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أفضل العلاج الدوائي لمرض الشلل الرعاش جراحي الأعصاب في Argos - توب -1 طبيب

يلبي المحتوى سياسة التحرير Bookimed ويتم مراجعتها طبياً من قبل
فهد مولود - طبيب عام. حاصل على 4 جوائز علمية. خدم في غرب آسيا. رئيس الفريق الطبي الناطق بالعربية سابقا ومسؤول عن معالجة البيانات ودقة المحتوى الطبي حاليا.
Panos Vrentas
طبيب أعصاب
39سنة خبره ١٦ سنة
اليونان, Argos
Palladion Clinic & Medical Wellness

Panos Vrentas

طبيب أعصاب
39سنة خبره ١٦ سنة

Dr. Panos Vrentas was born on 02/08/1962 and is married to Panagiotopoulou V., Psychiatrist - Director of the Psychological Health Center of Tripoli with whom they have two children. In 1979 he began his studies at the Medical School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and graduated in 1986. He received his specialty as a neurologist in 1994 from the General Hospital of Athens. He received his diploma from the University College of Clinical Neurology in London in 1995. He has been trained in neurological hospitals in the USA, TORONTO and CANADA. When he was in the army he served as a military doctor in the special forces. He was Senior Secretary in Neurology at Leeds General Practice and in the Visitor Registry for Motor Disorders and Neurology at London National Hospital. (1996-1997).In 1997-2001 he was the head of a clinic for movement disorders at the General Hospital of Athens.  From 2001 to 2008 he was a doctor at the hospital in Tripoli. Since 2008 he has his own doctor's office in Tripoli and Sparta and works as a freelancer. From 2013 until today he is a Neurologist at the PALLADION Clinic and Medical Wellness.Finally, he is a member of the American Academy of Neurology, the Royal College of Physicians, the Movement Disorders Society, and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

اقرأ المزيد

Dr. Panos Vrentas was born on 02/08/1962 and is married to Panagiotopoulou V., Psychiatrist - Director of the Psychological Health Center of Tripoli with whom they have two children. In 1979 he began his studies at the Medical School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and graduated in 1986. He received his specialty as a neurologist in 1994 from the General Hospital of Athens. He received his diploma from the University College of Clinical Neurology in London in 1995. He has been trained in neurological hospitals in the USA, TORONTO and CANADA. When he was in the army he served as a military doctor in the special forces. He was Senior Secretary in Neurology at Leeds General Practice and in the Visitor Registry for Motor Disorders and Neurology at London National Hospital. (1996-1997).In 1997-2001 he was the head of a clinic for movement disorders at the General Hospital of Athens.  From 2001 to 2008 he was a doctor at the hospital in Tripoli. Since 2008 he has his own doctor's office in Tripoli and Sparta and works as a freelancer. From 2013 until today he is a Neurologist at the PALLADION Clinic and Medical Wellness.Finally, he is a member of the American Academy of Neurology, the Royal College of Physicians, the Movement Disorders Society, and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

اقرأ المزيد

سياسة التحرير Bookimed

تلتزم Bookimed، وهي منصة عالمية رائدة في مجال السياحة الطبية، بمساعدة العملاء الذين يبحثون عن العلاج الدوائي لمرض باركنسون من خلال تقديم مساعدة الخبراء والحلول الطبية الجديرة بالثقة لكل حالة. يتم استخدام نظام التصنيف التلقائي الذكي لإنشاء قوائم عيادات شفافة، يتم صيانتها بدقة من قبل عالم بيانات يستخدم الذكاء الاصطناعي للتأكد من الدقة. تضمن المنصة الأصالة من خلال نشر مراجعات من مرضى حقيقيين بعد علاجهم. يقدم Bookimed حلولاً طبية شاملة، مع تحديثات من العيادات لضمان الجدارة بالثقة. المحتوى حول العلاج الدوائي لمرض باركنسون، تم صياغته بواسطة ذوي الخبرة يلتزم المؤلفون الطبيون ومراجعته من قبل متخصصين بإرشادات Bookimed التحريرية ، مما يعكس التزام المنصة بتقديم معلومات صحية واضحة وعالية الجودة. لمزيد من التفاصيل أو الاستفسارات، لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا على أو معرفة المزيد عنا وعن مهمتنا هنا .

العلاج الدوائي لمرض الشلل الرعاش خبير المجلس الاستشاري الطبي Bookimed

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