أكمل الدكتور X إقامته في الجراحة العامة في عام 2004 وعمل منذ ذلك الحين في العديد من المستشفيات في تركيا وخارجها. وهو عضو في الجمعية التركية لجراحة القولون والمستقيم ، وجمعية اسطنبول الطبية ، وجمعية أنقرة للجراحة ، والجمعية التركية للجراحة ، وجمعية جراحة الغدد الصماء (عضو مجلس الإشراف) ، والجمعية التركية العالمية لزراعة الأعضاء.
اقرأ المزيدأكمل الدكتور X إقامته في الجراحة العامة في عام 2004 وعمل منذ ذلك الحين في العديد من المستشفيات في تركيا وخارجها. وهو عضو في الجمعية التركية لجراحة القولون والمستقيم ، وجمعية اسطنبول الطبية ، وجمعية أنقرة للجراحة ، والجمعية التركية للجراحة ، وجمعية جراحة الغدد الصماء (عضو مجلس الإشراف) ، والجمعية التركية العالمية لزراعة الأعضاء.
Vahit Onur Gül graduated from the Gülhane Military Medical Faculty in 1998. He became a general surgeon specialist in 2009 and a general surgery associate professor in 2020. He served as a military doctor in almost every city in our country. He received training in robotic surgery in the USA and microsurgery in Switzerland. He participated in many advanced laparoscopic surgery courses both domestically and internationally. He presented numerous oral and written papers at conferences and meetings both domestically and internationally. He has extensive experience in robotic and laparoscopic colon, stomach, and rectal cancer surgery, thyroid and breast surgery. He is currently serving at Ankara Koru Hospital. His medical interests include:
Robotic Surgery
Obesity Surgery
Colorectal Surgery
Breast Surgery
Endocrine (Thyroid-Goiter) Surgery
Oncologic Surgery
Laparoscopic Surgery
Anal Region Diseases
Hernia Surgery
اقرأ المزيدVahit Onur Gül graduated from the Gülhane Military Medical Faculty in 1998. He became a general surgeon specialist in 2009 and a general surgery associate professor in 2020. He served as a military doctor in almost every city in our country. He received training in robotic surgery in the USA and microsurgery in Switzerland. He participated in many advanced laparoscopic surgery courses both domestically and internationally. He presented numerous oral and written papers at conferences and meetings both domestically and internationally. He has extensive experience in robotic and laparoscopic colon, stomach, and rectal cancer surgery, thyroid and breast surgery. He is currently serving at Ankara Koru Hospital. His medical interests include:
Robotic Surgery
Obesity Surgery
Colorectal Surgery
Breast Surgery
Endocrine (Thyroid-Goiter) Surgery
Oncologic Surgery
Laparoscopic Surgery
Anal Region Diseases
Hernia Surgery
Educational Status
Institutions He Works For
Skills And Expertise
Educational Status
Institutions He Works For
Skills And Expertise
Dr. Cüneyt Çiftdoğan was born in Ankara in 1971. After completing primary school in Gaziantep, he settled in Izmir and completed his secondary and high school education in Izmir. In the last years of his high school education, with his passion for white coats, he took the university exam and was accepted to Ege University Faculty of Medicine.
Cüneyt Çiftdoğan, who started his medical education at Ege University in 1988, graduated as a medical doctor in 1994 after an intensive and successful medical education. Cüneyt Çiftdoğan, who passed the Medical Specialization Examination (TUS) in 1997 and started his specialization training in the Department of General Surgery at Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine, took part in many successful operations until 2002 and had serious experience in the branch of general surgery. After his specialist training, Op. Dr. He was entitled to receive the title.
Dr. Cüneyt Çiftdoğan has been working as a General Surgery Specialist since 2002. He has equipped his professional skills and abilities with technological developments by working in many public and private hospitals.
Professional Interests
Metabolic and Obesity Surgery
Gastric Botox
Reflux Surgery
Goiter Surgery
Breast Diseases
Intestinal Tumor Surgery
Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery
Laparoscopic and Open Hernia Surgery
Liver Cystic Diseases
Colon Cancer Surgery
Rectum Cancer Surgery
Perinal Fistula
Fissure and Hemorrhoidal Diseases
Pilonidal Sinus Surgeries
Soft Tissue Tumors
Diagnostic Endoscopy and Colonoscopy
Memberships to Scientific Organizations
Izmir Medical Chamber
Turkish Surgical Association
Aegean Region Surgical Association
Aegean Region Breast Diseases Association
اقرأ المزيدDr. Cüneyt Çiftdoğan was born in Ankara in 1971. After completing primary school in Gaziantep, he settled in Izmir and completed his secondary and high school education in Izmir. In the last years of his high school education, with his passion for white coats, he took the university exam and was accepted to Ege University Faculty of Medicine.
Cüneyt Çiftdoğan, who started his medical education at Ege University in 1988, graduated as a medical doctor in 1994 after an intensive and successful medical education. Cüneyt Çiftdoğan, who passed the Medical Specialization Examination (TUS) in 1997 and started his specialization training in the Department of General Surgery at Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine, took part in many successful operations until 2002 and had serious experience in the branch of general surgery. After his specialist training, Op. Dr. He was entitled to receive the title.
Dr. Cüneyt Çiftdoğan has been working as a General Surgery Specialist since 2002. He has equipped his professional skills and abilities with technological developments by working in many public and private hospitals.
Professional Interests
Metabolic and Obesity Surgery
Gastric Botox
Reflux Surgery
Goiter Surgery
Breast Diseases
Intestinal Tumor Surgery
Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery
Laparoscopic and Open Hernia Surgery
Liver Cystic Diseases
Colon Cancer Surgery
Rectum Cancer Surgery
Perinal Fistula
Fissure and Hemorrhoidal Diseases
Pilonidal Sinus Surgeries
Soft Tissue Tumors
Diagnostic Endoscopy and Colonoscopy
Memberships to Scientific Organizations
Izmir Medical Chamber
Turkish Surgical Association
Aegean Region Surgical Association
Aegean Region Breast Diseases Association
Dr. Ufuk Önsal was born in Gelibolu in 1984. After graduating from high school at Ankara Atatürk Anatolian High School, he completed his undergraduate degree at the Faculty of Medicine at Afyon Kocatepe University. Ufuk Önsal, who subsequently specialized in General Surgery at Düzce University, has many professional experiences.
Duzce University Faculty of Medicine Hospital 2014-2020
Izmir Bakırçay University Çiğli Training and Research Hospital 2020-2021
Private Health Hospital 2021-2022
Private Aegean City Hospital 2022-2023
And now he continues to serve his patients at Izmir Private Can Hospital.
Gastric Bypass and Beyond Basic Training Course, Turkish Society for Metabolic&Bariatric Surgery
Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) Training, Turkish Surgical Association
“Laser Technique” in the Treatment of Hemorrhoidal Diseases, Medikal Park Hospital
Laparoscopic Abdominal Wall Repairs, Dokuz Eylül University
Abdominal Surgery Clinical Anatomy, Ankara University
Breast and Thyroid Ultrasonography, Turkish Surgical Association
MENA EUS & ERCP Workshop, Bezmialem University
Workplace Medicine, T.R. Ministry of Social Security
International Turkish Colorectal Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2021
National Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2018
Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2017
National Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2016
اقرأ المزيدDr. Ufuk Önsal was born in Gelibolu in 1984. After graduating from high school at Ankara Atatürk Anatolian High School, he completed his undergraduate degree at the Faculty of Medicine at Afyon Kocatepe University. Ufuk Önsal, who subsequently specialized in General Surgery at Düzce University, has many professional experiences.
Duzce University Faculty of Medicine Hospital 2014-2020
Izmir Bakırçay University Çiğli Training and Research Hospital 2020-2021
Private Health Hospital 2021-2022
Private Aegean City Hospital 2022-2023
And now he continues to serve his patients at Izmir Private Can Hospital.
Gastric Bypass and Beyond Basic Training Course, Turkish Society for Metabolic&Bariatric Surgery
Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) Training, Turkish Surgical Association
“Laser Technique” in the Treatment of Hemorrhoidal Diseases, Medikal Park Hospital
Laparoscopic Abdominal Wall Repairs, Dokuz Eylül University
Abdominal Surgery Clinical Anatomy, Ankara University
Breast and Thyroid Ultrasonography, Turkish Surgical Association
MENA EUS & ERCP Workshop, Bezmialem University
Workplace Medicine, T.R. Ministry of Social Security
International Turkish Colorectal Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2021
National Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2018
Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2017
National Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2016
Dr. Davut Demir, a General Surgery specialist, is skilled in laparoscopic surgery, oncological surgery, trauma surgery, and morbid obesity surgery. He graduated from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine and currently practices at Lokman Hekim Van Hospital. Dr. Demir has previously worked at Ağrı Patnos State Hospital and Istanbul Hospital, gaining extensive experience across various surgical disciplines. His expertise allows him to offer advanced and comprehensive surgical care, with a strong focus on minimally invasive techniques and complex procedures for optimal patient outcomes.
اقرأ المزيدDr. Davut Demir, a General Surgery specialist, is skilled in laparoscopic surgery, oncological surgery, trauma surgery, and morbid obesity surgery. He graduated from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine and currently practices at Lokman Hekim Van Hospital. Dr. Demir has previously worked at Ağrı Patnos State Hospital and Istanbul Hospital, gaining extensive experience across various surgical disciplines. His expertise allows him to offer advanced and comprehensive surgical care, with a strong focus on minimally invasive techniques and complex procedures for optimal patient outcomes.
دكتور هو أخصائي جراحة عامة حاصل على دكتوراه في الطب من جامعة مرمرة وأستاذ مشارك من جامعة باسكنت. وهو عضو في العديد من الجمعيات المهنية وتشمل مجالات تخصصه جراحة الثدي وجراحة الغدد الصماء وجراحة المناظير.
اقرأ المزيددكتور هو أخصائي جراحة عامة حاصل على دكتوراه في الطب من جامعة مرمرة وأستاذ مشارك من جامعة باسكنت. وهو عضو في العديد من الجمعيات المهنية وتشمل مجالات تخصصه جراحة الثدي وجراحة الغدد الصماء وجراحة المناظير.
أخصائي التغذية والنظام الغذائي
تخرجت إزجي سيفيتش من قسم التغذية وعلم الحمية بجامعة هاسيتيب كطالبة متفوقة. أثناء دراستها، أجرت دراسات حول "تأثير سلوك الأكل اللذي على السمنة"، و"التغذية الوريدية الكاملة عند الأطفال"، و"العلاقة بين مقاومة الأنسولين والسمنة". أثناء دراستها، شاركت في دراسات ميدانية لتحديد الحالة الغذائية للمجتمع. عملت كأخصائية تغذية متدربة في مستشفيات جامعة هاسيتيب (مستشفى الأورام، ومستشفى البالغين، ومستشفى إحسان دوغراماسي للأطفال)، ومستشفى ديشكابي يلدريم بيازيد للتدريب والبحث والعديد من مراكز الصحة المجتمعية.
عملت في مستشفى إزمير الخاص "إيكول"، وأكملت بنجاح دورة "التغذية لعلاج السمنة" ودورة "الابتكارات في علاج السمنة"، وشاركت في العديد من برامج التدريب والندوات في مجال تخصصها.
الاهتمامات: التغذية بعد جراحة التمثيل الغذائي والسمنة، التغذية في الأمراض المزمنة، التغذية لدى الأفراد المصابين بمرض السكري، التغذية في السرطان، التغذية في الأمراض الأيضية الخلقية، عدم تحمل الطعام، التحكم في وزن الجسم، تغذية الأطفال والمراهقين، التغذية في الشيخوخة، التغذية أثناء الحمل والرضاعة.
يتقن إزجي سيفيتش اللغة الإنجليزية بشكل متقدم.
اقرأ المزيدأخصائي التغذية والنظام الغذائي
تخرجت إزجي سيفيتش من قسم التغذية وعلم الحمية بجامعة هاسيتيب كطالبة متفوقة. أثناء دراستها، أجرت دراسات حول "تأثير سلوك الأكل اللذي على السمنة"، و"التغذية الوريدية الكاملة عند الأطفال"، و"العلاقة بين مقاومة الأنسولين والسمنة". أثناء دراستها، شاركت في دراسات ميدانية لتحديد الحالة الغذائية للمجتمع. عملت كأخصائية تغذية متدربة في مستشفيات جامعة هاسيتيب (مستشفى الأورام، ومستشفى البالغين، ومستشفى إحسان دوغراماسي للأطفال)، ومستشفى ديشكابي يلدريم بيازيد للتدريب والبحث والعديد من مراكز الصحة المجتمعية.
عملت في مستشفى إزمير الخاص "إيكول"، وأكملت بنجاح دورة "التغذية لعلاج السمنة" ودورة "الابتكارات في علاج السمنة"، وشاركت في العديد من برامج التدريب والندوات في مجال تخصصها.
الاهتمامات: التغذية بعد جراحة التمثيل الغذائي والسمنة، التغذية في الأمراض المزمنة، التغذية لدى الأفراد المصابين بمرض السكري، التغذية في السرطان، التغذية في الأمراض الأيضية الخلقية، عدم تحمل الطعام، التحكم في وزن الجسم، تغذية الأطفال والمراهقين، التغذية في الشيخوخة، التغذية أثناء الحمل والرضاعة.
يتقن إزجي سيفيتش اللغة الإنجليزية بشكل متقدم.
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
ترميم الفتق السري بالمنظار (انظر. ترميم الفتق السري) | $3129.07 |