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كل البلدان
اختر مدينة

العلاج في إسطنبول (تركيا)

يلبي المحتوى سياسة التحرير Bookimed ويتم مراجعتها طبياً من قبل
فهد مولود - طبيب عام. حاصل على 4 جوائز علمية. خدم في غرب آسيا. رئيس الفريق الطبي الناطق بالعربية سابقا ومسؤول عن معالجة البيانات ودقة المحتوى الطبي حاليا.
Mehmet Hanifi Kutlar
11سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
4 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Istanbul EsteCapelli Clinic Medical Solutions

Mehmet Hanifi Kutlar

11سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
محمد حنيفي كوتلار هو المدير الطبي ومدير السياحة الصحية ورجل الأعمال المولود عام 1988 في اسطنبول. حصل على بكالوريوس في الأحياء من تركيا وتلقى تعليمًا طبيًا في الخارج. أسس شركتين وله مبادرات نشطة في الشرق الأوسط والبلقان وأوروبا والقارة الأفريقية.اقرأ المزيد
محمد حنيفي كوتلار هو المدير الطبي ومدير السياحة الصحية ورجل الأعمال المولود عام 1988 في اسطنبول. حصل على بكالوريوس في الأحياء من تركيا وتلقى تعليمًا طبيًا في الخارج. أسس شركتين وله مبادرات نشطة في الشرق الأوسط والبلقان وأوروبا والقارة الأفريقية.
اقرأ المزيد
صور قبل وبعد
4 تقييمات
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
جراحة الأذن (انظر. تجميل الأذن) $3200 - $3600
جراحة الأنف (انظر عملية تجميل الأنف) $4849 - $5281
شد البطن $5307 - $5416
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية
Turhan Caskurlu
32سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
44 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Memorial Ataşehir Hospital

Turhan Caskurlu

32سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
  • 2017 - Currently, İstanbul/İstanbul/Turkey
    Urology Specialist
  • 2012 - Currently, İstanbul/İstanbul/Turkey
    Urology - Head of Department
  • 2010 - 2012, İstanbul/İstanbul/Turkey
    Chief Physician
  • 2010 - 2012, İstanbul/İstanbul/Turkey
    Urology Department - Lecturer of Department
  • 2005 - 2012, İstanbul/İstanbul/Turkey
    Urology Clinic Director
  • 1999 - 2005, İstanbul/İstanbul/Turkey
    Urology Clinic Assistant Director
  • 1992 - 1998, İstanbul/İstanbul/Turkey
    Urology Clinic Head Assisstant
اقرأ المزيد
  • 2017 - Currently, İstanbul/İstanbul/Turkey
    Urology Specialist
  • 2012 - Currently, İstanbul/İstanbul/Turkey
    Urology - Head of Department
  • 2010 - 2012, İstanbul/İstanbul/Turkey
    Chief Physician
  • 2010 - 2012, İstanbul/İstanbul/Turkey
    Urology Department - Lecturer of Department
  • 2005 - 2012, İstanbul/İstanbul/Turkey
    Urology Clinic Director
  • 1999 - 2005, İstanbul/İstanbul/Turkey
    Urology Clinic Assistant Director
  • 1992 - 1998, İstanbul/İstanbul/Turkey
    Urology Clinic Head Assisstant
اقرأ المزيد
44 تقييمات
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
جراحة رفع الثدي $3300 - $4200
جراحة الوجه (انظر. جراحة شد الوجه) $4500
شفط الدهون $1500 - $2000
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية
Yavuz Özsular
15سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Dr. Yavuz Ozsular's Private Practice

Yavuz Özsular

15سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

دكتور حاصل على 8 سنوات من التعليم الطبي من جامعة غازي عنتاب ، تركيا و 5 سنوات من الإقامة في الجراحة التجميلية والترميمية من جامعة يوزونكو يل ، تركيا. عمل كطبيب أسرة ومدير مساعد لمدة 4 سنوات ومارس الجراحة التجميلية خلال فترة الإقامة. عضو في TPRCD و TTB و EPCD و ISAPS.

اقرأ المزيد

دكتور حاصل على 8 سنوات من التعليم الطبي من جامعة غازي عنتاب ، تركيا و 5 سنوات من الإقامة في الجراحة التجميلية والترميمية من جامعة يوزونكو يل ، تركيا. عمل كطبيب أسرة ومدير مساعد لمدة 4 سنوات ومارس الجراحة التجميلية خلال فترة الإقامة. عضو في TPRCD و TTB و EPCD و ISAPS.

اقرأ المزيد
Bekir Tugcu
31سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
29 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Valued Med Hub Hospitals

Bekir Tugcu

31سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
الدكتور بكير توجكو هو أخصائي في جراحة المخ والأعصاب، بدأ مسيرته المهنية في عام 1993 وحصل على درجة الأستاذية في جراحة الأعصاب في عام 2020. لديه خبرة في مجالات مختلفة بما في ذلك جراحة المخ والأعصاب العامة، وجراحة الصرع والشلل الرعاش، وجراحة الأوعية الدموية العصبية. كما يقدم أيضاً جراحة التحفيز العميق للدماغ (DBS).اقرأ المزيد
الدكتور بكير توجكو هو أخصائي في جراحة المخ والأعصاب، بدأ مسيرته المهنية في عام 1993 وحصل على درجة الأستاذية في جراحة الأعصاب في عام 2020. لديه خبرة في مجالات مختلفة بما في ذلك جراحة المخ والأعصاب العامة، وجراحة الصرع والشلل الرعاش، وجراحة الأوعية الدموية العصبية. كما يقدم أيضاً جراحة التحفيز العميق للدماغ (DBS).
اقرأ المزيد
Professor Onur Yaman
23سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
50 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
NP Istanbul Brain Hospital

Professor Onur Yaman

23سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Prof. Dr. Onur YAMAN was born in Germany in 1976. In 2001, he graduated from Ege University Faculty of Medicine. In 2009, he received his specialization in Neurosurgery from Celal Bayar University. Between 2009-2011, he worked as a Neurosurgeon at Muş State Hospital and Rize Training and Research Hospital. Between 2011-2013, he worked at Tepecik Training and Research Hospital. Between 2013-2014, he worked at Ankara Spine Center. Between 2014-2018, he worked at Koç University Hospital Spine Center and received the title of associate professor in 2015. Between 2018-2024, he worked at Memorial Hospitals Group's Spine Center and was awarded the title of professor in 2021. Between 2023-2024, he worked as an instructor at Arel University Faculty of Medicine. Since 2024, he has been working at NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital and at the same time he is an instructor at Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine.

Prof. Dr. Onur YAMAN is the president of the Middle East Spine Society since 2022. In addition, he is active in many professional associations.

He has made numerous oral presentations at international and national congresses and has edited books and book chapters published in many international and national publishing houses.

اقرأ المزيد

Prof. Dr. Onur YAMAN was born in Germany in 1976. In 2001, he graduated from Ege University Faculty of Medicine. In 2009, he received his specialization in Neurosurgery from Celal Bayar University. Between 2009-2011, he worked as a Neurosurgeon at Muş State Hospital and Rize Training and Research Hospital. Between 2011-2013, he worked at Tepecik Training and Research Hospital. Between 2013-2014, he worked at Ankara Spine Center. Between 2014-2018, he worked at Koç University Hospital Spine Center and received the title of associate professor in 2015. Between 2018-2024, he worked at Memorial Hospitals Group's Spine Center and was awarded the title of professor in 2021. Between 2023-2024, he worked as an instructor at Arel University Faculty of Medicine. Since 2024, he has been working at NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital and at the same time he is an instructor at Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine.

Prof. Dr. Onur YAMAN is the president of the Middle East Spine Society since 2022. In addition, he is active in many professional associations.

He has made numerous oral presentations at international and national congresses and has edited books and book chapters published in many international and national publishing houses.

اقرأ المزيد
Alptekin Cetin
18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
50 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
NP Istanbul Brain Hospital

Alptekin Cetin

18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

He was born on 12.03.1982. She completed her undergraduate and graduate studies at Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 2006 and her PhD program in Mental Health at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2011.


Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine / 2006

Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine / Master's Degree

Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine / Mental Health Doctorate Program

اقرأ المزيد

He was born on 12.03.1982. She completed her undergraduate and graduate studies at Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 2006 and her PhD program in Mental Health at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2011.


Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine / 2006

Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine / Master's Degree

Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine / Mental Health Doctorate Program

اقرأ المزيد
Bahruz Shukurov
10سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
50 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
NP Istanbul Brain Hospital

Bahruz Shukurov

10سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

He was born in 1987 in Azerbaijan. In 2004, he graduated from Goranboy School No. 39. In 2006-2007 he served in the army for 18 months in the regiment No. 112 of the Ministry of Defense in Baku. In 2014, he graduated from Azerbaijan Medical University and received the title of Doctor of Medicine. In 2014, he successfully passed the Medical Language Exam conducted by ÖSYM and in 2015, he successfully passed the Medical Doctorate Placement Exam conducted by ÖSYM. In 2016, he resigned from his General Surgery residency in Azerbaijan and started his Adult Psychiatry Specialization training at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Department of Adult Mental Health and Diseases, which he won in the Medical Specialization Examination held by ÖSYM in the same year, and became an expert in 2020 with his thesis titled 'Body Image Disorder in Borderline Personality Disorder Patients'.

Her scientific interests include psychoanalytic and mindfulness-based therapies, anxiety disorders, substance, gambling and other behavioral addictions.

اقرأ المزيد

He was born in 1987 in Azerbaijan. In 2004, he graduated from Goranboy School No. 39. In 2006-2007 he served in the army for 18 months in the regiment No. 112 of the Ministry of Defense in Baku. In 2014, he graduated from Azerbaijan Medical University and received the title of Doctor of Medicine. In 2014, he successfully passed the Medical Language Exam conducted by ÖSYM and in 2015, he successfully passed the Medical Doctorate Placement Exam conducted by ÖSYM. In 2016, he resigned from his General Surgery residency in Azerbaijan and started his Adult Psychiatry Specialization training at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Department of Adult Mental Health and Diseases, which he won in the Medical Specialization Examination held by ÖSYM in the same year, and became an expert in 2020 with his thesis titled 'Body Image Disorder in Borderline Personality Disorder Patients'.

Her scientific interests include psychoanalytic and mindfulness-based therapies, anxiety disorders, substance, gambling and other behavioral addictions.

اقرأ المزيد
Celal Salcini
28سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
50 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
NP Istanbul Brain Hospital

Celal Salcini

28سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

He was born in 1978 in Prizren (Kosovo). After graduating from "Prizren Science High School" in 1996, he started his education at Pristina University Faculty of Medicine in 1996 and graduated from Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine between 1999-2005. Between 2006-2011, he completed his specialty training in Neurology at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology. During her training, she was especially interested in electrophysiology, dementias and movement disorders. Between 2012-2013, she worked as a lecturer at Üsküdar University. Since 2013, she has been working as a Neurology specialist at NPIstanbul Brain Hospital. She has ongoing scientific studies in the field of neurology. He speaks fluent English, Serbian and Bosnian. In his free time, he is engaged in classical Turkish music.


  • Bilateral Thalamic Anaplastic Glioma: Case Report. Ibrahim Sun, Celal Salcini , Ayca Sun, Baran Yılmaz, Kadriye Agan. Marmara Medical Journal 2008, Volume 21, Issue 3, Page(s) 257-260
  • Electrophysiology and Pathology Findings in a Case of Lafora. Ağan K, Erbaş B, Şalçini C, Uluç K, Günal D, Aktan S. 42nd National Neurology Congress, 2006
  • Tumefactive MS: A Case Report. Deniz Borucu, Celal Şalçini, Betül Özdilek, Kayıhan Uluç, Neşe Tuncer Elmacı, Dilek İnce Günal. 43rd National Neurology Congress, 2007
  • Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease; Case Report with Radiologic and CSF Findings. Orhan Yılmaz, Celal Şalçini, Mesrure Köseoğlu, Kayıhan Uluç, İpek Midi, Neşe Tuncer,Önder Us, 43rd National Neurology Congress, 2007
  • A Case of Tardive Dystonia Secondary to Low Dose Risperidone. Celal Şalçini, Kadriye Ağan, Dilek İnce Günal, 8th National Parkinson and Movement Disorders Congress, 2009
  • Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in a Patient With Schizoaffective Disorder Manic Episode. Gökben Hızlı Sayar, Celal Salcini, Ali Bayram, Gaye Kağan, Nevzat Tarhan, 2012
  • Chapter XVI "SPINAL CORD DISEASES" of Merrit's Neurology Handbook, p:493-502 Uz.Dr. Kayıhan Uluç, Dr. Celal Şalçini, Translation editor O. Doğu, Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri, ISBN No: 978-975-277-207-6, Ankara 2009
  • Neurophysiologic Approach to the Complex Organization in Spine: A study on F-wave duration and Cutaneous Silent Period in Primary Restless Legs Patients, İşak B., Uluç K., Şalçini C., Clinical Neuorphysyology, 2010
اقرأ المزيد

He was born in 1978 in Prizren (Kosovo). After graduating from "Prizren Science High School" in 1996, he started his education at Pristina University Faculty of Medicine in 1996 and graduated from Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine between 1999-2005. Between 2006-2011, he completed his specialty training in Neurology at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology. During her training, she was especially interested in electrophysiology, dementias and movement disorders. Between 2012-2013, she worked as a lecturer at Üsküdar University. Since 2013, she has been working as a Neurology specialist at NPIstanbul Brain Hospital. She has ongoing scientific studies in the field of neurology. He speaks fluent English, Serbian and Bosnian. In his free time, he is engaged in classical Turkish music.


  • Bilateral Thalamic Anaplastic Glioma: Case Report. Ibrahim Sun, Celal Salcini , Ayca Sun, Baran Yılmaz, Kadriye Agan. Marmara Medical Journal 2008, Volume 21, Issue 3, Page(s) 257-260
  • Electrophysiology and Pathology Findings in a Case of Lafora. Ağan K, Erbaş B, Şalçini C, Uluç K, Günal D, Aktan S. 42nd National Neurology Congress, 2006
  • Tumefactive MS: A Case Report. Deniz Borucu, Celal Şalçini, Betül Özdilek, Kayıhan Uluç, Neşe Tuncer Elmacı, Dilek İnce Günal. 43rd National Neurology Congress, 2007
  • Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease; Case Report with Radiologic and CSF Findings. Orhan Yılmaz, Celal Şalçini, Mesrure Köseoğlu, Kayıhan Uluç, İpek Midi, Neşe Tuncer,Önder Us, 43rd National Neurology Congress, 2007
  • A Case of Tardive Dystonia Secondary to Low Dose Risperidone. Celal Şalçini, Kadriye Ağan, Dilek İnce Günal, 8th National Parkinson and Movement Disorders Congress, 2009
  • Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in a Patient With Schizoaffective Disorder Manic Episode. Gökben Hızlı Sayar, Celal Salcini, Ali Bayram, Gaye Kağan, Nevzat Tarhan, 2012
  • Chapter XVI "SPINAL CORD DISEASES" of Merrit's Neurology Handbook, p:493-502 Uz.Dr. Kayıhan Uluç, Dr. Celal Şalçini, Translation editor O. Doğu, Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri, ISBN No: 978-975-277-207-6, Ankara 2009
  • Neurophysiologic Approach to the Complex Organization in Spine: A study on F-wave duration and Cutaneous Silent Period in Primary Restless Legs Patients, İşak B., Uluç K., Şalçini C., Clinical Neuorphysyology, 2010
اقرأ المزيد
Ceylan Ergul Arslan
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
50 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
NP Istanbul Brain Hospital

Ceylan Ergul Arslan

14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

She was born in Istanbul in 1986. He graduated from Üsküdar American High School in 2004. In 2010, she graduated from Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine and received the title of doctor of medicine. In 2011, he started his specialty training at Istanbul Medical Faculty, Department of Mental Health and Diseases and became a psychiatry specialist in 2016. He fulfilled his state service obligation at Diyarbakır Bismil State Hospital. In 2020, he started his doctoral studies on the epidemiology of psychosis at Maastricht University School of Mental Health and Neuroscience in the Netherlands and is still continuing. In 2021, she started working as a psychiatry specialist at NPISTANBUL AMATEM department. In 2023, she was awarded the title of associate professor in psychiatry. Dr. Ceylan Ergül continues to work as an associate professor at Üsküdar University Department of Mental Health and Diseases and continues her research in the fields of addiction and psychosis.

اقرأ المزيد

She was born in Istanbul in 1986. He graduated from Üsküdar American High School in 2004. In 2010, she graduated from Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine and received the title of doctor of medicine. In 2011, he started his specialty training at Istanbul Medical Faculty, Department of Mental Health and Diseases and became a psychiatry specialist in 2016. He fulfilled his state service obligation at Diyarbakır Bismil State Hospital. In 2020, he started his doctoral studies on the epidemiology of psychosis at Maastricht University School of Mental Health and Neuroscience in the Netherlands and is still continuing. In 2021, she started working as a psychiatry specialist at NPISTANBUL AMATEM department. In 2023, she was awarded the title of associate professor in psychiatry. Dr. Ceylan Ergül continues to work as an associate professor at Üsküdar University Department of Mental Health and Diseases and continues her research in the fields of addiction and psychosis.

اقرأ المزيد
Tamer Tekin
17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Dr. Tamer Tekin Practice in Göztepe City Hospital

Tamer Tekin

17سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
أنا جراح أعصاب تخرجت من كلية الطب العسكري في جولهان عام 1999. لدي اهتمام خاص بصدمات العمود الفقري ، وأمراض العمود الفقري التنكسية ، وجراحة العمود الفقري طفيفة التوغل ، واستئصال القرص بالليزر ، وحقن العمود الفقري ، ورأب الحدبة ، واستبدال القرص ، وإعادة بناء العمود الفقري ، وأورام العمود الفقري والعمود الفقري الالتهابات. في أوقات فراغي ، أستمتع بالجري وركوب الدراجات وقراءة التاريخ وقضاء الوقت مع عائلتي.اقرأ المزيد
أنا جراح أعصاب تخرجت من كلية الطب العسكري في جولهان عام 1999. لدي اهتمام خاص بصدمات العمود الفقري ، وأمراض العمود الفقري التنكسية ، وجراحة العمود الفقري طفيفة التوغل ، واستئصال القرص بالليزر ، وحقن العمود الفقري ، ورأب الحدبة ، واستبدال القرص ، وإعادة بناء العمود الفقري ، وأورام العمود الفقري والعمود الفقري الالتهابات. في أوقات فراغي ، أستمتع بالجري وركوب الدراجات وقراءة التاريخ وقضاء الوقت مع عائلتي.
اقرأ المزيد
Gul Eryilmaz
25سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
50 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
NP Istanbul Brain Hospital

Gul Eryilmaz

25سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

She graduated from Ankara Başkent High School in 1992 and Gazi University Faculty of Medicine in 1999. She completed her specialty training at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and became a psychiatry specialist in 2005.

She has received Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Group Supervision training; Level I and II Family Therapies Training; Cognitive Psychotherapy Training; Family and Relationship Therapies Training and has articles published in local and foreign journals. Her field of interest is family and relationship therapies.

اقرأ المزيد

She graduated from Ankara Başkent High School in 1992 and Gazi University Faculty of Medicine in 1999. She completed her specialty training at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and became a psychiatry specialist in 2005.

She has received Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Group Supervision training; Level I and II Family Therapies Training; Cognitive Psychotherapy Training; Family and Relationship Therapies Training and has articles published in local and foreign journals. Her field of interest is family and relationship therapies.

اقرأ المزيد
Cemal Onur Noyan
23سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
50 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
NP Istanbul Brain Hospital

Cemal Onur Noyan

23سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

He was born in 1977 in Edirne/Keşan. He graduated from Kuleli Military High School in 1995 and GATA Faculty of Medicine in 2001. He worked as a general practitioner in Kütahya between 2001-2004. He completed his psychiatry specialty training at GATA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital between 2004-2008. He worked as a psychiatry specialist at Gümüşsuyu Military Hospital Balmumcu Dispensary between 2008 and 2012 and at Diyarbakır Military Hospital between 2012 and 2013. In 2013, he voluntarily left his duty in TAF and started working at Neuropsychiatry Istanbul Hospital.

He did his thesis on "The Relationship between Temperament and Character Traits and Decision Making Processes in Patients with Antisocial Personality Disorder". She completed her training in 'Cognitive Behavioral Therapy', 'Hypnotherapy' and 'Sexual Dysfunctions'. She is interested in mood disorders, addiction, sexual dysfunctions and cognitive behavioral therapies.

اقرأ المزيد

He was born in 1977 in Edirne/Keşan. He graduated from Kuleli Military High School in 1995 and GATA Faculty of Medicine in 2001. He worked as a general practitioner in Kütahya between 2001-2004. He completed his psychiatry specialty training at GATA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital between 2004-2008. He worked as a psychiatry specialist at Gümüşsuyu Military Hospital Balmumcu Dispensary between 2008 and 2012 and at Diyarbakır Military Hospital between 2012 and 2013. In 2013, he voluntarily left his duty in TAF and started working at Neuropsychiatry Istanbul Hospital.

He did his thesis on "The Relationship between Temperament and Character Traits and Decision Making Processes in Patients with Antisocial Personality Disorder". She completed her training in 'Cognitive Behavioral Therapy', 'Hypnotherapy' and 'Sexual Dysfunctions'. She is interested in mood disorders, addiction, sexual dysfunctions and cognitive behavioral therapies.

اقرأ المزيد
Yigit Emrah Kurt
20سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
5 تقييمات
تركيا, إسطنبول
Hospitadent Dental Group - Mecidiyeköy Clinic

Yigit Emrah Kurt

20سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
الدكتور يغيت إمره كورت هو كبير أطباء الأسنان المخضرم والمدير المتخصص في تشخيص الفم وطب الأسنان التجميلي والتعويضات السنية وعلاجات طب الأسنان الرقمي. يتمتع بسجل حافل في إجراء العديد من علاجات تشخيص الفم وزراعة الأسنان والعلاجات التجميلية وعمليات تبييض الأسنان. وهو أيضاً محاضر معتمد ومرتبط بالجمعية التركية لزراعة الأسنان.اقرأ المزيد
الدكتور يغيت إمره كورت هو كبير أطباء الأسنان المخضرم والمدير المتخصص في تشخيص الفم وطب الأسنان التجميلي والتعويضات السنية وعلاجات طب الأسنان الرقمي. يتمتع بسجل حافل في إجراء العديد من علاجات تشخيص الفم وزراعة الأسنان والعلاجات التجميلية وعمليات تبييض الأسنان. وهو أيضاً محاضر معتمد ومرتبط بالجمعية التركية لزراعة الأسنان.
اقرأ المزيد
صور قبل وبعد
Özgür Ağlamış
19سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
2 تقييم
تركيا, إسطنبول
Dr. Özgür Ağlamış's Private Practice

Özgür Ağlamış

19سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

الدكتورة أوزغور أغلاميس هي طبيبة نسائية وتجميل حاصلة على شهادة البورد الأمريكي ومتخصصة في تجديد شباب المهبل وعلاجات التشنج المهبلي ، وقد تخرجت من جامعة غازي في أنقرة وأكملت تخصصًا في مستشفى زكاي طاهر بوراك للتدريب الصحي للمرأة والبحوث. يتمتع الدكتور أغلاميش بالخبرة في كل من البروتوكولات الجراحية وغير الجراحية ويتحدث الإنجليزية بطلاقة.

اقرأ المزيد

الدكتورة أوزغور أغلاميس هي طبيبة نسائية وتجميل حاصلة على شهادة البورد الأمريكي ومتخصصة في تجديد شباب المهبل وعلاجات التشنج المهبلي ، وقد تخرجت من جامعة غازي في أنقرة وأكملت تخصصًا في مستشفى زكاي طاهر بوراك للتدريب الصحي للمرأة والبحوث. يتمتع الدكتور أغلاميش بالخبرة في كل من البروتوكولات الجراحية وغير الجراحية ويتحدث الإنجليزية بطلاقة.

اقرأ المزيد
صور قبل وبعد
2 تقييم
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
شفط الدهون $700 - $1500
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية
Baris Cin
14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول

Baris Cin

14سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
الدكتور باريس سين هو جراح تجميل متميز يتمتع بخبرة في العلاجات التجميلية ومجموعة متنوعة من العمليات الجراحية بما في ذلك رأب الغمازات وشد المؤخرة البرازيلي وتكبير الثدي وشد الوجه وشفط الدهون وشد البطن وتجميل الأنف وغيرها. وهو معروف بتقنياته المبتكرة ونهجه الذي يركز على المريض والتزامه بسلامة المريض ورضاه.اقرأ المزيد
الدكتور باريس سين هو جراح تجميل متميز يتمتع بخبرة في العلاجات التجميلية ومجموعة متنوعة من العمليات الجراحية بما في ذلك رأب الغمازات وشد المؤخرة البرازيلي وتكبير الثدي وشد الوجه وشفط الدهون وشد البطن وتجميل الأنف وغيرها. وهو معروف بتقنياته المبتكرة ونهجه الذي يركز على المريض والتزامه بسلامة المريض ورضاه.
اقرأ المزيد
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
شفط الدهون $878.54 - $3843.6
جراحة الأذن (انظر. تجميل الأذن) $2415.98 - $2635.61
جراحة رفع الثدي $3074.88 - $3239.61
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية
Baris Avsar
23سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
2 تقييم
تركيا, إسطنبول
Büyük Anadolu Hospitals

Baris Avsar

23سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


  • - Nose Aesthetics (Rhinoplasty)
  • - Sleep Apnea Surgeries
  • - Otoplasty Surgeries
  • - Functional Nose (Nose Breathing) Surgeries
  • - Ear and Ear Tube Surgeries (Timpanoplasty)
  • - Tonsil and Adenoid Surgeries
  • - Filling, Botox, PRP, Mesotherapy
  • - Head and Neck Tumor Surgery
  • - Vocal Cord Operations
  • - Endoscopic Sinus Surgeries


  • - Eskişehir Yunus Emre state hospital 2007 - 2009
  • - Trabzon Bayram Halil State Hospital 2009 - 2010
  • - Trabzon Private Black Sea Hospital 2011 - 2014
  • - Zonguldak Ereğli Anadolu hospital 2015 - 2018
  • - Zonguldak Ereğli Echomar hospital 2018 - 2020
  • - Eskişehir Private Gürlife Hospital 2020 - 2022
  • - Turgutlu Private Egeumut Hospital 2022 - 2023
  • - Trabzon Medical Park
  • - Izmir Metropol Hospital


  • - Ankara university
  • - Vocational Trainings, Courses and Conferences Attended
  • - Evaluations of nasal airway
  • - Rhinocamp winter davos best work award
  • - Professional Memberships
  • - TTB Foundation
اقرأ المزيد


  • - Nose Aesthetics (Rhinoplasty)
  • - Sleep Apnea Surgeries
  • - Otoplasty Surgeries
  • - Functional Nose (Nose Breathing) Surgeries
  • - Ear and Ear Tube Surgeries (Timpanoplasty)
  • - Tonsil and Adenoid Surgeries
  • - Filling, Botox, PRP, Mesotherapy
  • - Head and Neck Tumor Surgery
  • - Vocal Cord Operations
  • - Endoscopic Sinus Surgeries


  • - Eskişehir Yunus Emre state hospital 2007 - 2009
  • - Trabzon Bayram Halil State Hospital 2009 - 2010
  • - Trabzon Private Black Sea Hospital 2011 - 2014
  • - Zonguldak Ereğli Anadolu hospital 2015 - 2018
  • - Zonguldak Ereğli Echomar hospital 2018 - 2020
  • - Eskişehir Private Gürlife Hospital 2020 - 2022
  • - Turgutlu Private Egeumut Hospital 2022 - 2023
  • - Trabzon Medical Park
  • - Izmir Metropol Hospital


  • - Ankara university
  • - Vocational Trainings, Courses and Conferences Attended
  • - Evaluations of nasal airway
  • - Rhinocamp winter davos best work award
  • - Professional Memberships
  • - TTB Foundation
اقرأ المزيد
صور قبل وبعد
Tahir Mehmed Tahir
11سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Dr. Tahir Mehmed Tahir Clinic

Tahir Mehmed Tahir

11سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

يعمل الدكتور سوهو في عيادة هيلث بوينت في نيشانتاشي ، اسطنبول ، منذ عام 2022 ، وعمل سابقًا في Esteworld Clinic (2018-2022) ، وعيادات Hekimler (2016-2016) ، وعيادة Caner Duvacı للأسنان (2014-2016) ، وعيادة باسدنت لطب الأسنان (2013-2014). حصل على شهادته في طب الأسنان من جامعة غازي في أنقرة عام 2013 وتخرج من مدرسة فيسيل ليفسكي الثانوية في بلغاريا عام 2006.

اقرأ المزيد

يعمل الدكتور سوهو في عيادة هيلث بوينت في نيشانتاشي ، اسطنبول ، منذ عام 2022 ، وعمل سابقًا في Esteworld Clinic (2018-2022) ، وعيادات Hekimler (2016-2016) ، وعيادة Caner Duvacı للأسنان (2014-2016) ، وعيادة باسدنت لطب الأسنان (2013-2014). حصل على شهادته في طب الأسنان من جامعة غازي في أنقرة عام 2013 وتخرج من مدرسة فيسيل ليفسكي الثانوية في بلغاريا عام 2006.

اقرأ المزيد
صور قبل وبعد
Umran Muslu
18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
1 تقييم
تركيا, إسطنبول
Aktif International Hospitals

Umran Muslu

18سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
Dr. Umran Muslu is a specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. He provides a wide range of operations, including Breast lift, Tummy tuck, Mammoplasty, Body Jet liposuction, Facelift surgery, Liposuction, and more. Dr. Muslu has contributed to international and national peer-reviewed journals and participated in various courses and workshops related to his field.اقرأ المزيد
Dr. Umran Muslu is a specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. He provides a wide range of operations, including Breast lift, Tummy tuck, Mammoplasty, Body Jet liposuction, Facelift surgery, Liposuction, and more. Dr. Muslu has contributed to international and national peer-reviewed journals and participated in various courses and workshops related to his field.
اقرأ المزيد
صور قبل وبعد
1 تقييم
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
شفط الدهون $4941.77
جراحة الأنف (انظر عملية تجميل الأنف) $5051.59
جراحة الوجه (انظر. جراحة شد الوجه) $5490.86
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية
Ali Gokkaya
16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Gen-O Time Premium Clinic

Ali Gokkaya

16سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
الدكتور علي جوكايا هو جراح تجميل وترميم مشهور لديه مجموعة واسعة من العمليات الجراحية مثل شد الوجه وشد البطن وتجميل الساقين وعمليات إزالة الزيوت وجراحة الوجه والفكين والجراحة المجهرية وجراحة اليد. وقد قدم أعماله في مؤتمرات وطنية وساهم في العديد من المنشورات العلمية.اقرأ المزيد
الدكتور علي جوكايا هو جراح تجميل وترميم مشهور لديه مجموعة واسعة من العمليات الجراحية مثل شد الوجه وشد البطن وتجميل الساقين وعمليات إزالة الزيوت وجراحة الوجه والفكين والجراحة المجهرية وجراحة اليد. وقد قدم أعماله في مؤتمرات وطنية وساهم في العديد من المنشورات العلمية.
اقرأ المزيد
Esra Ozbasli
21سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra Özbaşlı OBGYN & Genital Aesthetics

Esra Ozbasli

21سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

I am Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra Ozbasli, a board-certified OB-GYN and Genital Cosmetic Surgeon with over 21 years of experience. My dedication to excellence and patient satisfaction has established our clinic as a trusted destination for women’s health and aesthetic procedures in Nişantaşı, heart of Istanbul.I received my medical degree from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, followed by specialized training in obstetrics and gynecology at Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Women and Children Diseases Training and Research Hospital. After working as an academician at Acıbadem University for 12 years, I became an associate professor there by exhibiting my scientific articles in many respected international scientific journals published in Pubmed. During this period, I trained many medical students and OBGYN specialist colleagues in the field of genital aesthetics surgery, urogyneacology. My advanced training in genital cosmetic surgery provided me with expertise in the latest techniques for enhancing and restoring female genital aesthetics and function. I hold certifications in Genital Aesthetics and Cosmetic Gynecology (Vaginal Rejuvenation), Certificate of da Vinci System Training as a Console Surgeon (since 2013) and the ECFMG certificate for foreign medical graduates. Additionally, I possess advanced-level English proficiency (TOEFL score 600 in 2003), ensuring clear communication with international patients. I have completed an observership in New York University in 2005. 


Specialized Services:

 • Genital Cosmetic Surgery: Labioplasty, hudoplasty, vaginoplasty, lipofilling, PRP therapy, hyaluronic acid filling, hymenoplasty, labia majora plasty, vulvar whitening, G-shot, O-shot, treatment of atrophic vagina, lichen sclerosis, and vaginal laxity.

 • Minimally Invasive Surgery: Laparoscopy, robotic surgery, hysteroscopy for fibroids, endometrioma, endometrial polyps, ovarian cysts, tubal ligation, intrauterine septum resection, abnormal vaginal bleeding, and hysterectomy.

 • Menopause Treatment: Bioidentical hormone therapy for managing menopausal symptoms, mezotherapy and laser for atrophic vagina.

•Urinary incontinence treatment: Sling operations (TOT), hyaluronic acid filling, laser treatments.

• Cervical Dysplasia Diagnosis and Treatment: Co-test, PAP-smear, colposcopy guided biopsy and LEEP conization.


International Patient Services: 

We offer a package service for our foreign patients that includes: 

• Arrangements for flights and hotel stays • Pick-up service from the airport and hotel • Assistance throughout your stay to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience • Sightseeing of Istanbul before the surgery if requested


Why Choose Us: 

• Expertise: With over two decades of specialized experience, I offer advanced surgical techniques and personalized care. 

• Innovation: Utilizing the latest technology in minimally invasive and cosmetic procedures to ensure optimal results.

 • Quality Care: I perform my surgeries in A-class hospitals equipped with advanced technological surgical devices. 

• Compassion: Committed to providing a comfortable, supportive, and private environment for all patients. 

اقرأ المزيد

I am Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra Ozbasli, a board-certified OB-GYN and Genital Cosmetic Surgeon with over 21 years of experience. My dedication to excellence and patient satisfaction has established our clinic as a trusted destination for women’s health and aesthetic procedures in Nişantaşı, heart of Istanbul.I received my medical degree from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, followed by specialized training in obstetrics and gynecology at Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Women and Children Diseases Training and Research Hospital. After working as an academician at Acıbadem University for 12 years, I became an associate professor there by exhibiting my scientific articles in many respected international scientific journals published in Pubmed. During this period, I trained many medical students and OBGYN specialist colleagues in the field of genital aesthetics surgery, urogyneacology. My advanced training in genital cosmetic surgery provided me with expertise in the latest techniques for enhancing and restoring female genital aesthetics and function. I hold certifications in Genital Aesthetics and Cosmetic Gynecology (Vaginal Rejuvenation), Certificate of da Vinci System Training as a Console Surgeon (since 2013) and the ECFMG certificate for foreign medical graduates. Additionally, I possess advanced-level English proficiency (TOEFL score 600 in 2003), ensuring clear communication with international patients. I have completed an observership in New York University in 2005. 


Specialized Services:

 • Genital Cosmetic Surgery: Labioplasty, hudoplasty, vaginoplasty, lipofilling, PRP therapy, hyaluronic acid filling, hymenoplasty, labia majora plasty, vulvar whitening, G-shot, O-shot, treatment of atrophic vagina, lichen sclerosis, and vaginal laxity.

 • Minimally Invasive Surgery: Laparoscopy, robotic surgery, hysteroscopy for fibroids, endometrioma, endometrial polyps, ovarian cysts, tubal ligation, intrauterine septum resection, abnormal vaginal bleeding, and hysterectomy.

 • Menopause Treatment: Bioidentical hormone therapy for managing menopausal symptoms, mezotherapy and laser for atrophic vagina.

•Urinary incontinence treatment: Sling operations (TOT), hyaluronic acid filling, laser treatments.

• Cervical Dysplasia Diagnosis and Treatment: Co-test, PAP-smear, colposcopy guided biopsy and LEEP conization.


International Patient Services: 

We offer a package service for our foreign patients that includes: 

• Arrangements for flights and hotel stays • Pick-up service from the airport and hotel • Assistance throughout your stay to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience • Sightseeing of Istanbul before the surgery if requested


Why Choose Us: 

• Expertise: With over two decades of specialized experience, I offer advanced surgical techniques and personalized care. 

• Innovation: Utilizing the latest technology in minimally invasive and cosmetic procedures to ensure optimal results.

 • Quality Care: I perform my surgeries in A-class hospitals equipped with advanced technological surgical devices. 

• Compassion: Committed to providing a comfortable, supportive, and private environment for all patients. 

اقرأ المزيد
صور قبل وبعد
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب السعر عند الطلب
استئصال الورم العضلي (إزالة الأورام الليفية الرحمية) $2415.98 - $4392.69
المزيد من الطرق العلاجية