حاصل على درجة الماجستير في إدارة المستشفيات والمؤسسات الصحية وعمل في العديد من المؤسسات ، مثل وزارة الصحة مستشفى التدريب والبحوث وجامعة بيزميال. حضر العديد من المؤتمرات الدولية وحصل على جوائز ، وله أوراق بحثية منشورة. تشمل مجالات خبرته تجميل الأنف ، وزراعة القوقعة ، وفقدان السمع ، والتهابات الأذن ، واضطرابات التوازن ، وحساسية الأنف ، وداء السلائل الأنفية ، وجراحة السرطان ، وجراحة تجميل الوجه ، واضطرابات الصوت ، وعقيدات الغدة الدرقية ، والتهاب الجيوب الأنفية ، وجراحة الجيوب التنظيرية ، وأمراض اللوزتين واللحمية. جراحة الشخير وتوقف التنفس أثناء النوم. لديه خبرات دولية في الولايات المتحدة في جامعة جونز هوبكنز ، وجامعة هارفارد ، وكلية الطب بجامعة هارفارد ، ومستشفى بوسطن للأطفال ، وجامعة تافتس ، وكليفلاند كلينك.
اقرأ المزيدتكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
إصلاح الشفة المشقوقة أو الحنك المشقوق | $2500 - $4500 |
مساعد. البروفيسور سلمان ساريكا هو طبيب متخصص في طب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة يتمتع بخبرة في طب الأذن وطب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة للأطفال وجراحة الشخير وأورام الرأس والعنق الحميدة والخبيثة وطب الحنجرة وجراحات الأنف الوظيفية وجراحة الجيوب التنظيرية وجراحة الغدة الدرقية وأمراض الغدد اللعابية. حصل على شهادة الطب من كلية الطب بجامعة جراح باشا في اسطنبول وخبرة من جامعة كهرمان مرعش سوتسو إمام قسم طب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة. وهو أستاذ مساعد في الطب في نفس الجامعة.
اقرأ المزيديتخصص الطبيب في التهابات الأذن وإصلاح الغشاء الطبلي ، بالإضافة إلى إجراءات أخرى مثل تجميل الأنف ، رأب الحاجز الأنفي ، استئصال الغدد اللمفاوية ، استئصال اللوزتين ، وضع أنبوب التهوية ، الشخير ، جراحة انقطاع النفس أثناء النوم ، عقيدات الحبل الصوتي ، الخراجات ، الاورام الحميدة ، وذمة ، تنظير الحنجرة ، استئصال الحنجرة ، تشريح العقد الليمفاوية العنقية ، تشريح العنق ، جراحة أورام الرأس والعنق ، إعادة البناء ، وجراحة الحنجرة الدقيقة. حصل على درجة البكالوريوس من جامعة إينونو ودرب في العديد من المؤسسات بما في ذلك جامعة أبانت عزت بايسال والمركز الطبي الجامعي هامبورغ إيبندورف وجامعة غازي والمركز الشامل للسرطان بجامعة ولاية أوهايو. عمل في مستشفيات ومراكز صحية خاصة في اسطنبول وملاطية.
اقرأ المزيدالدكتور Ali Nurhan Özbaba حاصل على دكتوراه في الطب من جامعة أنقرة (1980-1988) وجامعة غازي (1989-1995). وقد عمل في جامعة غازي (1989) ، ومستشفى بريفات أوبتيميد (2014-2019) ، ومستشفى فيغا الخاص (2019-2021) ، ومستشفى كوتشوك شيكمجة (2021-2022). وهو عضو في جمعية الجراحة التجميلية التركية.
اقرأ المزيدتكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
إصلاح الشفة المشقوقة أو الحنك المشقوق | $2500 - $4500 |
Born in Ankara, Doctor Can Bey completed his primary and secondary education at Ted College and then received his high school education at Robert College in Istanbul. In addition to his English education at Robert College, he improved himself by taking painting, sculpture and photography lessons. After a rich high school life of 5 years, he studied at Istanbul Medical Faculty, Capa Medicine, and received the title of medical doctor. By making a degree in the specialty examination in medicine, he was entitled to receive specialization training in the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at Istanbul Health Sciences University. Starting from his medical school years, he went to many countries and did an internship and increased his professional knowledge. These countries are Egypt (Cairo), Spain (Madrid), the Netherlands (Gröningen), Portugal (Lisbon), Austria (Stolzalpe) and the United States (Los Angeles, Chicago).
اقرأ المزيدتكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
إصلاح الشفة المشقوقة أو الحنك المشقوق | $2500 - $4500 |
Op. Dr. Atilla H.
Plastic Surgeon
Specialty Training
2010 - 2016
Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery
Undergraduate Education
1989 - 1995
Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine
2020 -
ClinicExpert - Plastic Surgery Specialist
Born in Cyprus, Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeon, Op. Dr. Atilla H. worked at Medical Park Bahçelievler Hospital for 3 years. He graduated from Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine in 1995 and completed his specialization at Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital in 2001. He worked at Ankara Bayındır Hospital for 2 years and at İskenderun State Hospital for 14 years.
2021 - Thread Lift - Face Lift Certificates (Belgium)
اقرأ المزيدSpecializations
Mehmet Özdemir, a Turkish national born on July 20, 1990, in Mardin, Turkey, is a dedicated and accomplished medical professional. He completed his primary education in Mardin before pursuing his secondary education at Siirt Science High School in Siirt, Turkey. Later, he studied Medicine at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty English Division from September 2008 to August 2014. He began his residency as an Emergency Physician at Nusaybin State Hospital and continued his medical journey with various positions, including Resident Doctor at Dicle University Medical Faculty, specializing in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery. Özdemir's extensive experience includes electiveships and fellowships at prestigious institutions such as Hannover Medical School in Germany and Cerrahpaşa University Medical Faculty in Turkey. Notably, he conducted research on novel graft techniques for rhinoplasty, earning him recognition under the supervision of Dr. Mehmet Fatih Akkoç. Özdemir further enriched his expertise through elective programs and fellowships, including a recent fellowship at the Auersvald Clinic in Curitiba, Brazil, under the guidance of Dr. Andre Auersvald. With a diverse background and a commitment to excellence, Mehmet Özdemir is a skilled Specialist Doctor in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery based in Diyarbakır, Turkey.
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
إصلاح الشفة المشقوقة أو الحنك المشقوق | $2942.49 - $4203.56 |
Name: Mehmet Palali
Place and year of birth:
Manisa, 11.01.1984
Istanbul university Cerrahpasa Medicine Faculty 2001-2007
Specialization: Ankara Numene Science and Research Hospital – ENT clinic – 2008-2013
Yozgat State Hospital: 2013-2016
Canakkale Biga Devlet Hospital : 2016-2017
Medlife Bagcilar Hospital -2017-2018
Erdem Hospital- 2018- present
Professional Interests
Revision rhinoplasty
Clinic Attended as a Researcher
1) Investigation of SCGB3A1 (UGRP2) gene arrays in patients with nasal polyposis.
Palalı M, Murat Özcan K, Ozdaş S, Köseoğlu S, Ozdaş T, Erbek SS, Yıldırım E, Ensari S, Dere H.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Dec;271(12):3209-14.
2) Prognostic effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy starting time for sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
Yıldırım E, Murat Özcan K, Palalı M, Cetin MA, Ensari S, Dere H.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Jan;272(1):23-8.
3) Endoskopik Dakriyosistorinostomide Başarısızlık Nedenleri
Mehmet Ali ÇETİN, Kürşat Murat ÖZCAN, Aykut İKİNCİOĞULLARI, Sabri KÖSEOĞLU, Mehmet PALALI, Serdar ENSARİ, Hüseyin DERE
Ortadoğu Tıp Dergisi 5 (1): 29-32 2013
4) Cervical lymphadenopathy: progressive transformation of germinal centers
İkincioğulları A, Köseoğlu S, Çetin MA, Palalı M, Ensari S, Kayaçetin S, Kulaçoğlu S, Dere H.
Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2013 Sep-Oct;23(5):307-11.
5) Papiller Onkositik Kistadenom: Olgu Sunumu Mehmet Palalı, Aykut İkincioğulları, Sabri Köseoğlu, Doğan Atan, Erol Yıldırım, Hüseyin Dere
34. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi P-377
6) Temporal Kemik Karsinomu İle Birlikte İnverted Papillom Zemininde Gelişen İntranazal Karsinom: Olgu Sunumu
35. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi PS3-073
Hüseyin Dere, Mehmet Ali Çetin, Emre Apaydın, Erol Yıldırım, Mehmet Palalı, Aykut İkincioğulları
7) Burun Tıkanıklığının Nadir Bir Nedeni: Alt Konka Bülloza
Hakan Dağıstan, Mehmet Palalı
37. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi EP-124
Play classical guitar
Draw cartoon
اقرأ المزيد
1987 - 1993, (Doctorate) İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine,
1993 – 1997, (Medical Specialty) İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine,
2012 – 2016, (Assistant Professor) Bezmiâlem Vakıf University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology
2016 – 2022, (Associate Professor) Bezmiâlem Vakıf University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology
2022 – 2024, (Professor) Bezmiâlem Vakıf University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology
2024 – Present, (Professor) Medipol Acıbadem Hospital
اقرأ المزيد2009-2014 Istanbul Okmeydanı Eğt. And Research. Hst. ENT Specialization Training
2007-2009 Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine
2002-2007 Gülhane Military Medical Faculty (GATA) Faculty of Medicine
2024- Medicine Hospital Specialist Doctor
2019-2023 Ankara City Hospital Specialist Doctor
2018-2019 Istanbul Gaziosmanpaşa Eğt. And Research. Hst. Specialist Doctor
2016-2018 Private Reyap Hospital Specialist Doctor
2015-2016 Private Haliç Hospital Specialist Doctor
2014-2015 Muş Malazgirt State Hospital Specialist Doctor
2014-2014 Istanbul Bahçelievler State Hospital Specialist Doctor
2009-2014 Istanbul Okmeydanı Eğt. And Research. Hst. Assistant Physician
2009-2009 Tokat Reşadiye District State Hospital General Practitioner
Articles he wrote and contributed to;
2023 - Buyukkoc O, Celik B, Yalcıner G, Uzun Ata E, Babademez MA. Mucociliary Clearance and its Relationship to Chest CT Scores in Covid 19 Patients. On J Otolaryngol & Rhinol. 6(3): 2023. OJOR.MS.ID.000637. DOI:10.33552/OJOR.2023.06.000637.
2021 - Akca Caglar A, Akca H, Kurt F, Akcan Yildiz L, Nalcacioglu P, Buyukkoc O, Dibek Misirlioglu E. Sudden-onset haemolacria in an adolescent girl. Paediatr Int Child Health. 2021 Nov;41(4):295-299.1949563. Epub 2021 Jul 18. PMID: 34275424.
2014 - Topaloglu I, Salturk Z, Atar Y, Berkiten G, Buyukkoç O, Cakir O. Evaluation of voice quality after supraglottic laryngectomy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Dec;151(6):1003-7. Epub 2014 Oct 10. PMID: 25305271.
2013 - The Relationship Between Laryngeal Cancers and Neck Metastases/ Poster Paper
2013 - Use of Calcium Hydroxyapatite as Injection Material in Vocal Cord Paralysis/ Oral Presentation
2012 - Classification of deformities in patients operated for nasal septal deformity/Poster Paper
2012 - Bal M, Berkiten G, Topaloğlu İ, & Büyükkoç O. Waardenburg Syndrome (Report Of 4 Cases).
اقرأ المزيدCurriculum Vitae
Name: Yasin Kulaksız
Date of Birth: November 20, 1992
Title: Specialist Doctor
Doctarate (PhD)
Field: Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT)
University: Bezmialem Vakıf University
Year: [Year of Completion]
Specialization : Ear Nose Throat
Foreign Language : English
Education :
2011 Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Medicine
2016 Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine – ENT AD.
Evaluation of upper esophageal sphincter pressure in patients with vocal cord pathology
Certificate of competency:
He has The Turkish Board Of Otorihnolaryngologj- Head and Neck Surgery Qualification Certificate.
Medical interests and specialties:
Nose aesthetics (Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty)
Endoscopic (closed method) Hearing and Eardrum Surgery
Pediatric ENT Diseases
Snoring Treatment and Surgery
Head and Neck Tumors
Vertigo (Dizziness), Tinnitus (Tinnitus)
Voice and Swallowing Problems
2012-2016 Selcuk University ENT Clinic
2016-2019 Konya Training and Research Hospital ENT Clinic
2019-2020 Yalova State Hospital ENT Clinic
2020- 2022 Special Specialists Yalova Hospital
2022- …… Private Sakarya Adatip Hospital
1- Turkish Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Association
2- European Association of Young ENT Physicians
3- Turkish Medical Association
Article, Presentation, Publication, Congress, Course, Award:
1- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in children with vocal fold nodules
O Erdur, A Herguner, K Ozturk, E Kibar, C Elsurer, MK Bozkurt, International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology 85, 5-7
2- Aberrant internal carotid artery: a rare cause of dysphagia
K Ozturk, O Erdur, E Kibar, F SofuogluJournal of Craniofacial Surgery 27 (3), 818
3- Evaluation of upper esophageal sphincter in benign vocal lesions
E Kibar, O Erdur, K Ozturk European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 275 (12), 3033-3037
4- Permanent quadriplegia following replacement of voice prosthesis
K Ozturk, O Erdur, E Kibar Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 27 (8), e741-e743
5- Analysis of cases with otosclerosis
B Çolpan, K Öztürk, Ç Elsurer, E Kibar, Ö Erdur Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 4 (3), 105-10
6- Hydatid Cyst of the Parotid Gland: A Rare Location
O Erdur, B Colpan, F Sofuoglu, E Kibar Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 29 (1), e98-e99
7- Paediatric mandibular fractures: A retrospective study of 15 patients
E Demir, O Erdur, E Kibar, C Elsurer, MK Bozkurt, K Ozturk, B Colpan
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 54 (10), e113-e114
8- Giant concha bullosa causing severe nasal congestion
Ö Erdur, Ç Elsurer, E Kibar, MK Bozkurt ENT Applications 35 (ENT Applications)
9- Endoscopic excision of recurrent nasal septal pyogenic granuloma
Contemporary Elsurer, Omer Erdur, Hakan Dagestan, Mete Kaan Bozkurt, Ertugrul Kibar
ENT Applications 81 (2016;4(2):81-84)
10- Cervical vertebra osteophytes causing dysphagia: two case reports.
Z Fazliogullari, A Nayman, E Kibar, H Karabagli, K Ozturk, AK Karabulut
Anatomy: International Journal of Experimental & Clinical Anatomy
11- Giant pleomorphic adenoma of parapharyngeal space extending to the skull base
E Kibar, B Colpan, F Sofiev
اقرأ المزيد
اقرأ المزيد
تكلفة استشارة الطبيب | السعر عند الطلب |
إصلاح الشفة المشقوقة أو الحنك المشقوق | $2500 - $4500 |
الدكتور سليمان حلمي يلماز هو أستاذ مساعد وطبيب ، من مواليد 1981. متخصص في احتقان الأنف وتشوه الأنف ، وداء السلائل الأنفية ، وانسداد الغدد الدمعية ، وأورام الرأس والعنق الحميدة والخبيثة ، وسرطان الغدة الدرقية ، وأمراض اللوزتين واللحمية ، واستئصال الغدانيات ، استئصال اللوزتين ووضع أنبوب الأذن ، وتصحيح الحاجز ، وجراحة الجيوب الأنفية بالمنظار ، وتصور الأذن الوسطى والعظميات ، وجراحة الغدة تحت الفك السفلي. وهو عضو في جمعية جراحة الرأس والعنق التركية لطب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة ، وجمعية أخصائيي جراحة الأنف والأذن والحنجرة في اسطنبول ، وجمعية قاعدة الجمجمة.
اقرأ المزيد2013
Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital
Ear Nose Throat
1998 - 2013
Istanbul Surgery Hospital
Ear Nose Throat
1996 - 1997
Şişli Etfal Hospital
ENT Assistant Chief
1992 - 1996
Indiana Methodist Hospital
Ear Nose Throat
1992 - 1996
Institut Gustave Roussy, France
Observer Physician
1992 - 1995
Clinic of Professeur Frederic Chabolle at Suresnes Hopital Foch
Assistant Physician
1989 - 1992
Şişli Etfal Hospital
ENT Chief Assistant
1985 - 1989
Şişli Etfal and Marmara University Hospital
ENT Specialization
اقرأ المزيدEducation, Awards and Certifications
• Inter High School Project Competition, Third in Turkey, Using the activated carbon
obtained from waste batteries as ion and gas trap,Scientific and Technological
Research Council of Turkey (TUBİTAK)-2009
• Tokat Science High School – 2010
• Istanbul University School of Medicine(Graduted with distinction) – 2016
• Sarıyer State Hospital(Emergency Medicine) 2017
• Animal Research Certificate – January 2019
• Microsurgery Certificate- May 2019
• Medical statistics certificate- July 2019
• Bagcılar Research and Training Hospital, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and
Aesthetic Surgery(Residency) 2017-2022
• Universita Campus Bio-Medico, Department of Plastic,Reconstructive and Aesthetic
Surgery Rome/Italy(Microsurgery Fellowship) 2022-
• Erzurum State Hospital,Erzurum/Turkey 2022-2024
Medipol Acıbadem District Hospital (Current)
اقرأ المزيد