دكتور انف واذن وحنجرة
الدكتور شليمر أخصائي أنف وأذن وحنجرة مؤهل يتمتع بخبرة 14 عامًا في هذا المجال. وهو محاضر فخري في قسم الأنف والأذن والحنجرة في UKZN ولديه اهتمام خاص في طب الأذن وطب الأعصاب ، وكذلك جراحة قاعدة الجمجمة الجانبية وجراحة الرأس والرقبة. لديه خبرة في العديد من إجراءات الأنف والأذن والحنجرة مثل بضع عظمة الركاب وجراحة الجيوب الأنفية بالمنظار وزراعة القوقعة.
Dr. Schlemmer obtained his primary medical qualification (MBChB) from the University of Pretoria followed by a Masters in ENT from the University of Kwazulu Natal and the Fellowship of the College of Otorhinolaryngology of South Africa FCORL (SA)(with distinction). He has more than 14 years of experience in the field of otorhinolaryngology and has a special interest in Otology and Neurotology as well as Lateral Skull Base and Head and Neck surgery.
He has travelled extensively to learn from international experts such as Professors H Fisch and T Linder (Switzerland), Professor M Sanna(Italy), Professors Officers and AZarowski(Belgium), Professor J Müller (Germany), Mr. B Hartley (UK), Dr. L Hofmeyr (South Africa) and many others.
Dr. Schlemmer was the co-ordinator of the Durban Cochlear Implant Program for the last 8 years, and he is an honorary lecturer in the Department of ENT at UKZN and research associate at the University of Pretoria Department of Audiology Speech and Language Pathology.