا للتدريب والبحث 2016-2019
2019-2020 عيادة الأنف والأذن والحنجرة في مستشفى يالوفا الحكومي
2020- 2022 أخصائيون خاصون مستشفى يالوفا
2022- …… مستشفى سكاريا أداتيب الخاص
1- الجمعية التركية لجراحة الأنف والأذن والحنجرة والرأس والرقبة
2- الجمعية الأوروبية لأطباء الأنف والأذن والحنجرة الشباب
3- الجمعية الطبية التركية
مقالة، عرض تقديمي، نشر، مؤتمر، دورة، جائزة:
1- أعراض اضطراب نقص الانتباه وفرط الحركة عند الأطفال المصابين بعقدة في الطيات الصوتية
O Erdur، A Herguner، K Ozturk، E Kibar، C Elsurer، MK Bozkurt، المجلة الدولية لطب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة لدى الأطفال 85، 5-7
2- الشريان السباتي الداخلي الشاذ: سبب نادر لعسر البلع
ك. أوزتورك، أو. إردور، إي. كيبار، إف. سوفو أوغلو، مجلة جراحة الوجه والجمجمة 27 (3)، 818
3- تقييم العضلة العاصرة للمريء العلوية في الآفات الصوتية الحميدة
E Kibar، O Erdur، K Ozturk الأرشيف الأوروبي لطب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة 275 (12)، 3033-3037
4- شلل رباعي دائم بعد استبدال الطرف الاصطناعي للصوت
ك. أوزتورك، أو إردور، إي كيبار مجلة جراحة الوجه والجمجمة 27 (8)، e741-e743
5- تحليل حالات تصلب الأذن
بي كولبان، ك أوزتورك، سي إلسورر، إي كيبار، أو إردور مجلة طب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة 4 (3)، 105-10
6- الكيس المائي في الغدة النكفية: موقع نادر
أو إردور، ب كولبان، ف سوفوغلو، إي كيبار مجلة جراحة الوجه والفكين 29 (1)، العدد 98-99
7- كسور الفك السفلي عند الأطفال: دراسة استرجاعية لـ 15 مريضًا
إي دمير، يا إردور، إي كيبار، سي إلسورر، إم كيه بوزكورت، ك أوزتورك، بي كولبان
المجلة البريطانية لجراحة الفم والوجه والفكين 54 (10)، e113-e114
8- قوقعة عملاقة تسبب احتقانًا شديدًا في الأنف
Ö Erdur, ç Elsurer, E Kibar, MK Bozkurt ENT Applications 35 (تطبيقات ENT)
9- استئصال الحبيبات القيحية المتكررة في الحاجز الأنفي بالمنظار
إلسورير المعاصر، عمر إردور، هاكان داغستان، ميتي كان بوزكورت، أرطغرل كيبار
تطبيقات طب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة 81 (2016؛4(2):81-84)
10- نتوءات عظمية في فقرات العنق تسبب صعوبة البلع: تقريران عن حالتين.
Z فازليوغولاري، A Nayman، E Kibar، H Karabagli، K Ozturk، AK Karabulut
التشريح: المجلة الدولية للتشريح التجريبي والسريري
11- ورم غدي متعدد الأشكال عملاق في الفراغ البلعومي يمتد إلى قاعدة الجمجمة
إي كيبار، ب كولبان، ف سوفييف
Dr. Turgay Toğçuoğlu, with 20 years of experience, has performed many successful surgeries in the field of otolaryngology. He has performed many surgeries on Rhinoplasty
EAR– Serous otitis and ear tube– Ear calcification, otosclerosis and spadetomy and teflon piston application– Chronic middle ear infections and various tympanoplasty surgeries-Perforated eardrum and surgery-Cochlear implantNOSE-Bone curvature or septoplasty surgery-Nose aesthetics-RHINOPLASTY-SEPTORHINOPLASTY-Sinusitis and surgeries-Nasal polyps and surgery-Concha-Endoscopic operation of tear duct obstructionTHROAT– Tonsils and adenoids-Snoring examination and various snoring and apnea removal surgeriesVOCAL CORD– Polyps and nodules and their surgeriesSaliva Gland– Submandibular salivary gland stone and surgery– Mass and surgeries in salivary glandsHEAD AND NECK CANCERS-Lung cancers-Oral, tongue, pharyngeal cancers-Saliva gland cancers- Thyroidectomy surgeriesMASSES IN HEIGHT-Neck dissection |
Skılls Dıagnosis and prognosis
اقرأ المزيد
Dr. Turgay Toğçuoğlu, with 20 years of experience, has performed many successful surgeries in the field of otolaryngology. He has performed many surgeries on Rhinoplasty
EAR– Serous otitis and ear tube– Ear calcification, otosclerosis and spadetomy and teflon piston application– Chronic middle ear infections and various tympanoplasty surgeries-Perforated eardrum and surgery-Cochlear implantNOSE-Bone curvature or septoplasty surgery-Nose aesthetics-RHINOPLASTY-SEPTORHINOPLASTY-Sinusitis and surgeries-Nasal polyps and surgery-Concha-Endoscopic operation of tear duct obstructionTHROAT– Tonsils and adenoids-Snoring examination and various snoring and apnea removal surgeriesVOCAL CORD– Polyps and nodules and their surgeriesSaliva Gland– Submandibular salivary gland stone and surgery– Mass and surgeries in salivary glandsHEAD AND NECK CANCERS-Lung cancers-Oral, tongue, pharyngeal cancers-Saliva gland cancers- Thyroidectomy surgeriesMASSES IN HEIGHT-Neck dissection |
Skılls Dıagnosis and prognosis
Any other educational courses and certificate (those conducted internationally as well):
1. Otorhinolaryngology Allergy Course 2004
2. Occupational English Test OET certificate 2016
3. Ege university Cadaver DBsection Course 2017
Memberships & Associations (Please list all your local, regional and international memberships
Facial Plastic Surgery Deaek |
Turkish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery |
European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology |
اقرأ المزيد
Any other educational courses and certificate (those conducted internationally as well):
1. Otorhinolaryngology Allergy Course 2004
2. Occupational English Test OET certificate 2016
3. Ege university Cadaver DBsection Course 2017
Memberships & Associations (Please list all your local, regional and international memberships
Facial Plastic Surgery Deaek |
Turkish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery |
European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology |
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
إصلاح الشفة المشقوقة أو الحنك المشقوق | $2500 - $4500 |
Associate Professor: Medeniyet University. Faculty of Medicine Göztepe E. A. Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Assist. Associate Professor: Medeniyet University. Faculty of Medicine Göztepe E. A. Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Mandatory Duty: Tekirdağ State Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialization: Okmeydanı E. A. Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery University : Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Uğur Derman English Medicine
Öreroğlu AR, Üsçetin I, Egemen O, Öztürk MB, Asfuroğlu S, Tatlıdede HS Coexistent Cutaneous Tuberous and Tendinous Xanthomas in Traumatic Regions: A Case Report. European J Plastic Surgery, 2011, Online First, March 1
Öreroğlu AR, Özkaya Ö, Öztürk MB, Bingöl D, Akan M, Concentric-needle cannula method for single-puncture arthrocentesis in temporomandibular joint disease: an inexpensive and feasible technique. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011;69(9):2334-8
Egemen O, Ozkaya O, Ozturk MB, Aksan T, Orman C, Akan M. Effective use of negative pressure therapy provides quick wound-bed preparation and complete graft take in the management of chronic venous ulcers. Int Wound J. 2012;9(2):199-205
Ozturk MB, Aksan T, Uscetin I, Akan IM. A new alternative jaw motion rehabilitation device: The Okbite. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2012; 13(3):1
اقرأ المزيدAssociate Professor: Medeniyet University. Faculty of Medicine Göztepe E. A. Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Assist. Associate Professor: Medeniyet University. Faculty of Medicine Göztepe E. A. Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Mandatory Duty: Tekirdağ State Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialization: Okmeydanı E. A. Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery University : Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Uğur Derman English Medicine
Öreroğlu AR, Üsçetin I, Egemen O, Öztürk MB, Asfuroğlu S, Tatlıdede HS Coexistent Cutaneous Tuberous and Tendinous Xanthomas in Traumatic Regions: A Case Report. European J Plastic Surgery, 2011, Online First, March 1
Öreroğlu AR, Özkaya Ö, Öztürk MB, Bingöl D, Akan M, Concentric-needle cannula method for single-puncture arthrocentesis in temporomandibular joint disease: an inexpensive and feasible technique. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011;69(9):2334-8
Egemen O, Ozkaya O, Ozturk MB, Aksan T, Orman C, Akan M. Effective use of negative pressure therapy provides quick wound-bed preparation and complete graft take in the management of chronic venous ulcers. Int Wound J. 2012;9(2):199-205
Ozturk MB, Aksan T, Uscetin I, Akan IM. A new alternative jaw motion rehabilitation device: The Okbite. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2012; 13(3):1
Estetik Cerrahi: Deneyimli cerrahlarımızla, güncel teknikleri kullanarak estetik cerrahi hizmetleri sunuyoruz. Her bireyin ihtiyacına özel çözümler üreterek, doğal ve estetik sonuçlar elde etmeyi amaçlıyoruz.
Saç, Sakal ve Kaş Ekimi: Saç dökülmesi, seyrek sakal ya da kaş problemleriyle mücadele edenlere özel çözümler sunuyoruz. Uzman ekibimiz, kişinin yüz hatlarına uygun doğal sonuçlar elde etmeyi hedefler.
Dolgu Uygulamaları: Yüz gençleştirme ve kontürleme amacıyla kullanılan dolgu uygulamalarını, uzman estetik cerrahlarımız ile güvenli bir şekilde gerçekleştiriyoruz. Doğallığı ön planda tutan yaklaşımımızla, müşterilerimize istedikleri görünüme kavuşmalarında yardımcı oluyoruz.
اقرأ المزيدEstetik Cerrahi: Deneyimli cerrahlarımızla, güncel teknikleri kullanarak estetik cerrahi hizmetleri sunuyoruz. Her bireyin ihtiyacına özel çözümler üreterek, doğal ve estetik sonuçlar elde etmeyi amaçlıyoruz.
Saç, Sakal ve Kaş Ekimi: Saç dökülmesi, seyrek sakal ya da kaş problemleriyle mücadele edenlere özel çözümler sunuyoruz. Uzman ekibimiz, kişinin yüz hatlarına uygun doğal sonuçlar elde etmeyi hedefler.
Dolgu Uygulamaları: Yüz gençleştirme ve kontürleme amacıyla kullanılan dolgu uygulamalarını, uzman estetik cerrahlarımız ile güvenli bir şekilde gerçekleştiriyoruz. Doğallığı ön planda tutan yaklaşımımızla, müşterilerimize istedikleri görünüme kavuşmalarında yardımcı oluyoruz.
Yeşilçimen Sokak No:12 Polat Tower Residence K:2 D:20 Fulya/Şişli/İstanbul • 05542302530 •
Mustafa Aydinol Clinic
Nişantaşı Hospital
Amerikan Estetik Surgical Medical Center
Erzincan Mengücek Gazi Education and Research Hospital
Dicle University School of Medicine Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
2010 Dec - 2012 Jan Health Professions and Private Diagnostic&Treatment Centers Directorate Doctor Diyarbakır Provincial Directorate of Health
2012 - 2017 Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist Diploma
Dicle University - Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic
2004 - 2010 Medical Doctor Degree
Cumhuriyet University School of Medicine
2001 - 2004 High School Diploma Cumhuriyet Science High School
1997 - 2001 Middle School Diploma Tarsus American College
TOEFL: 103 IELTS:8.5 B1
Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons
TurkishSociety of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Rhinoplasty Society Of Europe
“Multiple disseminated pyogenic granuloma after second degree scald burn: a rare two case”, Durgun M, Selçuk CT, Ozalp B, Aydinol M, Alabalik U, Int J Burns Trauma. 2013 Apr 18;3(2):125-9.
“Toe Amputation After Minor Surgery in a Patient with Behçet’s Disease: A Case Report”, Özalp B, Akcay C, Aydinol M, Selçuk CT,J Foot Ankle Surg. 2016 May-Jun;55(3):638-41.
“Perforator-based propeller flaps for leg reconstruction in pediatric patients”, Özalp B, Aydınol M, J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg.2016 Oct;69(10):e205-11.
“Breast Augmentation Combining Fat Injection and Breast Implants in Patients With Atrophied Breasts”, Özalp B, Aydinol M., Ann Plast Surg. 2017 Jun;78(6):623-628.
“Is the transposition of the nipple-areolar complex necessary in Simon grade 2b gynecomastia operations using suction- assistedliposuction?”, Özalp B, Berköz Ö, Aydınol M., J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2018 Feb;52(1):7-13.
“Opinions of Last Year Medical School Students on Plastic Surgery and Medical School Education: A Survey Study”, M. Aydinol,
B. Özalp, 38th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons National Meeting.
“A Novel Technique For Nipple Reconstruction; Intradermal Nevus Graft”, B. Özalp, A. Calavul, E. Çelikkaleli, M. Aydınol, 38th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons National Meeting.
“Co-existence of Multiple Malign Melanoma and Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans In Lower Extremity”, S. Erbatur, M. Aydınol.
“Soft Tissue Defect Due To Brucella Infection In Sternum and Clavicle Area”, C.T.Selçuk, B. Özalp, M. Durgun, A. Calavul, M. Aydınol
“Perforator-based propeller flaps for leg reconstruction in pediatric patients”, B. Özalp, M. Aydınol.
2012 34th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons National Meeting Antalya/Turkey 2013Microsurgery course Zurich/Switzerland
2014 Royal College of Surgeons Upper Limb and Hand Cadaver Dissection Course London/UK 2014 Royal College of Surgeons Breast and Torso Cadaver Dissection Course London/UK 2015 Plastic Surgery The Meeting Boston/ABD
2016 Nazim Cerkes Open Rhinoplasty Course Istanbul/Turkey
2016 38th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons National Meeting Antalya/Turkey 2017 Nazim Cerkes Open Rhinoplasty Course Istanbul/Turkey
2017 RSE (Rhinoplasty Society of Europe) Live Surgery Course Istanbul/Turkey
2018EPCD National Meeting Istanbul/Turkey
2018 6th Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty Course Bergamo/Italy
2018 Teoman Dogan 4th Push Down Rhinoplasty Surgery Course Istanbul/Turkey
2019 EPCDNational Meeting Istanbul/Turkey
2019 Serdar Eren Facelift Workshop
2019 TPRCD XII. Rhinoplasty and V. Facial Aesthetics Course
2019 ISAPS Course & 11th International Eurasian Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Meeting
2019 Aestheticstanbul Aesthetic Surgery Congress
2019 Eurasian Non-Surgical Days
2019 LG Yvoire Advanced Cadaver Training Course 2019 Istanbul Live Surgery Rhinoplasty Course 2020 IMCAS WorldCongress
2021 ISAPS World Congress 2021 Bella EyesCourse
2021 Hands-On Human Cadaver Course 2022 ISAPS World Congress
2022 TSAPS Breast Surgery School 2023 MentorBreast Symposium
2023 3rd Joint International Meeting of Rhinoplasty Societies 2023 ISAPS Olympiad Athens World Congress
2023 BLS and ACLS Course
2024 TSAPS 28th National Congress 2024Exosomes&Stem Cell Meeting
2024 Face to Face Istanbul Live Surgery International Congress 2024The New Frontiers of Facelifting
2024 Midface Lift&Cadaver Dissection Course
Snowboard, Cycling, Crossfit, Running, Swimming, Kitesurfing, Photography, Travelling, Books, Guitar
Yeşilçimen Sokak No:12 Polat Tower Residence K:2 D:20 Fulya/Şişli/İstanbul • 05542302530 •
Mustafa Aydinol Clinic
Nişantaşı Hospital
Amerikan Estetik Surgical Medical Center
Erzincan Mengücek Gazi Education and Research Hospital
Dicle University School of Medicine Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
2010 Dec - 2012 Jan Health Professions and Private Diagnostic&Treatment Centers Directorate Doctor Diyarbakır Provincial Directorate of Health
2012 - 2017 Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist Diploma
Dicle University - Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic
2004 - 2010 Medical Doctor Degree
Cumhuriyet University School of Medicine
2001 - 2004 High School Diploma Cumhuriyet Science High School
1997 - 2001 Middle School Diploma Tarsus American College
TOEFL: 103 IELTS:8.5 B1
Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons
TurkishSociety of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Rhinoplasty Society Of Europe
“Multiple disseminated pyogenic granuloma after second degree scald burn: a rare two case”, Durgun M, Selçuk CT, Ozalp B, Aydinol M, Alabalik U, Int J Burns Trauma. 2013 Apr 18;3(2):125-9.
“Toe Amputation After Minor Surgery in a Patient with Behçet’s Disease: A Case Report”, Özalp B, Akcay C, Aydinol M, Selçuk CT,J Foot Ankle Surg. 2016 May-Jun;55(3):638-41.
“Perforator-based propeller flaps for leg reconstruction in pediatric patients”, Özalp B, Aydınol M, J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg.2016 Oct;69(10):e205-11.
“Breast Augmentation Combining Fat Injection and Breast Implants in Patients With Atrophied Breasts”, Özalp B, Aydinol M., Ann Plast Surg. 2017 Jun;78(6):623-628.
“Is the transposition of the nipple-areolar complex necessary in Simon grade 2b gynecomastia operations using suction- assistedliposuction?”, Özalp B, Berköz Ö, Aydınol M., J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2018 Feb;52(1):7-13.
“Opinions of Last Year Medical School Students on Plastic Surgery and Medical School Education: A Survey Study”, M. Aydinol,
B. Özalp, 38th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons National Meeting.
“A Novel Technique For Nipple Reconstruction; Intradermal Nevus Graft”, B. Özalp, A. Calavul, E. Çelikkaleli, M. Aydınol, 38th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons National Meeting.
“Co-existence of Multiple Malign Melanoma and Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans In Lower Extremity”, S. Erbatur, M. Aydınol.
“Soft Tissue Defect Due To Brucella Infection In Sternum and Clavicle Area”, C.T.Selçuk, B. Özalp, M. Durgun, A. Calavul, M. Aydınol
“Perforator-based propeller flaps for leg reconstruction in pediatric patients”, B. Özalp, M. Aydınol.
2012 34th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons National Meeting Antalya/Turkey 2013Microsurgery course Zurich/Switzerland
2014 Royal College of Surgeons Upper Limb and Hand Cadaver Dissection Course London/UK 2014 Royal College of Surgeons Breast and Torso Cadaver Dissection Course London/UK 2015 Plastic Surgery The Meeting Boston/ABD
2016 Nazim Cerkes Open Rhinoplasty Course Istanbul/Turkey
2016 38th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons National Meeting Antalya/Turkey 2017 Nazim Cerkes Open Rhinoplasty Course Istanbul/Turkey
2017 RSE (Rhinoplasty Society of Europe) Live Surgery Course Istanbul/Turkey
2018EPCD National Meeting Istanbul/Turkey
2018 6th Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty Course Bergamo/Italy
2018 Teoman Dogan 4th Push Down Rhinoplasty Surgery Course Istanbul/Turkey
2019 EPCDNational Meeting Istanbul/Turkey
2019 Serdar Eren Facelift Workshop
2019 TPRCD XII. Rhinoplasty and V. Facial Aesthetics Course
2019 ISAPS Course & 11th International Eurasian Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Meeting
2019 Aestheticstanbul Aesthetic Surgery Congress
2019 Eurasian Non-Surgical Days
2019 LG Yvoire Advanced Cadaver Training Course 2019 Istanbul Live Surgery Rhinoplasty Course 2020 IMCAS WorldCongress
2021 ISAPS World Congress 2021 Bella EyesCourse
2021 Hands-On Human Cadaver Course 2022 ISAPS World Congress
2022 TSAPS Breast Surgery School 2023 MentorBreast Symposium
2023 3rd Joint International Meeting of Rhinoplasty Societies 2023 ISAPS Olympiad Athens World Congress
2023 BLS and ACLS Course
2024 TSAPS 28th National Congress 2024Exosomes&Stem Cell Meeting
2024 Face to Face Istanbul Live Surgery International Congress 2024The New Frontiers of Facelifting
2024 Midface Lift&Cadaver Dissection Course
Snowboard, Cycling, Crossfit, Running, Swimming, Kitesurfing, Photography, Travelling, Books, Guitar
Dr. Orhan Aydın
Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery
A highly accomplished Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeon with 16 years of clinical experience. Over 3,000 rhinoplasty procedures and more than 15,000 aesthetic surgeries have been performed, demonstrating exceptional expertise in facial rejuvenation, body contouring, breast surgeries, and advanced reconstructive techniques. Skilled in both surgical and non-surgical procedures, with a strong commitment to patient care, innovation, and precision in achieving outstanding results.
Pamukkale University Training and Research Hospital (2009 – 2014)
Sanlıurfa Mehmet Akif İnan Training and Research Hospital (2014 – 2016)
Ankara Dr. A. Yurtaslan Oncology Training and Research Hospital (2016 – 2018)
Private Clinic, Ankara (2018 – Present)
Dr. Orhan Aydın
Maidan Work Center, C/55, Ankara, Turkey
Website: www.drorhanaydin.com
Instagram: @drorhanaydin
Dr. Orhan Aydın
Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery
A highly accomplished Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeon with 16 years of clinical experience. Over 3,000 rhinoplasty procedures and more than 15,000 aesthetic surgeries have been performed, demonstrating exceptional expertise in facial rejuvenation, body contouring, breast surgeries, and advanced reconstructive techniques. Skilled in both surgical and non-surgical procedures, with a strong commitment to patient care, innovation, and precision in achieving outstanding results.
Pamukkale University Training and Research Hospital (2009 – 2014)
Sanlıurfa Mehmet Akif İnan Training and Research Hospital (2014 – 2016)
Ankara Dr. A. Yurtaslan Oncology Training and Research Hospital (2016 – 2018)
Private Clinic, Ankara (2018 – Present)
Dr. Orhan Aydın
Maidan Work Center, C/55, Ankara, Turkey
Website: www.drorhanaydin.com
Instagram: @drorhanaydin
Associate Prof. Çağlar ÇALLI graduated from Izmir Atatürk High School. He is a graduate of Ege University Faculty of Medicine. He was granted Thyroid Surgery and Diseases Scholarship from the Turkish Ear Nose Throat Association in 2009. With this scholarship, he studied Head-neck tumours and thyroid surgery at Ohio State University in the USA. After being granted the Turkish Ear Nose Throat Foundation Scholarship in 2011, he studied facial plastic surgery, snoring surgery, and endoscopic sinus surgery at New York St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital in the USA. He became an Associate Professor in 2012. He has conducted oral presentations abroad, and published book chapters and more than 80 articles in international and national journals. Associate Professor Dr. Çağlar ÇALLI’s surgical research interests include Head-Neck tumours, Goiter and Thyroid surgery, Rhinoplasty and Endoscopic sinus surgery, ear microsurgery, and otosclerosis operations.
اقرأ المزيدAssociate Prof. Çağlar ÇALLI graduated from Izmir Atatürk High School. He is a graduate of Ege University Faculty of Medicine. He was granted Thyroid Surgery and Diseases Scholarship from the Turkish Ear Nose Throat Association in 2009. With this scholarship, he studied Head-neck tumours and thyroid surgery at Ohio State University in the USA. After being granted the Turkish Ear Nose Throat Foundation Scholarship in 2011, he studied facial plastic surgery, snoring surgery, and endoscopic sinus surgery at New York St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital in the USA. He became an Associate Professor in 2012. He has conducted oral presentations abroad, and published book chapters and more than 80 articles in international and national journals. Associate Professor Dr. Çağlar ÇALLI’s surgical research interests include Head-Neck tumours, Goiter and Thyroid surgery, Rhinoplasty and Endoscopic sinus surgery, ear microsurgery, and otosclerosis operations.
Ahmet Köybaşıoğlu is a Professor and Doctor who was born in 1958. He entered Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1975 and completed his education, graduating in 1981. He completed his specialization in Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine between 1982-1986.
While working as an ENT specialist at Ankara Dışkapı SSK Hospital, he also worked at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Research Center in the Netherlands. In 1997, he became an associate professor in the ENT Head and Neck Surgery department at Gazi University, and in 2003, he became a full professor.
In 1998, he worked on cases with his American colleagues at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary in the United States. He conducted academic research for 16 years from 1996-2012, focusing on head and neck tumors. He also deepened his academic research in laryngology, which includes vocal cord and voice disorders.
He specialized in voice hoarseness, snoring, respiratory problems, dizziness, as well as nodules, polyps and vocal cord cysts in the larynx. His medical interests also include pediatric ENT diseases such as tonsillitis, adenoids, fluid accumulation in the ear, and congenital neck cysts.
He conducted academic research and publications on tumors and cancer diseases that occur in the mouth, nose, tongue, jaw, throat, and skin areas in the head and neck region. These diseases are his primary medical interest areas.
2003-2103 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Professor,
2005(September-October) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1997-2003 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Associate Professor,
1998(November-December) Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary /Boston-USA,
1995-1997 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Assistant Professor,
1993(January-March) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1982-1986 Gazi University Faculty of Medicine / Ear Nose and Throat Specialization Training,
1975-1981 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine
Work Experience
2016-2018 Lösante Hospital,
2014-2016 Memorial Ankara Hospital,
2012-2014 Acıbadem Healthcare Group Ankara Hospital,
2003-2013 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Professor,
2005(September-October) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1997-2003 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Associate Professor
1998 (November-December) Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary,
1995-1997 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Assistant Professor,
1993(January-March) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1990-1995 Ankara Diskapi SSK Hospital ll. ENT Clinic Specialist,
1988-1990 Bayburt State Hospital/Mandatory Service,
1986-1988 Adana Military Hospital, Ear Nose and Throat Specialist,
1982-1986 Gazi University Faculty of Medicine / Ear Nose and Throat Specialization Training
Medical Interest
Head and Neck Oncology
Voice Hoarseness
Pediatric Ear Nose Throat Diseases
Elongated Styloid Prosthesis
Congenital Neck Tumors
Salivary Gland Tumors
Ahmet Köybaşıoğlu is a Professor and Doctor who was born in 1958. He entered Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1975 and completed his education, graduating in 1981. He completed his specialization in Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine between 1982-1986.
While working as an ENT specialist at Ankara Dışkapı SSK Hospital, he also worked at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Research Center in the Netherlands. In 1997, he became an associate professor in the ENT Head and Neck Surgery department at Gazi University, and in 2003, he became a full professor.
In 1998, he worked on cases with his American colleagues at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary in the United States. He conducted academic research for 16 years from 1996-2012, focusing on head and neck tumors. He also deepened his academic research in laryngology, which includes vocal cord and voice disorders.
He specialized in voice hoarseness, snoring, respiratory problems, dizziness, as well as nodules, polyps and vocal cord cysts in the larynx. His medical interests also include pediatric ENT diseases such as tonsillitis, adenoids, fluid accumulation in the ear, and congenital neck cysts.
He conducted academic research and publications on tumors and cancer diseases that occur in the mouth, nose, tongue, jaw, throat, and skin areas in the head and neck region. These diseases are his primary medical interest areas.
2003-2103 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Professor,
2005(September-October) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1997-2003 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Associate Professor,
1998(November-December) Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary /Boston-USA,
1995-1997 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Assistant Professor,
1993(January-March) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1982-1986 Gazi University Faculty of Medicine / Ear Nose and Throat Specialization Training,
1975-1981 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine
Work Experience
2016-2018 Lösante Hospital,
2014-2016 Memorial Ankara Hospital,
2012-2014 Acıbadem Healthcare Group Ankara Hospital,
2003-2013 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Professor,
2005(September-October) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1997-2003 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Associate Professor
1998 (November-December) Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary,
1995-1997 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Assistant Professor,
1993(January-March) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1990-1995 Ankara Diskapi SSK Hospital ll. ENT Clinic Specialist,
1988-1990 Bayburt State Hospital/Mandatory Service,
1986-1988 Adana Military Hospital, Ear Nose and Throat Specialist,
1982-1986 Gazi University Faculty of Medicine / Ear Nose and Throat Specialization Training
Medical Interest
Head and Neck Oncology
Voice Hoarseness
Pediatric Ear Nose Throat Diseases
Elongated Styloid Prosthesis
Congenital Neck Tumors
Salivary Gland Tumors