السكتة الدماغية في النخاع الشوكي
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السكتة الدماغية في النخاع الشوكي
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أفضل السكتة الدماغية في النخاع الشوكي أطباء الأعصاب في إسطنبول - توب -2 طبيبين

يلبي المحتوى سياسة التحرير Bookimed ويتم مراجعتها طبياً من قبل
فهد مولود - طبيب عام. حاصل على 4 جوائز علمية. خدم في غرب آسيا. رئيس الفريق الطبي الناطق بالعربية سابقا ومسؤول عن معالجة البيانات ودقة المحتوى الطبي حاليا.
Halil Can
طبيب أعصاب
29سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
تركيا, إسطنبول
Atlas University Medicine Hospital

Halil Can

طبيب أعصاب
29سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

2002-2007 Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Department of Brain and Nerve Surgery

1988-1995 Trakya University Faculty of Medicine


2015- Atlas University Medicine Hospital

2014-2015 Private Pendik Yüzyıl Hospital Brain and Neurosurgery Clinic

2009-2014 Medicine Hospital Brain and Neurosurgery Clinic

2009-2009 Nisa Hospital Brain and Neurosurgery Clinic

2007-2009 Mardin State Hospital Brain and Neurosurgery Clinic

2002-2007 Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Brain and Neurosurgery

1997-2001 Enez Health Center and Enez State Hospital


Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar Disc Surgery (endoscopic/microsurgery)

Far lateral (non-canal) lumbar disc surgery (lateral microsurgical approach)

Neurovascular surgery

Cerebrovascular diseases (vascular diseases of the brain)


Arteriovenous malformations


Neuro-oncological surgery

Brain tumors

Glial tumors


Pituitary gland tumors

Metastatic brain tumors

Skull base tumors

Pontocerebellar angle tumors

Pineal tumors

Intraventricular tumors

Spinal disease surgery

Cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine fractures

Spine and spinal cord tumors


Degenerative spine diseases

Peripheral nerve disease surgery

Peripheral nerve tumors

Entrapment neuropathies

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Ulnar groove syndrome

Tarsal tunnel syndrome

Functional neurosurgery and pain surgery

Trigeminal neuralgia

Microvascular decompression

Epilepsy surgery

Spasticity surgery

Epiduroscopic interventions

Hydrocephalus surgeries

Endoscopic 3rd ventriculostomy

VP shunt surgeries

LP shunt surgeries

Developmental anomalies


Tethered cord syndrome

Arachnoid cyst

Craniosynostosis surgeries

Chiari malformation

Head trauma

Subdural hematomas

Intracerebral hematomas


Article published in internationally refereed journals

Cansever T, Civelek E, Sencer A, Karasu A, Kiris T, Hepgül K, Can H, Canbolat A: Spinal cavernous malformations: a report of 5 cases. Surg Neurol Jun 69 

Effects of combined and individual use of N-methyl-D aspartate receptor antagonist magnesium sulphate and caspase-9 inhibitor z-LEDH-fmk experimental spinal cord injury. A.Sencer, A.Aydoseli, Y.Aras, M.Osman Akçakaya, C.Gömleksiz, H.Can, A.Canbolat. Turkısh Joumal of Trauma&Emergency Surgery 2013

Aydoseli A, Can H, Aras Y, Sabanci PA, Akcakaya MO, Unal OF. Memantine and Q-VD-OPh Treatments in Experimental Spinal Cord Injury: Combined Inhibition of Necrosis and Apoptosis. Turk Neurosurg. 2016

Can H, Kircelli A, Kavadar G, Civelek E, Cansever T, Aydoseli A, Onal MB, Yilmaz C. Lumbosacral Conjoined Root Anomaly: Anatomical Considerations of Exiting Angles and Root Thickness. Turk Neurosurg. 2017

Kırcelli A, Özel Ö, Can H, Sarı R, Cansever T, Elmacı İ. Is the presence of linear fracture a predictor of delayed posterior fossa epidural hematoma? Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2016 Jul

Kavadar G, Demircioğlu DT, Can H, Emre TY, Civelek E, Senyigit A. The clinical factors associated with benefit finding of complementary medicine use in patients with back pain: A cross-sectional study with cluster analysis. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2017

Ozer AF, Suzer T, Can H, Falsafi M, Aydin M, Sasani M, Oktenoglu T. Anatomic Assessment of Variations in Kambin’s Triangle: A Surgical and Cadaver Study. World Neurosurg. 2017 Apr

Can H, Aydoseli A, Gömleksiz C, Göker B, Altunrende ME, Dolgun M, Sencer A. Combined and individual use of pancaspase inhibitor Q-VD-OPh and NMDA receptor antagonist riluzole in experimental spinal cord injury. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2017

Gomleksiz C, Erbulut DU, Can H, Kodigudla MK, Kelkar AV, Kasapoglu E, Ozer AF, Goel VK. A new lumbar fixation device alternative to pedicle-based stabilization for lumbar spine: In vitro cadaver investigation. J Spinal Cord Med. 2018 Jul 16:1-8.

Aydoseli A, Özgen U, Akgül T, Orhan EK, Adıyaman AE, Can H, Karadağ C. Subacute Traumatic Ascending Myelopathy in a 28-year-old man: A rare case. World Neurosurg. 2019 Apr 28


Article published in national refereed journals

1) Intracranial Hemangioblastomas: Clinical Evaluation of 32 Patients T. Cansever, A. Karasu, K. Hepgül, H. Can, A. Sencer Turkish Neurosurgical Journal 2007, Volume:17 

2) Halil Can, Müge Dolgun, Utku Özgen, Cengiz Gömleksiz, Furkan Diren, Aydın Aydoseli, Yavuz Aras, Altay Sencer. Microsurgical Results in Vestibular Schwannoma Patients; Retrospective Clinical Study. JAREM 2019

3) Furkan Diren , Özcan Gayretli , Halil Can , İlke Ali Gürses , Orhan Barlas. Examination of Pons-Cerebellum Cisterna Anatomy with Endoscopic Retrosigmoid Suboccipital Approach: Cadaver Study. JAREM 2019

اقرأ المزيد

2002-2007 Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Department of Brain and Nerve Surgery

1988-1995 Trakya University Faculty of Medicine


2015- Atlas University Medicine Hospital

2014-2015 Private Pendik Yüzyıl Hospital Brain and Neurosurgery Clinic

2009-2014 Medicine Hospital Brain and Neurosurgery Clinic

2009-2009 Nisa Hospital Brain and Neurosurgery Clinic

2007-2009 Mardin State Hospital Brain and Neurosurgery Clinic

2002-2007 Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Brain and Neurosurgery

1997-2001 Enez Health Center and Enez State Hospital


Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar Disc Surgery (endoscopic/microsurgery)

Far lateral (non-canal) lumbar disc surgery (lateral microsurgical approach)

Neurovascular surgery

Cerebrovascular diseases (vascular diseases of the brain)


Arteriovenous malformations


Neuro-oncological surgery

Brain tumors

Glial tumors


Pituitary gland tumors

Metastatic brain tumors

Skull base tumors

Pontocerebellar angle tumors

Pineal tumors

Intraventricular tumors

Spinal disease surgery

Cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine fractures

Spine and spinal cord tumors


Degenerative spine diseases

Peripheral nerve disease surgery

Peripheral nerve tumors

Entrapment neuropathies

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Ulnar groove syndrome

Tarsal tunnel syndrome

Functional neurosurgery and pain surgery

Trigeminal neuralgia

Microvascular decompression

Epilepsy surgery

Spasticity surgery

Epiduroscopic interventions

Hydrocephalus surgeries

Endoscopic 3rd ventriculostomy

VP shunt surgeries

LP shunt surgeries

Developmental anomalies


Tethered cord syndrome

Arachnoid cyst

Craniosynostosis surgeries

Chiari malformation

Head trauma

Subdural hematomas

Intracerebral hematomas


Article published in internationally refereed journals

Cansever T, Civelek E, Sencer A, Karasu A, Kiris T, Hepgül K, Can H, Canbolat A: Spinal cavernous malformations: a report of 5 cases. Surg Neurol Jun 69 

Effects of combined and individual use of N-methyl-D aspartate receptor antagonist magnesium sulphate and caspase-9 inhibitor z-LEDH-fmk experimental spinal cord injury. A.Sencer, A.Aydoseli, Y.Aras, M.Osman Akçakaya, C.Gömleksiz, H.Can, A.Canbolat. Turkısh Joumal of Trauma&Emergency Surgery 2013

Aydoseli A, Can H, Aras Y, Sabanci PA, Akcakaya MO, Unal OF. Memantine and Q-VD-OPh Treatments in Experimental Spinal Cord Injury: Combined Inhibition of Necrosis and Apoptosis. Turk Neurosurg. 2016

Can H, Kircelli A, Kavadar G, Civelek E, Cansever T, Aydoseli A, Onal MB, Yilmaz C. Lumbosacral Conjoined Root Anomaly: Anatomical Considerations of Exiting Angles and Root Thickness. Turk Neurosurg. 2017

Kırcelli A, Özel Ö, Can H, Sarı R, Cansever T, Elmacı İ. Is the presence of linear fracture a predictor of delayed posterior fossa epidural hematoma? Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2016 Jul

Kavadar G, Demircioğlu DT, Can H, Emre TY, Civelek E, Senyigit A. The clinical factors associated with benefit finding of complementary medicine use in patients with back pain: A cross-sectional study with cluster analysis. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2017

Ozer AF, Suzer T, Can H, Falsafi M, Aydin M, Sasani M, Oktenoglu T. Anatomic Assessment of Variations in Kambin’s Triangle: A Surgical and Cadaver Study. World Neurosurg. 2017 Apr

Can H, Aydoseli A, Gömleksiz C, Göker B, Altunrende ME, Dolgun M, Sencer A. Combined and individual use of pancaspase inhibitor Q-VD-OPh and NMDA receptor antagonist riluzole in experimental spinal cord injury. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2017

Gomleksiz C, Erbulut DU, Can H, Kodigudla MK, Kelkar AV, Kasapoglu E, Ozer AF, Goel VK. A new lumbar fixation device alternative to pedicle-based stabilization for lumbar spine: In vitro cadaver investigation. J Spinal Cord Med. 2018 Jul 16:1-8.

Aydoseli A, Özgen U, Akgül T, Orhan EK, Adıyaman AE, Can H, Karadağ C. Subacute Traumatic Ascending Myelopathy in a 28-year-old man: A rare case. World Neurosurg. 2019 Apr 28


Article published in national refereed journals

1) Intracranial Hemangioblastomas: Clinical Evaluation of 32 Patients T. Cansever, A. Karasu, K. Hepgül, H. Can, A. Sencer Turkish Neurosurgical Journal 2007, Volume:17 

2) Halil Can, Müge Dolgun, Utku Özgen, Cengiz Gömleksiz, Furkan Diren, Aydın Aydoseli, Yavuz Aras, Altay Sencer. Microsurgical Results in Vestibular Schwannoma Patients; Retrospective Clinical Study. JAREM 2019

3) Furkan Diren , Özcan Gayretli , Halil Can , İlke Ali Gürses , Orhan Barlas. Examination of Pons-Cerebellum Cisterna Anatomy with Endoscopic Retrosigmoid Suboccipital Approach: Cadaver Study. JAREM 2019

اقرأ المزيد
قد تحتوي هذه الصفحة على معلومات تتعلق بمختلف الحالات الطبية والعلاجات وخدمات الرعاية الصحية المتوفرة في بلدان مختلفة. يرجى العلم أن المحتوى مقدم لأغراض إعلامية فقط ولا ينبغي تفسيره على أنه نصيحة أو إرشادات طبية. يرجى استشارة طبيبك أو أخصائي طبي مؤهل قبل البدء أو تغيير العلاج الطبي.