منصة السياحة الطبية رقم 1 منذ عام 2014

Gorkem Turkkan

أخصائي الأورام الإشعاعية

15سنة خبره ١٦ سنة


Hisar Intercontinental Hospital ,إسطنبول , تركيا

Assoc. Prof. Gorkem Turkkan started his medical education at Gülhane Military Medical Academy in 2003 and completed it at Zonguldak Karaelmas (Bülent Ecevit) University Faculty of Medicine in 2009. He completed his specialization at Trakya University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology and became a radiation oncology specialist in 2016.

After completing his compulsory service, he served as a Lecturer and Head of Department at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology, from May 2019 to February 2021. Meanwhile, between March and June 2020, he worked as a clinical researcher at Maastricht University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiation Oncology – MAASTRO Clinic (Netherlands) on stereotactic radiotherapy, thoracic radiotherapy-related lung toxicity and proton therapy. While he was working at İstinye University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology and Liv Hospital Ulus Radiation Oncology Clinic between March 2021 and April 2023, he received the title of Associate Professor in February 2023. She has been serving her patients at Hisar Hospital Intercontinental since May 2023.

He has performed both traditional radiotherapy and advanced radiotherapy throughout his career. He is one of the experienced physicians in our country in stereotactic radiotherapy and MRI-guided radiotherapy treatments, which have become increasingly popular and used especially recently. So far, he has successfully completed more than 2500 radiotherapy sessions with the MR-Linac device.

He has been a member of the Turkish Society of Radiation Oncology (TROD) since 2013 and the European Society of Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) since 2015. He has 27 articles published in domestic and international journals, 31 oral-poster presentations presented at national and international congresses, and 5 book chapters published by national and international publishing houses. He taught Term I and Term V undergraduate courses at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Medicine, postgraduate courses within the scope of Ear Nose and Throat Department Specialization training, and Radiotherapy associate degree courses at İstinye University Vocational School of Health Services. She is currently working on 2 ongoing TÜBİTAK Projects. He is married and has a son.




Stereotactic (Pinpoint) Radiotherapy

Prostate Cancers

Breast Cancers

Lung Cancers

Rectum Cancers

Brain and Spinal Cord Cancers

Head and Neck Cancers

Volumetric Arc Therapy (VMAT)

Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT)

مراجعه فيدوا
مراجعات المرضى

من يستطيع أن يخبر عن الطبيب ووسائل الراحة وموظفي المستشفى أكثر من شخص فحص كل شيء بنفسه؟ نحن نجمع التجربة الحقيقية لمرضانا من أجلك لكي نختار الأفضل.

كل مراجعة هي مراجعة عميل تم التحقق منه بعد أن تم حجز الخدمات الطبية عن طريق Bookimed.com.

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