لقد اجتاحت روسيا أوكرانيا في 24 فبراير/شباط 2022. قفوا مع أوكرانيا وادعمونا في كفاحنا من أجل الحرية والديمقراطية في أوروبا.  قف مع أوكرانيا!  انضم إلينا
تصوير المخ بالرنين المغناطيسي مع حقن مادة مظللة (تسلسل FLAIR)
كل التخصصات
كل البلدان
اختر مدينة
تصوير المخ بالرنين المغناطيسي مع حقن مادة مظللة (تسلسل FLAIR)
كل التخصصات
كل البلدان
اختر مدينة

أفضل تصوير المخ بالرنين المغناطيسي مع حقن مادة مظللة (تسلسل FLAIR) جراحو أعصاب الأطفال في إسطنبول - توب -24 أطباء

يلبي المحتوى سياسة التحرير Bookimed ويتم مراجعتها طبياً من قبل
فهد مولود - طبيب عام. حاصل على 4 جوائز علمية. خدم في غرب آسيا. رئيس الفريق الطبي الناطق بالعربية سابقا ومسؤول عن معالجة البيانات ودقة المحتوى الطبي حاليا.
Mustafa Solak
أخصائي الأورام السريرية
18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
119 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Mustafa Solak

أخصائي الأورام السريرية
18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

مصطفى سولاك ، دكتوراه في الطب ، هو طبيب تخرج من كلية الطب بجامعة هاسيتيب وأتم إقاماته في مستشفى شيشلي إتفال التعليمي والبحوث بإسطنبول ومنح الزمالة في معهد السرطان بجامعة هاسيتيب. وهو متخصص في سرطان الثدي وسرطان الخصية وسرطان المبيض وسرطان الرئة وسرطان الرأس والعنق وسرطان الجهاز الهضمي. وقد عمل أيضًا في مركز إم دي أندرسون للسرطان بجامعة تكساس ، ومستشفى كوروم للتدريب بجامعة هيتيت ، ومستشفى ميديكال بارك.

اقرأ المزيد

مصطفى سولاك ، دكتوراه في الطب ، هو طبيب تخرج من كلية الطب بجامعة هاسيتيب وأتم إقاماته في مستشفى شيشلي إتفال التعليمي والبحوث بإسطنبول ومنح الزمالة في معهد السرطان بجامعة هاسيتيب. وهو متخصص في سرطان الثدي وسرطان الخصية وسرطان المبيض وسرطان الرئة وسرطان الرأس والعنق وسرطان الجهاز الهضمي. وقد عمل أيضًا في مركز إم دي أندرسون للسرطان بجامعة تكساس ، ومستشفى كوروم للتدريب بجامعة هيتيت ، ومستشفى ميديكال بارك.

اقرأ المزيد
119 تقييمات
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
العلاج الكيميائي $1500 - $2500
استئصال الغدة الدرقية $5000 - $7500
استبدال صمام القلب $12000
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية
Gulumser Kiziltas Tokmak
طبيب أعصاب
22سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
119 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Gulumser Kiziltas Tokmak

طبيب أعصاب
22سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

غولومسر كيزيلطاش توكماك ، دكتوراه في الطب ، تخرجت من كلية الطب جراح باشا ، جامعة اسطنبول في عام 2002 وأكملت الإقامة في عيادة الأعصاب ، مستشفى أوكميداني التعليمي والبحثي في عام 2008. وهي حاصلة على درجة الماجستير في الفيزيولوجيا الكهربية من جامعة اسطنبول ، ودرست وعملت في المجالات مثل EMG و EEG و PSG والخرف والصداع والدوار. عملت في عيادة طب الأعصاب بمستشفى أغري الحكومي ومستشفى حصار إنتركونتيننتال ومستشفيات ميديكال بارك.

اقرأ المزيد

غولومسر كيزيلطاش توكماك ، دكتوراه في الطب ، تخرجت من كلية الطب جراح باشا ، جامعة اسطنبول في عام 2002 وأكملت الإقامة في عيادة الأعصاب ، مستشفى أوكميداني التعليمي والبحثي في عام 2008. وهي حاصلة على درجة الماجستير في الفيزيولوجيا الكهربية من جامعة اسطنبول ، ودرست وعملت في المجالات مثل EMG و EEG و PSG والخرف والصداع والدوار. عملت في عيادة طب الأعصاب بمستشفى أغري الحكومي ومستشفى حصار إنتركونتيننتال ومستشفيات ميديكال بارك.

اقرأ المزيد
119 تقييمات
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
العلاج الكيميائي $1500 - $2500
استئصال الغدة الدرقية $5000 - $7500
استبدال صمام القلب $12000
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية
Ali Zirh
جراح أعصاب
36سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
29 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Medipol University Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center (PARMER)

Ali Zirh

جراح أعصاب
36سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

خبير في التحفيز العميق للدماغ (DBS).
قدم أكثر من 850 إجراء DBS ناجحًا وأكثر من 1350 إجراء جراحة أعصاب.
حطم الرقم القياسي العالمي في موسوعة غينيس لأكبر عدد من المرضى بعد تجمع DBS في مكان واحد.
تدرب في ألمانيا وإسبانيا وبريطانيا العظمى وإسرائيل وبلجيكا والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

اقرأ المزيد

خبير في التحفيز العميق للدماغ (DBS).
قدم أكثر من 850 إجراء DBS ناجحًا وأكثر من 1350 إجراء جراحة أعصاب.
حطم الرقم القياسي العالمي في موسوعة غينيس لأكبر عدد من المرضى بعد تجمع DBS في مكان واحد.
تدرب في ألمانيا وإسبانيا وبريطانيا العظمى وإسرائيل وبلجيكا والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

اقرأ المزيد
Mustafa Bozbuga
جراح أعصاب
33سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
45 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
NP Istanbul Brain Hospital

Mustafa Bozbuga

جراح أعصاب
33سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
البروفيسور الدكتور مصطفى بوزبوجا هو جراح أعصاب ذو خبرة مع أكثر من 30 عامًا من الخبرة في جراحة قاعدة الجمجمة وطب الأورام العصبية وجراحة الأوعية الدموية والعمود الفقري وجراحة العمود الفقري. وهو أستاذ في مستشفى الدماغ NPISTANBUL وحاصل على شهادة من كلية الطب بجامعة اسطنبول اسطنبول. نشر العديد من الأوراق العلمية في المجلات الدولية والوطنية وكذلك قدم في المؤتمرات.اقرأ المزيد
البروفيسور الدكتور مصطفى بوزبوجا هو جراح أعصاب ذو خبرة مع أكثر من 30 عامًا من الخبرة في جراحة قاعدة الجمجمة وطب الأورام العصبية وجراحة الأوعية الدموية والعمود الفقري وجراحة العمود الفقري. وهو أستاذ في مستشفى الدماغ NPISTANBUL وحاصل على شهادة من كلية الطب بجامعة اسطنبول اسطنبول. نشر العديد من الأوراق العلمية في المجلات الدولية والوطنية وكذلك قدم في المؤتمرات.
اقرأ المزيد
Kamran Aghayev
جراح أعصاب
23سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
1 تقييم
تركيا, إسطنبول
Dr. Kamran Aghayev's Private Practice

Kamran Aghayev

جراح أعصاب
23سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
Dr. Kamran Aghayev is a renowned neurosurgeon with over 23 years of experience, specializing in complex brain and spine procedures. He has performed over 5,000 successful surgeries and holds multiple US patents for inventions related to spinal surgery. He has developed unique surgical techniques and published over 50 scientific papers.اقرأ المزيد
Dr. Kamran Aghayev is a renowned neurosurgeon with over 23 years of experience, specializing in complex brain and spine procedures. He has performed over 5,000 successful surgeries and holds multiple US patents for inventions related to spinal surgery. He has developed unique surgical techniques and published over 50 scientific papers.
اقرأ المزيد
Tamer Tekin
جراح أعصاب
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Dr. Tamer Tekin Practice in Göztepe City Hospital

Tamer Tekin

جراح أعصاب
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
أنا جراح أعصاب تخرجت من كلية الطب العسكري في جولهان عام 1999. لدي اهتمام خاص بصدمات العمود الفقري ، وأمراض العمود الفقري التنكسية ، وجراحة العمود الفقري طفيفة التوغل ، واستئصال القرص بالليزر ، وحقن العمود الفقري ، ورأب الحدبة ، واستبدال القرص ، وإعادة بناء العمود الفقري ، وأورام العمود الفقري والعمود الفقري الالتهابات. في أوقات فراغي ، أستمتع بالجري وركوب الدراجات وقراءة التاريخ وقضاء الوقت مع عائلتي.اقرأ المزيد
أنا جراح أعصاب تخرجت من كلية الطب العسكري في جولهان عام 1999. لدي اهتمام خاص بصدمات العمود الفقري ، وأمراض العمود الفقري التنكسية ، وجراحة العمود الفقري طفيفة التوغل ، واستئصال القرص بالليزر ، وحقن العمود الفقري ، ورأب الحدبة ، واستبدال القرص ، وإعادة بناء العمود الفقري ، وأورام العمود الفقري والعمود الفقري الالتهابات. في أوقات فراغي ، أستمتع بالجري وركوب الدراجات وقراءة التاريخ وقضاء الوقت مع عائلتي.
اقرأ المزيد
Mehmet Tonge
جراح أعصاب
20سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
29 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Medipol University Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center (PARMER)

Mehmet Tonge

جراح أعصاب
20سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Neurosurgery Training: Gazi University, Department of Neurosurgery, 2011 

H index: 10, I10 Index: 12 Citations: 296

 Dr Mehmet Tonge has international and nationwide 32 publications, 12 book chapters, 92 oral and poster presentations and 41 invited lectures, mostly on Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. 


Work & Training experience:

2004-2011: Gazi University, Department of Neurosurgery (Residency)

 2008: Zurich University Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery (Intraoperative MRI applications), Switzerland 

2008: Zurich University Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery: Microneurosurgery, white matter dissection, interventional neuroradiology courses, Switzerland 

2011 – 2012: Sinop Ataturk State Hospital, Neurosurgeon

 2012 – 2013: Cankiri State Hospital, Neurosurgeon 

2013 – 2014: Istanbul Medipol University, Department of Neurosurgery & Gamma Knife Center (Ass Prof) 

2013 – now: Maastricht University Neurosurgery & Neuroscience Department (Visiting scientist, PhDc) The Netherlands 

2014: Maastricht University, The Netherlands: Deep Brain Stimulation Fellowship 2014-2018: Istanbul Memorial Hospital Neurosurgery: Staff Neurosurgeon

 2016-2018: Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital (Consultant, Gamma Knife Center) 

2018-now: Istanbul Medipol University (Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery, Gamma Knife Center) Ass. Prof.) 


Dr Mehmet Tonge has completed 4-year cycle EANS (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies) Training courses. 


Clinical areas of interest:

 • Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery

 • Surgery for movement disorders

  • * MR Guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS)

 • Gamma Knife Radiosurgery 

• Surgery for pain & spasticity 

• Psychosurgery


Research areas of interest: 

• Deep brain stimulation

  • * MR Guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS)

 • Stereotactic radiosurgery 


Administrative duties:

 • Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Sterotactic & Functional Neurosurgery Section: Board member 2015- 2017 

• Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Sterotactic & Functional Neurosurgery Section: Board member (Secretary) 2017-2019

 • Turkish Skull Base Society: Board member 2016-2018

 • Turkish Skull Base Society: Supervisory board member 2018-2020

 • Deep Brain Stimulation and Movement Disorders Surgery Society: Executive Board Member, (Accountant) 2023-still 



• WSSFN (World Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery Society) 

• ESSFN (European Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery Society)

 • Deep Brain Stimulation and Movement Disorders Surgery Society

 • Deep Brain Stimulation Society 

• International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society 

• Leksell Gamma Knife Society 

• EANS (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies) 

• Turkish Neurosurgical Society

• Turkish Skull Base Society



Sample Publications: 

1. Tonge M. Technological developments in electric based DBS. Deep Brain Stimulation 2024 4(36-41) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdbs.2023.12.001 

2. Akgul E, Onan HB, Islek I, Tonge M, Durmus Y, Barburoglu M, Azizova A, Erol C, Hakyemez B, Sencer S, Aydin K, Arat A. Flow diverter stents in the treatment of recanalized intracranial aneurysms. Interv Neuroradiol. 2021 Aug;27(4):481-489. doi: 10.1177/1591019921990507. Epub 2021 Jan 28. PMID: 33509011; PMCID: PMC8580529. 

3. Mulders AEP, Temel Y, Tonge M, Schaper FLWVJ, van Kranen-Mastenbroek V,Ackermans L, Kubben P, Janssen MLF, Duits A. The association between surgical characteristics and cognitive decline following deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's disease. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2021 Jan;200:106341. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2020.106341. Epub 2020 Nov 3. PMID: 33160716. 

4. Wetzelaer P, Vlis T, Tonge M, Ackermans L, Kubben P, Evers S, Kocabicak E, Temel Y. Management of Hardware Related Infections after DBS Surgery: A Cost Analysis. Turk Neurosurg. 2018;28(6):929- 933. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.21511-17.1. PMID: 29465741. 

5. Bedirli N, Emmez G, Ünal Y, Tönge M, Emmez H. Effects of positive end- expiratory pressure on intracranial pressure during pneumoperitoneum and Trendelenburg position in a porcine mode. Turk J Med Sci. 2017 Nov 13;47(5):1610-1615. doi: 10.3906/sag-1609-17. PMID: 29152942. 

6. Sari R, Tonge M, Bolukbasi FH, Onoz M, Baskan O, Silav G, Elmaci I. Management of Failed Cranioplasty. Turk Neurosurg. 2017;27(2):201-207. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.15395-15.0. PMID: 27593759. 

7. Tonge M, Kocabicak E, Ackermans L, Kuijf M, Temel Y. Final Electrode Position in Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery: A Comparison of Indirect and Direct Targeting Methods. Turk Neurosurg. 2016;26(6):900-903. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.13739-14.1. PMID: 27337232. 

8. Tonge M, Ackermans L, Kocabicak E, van Kranen-Mastenbroek V, Kuijf M, Oosterloo M, Kubben P, Temel Y. A detailed analysis of intracerebral hemorrhages in DBS surgeries. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2015 Dec;139:183-7. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2015.10.017. Epub 2015 Oct 23. PMID: 26513430. 

9. Silav G, Bölükbaşı FH, Özek E, Tönge M, Önöz M, Elmacı İ. A Simple Technique for Bone Storage after Decompressive Craniectomy in Children. Pediatr Neurosurg. 2015;50(3):161-4. doi: 10.1159/000381748. Epub 2015 May 14. PMID: 25998533. 

10. Yilmaz MB, Donmez H, Tonge M, Senol S, Tekiner A. Vertebrojugular arteriovenous fistula and pseudoaneurysm formation due to penetrating vertebral artery injury: case report and review of the literature. Turk Neurosurg. 2015;25(1):141-5. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.8247-13.1. PMID: 25640560. 

11. Kurt G, Tönge M, Çeltıkçı E, Çapraz I, Serdaroğlu A, Bılır E. Surgery for intractable temporal lobe epilepsy: experience of a single institution. Turk J Med Sci. 2014;44(5):866-70. doi: 10.3906/sag-1307- 30. PMID: 25539559. 

12. Yılmaz MB, Tönge M, Emmez H, Kaymaz F, Kaymaz M. Neuroprotective effects of quetiapine on neuronal apoptosis following experimental transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2013 Jul;54(1):1-7. doi: 10.3340/jkns.2013.54.1.1. Epub 2013 Jul 31. PMID: 24044072; PMCID: PMC3772279. 

13. Yilmaz MB, Egemen E, Tonge M, Kaymaz M. Transoral protrusion of a peritoneal catheter due to gastric perforation 10 years after a ventriculoperitoneal shunting: case report and review of the literature. Turk Neurosurg. 2013;23(2):285-8. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.4904-11.1. PMID: 23546921. 

14. Omerhodzic I, Tonge M, Matos B, Musabeliu E, Raspanti C, Ferdinandov D, Galimova R, Muroi C, Balik V, Kursumovic A. Neurosurgical training programme in selected European countries: from the young neurosurgeons' point of view. Turk Neurosurg. 2012;22(3):286-93. doi: 10.5137/1019- 5149.JTN.5133-11.0. PMID: 22664994. 

15. Ergun E, Kurt G, Tonge M, Aytar H, Tas M, Baykaner K, Ceviker N. Effects of phenytoin sodium on dura mater healing in a rat model of CSF leakage. Turk Neurosurg. 2011;21(4):471-6. PMID: 22194102. 

16. Emmez H, Tonge M, Tokgoz N, Durdag E, Gonul I, Cevıker N. Radiological and histopathological comparison of microporous polysaccharide hemospheres and oxidized regenerated cellulose in the rabbit brain: a study of efficacy and safety. Turk Neurosurg. 2010 Oct;20(4):485-91. doi: 10.5137/1019- 5149.JTN.3300-10.2. PMID: 20963698. 

17. Emmez H, Yildirim Z, Kale A, Tönge M, Durdağ E, Börcek AO, Uçankuş LN, Doğulu F, Kiliç N, Baykaner MK. Anti-apoptotic and neuroprotective effects of α-lipoic acid on spinal cord ischemiareperfusion injury in rabbits. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2010 Sep;152(9):1591-600; discussion 1600-1. doi: 10.1007/s00701-010-0703-9. Epub 2010 Jun 10. PMID: 20535507. 

18. Kurt G, Tonge M, Börcek AO, Karahacioglu E, Gurel O, Baykaner K, Ceviker N, Aykol S. Fractionated gamma knife radiosurgery for optic nerve tumors: a technical report. Turk Neurosurg. 2010 Apr;20(2):241-6. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.1681-09.3. PMID: 20401852. 

19. Emmez H, Kale A, Tönge M, Cakir A, Ceviker N. Two meningiomas with different histological grades in the same patient. Case report. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2010;50(8):686-8. doi: 10.2176/nmc.50.686. PMID: 20805656.

اقرأ المزيد

Neurosurgery Training: Gazi University, Department of Neurosurgery, 2011 

H index: 10, I10 Index: 12 Citations: 296

 Dr Mehmet Tonge has international and nationwide 32 publications, 12 book chapters, 92 oral and poster presentations and 41 invited lectures, mostly on Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. 


Work & Training experience:

2004-2011: Gazi University, Department of Neurosurgery (Residency)

 2008: Zurich University Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery (Intraoperative MRI applications), Switzerland 

2008: Zurich University Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery: Microneurosurgery, white matter dissection, interventional neuroradiology courses, Switzerland 

2011 – 2012: Sinop Ataturk State Hospital, Neurosurgeon

 2012 – 2013: Cankiri State Hospital, Neurosurgeon 

2013 – 2014: Istanbul Medipol University, Department of Neurosurgery & Gamma Knife Center (Ass Prof) 

2013 – now: Maastricht University Neurosurgery & Neuroscience Department (Visiting scientist, PhDc) The Netherlands 

2014: Maastricht University, The Netherlands: Deep Brain Stimulation Fellowship 2014-2018: Istanbul Memorial Hospital Neurosurgery: Staff Neurosurgeon

 2016-2018: Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital (Consultant, Gamma Knife Center) 

2018-now: Istanbul Medipol University (Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery, Gamma Knife Center) Ass. Prof.) 


Dr Mehmet Tonge has completed 4-year cycle EANS (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies) Training courses. 


Clinical areas of interest:

 • Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery

 • Surgery for movement disorders

  • * MR Guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS)

 • Gamma Knife Radiosurgery 

• Surgery for pain & spasticity 

• Psychosurgery


Research areas of interest: 

• Deep brain stimulation

  • * MR Guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS)

 • Stereotactic radiosurgery 


Administrative duties:

 • Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Sterotactic & Functional Neurosurgery Section: Board member 2015- 2017 

• Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Sterotactic & Functional Neurosurgery Section: Board member (Secretary) 2017-2019

 • Turkish Skull Base Society: Board member 2016-2018

 • Turkish Skull Base Society: Supervisory board member 2018-2020

 • Deep Brain Stimulation and Movement Disorders Surgery Society: Executive Board Member, (Accountant) 2023-still 



• WSSFN (World Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery Society) 

• ESSFN (European Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery Society)

 • Deep Brain Stimulation and Movement Disorders Surgery Society

 • Deep Brain Stimulation Society 

• International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society 

• Leksell Gamma Knife Society 

• EANS (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies) 

• Turkish Neurosurgical Society

• Turkish Skull Base Society



Sample Publications: 

1. Tonge M. Technological developments in electric based DBS. Deep Brain Stimulation 2024 4(36-41) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdbs.2023.12.001 

2. Akgul E, Onan HB, Islek I, Tonge M, Durmus Y, Barburoglu M, Azizova A, Erol C, Hakyemez B, Sencer S, Aydin K, Arat A. Flow diverter stents in the treatment of recanalized intracranial aneurysms. Interv Neuroradiol. 2021 Aug;27(4):481-489. doi: 10.1177/1591019921990507. Epub 2021 Jan 28. PMID: 33509011; PMCID: PMC8580529. 

3. Mulders AEP, Temel Y, Tonge M, Schaper FLWVJ, van Kranen-Mastenbroek V,Ackermans L, Kubben P, Janssen MLF, Duits A. The association between surgical characteristics and cognitive decline following deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's disease. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2021 Jan;200:106341. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2020.106341. Epub 2020 Nov 3. PMID: 33160716. 

4. Wetzelaer P, Vlis T, Tonge M, Ackermans L, Kubben P, Evers S, Kocabicak E, Temel Y. Management of Hardware Related Infections after DBS Surgery: A Cost Analysis. Turk Neurosurg. 2018;28(6):929- 933. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.21511-17.1. PMID: 29465741. 

5. Bedirli N, Emmez G, Ünal Y, Tönge M, Emmez H. Effects of positive end- expiratory pressure on intracranial pressure during pneumoperitoneum and Trendelenburg position in a porcine mode. Turk J Med Sci. 2017 Nov 13;47(5):1610-1615. doi: 10.3906/sag-1609-17. PMID: 29152942. 

6. Sari R, Tonge M, Bolukbasi FH, Onoz M, Baskan O, Silav G, Elmaci I. Management of Failed Cranioplasty. Turk Neurosurg. 2017;27(2):201-207. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.15395-15.0. PMID: 27593759. 

7. Tonge M, Kocabicak E, Ackermans L, Kuijf M, Temel Y. Final Electrode Position in Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery: A Comparison of Indirect and Direct Targeting Methods. Turk Neurosurg. 2016;26(6):900-903. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.13739-14.1. PMID: 27337232. 

8. Tonge M, Ackermans L, Kocabicak E, van Kranen-Mastenbroek V, Kuijf M, Oosterloo M, Kubben P, Temel Y. A detailed analysis of intracerebral hemorrhages in DBS surgeries. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2015 Dec;139:183-7. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2015.10.017. Epub 2015 Oct 23. PMID: 26513430. 

9. Silav G, Bölükbaşı FH, Özek E, Tönge M, Önöz M, Elmacı İ. A Simple Technique for Bone Storage after Decompressive Craniectomy in Children. Pediatr Neurosurg. 2015;50(3):161-4. doi: 10.1159/000381748. Epub 2015 May 14. PMID: 25998533. 

10. Yilmaz MB, Donmez H, Tonge M, Senol S, Tekiner A. Vertebrojugular arteriovenous fistula and pseudoaneurysm formation due to penetrating vertebral artery injury: case report and review of the literature. Turk Neurosurg. 2015;25(1):141-5. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.8247-13.1. PMID: 25640560. 

11. Kurt G, Tönge M, Çeltıkçı E, Çapraz I, Serdaroğlu A, Bılır E. Surgery for intractable temporal lobe epilepsy: experience of a single institution. Turk J Med Sci. 2014;44(5):866-70. doi: 10.3906/sag-1307- 30. PMID: 25539559. 

12. Yılmaz MB, Tönge M, Emmez H, Kaymaz F, Kaymaz M. Neuroprotective effects of quetiapine on neuronal apoptosis following experimental transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2013 Jul;54(1):1-7. doi: 10.3340/jkns.2013.54.1.1. Epub 2013 Jul 31. PMID: 24044072; PMCID: PMC3772279. 

13. Yilmaz MB, Egemen E, Tonge M, Kaymaz M. Transoral protrusion of a peritoneal catheter due to gastric perforation 10 years after a ventriculoperitoneal shunting: case report and review of the literature. Turk Neurosurg. 2013;23(2):285-8. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.4904-11.1. PMID: 23546921. 

14. Omerhodzic I, Tonge M, Matos B, Musabeliu E, Raspanti C, Ferdinandov D, Galimova R, Muroi C, Balik V, Kursumovic A. Neurosurgical training programme in selected European countries: from the young neurosurgeons' point of view. Turk Neurosurg. 2012;22(3):286-93. doi: 10.5137/1019- 5149.JTN.5133-11.0. PMID: 22664994. 

15. Ergun E, Kurt G, Tonge M, Aytar H, Tas M, Baykaner K, Ceviker N. Effects of phenytoin sodium on dura mater healing in a rat model of CSF leakage. Turk Neurosurg. 2011;21(4):471-6. PMID: 22194102. 

16. Emmez H, Tonge M, Tokgoz N, Durdag E, Gonul I, Cevıker N. Radiological and histopathological comparison of microporous polysaccharide hemospheres and oxidized regenerated cellulose in the rabbit brain: a study of efficacy and safety. Turk Neurosurg. 2010 Oct;20(4):485-91. doi: 10.5137/1019- 5149.JTN.3300-10.2. PMID: 20963698. 

17. Emmez H, Yildirim Z, Kale A, Tönge M, Durdağ E, Börcek AO, Uçankuş LN, Doğulu F, Kiliç N, Baykaner MK. Anti-apoptotic and neuroprotective effects of α-lipoic acid on spinal cord ischemiareperfusion injury in rabbits. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2010 Sep;152(9):1591-600; discussion 1600-1. doi: 10.1007/s00701-010-0703-9. Epub 2010 Jun 10. PMID: 20535507. 

18. Kurt G, Tonge M, Börcek AO, Karahacioglu E, Gurel O, Baykaner K, Ceviker N, Aykol S. Fractionated gamma knife radiosurgery for optic nerve tumors: a technical report. Turk Neurosurg. 2010 Apr;20(2):241-6. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.1681-09.3. PMID: 20401852. 

19. Emmez H, Kale A, Tönge M, Cakir A, Ceviker N. Two meningiomas with different histological grades in the same patient. Case report. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2010;50(8):686-8. doi: 10.2176/nmc.50.686. PMID: 20805656.

اقرأ المزيد
Abuzer Gungor
جراح أعصاب
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
3 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul

Abuzer Gungor

جراح أعصاب
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
Dr. Abuzer Gungor is a distinguished neurosurgeon with a focus on neuroanatomy. He is a recognized Rhoton fellow at the University of Florida and has contributed to various research publications in the field of neurosurgery. His surgical skills include procedures like Discectomy, Brain tumor removal, Removal of spinal cord tumor, Transnasal resection of tumor, Surgical removal of the brain cyst, Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion, and Brain Aneurysm Repair.اقرأ المزيد
Dr. Abuzer Gungor is a distinguished neurosurgeon with a focus on neuroanatomy. He is a recognized Rhoton fellow at the University of Florida and has contributed to various research publications in the field of neurosurgery. His surgical skills include procedures like Discectomy, Brain tumor removal, Removal of spinal cord tumor, Transnasal resection of tumor, Surgical removal of the brain cyst, Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion, and Brain Aneurysm Repair.
اقرأ المزيد
Murat Sari
أخصائي الأورام السريرية
8سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Medipol Acibadem District Hospital

Murat Sari

أخصائي الأورام السريرية
8سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Education and Career

2011 – 2015, (Internal Medicine Specialist) Istanbul University Istanbul School of Education and Career

Medicine Department of Internal Medicine

2015 – 2016, (Internal Medicine) Specialist Istanbul Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital

2016 – 2019, (Medical Oncology) Istanbul University Istanbul School of Medicine Department of Medical Oncology

2019 – 2021, (Medical Oncology Specialist) - Istanbul Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital

2021 – 2024, (Associate Professor) Marmara University School of Medicine Department of Medical Oncology

Memberships in Scientific Organizations






In the field of oncology, he has published over 30 peer-reviewed articles at both international and national levels.

Awards Received

EAACI The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2019 Best Poster Award

"The top 3rd verbal presentation, IGICC (11th International Gastrointestinal Cancers Conference – IGICC2021)"

Speeches Delivered at National Congresses, Conferences, and Symposia:


Courses, Meetings, and Certificates

ESMO certified Medical Oncologist since 2019

اقرأ المزيد

Education and Career

2011 – 2015, (Internal Medicine Specialist) Istanbul University Istanbul School of Education and Career

Medicine Department of Internal Medicine

2015 – 2016, (Internal Medicine) Specialist Istanbul Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital

2016 – 2019, (Medical Oncology) Istanbul University Istanbul School of Medicine Department of Medical Oncology

2019 – 2021, (Medical Oncology Specialist) - Istanbul Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital

2021 – 2024, (Associate Professor) Marmara University School of Medicine Department of Medical Oncology

Memberships in Scientific Organizations






In the field of oncology, he has published over 30 peer-reviewed articles at both international and national levels.

Awards Received

EAACI The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2019 Best Poster Award

"The top 3rd verbal presentation, IGICC (11th International Gastrointestinal Cancers Conference – IGICC2021)"

Speeches Delivered at National Congresses, Conferences, and Symposia:


Courses, Meetings, and Certificates

ESMO certified Medical Oncologist since 2019

اقرأ المزيد
Ali Zirh
جراح أعصاب
36سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Medipol Acibadem District Hospital

Ali Zirh

جراح أعصاب
36سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Assoc. Prof. Ali Zirh is a world renowned neurosurgeon from Turkey. He was born on October 8, 1960 in Ankara, Türkiye and completed his primary and secondary education in the same city. He graduated from Ankara Atatürk High School with first place, and he entered the Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine. He graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine on August 31st, 1983 as a medical doctor. Between the years 1983 and 1985, he carried out his state service obligation in Gaziantep and was rewarded with a commendation by the Provincial Authority for his work in this period. He completed his military service in Istanbul in 1987 and was discharged.


In 1988, he started his specialization at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery. In 1990, he attended the British Council in Glasgow and Edinburgh; the European Neurosurgery Association (EANS) in Warnemünde, Germany in 1989; Zaragoza, Spain in 1991; Jerusalem, Israel in 1992; Brudge, Belgium in 1993; and in 1994, he attended the World Neurosurgery Association (WFNS) training courses in Antalya, Turkey.


Glasgow Institute of Neurological Sciences in 1990, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Pittsburg in 1992, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia in 1992, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Washington in 1992, Division of Neurosurgery, Toronto Western Hospital in 1994, Department of Neurosurgery, The Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1994 he visited and participated in clinical studies.


He became a neurosurgeon in February 1994. He completed his master's degree in neurophysiology at Marmara University Health Sciences Institute in March 1994. In September 1994, he completed the fifth of the European Neurosurgery Association's (EANS) training courses in Izmir, took the exams, and received his EANS diploma. On the same date, he participated in the European Board of Neurosurgery Primary Examination, passed successfully and certified.


In line with his field of interest, Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, he attended training courses on "Stereotactic Target Calculation" and "Neurostimulation for Pain" in Çeşme İzmir in September 1994. "Stereotactic Neurosurgery Hands-On" in New-Orleans USA in November 1994, "Augmentitative Procedures for Pain" in San Francisco USA in October 1995, "Stereotactic Neurosurgery Hands" in New Orleans-USA in November 1995 , "Deep Brain Stimulation for Treating Parkinson's Disease" in Minneapolis-USA in May 1996, "Interventional Therapies Workshop: Implantable Spinal Cord Stimulation and Drug Infusion Systems" in Washington-USA in May 1996, "Surgical Treatment for Movement Disorders" and" Interventional Therapies in Chronic Pain Management" in Montreal-Canada in October 1996, "Management of Patients with Deep-Brain Stimulators, Expert Course and Workshop"  in Kiel-Germany in June 2001.


Dr. Ali ZIRH returned from the United States in 1997 and started to work at the VKV American Hospital, performing functional neurosurgery interventions and DBS insertion with the Microelectrode Recording and Stimulation technique at the single cell level, which is available in only a few centers in the world.


He started to work at Medicalpark Bahçelievler Hospital as of January 2009 and implemented these initiatives in a health institution where Social Security Institution patients could also benefit. He continues his surgical interventions at Medipol Bağcılar Hospital as of January 2015.


As of September 2018, he continues his academic and clinical studies at Medipol University's Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorder Center (PARMER).


Over 30 years of clinical and surgical experience in the field of functional neurosurgery, more than 1900 surgical interventions for Parkinson’s and other movement disorder diseases and more than 1400 DBS surgeries that he has successfully performed, made Dr. Ali ZIRH the first name that comes to mind in movement disorder surgery in Turkey and the adjacent geography. He enabled the center where he performs these surgeries to become a Training and Reference Center in the international arena.


Dr. Ali ZIRH is a member of the Turkish Neurosurgery Association, Parkinson's Disease Association, European Society of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, American Academy of Advancement of Science, World Federation of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, International Association for the Study of Pain, American Pain Society, World Neuromodulation, American Neuromodulation Society, American Society of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, The Movement Disorder Society, American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS). At the international congresses and symposiums of these organizations held in different parts of the world at least 4-5 times a year, Dr. Zirh shares his experiences with other colleagues at these meetings, and also follows the progress and developments in his field of expertise day by day.


Dr. Ali ZIRH has many publications published in international journals, eight book chapters, more than 150 congress papers and various national / international awards.


اقرأ المزيد

Assoc. Prof. Ali Zirh is a world renowned neurosurgeon from Turkey. He was born on October 8, 1960 in Ankara, Türkiye and completed his primary and secondary education in the same city. He graduated from Ankara Atatürk High School with first place, and he entered the Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine. He graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine on August 31st, 1983 as a medical doctor. Between the years 1983 and 1985, he carried out his state service obligation in Gaziantep and was rewarded with a commendation by the Provincial Authority for his work in this period. He completed his military service in Istanbul in 1987 and was discharged.


In 1988, he started his specialization at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery. In 1990, he attended the British Council in Glasgow and Edinburgh; the European Neurosurgery Association (EANS) in Warnemünde, Germany in 1989; Zaragoza, Spain in 1991; Jerusalem, Israel in 1992; Brudge, Belgium in 1993; and in 1994, he attended the World Neurosurgery Association (WFNS) training courses in Antalya, Turkey.


Glasgow Institute of Neurological Sciences in 1990, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Pittsburg in 1992, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia in 1992, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Washington in 1992, Division of Neurosurgery, Toronto Western Hospital in 1994, Department of Neurosurgery, The Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1994 he visited and participated in clinical studies.


He became a neurosurgeon in February 1994. He completed his master's degree in neurophysiology at Marmara University Health Sciences Institute in March 1994. In September 1994, he completed the fifth of the European Neurosurgery Association's (EANS) training courses in Izmir, took the exams, and received his EANS diploma. On the same date, he participated in the European Board of Neurosurgery Primary Examination, passed successfully and certified.


In line with his field of interest, Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, he attended training courses on "Stereotactic Target Calculation" and "Neurostimulation for Pain" in Çeşme İzmir in September 1994. "Stereotactic Neurosurgery Hands-On" in New-Orleans USA in November 1994, "Augmentitative Procedures for Pain" in San Francisco USA in October 1995, "Stereotactic Neurosurgery Hands" in New Orleans-USA in November 1995 , "Deep Brain Stimulation for Treating Parkinson's Disease" in Minneapolis-USA in May 1996, "Interventional Therapies Workshop: Implantable Spinal Cord Stimulation and Drug Infusion Systems" in Washington-USA in May 1996, "Surgical Treatment for Movement Disorders" and" Interventional Therapies in Chronic Pain Management" in Montreal-Canada in October 1996, "Management of Patients with Deep-Brain Stimulators, Expert Course and Workshop"  in Kiel-Germany in June 2001.


Dr. Ali ZIRH returned from the United States in 1997 and started to work at the VKV American Hospital, performing functional neurosurgery interventions and DBS insertion with the Microelectrode Recording and Stimulation technique at the single cell level, which is available in only a few centers in the world.


He started to work at Medicalpark Bahçelievler Hospital as of January 2009 and implemented these initiatives in a health institution where Social Security Institution patients could also benefit. He continues his surgical interventions at Medipol Bağcılar Hospital as of January 2015.


As of September 2018, he continues his academic and clinical studies at Medipol University's Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorder Center (PARMER).


Over 30 years of clinical and surgical experience in the field of functional neurosurgery, more than 1900 surgical interventions for Parkinson’s and other movement disorder diseases and more than 1400 DBS surgeries that he has successfully performed, made Dr. Ali ZIRH the first name that comes to mind in movement disorder surgery in Turkey and the adjacent geography. He enabled the center where he performs these surgeries to become a Training and Reference Center in the international arena.


Dr. Ali ZIRH is a member of the Turkish Neurosurgery Association, Parkinson's Disease Association, European Society of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, American Academy of Advancement of Science, World Federation of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, International Association for the Study of Pain, American Pain Society, World Neuromodulation, American Neuromodulation Society, American Society of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, The Movement Disorder Society, American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS). At the international congresses and symposiums of these organizations held in different parts of the world at least 4-5 times a year, Dr. Zirh shares his experiences with other colleagues at these meetings, and also follows the progress and developments in his field of expertise day by day.


Dr. Ali ZIRH has many publications published in international journals, eight book chapters, more than 150 congress papers and various national / international awards.


اقرأ المزيد
Sait Ozturk
جراح أعصاب
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
20 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Medical Park Hospitals Group

Sait Ozturk

جراح أعصاب
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Education and Expertise:

 2000 - 2007 - Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Undergraduate 

2009 - 2014 - Fırat University, Department of Neurosurgery, Specialization

 2015 - 2019 - Fırat University, Department of Neurosurgery, Dr. Instructor Member of 

2019 - 2021 - Fırat University, Department of Neurosurgery, Assoc. Dr.



 2014-2015 Harvard Medical School – Surgery for Movement Disorders and Epilepsy / United States


Professional Memberships:

 European Society of Neurosurgery (EANS) Turkish Neurosurgery Association

 Neuromodulation Association



  epilepsy surgery 

 Epilepsy pacemaker surgery

  Neurosurgery

  brain biopsy

  Spasticity surgery

  brain tumors 

 hydrocephalus

  spine surgery 


Scientific publications A.1 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖNAL SELAMİ ATEŞ,KAPLAN METİN (2018). Intra-operative Results and Post-operative Clinical Outcomes of Lumbar Microdiscectomy in Patients Received Transforaminal Anterior Epidural Steroid Injection Earlier for Lumbar Radiculopathy.. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(2), 263-269., (Kontrol No: 4613287) A.2 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,TAŞKENT İSMAİL,SÜRME MEHMET BEŞİR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,YILDIRIM HANEFİ (2018). Evaluation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficients in the Cerebellar Tonsils and Bulbus in Chiari Type I Malformations: Comparison Before and After Surgery.. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(5), 710- 715., (Kontrol No: 4612782) A.3 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÇAKIN HAKAN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,YILDIRIM HANEFİ,ÖKÇESİZ İZZET,KAZAN MEHMET SAİM,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). Evaluation of Cortical Brain Parenchyma by Diffusion and Perfusion MRI Before and After Chronic Subdural Hematoma Surgery.. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(3), 405-409., (Kontrol No: 4612955) A.4 ARTAŞ GÖKHAN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KULOĞLU TUNCAY,DAĞLI ADİLE FERDA,GÖNEN MURAT,ARTAŞ HAKAN,AYDIN SÜLEYMAN,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). A Novel Candidate Molecule in the Pathological Grading of Gliomas: ELABELA. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(6), 989-994., (Kontrol No: 4613377) A.5 AKGÜN BEKİR,SARI AYSEL,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZERCAN İBRAHİM HANİFİ,ULU RAMAZAN (2017). Effects of Mucuna pruriens on Free Fatty Acid Levels and Histopathological Changes in the Brains of Rats Fed a High Fructose Diet. Medical Principles and Practice, 26(6), 561-566., Doi: 10.1159/000481402, (Kontrol No: 4958477) A.6 KAPLAN METİN,Arıcı Lütfu,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇOBANOĞLU ŞİMŞEK BENGÜ,Hergünsel Ömer Batu,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). A comparison of the type IX collagen levels of the intervertebral disc materials in diabetic and nondiabetic patients who treated with lumbar microdiscectomy.. EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL, 27(1), 214- 221., (Kontrol No: 4613103) A.7 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KARABULUT KORAY,PAŞAHAN RAMAZAN,KAPLAN METİN (2018). Laparoscopy in the Management of Lumboperitoneal Shunt Catheter in Obese Patients with Pseudotumor Cerebri.. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 21(3), 397-400., (Kontrol No: 4612896) A.8 Balevi Mustafa,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2018). Modified simple decompression of ulnar nerve in the treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome: Report of a series of cases. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 21(8), 974-978., (Kontrol No: 4613693) A.9 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ARTAŞ GÖKHAN,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). Effects of Intrathecal Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE) on IL-6 and TNF-? Levels and Local Inflammatory Responses in Spinal Cord Injuries.. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(4), 625-629., (Kontrol No: 4612843) A.10 ÜÇLER NECATİ,Hergünsel Ömer Batu,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,kozan serpil,KAPLAN METİN (2018). Simpson Grade 2 Resection and Tumor Recurrence in Ventrally Located Spinal Meningiomas. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(6), 979-982., (Kontrol No: 4613414) A.11 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KURTULDU HÜSEYİN,KOCAK ONUR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN (2017). Smartphones and Programmable Shunts: Are These Indispensable Phones Safe and Smart?. World Neurosurgery, 102(6), 518-525., Doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.03.054, (Kontrol No: 3887228) A.12 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN METİN,AYAN ERDOĞAN (2017). Morphological Changes of Anterior Cerebral Artery (ACA) in Hydrocephalic Pediatric Patients. Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, 11(1), 37-42., (Kontrol No: 3886860) A.13 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KAPLAN METİN (2017). The effectiveness and clinical outcomes of the Minerva cervical thoracicjacket in patients with type II odontoid fractures. TURKISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, 47(4), 1089-1096., Doi: 10.3906/sag-1512-100, (Kontrol No: 3747025) A.14 KAPLAN METİN,kılınç ahmet,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,İLHAN NEVİN,GÜROCAK ŞİMAY,GÖNEN MURAT (2017). Effect of radiation on brain tissue endothelin 1 level and tumor development. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery, 12(2), 185-188., Doi: 10.4103/1793-5482.145575, (Kontrol No: 2075391) A.15 ÜÇLER NECATİ,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KAPLAN METİN,ŞEN YAŞAR (2017). Does Ventriculoperitoneal Shunting Improve Thyroid Hormone Levels in Hydrocephalic Newborns?. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 52(1), 26-29., Doi: 10.1159/000448050, (Kontrol No: 3886441) A.16 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KAPLAN METİN (2017). Ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunction caused by fractures and disconnections over 10 years of follow-up. Child’s Nervous System, 33(3), 475- 481., Doi: 10.1007/s00381-017-3342-0, (Kontrol No: 3887129) A.17 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÖZTÜRK YAŞAR,ÖCAL ÖZGÜR (2017). The First Case of Kernohan-Woltman Notch Phenomenon Caused by Epidural Hematoma in a Pediatric Patient. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 52(3), 181-184., Doi: 10.1159/000474945, (Kontrol No: 3887815) A.18 ÖZTÜRK YAŞAR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,YAMAN MESUT EMRE,AYBERK GIYAS (2017). An Asymptomatic, Supratentorial, Remote Epidural Hematoma Following Posterior Fossa Surgery. Erciyes Medical Journal, 39(1), 32-34., Doi: 10.5152/etd.2017.1612, (Kontrol No: 3887688) A.19 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇER ÖZLEM,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2017). Intradural sacral mature teratoma associated with a low-lying conus.. NEUROLOGY INDIA, 65(1), 216-217., Doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.198208, (Kontrol No: 3886607) A.20 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇLER NECATİ,hergünsel ömer batu,GÜLKESEN ARİF,KAPLAN METİN (2016). The Efficacy of Gabapentin in the Treatment of Pain Due to Far Lateral Lumbar Disc Herniations. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 39(3), 140-143., Doi: 10.1097/WNF.0000000000000145, (Kontrol No: 2076634) A.21 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KAPLAN METİN,BİRKENT ÖMER FARUK,KARLIDAĞ TURGUT (2016). Evaluation of Hearing Function by Auditory Brainstem Response in Newborn Patients with Hydrocephalus before and after Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Surgery. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 51(4), 183-190., Doi: 10.1159/000444453, (Kontrol No: 3245962) A.22 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,YILDIRIM HANEFİ,KAPLAN METİN (2016). Is the existence of cervical rib an advantage for C7 posterior stabilization. Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine, 7(4), 201- 203., Doi: 10.4103/0974-8237.193269, (Kontrol No: 3245818) A.23 albayrak serdal,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ayden ömer,ÜÇLER NECATİ (2016). Dural tear a feared complication of lumbar discectomy. Turkish Neurosurgery, 26(6), 918-921., Doi: 10.5137/1019- 5149.JTN.14065-15.2, (Kontrol No: 2076028) A.24 albayrak serdal,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,durdag emre,ayden ömer (2016). Surgical management of recurrent disc herniations with microdiscectomy and long term results on life quality Detailed analysis of 70 cases. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice, 7(1), 87-90., Doi: 10.4103/0976- 3147.165426, (Kontrol No: 2075492) A.25 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇER ÖZLEM,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2015). Epithelioid hemangioma of the thoracic spine. Neurology India, 63(4), 610-611., Doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.162082, (Kontrol No: 1852595) A.26 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN (2015). Spontaneous Recanalization of Traumatic Transverse Sinus Occlusion despite Persistence of Depression Fracture. Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 12(2), 81-83., Doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1556762, (Kontrol No: 2075597) A.27 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖKÇESİZ İZZET,YILDIRIM HANEFİ (2015). Schwannoma of medial cord of the brachial plexus An uncommon localisation. Neurology India, 63(2), 256- 257., Doi: 10.4103/0028- 3886.156296, (Kontrol No: 1852549) A.28 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,AKIN MEHMET MUSTAFA (2014). Spontaneous rupture of intracranial dermoid cyst mimicking a primary psychiatric disorder . Nöro Psikiyatri Arşivi, 51(2), 181-183., Doi: 10.4274/npa.y6962, (Kontrol No: 2075973) A.29 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN (2014). Migration of fragments into the spinal canal after intervertebral polyethylene glycol implantation an extremely rare adverse effect. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 21(4), 614-616., Doi: 10.3171/2014.6.SPINE13855, (Kontrol No: 1852579) A.30 KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,AKGÜN BEKİR,ONUR MEHMET RUHİ,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2014). Sacrococcygeal sinus angle as a new anatomic landmark for the posterior approach of presacral lesions. European Spine Journal, 23(2), 337-340., Doi: 10.1007/s00586- 013-2830-5, (Kontrol No: 886467) A.31 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN (2013). How Innocent Is Corpus Callosum Dysgenesis ?. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 49(1), 24-28., Doi: 10.1159/000355421, (Kontrol No: 886461) A.32 ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAZEZ AHMET (2013). Intrathoracic migration of ventriculoperitoneal shunt through the Morgagni s hernia in case with Down syndrome A rare shunt complication. Neurology India, 61(5), 552-553., Doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.121952, (Kontrol No: 886455) A.33 KAPLAN METİN,KOPARAN MEHMET,SARI AYSEL,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,kozan serpil,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2013). Can Behenic Acid (C22:0) Levels be a Prognostic Factor in Glial Tumors?. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES, 40(6), 854-856., (Kontrol No: 886458) A.34 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,dönmez osman,KAPLAN METİN (2013). Free floating ventricular shunt catheter between lateral ventricles an unusual ventriculoperitoneal shunt complication report of case. Turkish Neurosurgery, 23(6), 821-3., Doi: 10.5137/1019- 5149.JTN.6351-12.2, (Kontrol No: 886449) A.35 KAPLAN METİN,ÇAKIN HAKAN,ÖZDEMİR NİYAZİ,göçmez cüneyt,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2012). Is the Elapsed Time following the Placement of a Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Catheter an Individual Risk Factor for Shunt Fractures?. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 48(6), 348-351., Doi: 10.1159/000353616, (Kontrol No: 886465) B. Uluslararası Sözlü Sunumlar B.1 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AYGÜN DURSUN,TEMEL YASİN,KOCABIÇAK ERSOY (2018). Deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus interna (GPi) with microelectrode recording for secondary dystonias: Clinical reports and review of the literature. XXIII. Congress of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, (Özet bildiri), (Kontrol No: 4614115) B.2 BALGETİR FERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,YALÇIN ALPER (2018). Visfatin Immunoreactivity in Rat Brain Tissues of Experimental Ischemia-Reperfusion. 3. International Congress of Turkish Neuroendocrinology Society, (Özet bildiri), (Kontrol No: 4614072) B.3 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KURTULDU HÜSEYİN,KOCAK ONUR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN (2017). Smartphones Change the Opening Pressure of the Programmable Valves. XVI. WFNS World Congress of Neurosurgery, (Özet bildiri), (Kontrol No: 3888708) C. Yayınlanmış Kitaplar ve Bölümler C2.1 C2.2 C2.3 C2.4 C2.5 C2.6 Fonksiyonun Cerrahi Anatomisi, Bölüm adı:(Stereotaktik Biyopsi) (2019)., ÖZTÜRK SAİT,Hergünsel Ömer Batu, US Akademi, Editör:Biçeroğlu Hüseyin, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 2161, ISBN:978-605-9358-50- 7, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: 4965003) Fonksiyonun Cerrahi Anatomisi, Bölüm adı:(Tremorda Cerrahi Tedavi) (2019)., Hergünsel Ömer Batu,ÖZTÜRK SAİT, US Akademi, Editör:Biçeroğlu Hüseyin, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 2161, ISBN:978-605-9358- 50-7, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: 4965012) Nörolojik ve Psikiyatrik Hastalıklarda Derin Beyin Stimülasyonu (DBS) El Kitabı, Bölüm adı:(Derin Beyin Stimülasyonunda Cerrahi Teknik) (2019)., KOCABIÇAK ERSOY,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,TEMEL YASİN, US Akademi, Editör:Temel Yasin, Kocabıçak Ersoy, Akbostancı M. Cenk, Doğu Okan, Savaş Ali, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 340, ISBN:978-605-9358-66-8, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: 4965049) Nörolojik ve Psikiyatrik Hastalıklarda Derin Beyin Stimülasyonu (DBS) El Kitabı, Bölüm adı:(Derin Beyin Stimülasyonu Sisteminin Parçaları ve Yakın Gelecekteki Olası Değişiklikler) (2019)., ÖZTÜRK SAİT,TAŞKIN ÖNDER, US Akademi, Editör:Temel Y, Kocabıçak E, Akbostancı MC, Doğu O, Savaş A, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 340, ISBN:978-605-9358- 66-8, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: 4965063) Nörolojik ve Psikiyatrik Hastalıklarda Derin Beyin Stimülasyonu (DBS) El Kitabı, Bölüm adı:(Directional Steering (Yönlendirilmiş Stimülasyon)) (2019)., KOCABIÇAK ERSOY,ÖZTÜRK SAİT, US Akademi, Editör:Temel Y, Kocabıçak E, Akbostancı MC, Doğu O, Svaş A, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 340, ISBN:978-605-9358-66-8, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: FTR Pratiğinde Nöromodülasyon Uygulamaları, Bölüm adı:(Parkinson Hastalığında Nöromodülasyon) (2018)., ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KOCABIÇAK ERSOY, Türkiye Klinikleri, Editör:Erhan Belgin, Yıldızgören Mustafa Turgut, Yılmaz Atilla, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 64, ISBN:978-975-9118-91-4, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: 4613890) D. Yayınlanmış Ulusal Makaleler D.1 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). Vertebraya İnvaze Tümörlerde Vertebra Rezeksiyonu. Turkiye Klinikleri J Thor Surg-Special Topics, 9(1), 175-180., (Kontrol No: 4613748) D.2 MORALI GÜLER TUĞBA,GÜRBÜZ MEHMET SABRİ,EKŞİ MURAT ŞAKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2018). Gelişen Teknoloji ve Nöroşirürjikal Komplikasyonlar. TÜRK NÖROŞİRURJİ DERGİSİ, 28(3), 350- 355., (Kontrol No: 4613510) D.3 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÖZTÜRK YAŞAR,ÖKÇESİZ İZZET (2017). Ultrason eşliğinde lomber faset eklem enjeksiyon tekniğinin etkinliği: floroskopik teknik ile karşılaştırma çalışması. Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 42(4), 664-669., Doi: 10.17826/cutf.325687, (Kontrol No: 3887994) D.4 ÖZTÜRK YAŞAR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÖCAL ÖZGÜR,GÜRÇAY AHMET GÜRHAN (2017). Torakal ve Lomber Patlama Kırıklı Hastalarda Uzun Segment Posterior Enstrümantasyon ve Füzyon Tekniğinin Erken ve Geç Dönem Sonuçları. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 22(4), 158-166., (Kontrol No: 3888346) D.5 balevi mustafa,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2016). Yüksek Enerjili Kafa Travması Sonrası Medikal veya CerrahiTedavi Uygulanan Hastalarda Mortalite Oranları. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi, 26(2), 128- 132., (Kontrol No: 3246166) D.6 AKGÜN BEKİR,SÜRME MEHMET BEŞİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2016). Spontan Spinal Epidural Hematomlar: 12 Olgunun Değerlendirilmesi. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Tıp Dergisi, 30(3), 107-111., (Kontrol No: 4958128) D.7 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN METİN,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KARA MURAT (2016). Açık Spinal Disrafizmli Hastalarda ve Sağlıklı Annelerinde MTHFR c677t, MTHFR a1298c, PAI-1, Faktör İİ ve Faktör V Polimorfizminin Değerlendirilmesi.. GULHANE TIP DERGİSİ, 58, 385-388., Doi: 10.5455/gulhane.220973, (Kontrol No: 4958066) D.8 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,AKGÜN BEKİR,SÜRME MEHMET BEŞİR,ARTAŞ GÖKHAN,ÖZERCAN İBRAHİM HANİFİ (2016). Nörofibromatozis Tip I Tanılı Hastada Nörofibromu Taklit Eden İntradural Ekstramedüller Yerleşimli Spinal Kavernöz Hemanjiyom. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi, 26(2), 141-144., (Kontrol No: 3246101) D.9 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,hergünsel ömer batu,GÖNEN MURAT,KAPLAN METİN (2016). Çoklu Kranial Sinir Tutulumunun Eşlik Ettiği Oksipital Kondil Kırığı. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 21(1), 57-58., (Kontrol No: 2075903) D.10 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN (2016). Serebral Kontüzyonlu Hastalarda Erken Dönem Post TravmatikEpilepsi Açısından Bir Risk Faktörü Olarak Yaş. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi, 26(2), 125-127., (Kontrol No: 3246135) D.11 serdal albayrak,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇLER NECATİ (2015). Dev Lomber Disk Hernilerinde Cerrahi Yönetim. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi, 25(3), 313-316., (Kontrol No: 2075783) D.12 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÇAKIN HAKAN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN METİN (2015). Kalvaryal primer intradiploik menenjiyom. VanTıp Dergisi, 22(1), 58-61., (Kontrol No: 2075544) D.13 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇLER NECATİ,DEMİREL İSMAİL,KAPLAN METİN (2015). The Development of Glioblastoma Multiforme in Early Period After Intracranial Radiotherapy. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 20(4), 233-235., (Kontrol No: 2075001) D.14 ÇAKIN HAKAN,AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2015). Makroskopik Olarak Menenjiyomu Radyolojik Olarak Subdural Kanamayı Taklit Eden Leptomeningeal B Hücreli Lenfoma. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi, 25(3), 320- 322., (Kontrol No: 2075251) D.15 EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2012). Parkinson hastalığının cerrahi tedavisi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Neurol-Special Topics, 5(4), 71-76., (Kontrol No: 2076294) E. National oral presentations E.1 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ERGÜN AHMET CEMİL,AKGÜN BEKİR,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). Üçüncü ventrikül kolloid kistleri:89 olgunun uzun dönem sonuçları. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Nöroonkoloji Vasküler Anatomi 2018 Sempozyımu, (Kontrol No: 4965682) E.2 SAĞMAK TARTAR AYŞE,ÖZER BALIN ŞAFAK,AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKBULUT AYHAN (2018). Nöroşirürji Ameliyatlarında Kullanılan Materyallerin Antibiyotik Emdirilerek Kullanılmalarının Enfeksiyonu Önlemedeki Etkinliği. 7. Türkiye Ekmud Uluslararası Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4614005) E.3 ARTAŞ GÖKHAN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2018). Glial tümörlerin histopatolojik tanısında transient receptor potential melastatin (trpm) katyon kanallarının rolü. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 32. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965687) E.4 ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2018). Ventriküloperitoneal şant cerrahisi uygulanan pediatrik hastalarda cilt kaynaklı komplikasyonlar ve yönetimi: 10 yıllık deneyim. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 32. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965652) E.5 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,SARI AYSEL,ŞEN AŞKIN,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN (2018). Glial tümörlerde izositratdehidrogenaz 1 ve 2 mutasyonunun tümör dokusundaki serbest yağ asidi düzeyleri ile korelasyonu. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 32. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No:4965660) E.6 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,GÖNEN MURAT,KORKMAZ SEVDA,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KOCABIÇAK ERSOY (2017). Early-term results of deep brain stimulation in patients with Parkinson’s Disease: Elazığ Experience.. 3rd Clinical Neuroscience Course, (Kontrol No: 3889828) E.7 AKGÜN BEKİR,SÜRME MEHMET BEŞİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2017). Spontan Spinal Epidural Hematomlar: 12 olgunun Değerlendirilmesi. 12. Uluslararası Türk Omurga Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965633) E.8 AKGÜN BEKİR,SÜRME MEHMET BEŞİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,DEMİR FATİH,ÖKÇESİZ İZZET,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2017). Akut lomber disk hernilerinin ince kesit lomber mrg ile değerlendirilmesi. 12. Uluslararası Türk Omurga Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965625) E.9 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KAPLAN METİN (2016). Şantın mekanik Komplikasyonlarından Olan Fraktürler ve Diskonneksiyonlar: 10 yılı aşan deneyimimiz. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği 12. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965610) E .10 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KARA MURAT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN (2016). Açık Spinal Disrafizmli Hastalarda ve Sağlıklı Annelerinde MTHFR c677t MTHFR a1298c PAI 1 Faktör II ve Faktör V Polimorfizminin Değerlendirilmesi. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 30. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 3276894) E .11 hergünsel ömer batu,AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2016). Metastaz Benzeri Bir Serebellar Tüberkülom Olgusu. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 30. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 3276917) E .12 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇLER NECATİ,Hergünsel Ömer Batu,GÜLKESEN ARİF,KAPLAN METİN (2016). FAR LATERAL DİSKLERİN OLUŞTURDUĞU AĞRININ MEDİKALTEDAVİSİNDE GABAPENTİNİN ETKİNLİĞİ. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 30. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 4965356) E.13 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖKÇESİZ İZZET,YILDIRIM HANEFİ (2015). Schwannoma Of Medıal Cord Of The Brachıal Plexus An Uncommon Localısatıon. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077584) E.14 ALBAYRAK SERDAL,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇLER NECATİ (2015). Dural Tear A Feared Complıcatıon Of Lumbar Discectomy. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 2077685) E.15 HERGÜNSEL ÖMER BATU,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN SERPİL,ERTUĞRUL BİLAL,KAPLAN METİN (2015). Torakal Bölge Yerleşimli Bir Ligamentum Flavum Kisti. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077539) E .16 ÜÇLER NECATİ,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN METİN (2015). SPONTAN HIZLI REGRESYON GÖSTEREN FASET EKLEM KİSTİ: OLGU SUNUMU. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965347) E .17 KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,erdoğanoğlu gamze,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2015). Sakrokoksigeal ve Presakral Yerleşimli Tümörlerin Cerrahi Yönetimi. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077911) E.18 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN (2015). İntervertebral polietilen glikol implantasyonu sonrası fragmanların spinal kanala migrasyonu. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077631) E .19 KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,YILDIRIM HANEFİ (2015). A New Screwıng Method For C7 Posterior Stabilization in Case Of Cervical Rib Existence. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077723) E.20 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ALBAYRAK SERDAL,ÜÇLER NECATİ (2015). Dev Lomber Disk Hernilerinde Cerrahi Yönetim. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077373) E.21 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KARLIDAĞ TURGUT,KAPLAN METİN (2015). VENTRİKÜLOPERİTONEAL ŞANT CERRAHİSİ UYGULANAN HİDROSEFALİ TANILI PEDİATRİK OLGULARDA OPERASYON ÖNCESİ VE SONRASI İŞİTME FONKSİYONLARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965548) E.22 ÇAKIN HAKAN,AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2013). RADYOLOJİK OLARAK SUBDURAL HEMATOMU, MAKROSKOBİK OLARAK MENENGİOMU TAKLİT EDEN LEPTOMENİNGEAL B HÜCRELİ LENFOMA OLGUSU. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 26. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965330) E .23 KAPLAN METİN,koparan mehmet,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,SARI AYSEL,ÇAKIN HAKAN,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2012). Tümör Dokusu ve Kandaki Serbest Yağ Asidi Düzeylerinin Glial Tümör Malignitesi İle İlişkisi. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği 8. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965435) E.24 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2012). Serebral Kontüzyolu Hastalarda Posttravmatik Epilepsi Görülmesinde Bir Risk Faktörü Olarak ’xxYAŞ’xx. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği 8. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965319) E.25 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2012). BİR VP ŞANT KOMPLİKASYONU OLARAK SERBEST VENTRİKÜLER ŞANT KATETERİNİN LATERALVENTRİKÜLLER ARASINDA YÜZMESİ: OLGU SUNUMU. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 26. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965327) E.26 KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,ONUR MEHMET RUHİ,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2012). Presakral Lezyonların Cerrahisinde Yeni Bir Anatomik Landmark Olarak Sakrokoksigeal Açı. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 26. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965458) E.27 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN METİN,ÖNDER SEMEN (2011). SPİNAL SİNİR KÖKÜ KAYNAKLI DİFFÜZ ASTROSİTOM (OLDUKÇA NADİR BİR OLGU). Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 25. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965293) I. Bilimsel Ödüller I.1 Prof. Dr. Hamit Ziya Gökalp Genç Nöroşirurjiyen Bilim Teşvik Ödülü, Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği, 2018 I.2 7. Bakırköy Nöropsikiyatri Günleri Yılın En İyi Çalışması Ödülü, 7. Bakırköy Nöropsikiyatri Günleri, 2017 I.3 30. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Bilimsel Kongresi Yılın En iyi Bildirileri 3. Ödülü, Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği, 2016 I.4 11. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği Kongresi Sözlü Bildiri Kategorisinde 1. Ödülü, Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği, 2015 I.5 10 Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Kongresi En İyi E-Bildiri Ödülü., Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği, 2014

اقرأ المزيد

Education and Expertise:

 2000 - 2007 - Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Undergraduate 

2009 - 2014 - Fırat University, Department of Neurosurgery, Specialization

 2015 - 2019 - Fırat University, Department of Neurosurgery, Dr. Instructor Member of 

2019 - 2021 - Fırat University, Department of Neurosurgery, Assoc. Dr.



 2014-2015 Harvard Medical School – Surgery for Movement Disorders and Epilepsy / United States


Professional Memberships:

 European Society of Neurosurgery (EANS) Turkish Neurosurgery Association

 Neuromodulation Association



  epilepsy surgery 

 Epilepsy pacemaker surgery

  Neurosurgery

  brain biopsy

  Spasticity surgery

  brain tumors 

 hydrocephalus

  spine surgery 


Scientific publications A.1 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖNAL SELAMİ ATEŞ,KAPLAN METİN (2018). Intra-operative Results and Post-operative Clinical Outcomes of Lumbar Microdiscectomy in Patients Received Transforaminal Anterior Epidural Steroid Injection Earlier for Lumbar Radiculopathy.. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(2), 263-269., (Kontrol No: 4613287) A.2 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,TAŞKENT İSMAİL,SÜRME MEHMET BEŞİR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,YILDIRIM HANEFİ (2018). Evaluation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficients in the Cerebellar Tonsils and Bulbus in Chiari Type I Malformations: Comparison Before and After Surgery.. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(5), 710- 715., (Kontrol No: 4612782) A.3 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÇAKIN HAKAN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,YILDIRIM HANEFİ,ÖKÇESİZ İZZET,KAZAN MEHMET SAİM,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). Evaluation of Cortical Brain Parenchyma by Diffusion and Perfusion MRI Before and After Chronic Subdural Hematoma Surgery.. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(3), 405-409., (Kontrol No: 4612955) A.4 ARTAŞ GÖKHAN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KULOĞLU TUNCAY,DAĞLI ADİLE FERDA,GÖNEN MURAT,ARTAŞ HAKAN,AYDIN SÜLEYMAN,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). A Novel Candidate Molecule in the Pathological Grading of Gliomas: ELABELA. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(6), 989-994., (Kontrol No: 4613377) A.5 AKGÜN BEKİR,SARI AYSEL,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZERCAN İBRAHİM HANİFİ,ULU RAMAZAN (2017). Effects of Mucuna pruriens on Free Fatty Acid Levels and Histopathological Changes in the Brains of Rats Fed a High Fructose Diet. Medical Principles and Practice, 26(6), 561-566., Doi: 10.1159/000481402, (Kontrol No: 4958477) A.6 KAPLAN METİN,Arıcı Lütfu,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇOBANOĞLU ŞİMŞEK BENGÜ,Hergünsel Ömer Batu,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). A comparison of the type IX collagen levels of the intervertebral disc materials in diabetic and nondiabetic patients who treated with lumbar microdiscectomy.. EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL, 27(1), 214- 221., (Kontrol No: 4613103) A.7 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KARABULUT KORAY,PAŞAHAN RAMAZAN,KAPLAN METİN (2018). Laparoscopy in the Management of Lumboperitoneal Shunt Catheter in Obese Patients with Pseudotumor Cerebri.. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 21(3), 397-400., (Kontrol No: 4612896) A.8 Balevi Mustafa,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2018). Modified simple decompression of ulnar nerve in the treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome: Report of a series of cases. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 21(8), 974-978., (Kontrol No: 4613693) A.9 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ARTAŞ GÖKHAN,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). Effects of Intrathecal Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE) on IL-6 and TNF-? Levels and Local Inflammatory Responses in Spinal Cord Injuries.. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(4), 625-629., (Kontrol No: 4612843) A.10 ÜÇLER NECATİ,Hergünsel Ömer Batu,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,kozan serpil,KAPLAN METİN (2018). Simpson Grade 2 Resection and Tumor Recurrence in Ventrally Located Spinal Meningiomas. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(6), 979-982., (Kontrol No: 4613414) A.11 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KURTULDU HÜSEYİN,KOCAK ONUR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN (2017). Smartphones and Programmable Shunts: Are These Indispensable Phones Safe and Smart?. World Neurosurgery, 102(6), 518-525., Doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.03.054, (Kontrol No: 3887228) A.12 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN METİN,AYAN ERDOĞAN (2017). Morphological Changes of Anterior Cerebral Artery (ACA) in Hydrocephalic Pediatric Patients. Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, 11(1), 37-42., (Kontrol No: 3886860) A.13 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KAPLAN METİN (2017). The effectiveness and clinical outcomes of the Minerva cervical thoracicjacket in patients with type II odontoid fractures. TURKISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, 47(4), 1089-1096., Doi: 10.3906/sag-1512-100, (Kontrol No: 3747025) A.14 KAPLAN METİN,kılınç ahmet,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,İLHAN NEVİN,GÜROCAK ŞİMAY,GÖNEN MURAT (2017). Effect of radiation on brain tissue endothelin 1 level and tumor development. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery, 12(2), 185-188., Doi: 10.4103/1793-5482.145575, (Kontrol No: 2075391) A.15 ÜÇLER NECATİ,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KAPLAN METİN,ŞEN YAŞAR (2017). Does Ventriculoperitoneal Shunting Improve Thyroid Hormone Levels in Hydrocephalic Newborns?. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 52(1), 26-29., Doi: 10.1159/000448050, (Kontrol No: 3886441) A.16 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KAPLAN METİN (2017). Ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunction caused by fractures and disconnections over 10 years of follow-up. Child’s Nervous System, 33(3), 475- 481., Doi: 10.1007/s00381-017-3342-0, (Kontrol No: 3887129) A.17 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÖZTÜRK YAŞAR,ÖCAL ÖZGÜR (2017). The First Case of Kernohan-Woltman Notch Phenomenon Caused by Epidural Hematoma in a Pediatric Patient. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 52(3), 181-184., Doi: 10.1159/000474945, (Kontrol No: 3887815) A.18 ÖZTÜRK YAŞAR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,YAMAN MESUT EMRE,AYBERK GIYAS (2017). An Asymptomatic, Supratentorial, Remote Epidural Hematoma Following Posterior Fossa Surgery. Erciyes Medical Journal, 39(1), 32-34., Doi: 10.5152/etd.2017.1612, (Kontrol No: 3887688) A.19 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇER ÖZLEM,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2017). Intradural sacral mature teratoma associated with a low-lying conus.. NEUROLOGY INDIA, 65(1), 216-217., Doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.198208, (Kontrol No: 3886607) A.20 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇLER NECATİ,hergünsel ömer batu,GÜLKESEN ARİF,KAPLAN METİN (2016). The Efficacy of Gabapentin in the Treatment of Pain Due to Far Lateral Lumbar Disc Herniations. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 39(3), 140-143., Doi: 10.1097/WNF.0000000000000145, (Kontrol No: 2076634) A.21 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KAPLAN METİN,BİRKENT ÖMER FARUK,KARLIDAĞ TURGUT (2016). Evaluation of Hearing Function by Auditory Brainstem Response in Newborn Patients with Hydrocephalus before and after Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Surgery. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 51(4), 183-190., Doi: 10.1159/000444453, (Kontrol No: 3245962) A.22 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,YILDIRIM HANEFİ,KAPLAN METİN (2016). Is the existence of cervical rib an advantage for C7 posterior stabilization. Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine, 7(4), 201- 203., Doi: 10.4103/0974-8237.193269, (Kontrol No: 3245818) A.23 albayrak serdal,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ayden ömer,ÜÇLER NECATİ (2016). Dural tear a feared complication of lumbar discectomy. Turkish Neurosurgery, 26(6), 918-921., Doi: 10.5137/1019- 5149.JTN.14065-15.2, (Kontrol No: 2076028) A.24 albayrak serdal,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,durdag emre,ayden ömer (2016). Surgical management of recurrent disc herniations with microdiscectomy and long term results on life quality Detailed analysis of 70 cases. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice, 7(1), 87-90., Doi: 10.4103/0976- 3147.165426, (Kontrol No: 2075492) A.25 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇER ÖZLEM,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2015). Epithelioid hemangioma of the thoracic spine. Neurology India, 63(4), 610-611., Doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.162082, (Kontrol No: 1852595) A.26 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN (2015). Spontaneous Recanalization of Traumatic Transverse Sinus Occlusion despite Persistence of Depression Fracture. Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 12(2), 81-83., Doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1556762, (Kontrol No: 2075597) A.27 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖKÇESİZ İZZET,YILDIRIM HANEFİ (2015). Schwannoma of medial cord of the brachial plexus An uncommon localisation. Neurology India, 63(2), 256- 257., Doi: 10.4103/0028- 3886.156296, (Kontrol No: 1852549) A.28 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,AKIN MEHMET MUSTAFA (2014). Spontaneous rupture of intracranial dermoid cyst mimicking a primary psychiatric disorder . Nöro Psikiyatri Arşivi, 51(2), 181-183., Doi: 10.4274/npa.y6962, (Kontrol No: 2075973) A.29 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN (2014). Migration of fragments into the spinal canal after intervertebral polyethylene glycol implantation an extremely rare adverse effect. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 21(4), 614-616., Doi: 10.3171/2014.6.SPINE13855, (Kontrol No: 1852579) A.30 KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,AKGÜN BEKİR,ONUR MEHMET RUHİ,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2014). Sacrococcygeal sinus angle as a new anatomic landmark for the posterior approach of presacral lesions. European Spine Journal, 23(2), 337-340., Doi: 10.1007/s00586- 013-2830-5, (Kontrol No: 886467) A.31 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN (2013). How Innocent Is Corpus Callosum Dysgenesis ?. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 49(1), 24-28., Doi: 10.1159/000355421, (Kontrol No: 886461) A.32 ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAZEZ AHMET (2013). Intrathoracic migration of ventriculoperitoneal shunt through the Morgagni s hernia in case with Down syndrome A rare shunt complication. Neurology India, 61(5), 552-553., Doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.121952, (Kontrol No: 886455) A.33 KAPLAN METİN,KOPARAN MEHMET,SARI AYSEL,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,kozan serpil,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2013). Can Behenic Acid (C22:0) Levels be a Prognostic Factor in Glial Tumors?. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES, 40(6), 854-856., (Kontrol No: 886458) A.34 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,dönmez osman,KAPLAN METİN (2013). Free floating ventricular shunt catheter between lateral ventricles an unusual ventriculoperitoneal shunt complication report of case. Turkish Neurosurgery, 23(6), 821-3., Doi: 10.5137/1019- 5149.JTN.6351-12.2, (Kontrol No: 886449) A.35 KAPLAN METİN,ÇAKIN HAKAN,ÖZDEMİR NİYAZİ,göçmez cüneyt,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2012). Is the Elapsed Time following the Placement of a Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Catheter an Individual Risk Factor for Shunt Fractures?. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 48(6), 348-351., Doi: 10.1159/000353616, (Kontrol No: 886465) B. Uluslararası Sözlü Sunumlar B.1 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AYGÜN DURSUN,TEMEL YASİN,KOCABIÇAK ERSOY (2018). Deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus interna (GPi) with microelectrode recording for secondary dystonias: Clinical reports and review of the literature. XXIII. Congress of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, (Özet bildiri), (Kontrol No: 4614115) B.2 BALGETİR FERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,YALÇIN ALPER (2018). Visfatin Immunoreactivity in Rat Brain Tissues of Experimental Ischemia-Reperfusion. 3. International Congress of Turkish Neuroendocrinology Society, (Özet bildiri), (Kontrol No: 4614072) B.3 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KURTULDU HÜSEYİN,KOCAK ONUR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN (2017). Smartphones Change the Opening Pressure of the Programmable Valves. XVI. WFNS World Congress of Neurosurgery, (Özet bildiri), (Kontrol No: 3888708) C. Yayınlanmış Kitaplar ve Bölümler C2.1 C2.2 C2.3 C2.4 C2.5 C2.6 Fonksiyonun Cerrahi Anatomisi, Bölüm adı:(Stereotaktik Biyopsi) (2019)., ÖZTÜRK SAİT,Hergünsel Ömer Batu, US Akademi, Editör:Biçeroğlu Hüseyin, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 2161, ISBN:978-605-9358-50- 7, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: 4965003) Fonksiyonun Cerrahi Anatomisi, Bölüm adı:(Tremorda Cerrahi Tedavi) (2019)., Hergünsel Ömer Batu,ÖZTÜRK SAİT, US Akademi, Editör:Biçeroğlu Hüseyin, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 2161, ISBN:978-605-9358- 50-7, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: 4965012) Nörolojik ve Psikiyatrik Hastalıklarda Derin Beyin Stimülasyonu (DBS) El Kitabı, Bölüm adı:(Derin Beyin Stimülasyonunda Cerrahi Teknik) (2019)., KOCABIÇAK ERSOY,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,TEMEL YASİN, US Akademi, Editör:Temel Yasin, Kocabıçak Ersoy, Akbostancı M. Cenk, Doğu Okan, Savaş Ali, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 340, ISBN:978-605-9358-66-8, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: 4965049) Nörolojik ve Psikiyatrik Hastalıklarda Derin Beyin Stimülasyonu (DBS) El Kitabı, Bölüm adı:(Derin Beyin Stimülasyonu Sisteminin Parçaları ve Yakın Gelecekteki Olası Değişiklikler) (2019)., ÖZTÜRK SAİT,TAŞKIN ÖNDER, US Akademi, Editör:Temel Y, Kocabıçak E, Akbostancı MC, Doğu O, Savaş A, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 340, ISBN:978-605-9358- 66-8, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: 4965063) Nörolojik ve Psikiyatrik Hastalıklarda Derin Beyin Stimülasyonu (DBS) El Kitabı, Bölüm adı:(Directional Steering (Yönlendirilmiş Stimülasyon)) (2019)., KOCABIÇAK ERSOY,ÖZTÜRK SAİT, US Akademi, Editör:Temel Y, Kocabıçak E, Akbostancı MC, Doğu O, Svaş A, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 340, ISBN:978-605-9358-66-8, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: FTR Pratiğinde Nöromodülasyon Uygulamaları, Bölüm adı:(Parkinson Hastalığında Nöromodülasyon) (2018)., ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KOCABIÇAK ERSOY, Türkiye Klinikleri, Editör:Erhan Belgin, Yıldızgören Mustafa Turgut, Yılmaz Atilla, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 64, ISBN:978-975-9118-91-4, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: 4613890) D. Yayınlanmış Ulusal Makaleler D.1 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). Vertebraya İnvaze Tümörlerde Vertebra Rezeksiyonu. Turkiye Klinikleri J Thor Surg-Special Topics, 9(1), 175-180., (Kontrol No: 4613748) D.2 MORALI GÜLER TUĞBA,GÜRBÜZ MEHMET SABRİ,EKŞİ MURAT ŞAKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2018). Gelişen Teknoloji ve Nöroşirürjikal Komplikasyonlar. TÜRK NÖROŞİRURJİ DERGİSİ, 28(3), 350- 355., (Kontrol No: 4613510) D.3 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÖZTÜRK YAŞAR,ÖKÇESİZ İZZET (2017). Ultrason eşliğinde lomber faset eklem enjeksiyon tekniğinin etkinliği: floroskopik teknik ile karşılaştırma çalışması. Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 42(4), 664-669., Doi: 10.17826/cutf.325687, (Kontrol No: 3887994) D.4 ÖZTÜRK YAŞAR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÖCAL ÖZGÜR,GÜRÇAY AHMET GÜRHAN (2017). Torakal ve Lomber Patlama Kırıklı Hastalarda Uzun Segment Posterior Enstrümantasyon ve Füzyon Tekniğinin Erken ve Geç Dönem Sonuçları. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 22(4), 158-166., (Kontrol No: 3888346) D.5 balevi mustafa,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2016). Yüksek Enerjili Kafa Travması Sonrası Medikal veya CerrahiTedavi Uygulanan Hastalarda Mortalite Oranları. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi, 26(2), 128- 132., (Kontrol No: 3246166) D.6 AKGÜN BEKİR,SÜRME MEHMET BEŞİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2016). Spontan Spinal Epidural Hematomlar: 12 Olgunun Değerlendirilmesi. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Tıp Dergisi, 30(3), 107-111., (Kontrol No: 4958128) D.7 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN METİN,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KARA MURAT (2016). Açık Spinal Disrafizmli Hastalarda ve Sağlıklı Annelerinde MTHFR c677t, MTHFR a1298c, PAI-1, Faktör İİ ve Faktör V Polimorfizminin Değerlendirilmesi.. GULHANE TIP DERGİSİ, 58, 385-388., Doi: 10.5455/gulhane.220973, (Kontrol No: 4958066) D.8 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,AKGÜN BEKİR,SÜRME MEHMET BEŞİR,ARTAŞ GÖKHAN,ÖZERCAN İBRAHİM HANİFİ (2016). Nörofibromatozis Tip I Tanılı Hastada Nörofibromu Taklit Eden İntradural Ekstramedüller Yerleşimli Spinal Kavernöz Hemanjiyom. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi, 26(2), 141-144., (Kontrol No: 3246101) D.9 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,hergünsel ömer batu,GÖNEN MURAT,KAPLAN METİN (2016). Çoklu Kranial Sinir Tutulumunun Eşlik Ettiği Oksipital Kondil Kırığı. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 21(1), 57-58., (Kontrol No: 2075903) D.10 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN (2016). Serebral Kontüzyonlu Hastalarda Erken Dönem Post TravmatikEpilepsi Açısından Bir Risk Faktörü Olarak Yaş. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi, 26(2), 125-127., (Kontrol No: 3246135) D.11 serdal albayrak,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇLER NECATİ (2015). Dev Lomber Disk Hernilerinde Cerrahi Yönetim. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi, 25(3), 313-316., (Kontrol No: 2075783) D.12 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÇAKIN HAKAN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN METİN (2015). Kalvaryal primer intradiploik menenjiyom. VanTıp Dergisi, 22(1), 58-61., (Kontrol No: 2075544) D.13 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇLER NECATİ,DEMİREL İSMAİL,KAPLAN METİN (2015). The Development of Glioblastoma Multiforme in Early Period After Intracranial Radiotherapy. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 20(4), 233-235., (Kontrol No: 2075001) D.14 ÇAKIN HAKAN,AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2015). Makroskopik Olarak Menenjiyomu Radyolojik Olarak Subdural Kanamayı Taklit Eden Leptomeningeal B Hücreli Lenfoma. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi, 25(3), 320- 322., (Kontrol No: 2075251) D.15 EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2012). Parkinson hastalığının cerrahi tedavisi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Neurol-Special Topics, 5(4), 71-76., (Kontrol No: 2076294) E. National oral presentations E.1 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ERGÜN AHMET CEMİL,AKGÜN BEKİR,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). Üçüncü ventrikül kolloid kistleri:89 olgunun uzun dönem sonuçları. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Nöroonkoloji Vasküler Anatomi 2018 Sempozyımu, (Kontrol No: 4965682) E.2 SAĞMAK TARTAR AYŞE,ÖZER BALIN ŞAFAK,AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKBULUT AYHAN (2018). Nöroşirürji Ameliyatlarında Kullanılan Materyallerin Antibiyotik Emdirilerek Kullanılmalarının Enfeksiyonu Önlemedeki Etkinliği. 7. Türkiye Ekmud Uluslararası Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4614005) E.3 ARTAŞ GÖKHAN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2018). Glial tümörlerin histopatolojik tanısında transient receptor potential melastatin (trpm) katyon kanallarının rolü. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 32. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965687) E.4 ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2018). Ventriküloperitoneal şant cerrahisi uygulanan pediatrik hastalarda cilt kaynaklı komplikasyonlar ve yönetimi: 10 yıllık deneyim. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 32. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965652) E.5 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,SARI AYSEL,ŞEN AŞKIN,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN (2018). Glial tümörlerde izositratdehidrogenaz 1 ve 2 mutasyonunun tümör dokusundaki serbest yağ asidi düzeyleri ile korelasyonu. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 32. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No:4965660) E.6 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,GÖNEN MURAT,KORKMAZ SEVDA,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KOCABIÇAK ERSOY (2017). Early-term results of deep brain stimulation in patients with Parkinson’s Disease: Elazığ Experience.. 3rd Clinical Neuroscience Course, (Kontrol No: 3889828) E.7 AKGÜN BEKİR,SÜRME MEHMET BEŞİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2017). Spontan Spinal Epidural Hematomlar: 12 olgunun Değerlendirilmesi. 12. Uluslararası Türk Omurga Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965633) E.8 AKGÜN BEKİR,SÜRME MEHMET BEŞİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,DEMİR FATİH,ÖKÇESİZ İZZET,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2017). Akut lomber disk hernilerinin ince kesit lomber mrg ile değerlendirilmesi. 12. Uluslararası Türk Omurga Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965625) E.9 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KAPLAN METİN (2016). Şantın mekanik Komplikasyonlarından Olan Fraktürler ve Diskonneksiyonlar: 10 yılı aşan deneyimimiz. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği 12. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965610) E .10 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KARA MURAT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN (2016). Açık Spinal Disrafizmli Hastalarda ve Sağlıklı Annelerinde MTHFR c677t MTHFR a1298c PAI 1 Faktör II ve Faktör V Polimorfizminin Değerlendirilmesi. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 30. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 3276894) E .11 hergünsel ömer batu,AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2016). Metastaz Benzeri Bir Serebellar Tüberkülom Olgusu. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 30. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 3276917) E .12 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇLER NECATİ,Hergünsel Ömer Batu,GÜLKESEN ARİF,KAPLAN METİN (2016). FAR LATERAL DİSKLERİN OLUŞTURDUĞU AĞRININ MEDİKALTEDAVİSİNDE GABAPENTİNİN ETKİNLİĞİ. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 30. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 4965356) E.13 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖKÇESİZ İZZET,YILDIRIM HANEFİ (2015). Schwannoma Of Medıal Cord Of The Brachıal Plexus An Uncommon Localısatıon. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077584) E.14 ALBAYRAK SERDAL,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇLER NECATİ (2015). Dural Tear A Feared Complıcatıon Of Lumbar Discectomy. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 2077685) E.15 HERGÜNSEL ÖMER BATU,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN SERPİL,ERTUĞRUL BİLAL,KAPLAN METİN (2015). Torakal Bölge Yerleşimli Bir Ligamentum Flavum Kisti. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077539) E .16 ÜÇLER NECATİ,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN METİN (2015). SPONTAN HIZLI REGRESYON GÖSTEREN FASET EKLEM KİSTİ: OLGU SUNUMU. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965347) E .17 KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,erdoğanoğlu gamze,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2015). Sakrokoksigeal ve Presakral Yerleşimli Tümörlerin Cerrahi Yönetimi. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077911) E.18 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN (2015). İntervertebral polietilen glikol implantasyonu sonrası fragmanların spinal kanala migrasyonu. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077631) E .19 KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,YILDIRIM HANEFİ (2015). A New Screwıng Method For C7 Posterior Stabilization in Case Of Cervical Rib Existence. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077723) E.20 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ALBAYRAK SERDAL,ÜÇLER NECATİ (2015). Dev Lomber Disk Hernilerinde Cerrahi Yönetim. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077373) E.21 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KARLIDAĞ TURGUT,KAPLAN METİN (2015). VENTRİKÜLOPERİTONEAL ŞANT CERRAHİSİ UYGULANAN HİDROSEFALİ TANILI PEDİATRİK OLGULARDA OPERASYON ÖNCESİ VE SONRASI İŞİTME FONKSİYONLARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965548) E.22 ÇAKIN HAKAN,AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2013). RADYOLOJİK OLARAK SUBDURAL HEMATOMU, MAKROSKOBİK OLARAK MENENGİOMU TAKLİT EDEN LEPTOMENİNGEAL B HÜCRELİ LENFOMA OLGUSU. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 26. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965330) E .23 KAPLAN METİN,koparan mehmet,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,SARI AYSEL,ÇAKIN HAKAN,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2012). Tümör Dokusu ve Kandaki Serbest Yağ Asidi Düzeylerinin Glial Tümör Malignitesi İle İlişkisi. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği 8. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965435) E.24 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2012). Serebral Kontüzyolu Hastalarda Posttravmatik Epilepsi Görülmesinde Bir Risk Faktörü Olarak ’xxYAŞ’xx. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği 8. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965319) E.25 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2012). BİR VP ŞANT KOMPLİKASYONU OLARAK SERBEST VENTRİKÜLER ŞANT KATETERİNİN LATERALVENTRİKÜLLER ARASINDA YÜZMESİ: OLGU SUNUMU. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 26. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965327) E.26 KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,ONUR MEHMET RUHİ,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2012). Presakral Lezyonların Cerrahisinde Yeni Bir Anatomik Landmark Olarak Sakrokoksigeal Açı. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 26. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965458) E.27 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN METİN,ÖNDER SEMEN (2011). SPİNAL SİNİR KÖKÜ KAYNAKLI DİFFÜZ ASTROSİTOM (OLDUKÇA NADİR BİR OLGU). Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 25. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965293) I. Bilimsel Ödüller I.1 Prof. Dr. Hamit Ziya Gökalp Genç Nöroşirurjiyen Bilim Teşvik Ödülü, Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği, 2018 I.2 7. Bakırköy Nöropsikiyatri Günleri Yılın En İyi Çalışması Ödülü, 7. Bakırköy Nöropsikiyatri Günleri, 2017 I.3 30. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Bilimsel Kongresi Yılın En iyi Bildirileri 3. Ödülü, Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği, 2016 I.4 11. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği Kongresi Sözlü Bildiri Kategorisinde 1. Ödülü, Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği, 2015 I.5 10 Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Kongresi En İyi E-Bildiri Ödülü., Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği, 2014

اقرأ المزيد
20 تقييمات
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
زراعة الكلى $23000 - $25000
جراحة الأنف (انظر عملية تجميل الأنف)
زراعة الكبد $70000 - $83000
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية
Hilmi Apak
أخصائي أمراض الدم لدى الأطفال
24سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Hilmi Apak

أخصائي أمراض الدم لدى الأطفال
24سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Biruni University Hospital
Evrim Metcalfe
أخصائي الأورام الإشعاعية
26سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
1 تقييم
تركيا, إسطنبول
Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital

Evrim Metcalfe

أخصائي الأورام الإشعاعية
26سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


2021 - 2022

Clinical Manager of Radiation Oncology, Medicana International Istanbul Hospital

2021 - 2022

Department of Radiation Oncology, Biruni University Faculty of Medicine

2020 - 2021

Clinical Manager of Radiation Oncology, Medicana International Istanbul Hospital

2017 - 2020

Clinical Manager of Radiation Oncology, Neolife Medical Center

2016 - 2017

Department of Radiation Oncology, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine

2011 - 2016

Department of Radiation Oncology, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine

2010 - 2011

Department of Radiation Oncology, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine

2008 - 2010

Radiation Oncology Clinic, Samsun Training and Research Hospital (Education Coordinator)


Medical Faculty, Dokuz Eylül University

2006 - 2008

Radiation Oncology Clinic, Samsun Mehmet Aydın State Hospital (Compulsory Service)

2000 - 2006

Medical Faculty, Dokuz Eylül University




Biruni University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology, Faculty Member, Professor Doctor


Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Undergraduate Program, Cultural Heritage and Tourism


Feyziye Schools Foundation Işık University Health Services Vocational School, Faculty Member, Associate Professor Doctor


Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology, Faculty Member


Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology, Associate Professor Doctor


Samsun Training and Research Hospital, Specialist Doctor, Compulsory Service


Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology, Medical Specialization


Ege University, Faculty of Medicine



اقرأ المزيد


2021 - 2022

Clinical Manager of Radiation Oncology, Medicana International Istanbul Hospital

2021 - 2022

Department of Radiation Oncology, Biruni University Faculty of Medicine

2020 - 2021

Clinical Manager of Radiation Oncology, Medicana International Istanbul Hospital

2017 - 2020

Clinical Manager of Radiation Oncology, Neolife Medical Center

2016 - 2017

Department of Radiation Oncology, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine

2011 - 2016

Department of Radiation Oncology, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine

2010 - 2011

Department of Radiation Oncology, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine

2008 - 2010

Radiation Oncology Clinic, Samsun Training and Research Hospital (Education Coordinator)


Medical Faculty, Dokuz Eylül University

2006 - 2008

Radiation Oncology Clinic, Samsun Mehmet Aydın State Hospital (Compulsory Service)

2000 - 2006

Medical Faculty, Dokuz Eylül University




Biruni University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology, Faculty Member, Professor Doctor


Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Undergraduate Program, Cultural Heritage and Tourism


Feyziye Schools Foundation Işık University Health Services Vocational School, Faculty Member, Associate Professor Doctor


Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology, Faculty Member


Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology, Associate Professor Doctor


Samsun Training and Research Hospital, Specialist Doctor, Compulsory Service


Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology, Medical Specialization


Ege University, Faculty of Medicine



اقرأ المزيد
1 تقييم
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
شفط الدهون $5000
استئصال الورم العضلي (إزالة الأورام الليفية الرحمية) $4000 - $5000
استئصال القرص $3000 - $4000
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية
Nese Guney
أخصائي الأورام السريرية
26سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Nese Guney

أخصائي الأورام السريرية
26سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Biruni University Hospital
Melih Ucer
جراح أعصاب
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Melih Ucer

جراح أعصاب
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Biruni University Hospital
Ceylan Sengul
طبيب نفسي
9سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
119 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Ceylan Sengul

طبيب نفسي
9سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
أنا متخصص في مراقبة نمو الطفل (0-6 سنوات) ومعالجة قضايا مثل مشاكل النمو والسلوكيات العدوانية واضطرابات الأكل والاكتئاب والرهاب الاجتماعي ونوبات الهلع والإدمان والحزن والشكاوى النفسية الجسدية ومشاكل النوم والمشاكل المتعلقة بالمدرسة والصدمات ، أحداث الحياة ، التنافس بين الأشقاء ، قلة الثقة بالنفس ، اضطرابات المزاج ، اضطراب الهوية الجنسية ، سلس البول ، اضطراب تشوه الجسم.اقرأ المزيد
أنا متخصص في مراقبة نمو الطفل (0-6 سنوات) ومعالجة قضايا مثل مشاكل النمو والسلوكيات العدوانية واضطرابات الأكل والاكتئاب والرهاب الاجتماعي ونوبات الهلع والإدمان والحزن والشكاوى النفسية الجسدية ومشاكل النوم والمشاكل المتعلقة بالمدرسة والصدمات ، أحداث الحياة ، التنافس بين الأشقاء ، قلة الثقة بالنفس ، اضطرابات المزاج ، اضطراب الهوية الجنسية ، سلس البول ، اضطراب تشوه الجسم.
اقرأ المزيد
119 تقييمات
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
العلاج الكيميائي $1500 - $2500
استئصال الغدة الدرقية $5000 - $7500
استبدال صمام القلب $12000
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية
Burak Orhan Boran
جراح أعصاب
22سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
119 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Burak Orhan Boran

جراح أعصاب
22سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

He was born in 1974 in Osmanbey, Istanbul. He graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Medicine in 1997, which he started in 1991. In the same year, he started his specialization in Marmara University Neurosurgery Department. He graduated in 2002 with the title of Neurosurgery Specialist. After getting his specialization, he did his military service as a Neurosurgeon Specialist at Gülhane Military Medical Academy Haydarpaşa Hospital. During this period, he also had a microsurgery education at GATA Ankara Microsurgery Laboratories with an official assignment. Subsequently, Kartal Dr. He completed his compulsory service at Lütfi Kırdar Training and Research Hospital.

He worked at Avicenna Ataşehir Hospital for seven years. Meanwhile, he also served as a member of the board of directors of the Nervous System Association. He went to the 29 Mayıs Hospital of the Turkish Religious Foundation. Later, he returned to the state for a period, first at Maltepe State Hospital, then with its new name Kartal Dr. He worked at Lütfi Kırdar City Hospital.

In 2020, he left the state again and started to work as a Neurosurgeon Specialist and Deputy Chief Physician at Academic Hospital.

After receiving the title of Associate Professor of Neurosurgery in 2021, he left his administrative duty to focus on academic studies. Currently, he is a faculty member at Galata University Faculty of Health Sciences and a member of the Beykent University Faculty of Medicine Advisory Board.

Although he provides professional service in all areas of Neurosurgery, the areas he prefers to work with are spine surgery, pediatric neurosurgery, peripheral neurosurgery, and tumor surgery.

He has been accepting patients at Hisar Intercontinental Hospital since October 2022.

اقرأ المزيد

He was born in 1974 in Osmanbey, Istanbul. He graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Medicine in 1997, which he started in 1991. In the same year, he started his specialization in Marmara University Neurosurgery Department. He graduated in 2002 with the title of Neurosurgery Specialist. After getting his specialization, he did his military service as a Neurosurgeon Specialist at Gülhane Military Medical Academy Haydarpaşa Hospital. During this period, he also had a microsurgery education at GATA Ankara Microsurgery Laboratories with an official assignment. Subsequently, Kartal Dr. He completed his compulsory service at Lütfi Kırdar Training and Research Hospital.

He worked at Avicenna Ataşehir Hospital for seven years. Meanwhile, he also served as a member of the board of directors of the Nervous System Association. He went to the 29 Mayıs Hospital of the Turkish Religious Foundation. Later, he returned to the state for a period, first at Maltepe State Hospital, then with its new name Kartal Dr. He worked at Lütfi Kırdar City Hospital.

In 2020, he left the state again and started to work as a Neurosurgeon Specialist and Deputy Chief Physician at Academic Hospital.

After receiving the title of Associate Professor of Neurosurgery in 2021, he left his administrative duty to focus on academic studies. Currently, he is a faculty member at Galata University Faculty of Health Sciences and a member of the Beykent University Faculty of Medicine Advisory Board.

Although he provides professional service in all areas of Neurosurgery, the areas he prefers to work with are spine surgery, pediatric neurosurgery, peripheral neurosurgery, and tumor surgery.

He has been accepting patients at Hisar Intercontinental Hospital since October 2022.

اقرأ المزيد
119 تقييمات
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
العلاج الكيميائي $1500 - $2500
استئصال الغدة الدرقية $5000 - $7500
استبدال صمام القلب $12000
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية
Canan Yildirim
طبيب أعصاب
22سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
119 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Canan Yildirim

طبيب أعصاب
22سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
الدكتورة حاصلة على بكالوريوس في الطب من كلية الطب بجامعة هاسيتيب (الإنجليزية) ، وهي متخصصة في صحة الطفل وأمراضه من جامعة هاسيتيب ، ولديها تخصص فرعي في طب حديثي الولادة من مستشفى زكاي طاهر بوراك للتدريب والبحوث في مجال صحة المرأة. عمل في كلية الطب بجامعة إسطنبول ميديبول (أخصائي طب حديثي الولادة - مساعد) ، ومستشفى سامسون للولادة والأطفال (أخصائي حديثي الولادة) ، ومستشفى زكاي طاهر بوراك للتدريب والبحوث في مجال صحة المرأة (مساعد ثانوي لطب حديثي الولادة) ، ومستشفى آياش الحكومي (صحة الطفل والطفل). أخصائي أمراض) ، وكلية الطب بجامعة هاسيتيب (مساعد أبحاث طب الأطفال).اقرأ المزيد
الدكتورة حاصلة على بكالوريوس في الطب من كلية الطب بجامعة هاسيتيب (الإنجليزية) ، وهي متخصصة في صحة الطفل وأمراضه من جامعة هاسيتيب ، ولديها تخصص فرعي في طب حديثي الولادة من مستشفى زكاي طاهر بوراك للتدريب والبحوث في مجال صحة المرأة. عمل في كلية الطب بجامعة إسطنبول ميديبول (أخصائي طب حديثي الولادة - مساعد) ، ومستشفى سامسون للولادة والأطفال (أخصائي حديثي الولادة) ، ومستشفى زكاي طاهر بوراك للتدريب والبحوث في مجال صحة المرأة (مساعد ثانوي لطب حديثي الولادة) ، ومستشفى آياش الحكومي (صحة الطفل والطفل). أخصائي أمراض) ، وكلية الطب بجامعة هاسيتيب (مساعد أبحاث طب الأطفال).
اقرأ المزيد
119 تقييمات
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
العلاج الكيميائي $1500 - $2500
استئصال الغدة الدرقية $5000 - $7500
استبدال صمام القلب $12000
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية
Savash Kansoy
أخصائي أمراض الدم والأورام لدى الأطفال
46سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
460 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Anadolu Medical Center

Savash Kansoy

أخصائي أمراض الدم والأورام لدى الأطفال
46سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


  • Ege Faculty of Medicine 1978
  • Specialization in Pediatrics 1982
  • Subspecialty Pediatric Oncology 2002 (EU Faculty of Medicine)
  • Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 2012 (EU Faculty of Medicine)
  • Deputy Chief of Clinic 1988 Tepecik EAH
  • Clinical Chief 1993 Tepecik EAH
  • Associate Professorship 1995
  • Professorship  2002
  • Ege U. Faculty of Medicine, faculty member 1998 – 2022
  • EU Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics 2009-2018
  • Member of Tepecik Education Planning and Coordination Board (1993-1998)
  • SSI Tepecik Hospital Ethics Committee Chairman (1996-1998)
  • Turkish Society of Pediatric Hematology "Bone Marrow Transplantation Working Group Co-Chair" (2002-2006)
  • Turkish Society of Pediatric Hematology "Bone Marrow Transplantation Working Group" (2006-2008)
  • Turkish Society of Pediatric Hematology - Responsible for Bone Marrow Transplantation "Online" Data Registry System 2007-ongoing.
  • Ege University Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Commission Chairman, 2011-2021

Institutional Memberships

  • Turkish Medical Association İzmir and Kocaeli Branch
  • Turkish National Pediatric Association - İzmir
  • European Group for Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT); Ege University Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit was accredited by the European Group for Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) in June 2007.
  • Turkish Society of Pediatric Hematology - Board Member for two terms (2005-2009)
  • Turkish Society of Hematology - Board Member for two terms (2001/2005)
  • Turkish Pediatric Oncology Association
  • Bone Marrow Transplantation Foundation (KITVAK) Member of the Board of Trustees

Units he is the founder of                        

1- SSI Tepecik Hospital Pediatric Oncology Clinic (1990) 
2- SSI Tepecik Hospital Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (1992) 
3- EU Faculty of Medicine Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (1998) 
4- FOUNDER of JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC RESEARCH, 2014; SCI application was made in 2022.  

Transplantation units that he contributed to the establishment of                        

1. İzmir BUÇH EAH Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (2019) 
2. Ümraniye EAH Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (2020) 
3. Kanuni Sultan Süleyman EAH Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (2020) (Transferred to Çam Sakura EAH)


  • Thrombotic parameters in bone marrow stem cell transplant patients, Pediatric Hematology Congress, Trabzon 2003
  • CD133 Antigen in Stem Cell: Pediatric Hematology Congress 2005. Research award
  • The role of Toll like receptors in febrile neutropenic patients, Best poster award. Turkish Hematology Congress 2008, Çeşme-İzmir
  • National pediatric stem cell transplantation activity- Oral presentation second prize, Turkish Hematology Society Stem Cell Transplantation Congress, 2022, Antalya


Kansoy S. "Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation Child Health and Diseases, 1st edition, EU Faculty of Medicine Printing House, 1999, İzmir

Kansoy S. Bone marrow transplantation in Thalassemia Major III. Aegean Thalassemia Days Book, 2000, Izmir

Kansoy S. Pediatric KIT Center Standards in Turkey. Childhood Acute Leukemias, Antalya 2000: 73-5

Kansoy S. Late Side Effects in Children. Special issue of Bone Marrow Transplantation Journal of Turkish Clinics. 2003

Kansoy S. Stem Cell Applications in Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation. Pediatric Oncology Nursing Course Book, İzmir, 2005

Kansoy S. Cord Blood as a Stem Cell Source. Stem Cell Special Issue. Turkey Clinics, 2008

Kansoy S. Stem Cell Transplantation in Lymphomas. General Pediatrics Book, Ed. Prof.Dr.Enver Hasanoglu, 2009

Kansoy S, Aksoylar S. Bone Marrow Transplantation in Children. Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017

Kansoy S. Rhabdomyosarcoma. Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017

Kansoy S. Approach to the child with cancer according to clinical findings. Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017 

11. Çetingül N, S.Kansoy, M.Kantar. Oncological Diseases. Pediatrics (Ed. A. Cura), 641-672, Ege University Print house, İzmir, 1999.  (1.05 points)

Kansoy S, M.Kantar. Head, Face and Eye Examination. Pediatric Prosthetic Physical Examination and Symptom Information (Ed. A.Cura)

Kantar M. Metabolic Emergency Problems in Oncology. Oncologic Emergencies and Supportive Care in Childhood (Ed. N. Çetingül, S. Kansoy), 15-24, Meta Basım, İzmir, 2003. 

Cord Blood Transplants in Turkey. HEMATOLOGIST, 2016

Kansoy S. Central Nervous System Tumors in Children Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017

Acute myeloblastic leukemia in children and its treatment. Pediatric Oncology Textbook, Poplack's Turkish, 2020

National pediatric stem cell transplant activity, 2020

Childhood stem cell transplantation indications, Turkey Clinics - International book 2020

In addition to the studies and papers in international journals published in large numbers, he is involved in international multicenter studies in some journals with high impact value.

اقرأ المزيد


  • Ege Faculty of Medicine 1978
  • Specialization in Pediatrics 1982
  • Subspecialty Pediatric Oncology 2002 (EU Faculty of Medicine)
  • Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 2012 (EU Faculty of Medicine)
  • Deputy Chief of Clinic 1988 Tepecik EAH
  • Clinical Chief 1993 Tepecik EAH
  • Associate Professorship 1995
  • Professorship  2002
  • Ege U. Faculty of Medicine, faculty member 1998 – 2022
  • EU Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics 2009-2018
  • Member of Tepecik Education Planning and Coordination Board (1993-1998)
  • SSI Tepecik Hospital Ethics Committee Chairman (1996-1998)
  • Turkish Society of Pediatric Hematology "Bone Marrow Transplantation Working Group Co-Chair" (2002-2006)
  • Turkish Society of Pediatric Hematology "Bone Marrow Transplantation Working Group" (2006-2008)
  • Turkish Society of Pediatric Hematology - Responsible for Bone Marrow Transplantation "Online" Data Registry System 2007-ongoing.
  • Ege University Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Commission Chairman, 2011-2021

Institutional Memberships

  • Turkish Medical Association İzmir and Kocaeli Branch
  • Turkish National Pediatric Association - İzmir
  • European Group for Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT); Ege University Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit was accredited by the European Group for Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) in June 2007.
  • Turkish Society of Pediatric Hematology - Board Member for two terms (2005-2009)
  • Turkish Society of Hematology - Board Member for two terms (2001/2005)
  • Turkish Pediatric Oncology Association
  • Bone Marrow Transplantation Foundation (KITVAK) Member of the Board of Trustees

Units he is the founder of                        

1- SSI Tepecik Hospital Pediatric Oncology Clinic (1990) 
2- SSI Tepecik Hospital Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (1992) 
3- EU Faculty of Medicine Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (1998) 
4- FOUNDER of JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC RESEARCH, 2014; SCI application was made in 2022.  

Transplantation units that he contributed to the establishment of                        

1. İzmir BUÇH EAH Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (2019) 
2. Ümraniye EAH Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (2020) 
3. Kanuni Sultan Süleyman EAH Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (2020) (Transferred to Çam Sakura EAH)


  • Thrombotic parameters in bone marrow stem cell transplant patients, Pediatric Hematology Congress, Trabzon 2003
  • CD133 Antigen in Stem Cell: Pediatric Hematology Congress 2005. Research award
  • The role of Toll like receptors in febrile neutropenic patients, Best poster award. Turkish Hematology Congress 2008, Çeşme-İzmir
  • National pediatric stem cell transplantation activity- Oral presentation second prize, Turkish Hematology Society Stem Cell Transplantation Congress, 2022, Antalya


Kansoy S. "Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation Child Health and Diseases, 1st edition, EU Faculty of Medicine Printing House, 1999, İzmir

Kansoy S. Bone marrow transplantation in Thalassemia Major III. Aegean Thalassemia Days Book, 2000, Izmir

Kansoy S. Pediatric KIT Center Standards in Turkey. Childhood Acute Leukemias, Antalya 2000: 73-5

Kansoy S. Late Side Effects in Children. Special issue of Bone Marrow Transplantation Journal of Turkish Clinics. 2003

Kansoy S. Stem Cell Applications in Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation. Pediatric Oncology Nursing Course Book, İzmir, 2005

Kansoy S. Cord Blood as a Stem Cell Source. Stem Cell Special Issue. Turkey Clinics, 2008

Kansoy S. Stem Cell Transplantation in Lymphomas. General Pediatrics Book, Ed. Prof.Dr.Enver Hasanoglu, 2009

Kansoy S, Aksoylar S. Bone Marrow Transplantation in Children. Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017

Kansoy S. Rhabdomyosarcoma. Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017

Kansoy S. Approach to the child with cancer according to clinical findings. Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017 

11. Çetingül N, S.Kansoy, M.Kantar. Oncological Diseases. Pediatrics (Ed. A. Cura), 641-672, Ege University Print house, İzmir, 1999.  (1.05 points)

Kansoy S, M.Kantar. Head, Face and Eye Examination. Pediatric Prosthetic Physical Examination and Symptom Information (Ed. A.Cura)

Kantar M. Metabolic Emergency Problems in Oncology. Oncologic Emergencies and Supportive Care in Childhood (Ed. N. Çetingül, S. Kansoy), 15-24, Meta Basım, İzmir, 2003. 

Cord Blood Transplants in Turkey. HEMATOLOGIST, 2016

Kansoy S. Central Nervous System Tumors in Children Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017

Acute myeloblastic leukemia in children and its treatment. Pediatric Oncology Textbook, Poplack's Turkish, 2020

National pediatric stem cell transplant activity, 2020

Childhood stem cell transplantation indications, Turkey Clinics - International book 2020

In addition to the studies and papers in international journals published in large numbers, he is involved in international multicenter studies in some journals with high impact value.

اقرأ المزيد
460 تقييمات
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
العلاج الكيميائي $1800 - $7000
زراعة الكبد $80000 - $85000
استبدال صمام القلب $28000
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية
Omur Gunaldi
جراح أعصاب
23سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
21 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Valued Med Hub Hospitals

Omur Gunaldi

جراح أعصاب
23سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Dr Önul is FROM THE BEST DOCTORS in the field of Endoscopic skull base surgery and pituitary surgery Brain tumor surgery (Neuro Oncological surgery)

I was born in Artvin in 1977. He became a doctor from KTU Faculty of Medicine in 2001, and Bakırköy Prof. Dr. I became a Neurosurgery Specialist by getting the title of specialist from Mazhar Osman Mental Health and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital. Again, in the same hospital, I was entitled to the title of associate professor in 2016. I continue to work at Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital, where I voluntarily joined with the task of establishing the Neurosurgery Clinic with my teammates. I am married and have 2 children. I love painting. I am very interested in children's literature. I have 10 printed children's tales

اقرأ المزيد

Dr Önul is FROM THE BEST DOCTORS in the field of Endoscopic skull base surgery and pituitary surgery Brain tumor surgery (Neuro Oncological surgery)

I was born in Artvin in 1977. He became a doctor from KTU Faculty of Medicine in 2001, and Bakırköy Prof. Dr. I became a Neurosurgery Specialist by getting the title of specialist from Mazhar Osman Mental Health and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital. Again, in the same hospital, I was entitled to the title of associate professor in 2016. I continue to work at Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital, where I voluntarily joined with the task of establishing the Neurosurgery Clinic with my teammates. I am married and have 2 children. I love painting. I am very interested in children's literature. I have 10 printed children's tales

اقرأ المزيد