أفضل علاج الانزلاق الغضروفي مع تشخيص ما قبل العملية جراحي الأعصاب في إيطاليا - توب -5 أطباء

يلبي المحتوى سياسة التحرير Bookimed ويتم مراجعتها طبياً من قبل
فهد مولود - طبيب عام. حاصل على 4 جوائز علمية. خدم في غرب آسيا. رئيس الفريق الطبي الناطق بالعربية سابقا ومسؤول عن معالجة البيانات ودقة المحتوى الطبي حاليا.
François Lechanoine
جراح أعصاب
12سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
إيطاليا, Ravenna
Maria Cecilia Hospital

François Lechanoine

جراح أعصاب
12سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Dr Lechanoine has worked mainly in France and Italy (CHU de Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France; CHRU de Tours, Tours, France; Ospedale Santobono, Naples, Italy; Orleans Hospital, Orleans, France, among others). He started a surgical collaboration in the pediatric field at the General Peltier Hospital in Djibouti (Africa) in 2019 and at the Meyer Children’s Hospital of Florence, Italy in 2023. His fields of interest in brain and spine surgery, both at a surgical and medical level, as well as research and university teaching, are the brainstem, intraventricular neuroendoscopy (hydrocephalus, tumors, etc.), transphenoidal endoscopy, (pituitary adenomas etc.), neurovascular conflict surgeries (MVD or DREZ rizothomy for trigeminal neuralgia, hemifacial spasm etc.), neurovascular malformations (aneurysms, cavernomas, AVM...), intracerebral and skull base tumors, pediatric neurosurgery and spine surgery (minimally invasive surgery: UBE Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy for discal herniation, spinal stenosis and foraminotomy; Anterior Cervical Disc Replacement (Prothesis); Fusion: MIS TLIF, ALIF, XLIF, percutaneous, ACDF...).


In 2012 he graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University de Caen, France, and specialized at the University of Tours France with Prof. Stéphane Velut and Patrick François, in 2018. His specialization thesis concerns the endoscopic treatment of intracranial arachnoid cysts in children.

Since his graduation he has attended numerous training courses, workshops and international congresses, obtaining French university degrees (in microsurgery, vascular neurosurgery, spine surgery and neuroscience) and, in particular, in 2019 obtaining the Diploma of the European Association of Neurosurgery Societies (EANS) and in 2018 the European Diploma of Spine Surgery (Eurospine). His Neurosurgery specialistic theses related Anatomical microstructure of the Brainstem- (MRI ex vivo Study at very high-field (11,7T) and very high-resolution - 3D APP) and Hydrocephalus and arachnoid cysts, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies and description of endoscopic surgical techniques. 

He spent a period improving his skills in cerebrovascular surgery in the United States (Barrow Neurological Institute, Arizona, USA), in UBE spine endoscopy in Turkey and South Korea (Medicabil Hospital, Bursa, Turkey; Good Moonhwa Hospital, Busan, South Korea).


The areas of particular interest of Dr. Lechanoine, at the surgical, medical, research and university teaching level, are the brainstem, intraventricular neuroendoscopy (hydrocephalus, tumors, etc.) and transphenoidal (pituitary adenomas), vascular surgery and neurovascular conflicts, intracerebral and skull base tumors, pediatric neurosurgery and minimally invasive spine surgery. 

Dr Lechanoine is a member of the following societies: IFNE (International Federation of NeuroEndoscopy); ESPN (European Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery); EANS (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies); SFNC (Société Française de NeuroChirurgie); ISUBE (International Society of Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy). He actively participates in international congresses, both as a speaker and member. 

Dr Lechanoine remains also very active in teaching brain and spine endoscopy, by being a permanent tutor at the international ventricular and skull base endoscopy IFNE workshop in Naples, tutor at the French international workshop of spine endoscopy and speaker at the IFNE and Eurospine societies. He recently created an UBE surgical training center in Maria Cecilia Hospital.


He is the author of numerous scientific publications in international journals and volumes, with the Total Impact Factor (IF) = 71.46


  • "Prix du Chirurgien de l'Avenir" award 
  • "Pedagogical Innovation Prize" award for the design of an 'app "Atlas of the microstructure of the brainstem", both from the French National Academy of Surgery
اقرأ المزيد

Dr Lechanoine has worked mainly in France and Italy (CHU de Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France; CHRU de Tours, Tours, France; Ospedale Santobono, Naples, Italy; Orleans Hospital, Orleans, France, among others). He started a surgical collaboration in the pediatric field at the General Peltier Hospital in Djibouti (Africa) in 2019 and at the Meyer Children’s Hospital of Florence, Italy in 2023. His fields of interest in brain and spine surgery, both at a surgical and medical level, as well as research and university teaching, are the brainstem, intraventricular neuroendoscopy (hydrocephalus, tumors, etc.), transphenoidal endoscopy, (pituitary adenomas etc.), neurovascular conflict surgeries (MVD or DREZ rizothomy for trigeminal neuralgia, hemifacial spasm etc.), neurovascular malformations (aneurysms, cavernomas, AVM...), intracerebral and skull base tumors, pediatric neurosurgery and spine surgery (minimally invasive surgery: UBE Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy for discal herniation, spinal stenosis and foraminotomy; Anterior Cervical Disc Replacement (Prothesis); Fusion: MIS TLIF, ALIF, XLIF, percutaneous, ACDF...).


In 2012 he graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University de Caen, France, and specialized at the University of Tours France with Prof. Stéphane Velut and Patrick François, in 2018. His specialization thesis concerns the endoscopic treatment of intracranial arachnoid cysts in children.

Since his graduation he has attended numerous training courses, workshops and international congresses, obtaining French university degrees (in microsurgery, vascular neurosurgery, spine surgery and neuroscience) and, in particular, in 2019 obtaining the Diploma of the European Association of Neurosurgery Societies (EANS) and in 2018 the European Diploma of Spine Surgery (Eurospine). His Neurosurgery specialistic theses related Anatomical microstructure of the Brainstem- (MRI ex vivo Study at very high-field (11,7T) and very high-resolution - 3D APP) and Hydrocephalus and arachnoid cysts, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies and description of endoscopic surgical techniques. 

He spent a period improving his skills in cerebrovascular surgery in the United States (Barrow Neurological Institute, Arizona, USA), in UBE spine endoscopy in Turkey and South Korea (Medicabil Hospital, Bursa, Turkey; Good Moonhwa Hospital, Busan, South Korea).


The areas of particular interest of Dr. Lechanoine, at the surgical, medical, research and university teaching level, are the brainstem, intraventricular neuroendoscopy (hydrocephalus, tumors, etc.) and transphenoidal (pituitary adenomas), vascular surgery and neurovascular conflicts, intracerebral and skull base tumors, pediatric neurosurgery and minimally invasive spine surgery. 

Dr Lechanoine is a member of the following societies: IFNE (International Federation of NeuroEndoscopy); ESPN (European Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery); EANS (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies); SFNC (Société Française de NeuroChirurgie); ISUBE (International Society of Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy). He actively participates in international congresses, both as a speaker and member. 

Dr Lechanoine remains also very active in teaching brain and spine endoscopy, by being a permanent tutor at the international ventricular and skull base endoscopy IFNE workshop in Naples, tutor at the French international workshop of spine endoscopy and speaker at the IFNE and Eurospine societies. He recently created an UBE surgical training center in Maria Cecilia Hospital.


He is the author of numerous scientific publications in international journals and volumes, with the Total Impact Factor (IF) = 71.46


  • "Prix du Chirurgien de l'Avenir" award 
  • "Pedagogical Innovation Prize" award for the design of an 'app "Atlas of the microstructure of the brainstem", both from the French National Academy of Surgery
اقرأ المزيد

سياسة التحرير Bookimed

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علاج الانزلاق الغضروفي مع تشخيص ما قبل العملية خبير المجلس الاستشاري الطبي Bookimed

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