طبيب أطفال, طبيب قلب الأطفال
Dr. Miklos Pinter has been working non-stop in various fields of pediatrics for over 30 years. Thanks to his many years of experience in pediatrics, pediatric ultrasound diagnostics and pediatric cardiology, Dr. Pinter is able to provide quick and effective assistance to parents and patients, including the most difficult issues. In addition to his main practice, Dr. Pinter is also: - Head of Emergency Medicine at the Clinical Center for Children's Heart Diseases Kinderhezzentrum-Linz, - Founder and director of the Children's Health Center in Vienna, - From 2017, he founded his office at the Vienna Medical Clinic Wiener Privatklinik Health Care Center. Immediately after graduation, Pinter began special training in Hungary, in a large pediatric center, where he received the brilliant basics in medical education.
Then the doctor arrived in Vienna after the invitation. Here he already worked with ultrasound diagnostics, and has been taught in various places and clinics in Austria. For many years, Pinter was the head of the ultrasound and cardiology outpatient department at the main hospital in St. Pölten. From St. Pölten, he moved to Linz, where for seven years he managed a cardiology clinic at the Children's Cardiology Center. Then the doctor returned to Vienna, where he founded a pediatric center in a private clinic Böblingen and led it for years. At the moment, the office of Dr. Pinter located at the Vienna private clinic.
Services provided: Dr. Pinter provides a wide range of medical services, including the diagnosis and treatment of general and specialized pediatric diseases. In his private office, the following technical tasks can be carried out:
- complete cardiological diagnosis (color Doppler echocardiography, 24-hour ECG, bicycle ergometry, 24
-hour blood pressure measurement)
- general ultrasound examinations (skull sonography, abdominal ultrasound, soft tissue sonography, etc.)
- general blood test (calculation by electronic card)
- rapid tests (CRP, streptococci)
- allergic skin test
- check of the function of the small respiratory tract Further necessary examinations (radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, isotope diagnostics, etc.) can be carried out in the same building.
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مساء الخير ، أحببت كل شيء! كانت استشارة الطبيب عبر الإنترنت ، كل شيء سار على ما يرام !!
لقد كانت تجربة جميلة. الأطباء حيث المهنيين جدا.
التشاور عبر الإنترنت. الأمور جيدة! بوضوح وفي الوقت المحدد.
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منذ البداية، سارت الأمور بسلاسة ووضوح وسرعة. محادثة ممتعة للغاية، لا تنتظر، معلومات واضحة حول الدفع والنتيجة تمامًا كما هو متفق عليه. ميزة كبيرة وارتياح هو أنه قبل الدفع الفعلي واستمرار العلاج، يتم عر... اقرأ المزيد