Ass. Prof. Dr. Nihat Mustafayev began his professional career by receiving his medical doctorate after a six-year disciplined education at Turgut Ozal University Faculty of Medicine. After completing his neurology specialization at Istanbul Bezmialem University, he conducted studies on neuromodulation and ultrasonography-guided botulinum toxin applications.
He completed a fellowship at the Department of Algology at UCLA University in the USA, worked at the Austrian American Association, gave speeches internationally, and edited the book “Practical Approaches to Medical Aesthetics.” He also further developed his knowledge by working at the Movement Disorder Clinic at AKH Hospital in Vienna, Austria.
He is also a member of prestigious organizations that reinforce his reputation in his field of expertise. He is an active member of important associations such as the International Headache Society and the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS). He is also a member of prestigious organizations such as the Turkish Neurological Association, the European Academy of Neurology and the International Headache Society
اقرأ المزيدطبيب أعصاب للأطفال مع خبرة في الصرع والصداع واضطرابات النوم وطب أعصاب الأطفال ومراقبة النمو. حصل على شهادة الطب من كلية الطب في جامعة جراح باشا في إسطنبول عام 2006 ، وحصل على تدريب مساعد ثانوي في طب الأعصاب للأطفال من جامعة إسطنبول ميديبول في عام 2017. أكمل تدريب الطبيب المتخصص من مستشفى شانلي أورفا سوروك الحكومي في عام 2012 ومستشفى اسطنبول غازي عثمان باشا للتدريب والبحوث في عام 2017. حاصل على شهادات مختلفة بما في ذلك التأهيل في اختبار دنفر التنموي 2 ، وشهادة الممارس في برنامج الإنعاش العصبي ، ودورات مختلفة في طب أعصاب الأطفال ، والصرع ، وعلم المناعة العصبية ، ومخطط كهربية العضل ، وعلم الوراثة الأساسية. عضو الجمعية التركية لطب أعصاب الأطفال.
اقرأ المزيدDuring his career, Dr. Covaro has a continuous participation in international meetings and contributed to several articles published in scientific magazines. Dr. Covaro is a member of several professional organizations, including the Spanish Society of Orthopedics, AOspine, GEER and Eurospine.
Currently, Dr. Covaro attends his patients at the Institut Universitari Dexeus and the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, in Barcelona. To make an appointment with Dr. Augusto Covaro, contact ICATME, Institut Universitari Dexeus
Born in 1957 in Kyiv. Ukrainian.
Since 1978, scientific and practical activity in the field of orthopedic pathology (pathophysiology of scoliosis and scoliotic deformations of the spine and chest, vertebrology). The first scientific publication on vertebrology in 1980.
1980 – graduation from the medical faculty of the Kyiv Medical Institute.
1981 to 1984 Anesthesiologist-resuscitator. Scientific and practical work in the field of treatment of pain syndromes and vegetology, use of stimulation of nerve trunks and reflexogenic zones, acupuncture, manual medicine, non-surgical treatment of scoliosis, physical rehabilitation.
Since 1984 and up to the present moment, he has been professionally engaged exclusively in practical and scientific problems of diseases of the spine and joints, vertebroneurology, neurology, traumatology-orthopedics, rheumatology.
1984 – employee of the laboratory of problems of osteochondrosis of the spinal column of the university research laboratory center* (Academician A.A. Bogomolets National Medical University). Scientific and practical activity in the field of diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of pathology of the musculoskeletal system (spine, joints, muscles) and nervous system.
1990 - defense of a candidate's dissertation on neurological disorders in spinal pathology " Early segmental neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine " (specialty - neurology)
1994 - defense of a doctoral dissertation on the mechanisms of formation of neurological pathology in spinal pathology (vertebroneurology) “ Mechanisms of formation of vertebral neurological pathology in the case of functional blockage of the spinal rox segments ” (2 specialties: neurology and traumatology-orthopedics)
Since 1995 – Professor of the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine of the National Medical University named after Academician A.A. Bogomolets.
1995 Founded the first clinic of Vertebroneurology in Ukraine, head of the department of vertebroneurology at the Central City Clinical Hospital of Kiev - the clinical base of the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine of the National Medical University.
2004 Established the diagnostic department of the Vertebroneurology Clinic.
2011 Established the Ukrainian Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine and Neurology based on the Meddiagnostika Center.
Sphere of scientific and practical interests
More than 80 scientific papers , 12 inventions in the field of pathology of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system.
Key research: