البروفيسور Uwe Trefzer هو طبيب بارع للغاية تخرج من عيادة جامعة Albert-Ludwig (فرايبورغ ، ألمانيا) في عام 1991 وعمل منذ ذلك الحين في عيادات ألمانية رائدة ، مثل Charité ، حيث كان رئيسًا لمركز سرطان الجلد. شارك في تأسيس DERMATOLOGIKUM BERLIN في عام 2013 وتم الاعتراف به من قبل مجلة FOCUS كواحد من المتخصصين الرائدين في ألمانيا. وهو حائز على جائزة الجمعية الأمريكية للأمراض الجلدية ، وقد نشر أكثر من 100 منشور وكتاب علمي ، وهو عضو نشط في مجموعات عمل مختلفة.
Prof. Dr. med. Volker Budach *Prof. Dr.med. Volker Budach
He completed his medical studies at the University of Essen and was appointed to the Department of Radiotherapy at the Charité Hospital in Berlin in 1993. He successfully headed this department until 2022, with almost 40 years of professional and 30 years of managerial experience. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Budach, numerous clinical studies were conducted, especially in the therapy of head and neck tumors. Along with other tumors such as sarcomas, bronchial carcinomas and breast carcinomas, which are his clinical and scientific focus. Prof. Dr. Budach founded and for many years jointly directed the comprehensive cancer center at the Charité. In addition to his function as director of the clinic, he also headed the Charité Center 14, which combined the topics of imaging and oncology. Prof. Budach was President of the German Society for Radiation Oncology (DEGRO) and President of its congress. At the EORTC, he headed the head and neck tumour group for many years. He is the author of numerous important papers on the optimisation of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the treatment of head and neck tumours. After 30 years of leading the clinic, Prof. Dr. Budach decided to transfer his experience in radiation oncology to the RadioOnkologie Vosspalais clinic. Prof. Dr. Budach is a member of the professional associations DEGRO, ESTRO, ASTRO.