"لديه خبرة في أكثر من 10000 حالة جراحية. نشر 48 مقالة علمية مدرجة في الفهارس العلمية الدولية والوطنية، وقد تم الاستشهاد بهذه المقالات أكثر من 250 مرة. كما قدم 28 ورقة بحثية في اجتماعات علمية دولية ووطنية. اهتماماته المهنية هي جراحة الساد (ليزر فيمتو ثانية، عدسات ثلاثية البؤر، EDOF، متعددة البؤر، عدسات توريك داخل العين) جراحة الانكسار (ليزر فيمتو ثانية، ليزر إكسيمر، LASIK، LASEK، PRK، SMILE) جراحة تجميل العين (جماليات الجفن، تدلي الجفن، الانتروبيا، الانتروبيا، الظفر) الشبكية الطبية (التنكس البقعي)، اعتلال الشبكية السكري، انسداد الأوعية الدموية الشبكية، SSR) الجلوكوما (العلاج الطبي والجراحي) الحول والكسل حشو وتطبيقات توكسين البوتولينوم"
Istanbul Retina Institute
Retinal Diseases and Vitreoretinal Surgery Training
2016, Istanbul / Turkey
Health Sciences University Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital
Ophthalmology Residency
2014, Izmir / Turkey
Ankara University Faculty of Medicine
Doctor of Medicine Education
2009, Ankara / Turkey
Koç University Hospital
2020-2021, Istanbul / Turkey
Istanbul Retina Institute
2016-2020, Istanbul / Turkey
Mardin Kızıltepe State Hospital
2015-2016, Mardin / Turkey
Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital
2010-2015, Izmir / Turkey
2010 April Medical Specialty Examination (TUS) Turkey ranked first.
In July 2016, he was selected for the "Retina - Macula - Vitreous Diseases & Surgery Clinical Researcher" program of Istanbul Retina Institute.
He has conducted more than 50 scientific studies on retinal diseases, most of which were published in international top class journals.
With his scientific studies on retinal diseases, he was entitled to become an active member of the Medical Retina Unit and Vitreoretinal Surgery Unit of the Turkish Ophthalmology Association (TOD).
TOD National Congress, 2016 Best Surgical Video Second Prize.
TOD Retina Research Awards, 2019 Third Prize.
2019 In 2020, he passed the European Board of Ophthalmology (EBO) exam and became a FEBO (Fellow of European Board of Ophthalmology).
2020 He was entitled to receive the title of Associate Professor in the same year and received the Second Prize in the Best Article Awards of the Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology.
His instagram account @retina.review, which he established to share information with ophthalmologists about retinal diseases, is followed by over 57 thousand ophthalmologists, mostly from the United States. In addition, this account has been recognized as one of the best accounts sharing information about ophthalmology education by Eyenews.uk.com, a website that publishes on ophthalmology in the UK.