طبيب أعصاب للأطفال مع خبرة في الصرع والصداع واضطرابات النوم وطب أعصاب الأطفال ومراقبة النمو. حصل على شهادة الطب من كلية الطب في جامعة جراح باشا في إسطنبول عام 2006 ، وحصل على تدريب مساعد ثانوي في طب الأعصاب للأطفال من جامعة إسطنبول ميديبول في عام 2017. أكمل تدريب الطبيب المتخصص من مستشفى شانلي أورفا سوروك الحكومي في عام 2012 ومستشفى اسطنبول غازي عثمان باشا للتدريب والبحوث في عام 2017. حاصل على شهادات مختلفة بما في ذلك التأهيل في اختبار دنفر التنموي 2 ، وشهادة الممارس في برنامج الإنعاش العصبي ، ودورات مختلفة في طب أعصاب الأطفال ، والصرع ، وعلم المناعة العصبية ، ومخطط كهربية العضل ، وعلم الوراثة الأساسية. عضو الجمعية التركية لطب أعصاب الأطفال.
اقرأ المزيدWith more than 120 medical publications on stem cells in preeminent medical journals, Professor Yvan Torrente is considered one of the world’s best scientists in regenerative medicine, genetic engineering of stem cells and advanced gene therapies for degenerative diseases. Prof. Torrente is currently the director of the Neurology department of the “Policlinico” Hospital in Milan as well as the head of the cell laboratory for the advanced therapy medical products in Milan.
In addition, Yvan is a professor in neurology at the University of Milan. Prof. Torrente is assisted by a team of highly trained and well-regarded doctors, biologists and researchers in the laboratory in Milan who provide external assistance and consultancy to our medical team. Specifically, over the years, Professor Torrente has helped our team to develop GMP compliant and high-quality safety standards in complex research projects, applying the same to medicinal and clinical products catered for specific uses.
Professor Torrente is currently leading and supervising several clinical trials in Europe on stem cell use in human beings as well as other advanced therapy medical products. He also provides assistance and consultancy services to several other hospitals worldwide, especially in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. Finally, Yvan is a well-known speaker at prestigious events, seminars and symposiums worldwide.
Prof. Alberto Albanese is the Neurology Unit Director at Humanitas Research Hospital. Until recently – Department Head of Neuroscience at the Institute of Neurology Carlo Besta (Milan). In 1977 prof. Albanese received his degree in medicine and surgery, in 1981 – in neurology, and in 1985 – in psychiatry. His professional experience began with the founding of the Department of “disorders of Parkinson’s and violations of the musculoskeletal system” at the clinic “A. Gemelli “in Rome in 1984, which he led until 1996. From 1996 to 2000 prof. Albanese was the Head of the Neurological University Clinic of Lausanne (Switzerland) and a professor of Neurology in the University.
From 2000 to 2015 he was Head of Neuroscience Department at the Institute of Neurology Carlo Besta (Milan).
Prof. Albanese is a professor of neurology at the Institute of Neurology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan), Director of the post-graduate course “Diagnosis and treatment of movement disorders and degenerative neurological diseases” at the Foundation Neurological Institute “C. Besta”, as well as an adjunct professor at the School of Specialization in Neuroscience at the University of Milan Bicocca.
Prof. Albanese is the president of “Italian Association of Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders” and “Italian Association for the Study of the autonomic nervous system” (which are part of “Italian Community of Neuroscience”). He is also an honorary member of the “French Community of Neuroscience.” The professor is a moderator and speaker at major national and international neurological conferences, he organized several symposia dedicated to Neurology, collaborates with numerous national and international research centers, which are studying Parkinson’s disease, movement disorders and degenerative neurological diseases. Prof. Albanese has been repeatedly receiving research fundings from the following government agencies: the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Science and Research, National Research Council, the British Council, the Swiss National Research Council.
He is one of the greatest Italian experts on the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and movement disorders, Parkinson.
He has extensive experience in the use of neurostimulation of brain neurological movement disorders, for treating Parkinson’s disease and other involuntary movements.
He developed the first Italian project on the study of genetic disease and Parkinson’s dystonia, which led to the discovery of two new genetic loci. Also prof. Albanese is actively engaged in research in the field of semiotics detailed definition of involuntary movements, which allows tracking of related clinical pathology for accurate diagnosis of patients with movement disorders.
Prof. Albanese has published more than 200 scientific papers, most of which are published in indexed journals (with a total impact factor>500), is the author of one monograph, 3 books and co-author of numerous books and publications. He is the chief editor of “Frontiers in Movement Disorders” and assistant editor of the “European Journal of Neuroscience”.
Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=albanese a
اقرأ المزيد